30 电子加速器不能将粒子加至光速的原因何在? What i


30 电子加速器不能将粒子加至光速的原因何在?

答:电子加速器利用电流驱动带电粒子,类似风吹帆动,电流为光速,由于“风帆效应”,被加速粒子难以达到光速(见《L05 E=mc2方程的能量何来?》文)。

30. What is the reason of the electron accelerator can’t add particles to the speed of light?

Answer:the electron accelerator use current drive charged particles, it similar with the wind blow the sail, the speed of current is light velocity, due to “wind-sail effect”, the accelerated particle is difficult reach to light velocity (see article 《L05 Where come from the energy of equation E=mc2 ?》 )