40宇称到底守不守恒?为什么?to the end does


40 宇称到底守不守恒?为什么?

答:当把原子核设想为一些静止的中子、质子停留在那里时;当把中子、质子设想为一堆静止的基本粒子集合在一起时,如有外部粒子撞入,应当表现为“宇称守恒”。但是,不论基本粒子在中子、质子里还是中子、质子在原子里,都在作回旋运动,因此,对外来冲击的反应,加入了回旋因素的影响,不能显示“宇称守恒”。(参见《L32 量子》) 

40. to the end does the parity is keep conservation or non-conservation?

Answer:when imagine the nucleus was a number of resting neutrons、protons rest there;and when imagine neutrons、protons are a pile of resting basic particles gather together, it have external particle run in, it ought show “conservation of parity”.But, no matter the basic particles in the neutrons、protons or neutrons、protons in the atom, they are all do the circumnutation, therefore, face external shock, joined the influence of circle round factor, it should not show “conservation of parity”(see also in 《L32 quantum》)