32 原子的核能自何而来? Where come from


32 原子的核能自何而来?

答:核能的主要载体是中子、质子,它们乃是被强大引力聚合在一起的由上万亿基本粒子组成的“微涡旋星系”,“旋速达到光速量级,具有相应动能——质量乘以光速平方——这是在形成中子、质子时“先天”就有的(见 L05 E=mc2方程的能量何来?)。

32. Where come from the atomic energy? 

Answer:the main carrier of atomic energy is neutron、proton, they are the “micro vortex galaxy” make from trillion basic particles and polymerizing together by strong attraction, “rotational speed” reach to order of light velocity, possess corresponding kinetic energy——M C2(square)——it is “innateness” when form neutron、proton (see also in 《L05 Where come from the energy of equation E=mc2?》)