L60 暗物质二议The second disscus


L60  暗物质 二议

提 要时隔七年半,继网文《Lb 19暗物质议》之后,二议暗物质,再次讨论空间真实暗物质的来源并进一步评估其数量。

关键词 暗物质

1 当今理论中的“暗物质” “暗能量”








此外,物质与能量属于不同物理量纲,不能放在一起比较,说“暗物质”与“暗能量”“占N %”而“现存宇宙全部物质”只占“百分之几”既无任何依据,也是不同物理量纲的“无效比较”,不可置信。



本文是否笼统地对空间存在暗物质持否定意见呢?非也!空间确实存在大量不可见物质,将它们命名为暗物质并无不可,它们中有的具有动能,将此动能称为暗能量同样可以,但是,此实际存在而又看不见的物质及其具有的能量有其演变机理,据理存在,同以上对应于“宇宙大爆炸”理论的“暗物质”完全是两回事,此暗物质不需要加引号 “”,以下讨论的就是这种实际存在的暗物质,本文对此二者的区别是有引号 “”与无引号 “”,真实的空间暗——不可见——物质有两类:

(1)尺寸小于1/2光波波长而不能用光学方法看到的物质:论文《L04 物质演变》曾经提出了物质在空间的演变循环。在引力作用下,基本粒子——引力子、斥力子——聚合为质子、中子;质子、中子逐渐聚合为原子、分子、宇宙尘、微小物质。

两种基本粒子——引力子、斥力子——中的引力子就是“宇宙射线粒子”,它具有极高速度(光速量级),向空间发出引力线,对它不存在斥力,因此,它是“永恒量子”,其速度永不衰减。它是引力线的发出者,引力线同引力线相互作用形成引力,于是,当引力子在空间相遇,如果“最小距离”小于埃( Angstrom),二者便有可能被形成的引力——“强作用力”——拴住,由于二者的动能都存在,于是形成“微涡旋 双星”。“双星”依然向空间发出引力线,此后它演变为“微涡旋星系”就是时间问题。随着“微涡旋星系”成员增加,它向外发出的引力线密度趋于降低(其机理参见《L04 物质演变》),最大为质子规模。





现在 ,“宇宙大爆炸” 既然成为主流理论,必然以为150亿光年以外没有物质,上面说过,此理论并不可信。天文学家已经证明太阳系不在宇宙中心,这同天空星图中星体均匀分布的现象不合,如果望远镜已经看到了宇宙“最外边”的恒星,星图不会有均匀分布现象,分布较稀疏的方向应当是“宇宙边缘” 的 方向。







以下估算: 宇宙中(150亿光年内)有多少恒星?


4/3(15亿)3 = 2.5×1027(10的27次方)(颗)即2500亿亿亿(颗)

这个估计值应当相近, 因为还没有看到报道两颗相邻恒星近于1光年或远于100光年。


宇宙星体的总质量就是:2×1033×2500亿亿亿= 5×1063(10的63次方)克


4 估算空间暗物质

宇宙空间是基本粒子聚合的大作坊,它们最终聚合成为宏观物质,如果说2500亿亿亿颗星体是“大作坊”生产的“成品”的话,暗物质就是尚未成为“成品”的“原料、在制品”,虽然两者因果关系密切,但是,它们之间却不存在数量比例关系。难以利用上述5×1063克来估计空间暗物质的总量,不过,可以从另一思路来作估算 : 



1.2×10的13次方M 3(立米)

速度下降自然由于动量损失,即相当于在 1013 M 3体积中含有<1%(10公斤) 阻尼物质——暗物质.


10000(克)/ 1.2×10的13次方=8.3×10-10 (克)/(立米)


5×10的63次方(克)÷4.4×1069 (M 3 ) = 2×10-6(克)/ (M 3 )


假设四:空间电子间距为最小电波波长 50 埃(5×10-7CM),

每 M 3 含有粒子数量: 2×1024(粒/M 3 )


8.3×10-10 (克/立米)÷2×1024(粒/ M 3 ) 得到其质量约为:

4×10-34 (克/粒)。

但是空间场中引力子(宇宙射线粒子)的数量要多于电子(理由是原子中引力子多于斥力子),而且,空间场中宇宙尘也不能忽视,它们是聚合演变的“中间物”因此,电子——斥力子——质量要比此值小许多。 以往的估计是<10-36克,准确数值有待今后实测确定。




研究暗物质、暗能量取得真实成果的前提之一是正确的基本粒子和物质演变理论,这样的理论应当自身和谐,不存在“困难”与“问题”, 才能逐渐改进、充实成为圆满的理论。

电子——斥力子——的质量究竟是多少?9.1066×10-28(克)乃是从化学里移取来的,那其实是“一份”电子的质量。在化学领域,氢最“小”,说“氢原子外围有一枚电子”与“氢原子外围有一份电子”没有重要不同;在物理领域,如果“氢原子外围有一枚电子”,原子空间如何形成?布朗运动如何实现?所有氢原子是否都要排成一条长长的“链条”? 氢原子还能是电磁中性吗?





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abstractAfter seven and a half years,and after the online article 《L19b The view for the dark matter》 , do the second discussion for the source of dark matter, to make a further evaluation and a sentencing for the quantity of the dark matter.

key word  dark matter 

1 Today's theory of “dark matter” “dark energy”

Two words “dark matter”and “dark energy”are appeared in when find spectrum’s “red shift” of the remote stars and “red shift” be know as remote stars was away with high speed——“bag bang”—— and after theory of “bag bang” was appeared, it says “dark matter”and “dark energy” push the far star away with high speed. 

If the "theory" is correct, this “dark matter”and “dark energy” must be able to find;if the "theory" is incorrect, this “dark matter”and “dark energy” will not be really found.

From the angle of physical basic theory to see, the “bag bang” theory exist below problems:

(1)On the mechanism , the universe can not have formed a massive explosion more than "supernova explosion" was, matter polymerizing the this scale will stop! 

(2)if “red shift” is show the remote star away with high speed, what is the explanation of "blue shift"? 

(3) if the remote stars all the time to be “away with high speed“ at past some one hundred million years , gravitation on far stars seems doesn't work, but, far and near stars are all spherical, this proving that gravity regardless of distance everywhere!

Besides, matter and energy are belong to the different physical dimension, can’t be compared, to say “dark matter” and “dark energy” “occupy N %” and “all substances of existing universe only occupy a few percent ” it was as well as have not any basis, also the “invalid compare” of different physical dimension, it is Unbelievable. 

Above “dark matter” and “dark energy” was the secondary product of “big bang” theory, need to prove that the "big bang" does really exist, at least the first to treat fairly the existing problems of “big bang” theory, then can to think about whether the “dark matter” and “dark energy” is exist. If the problem (1) (2) (3) all can't explain, it is a bit of a similar idiom ” Skin don't save, where can be attached the hair ”. 

2 The actual existence of dark matter and dark energy

Whether this article generally hold negative opinion for space exist dark matter and dark energy? No! space really exists a lot of invisible matter, named them dark matter and dark energy had no objections, but, This real and invisible substance and energy has its evolution mechanism, according to the principle is exist, completely are two different things with above “dark matter” and “dark energy” of corresponding to the “big bang” theory, this dark matter don't need quotes “”, real space dark - invisible - matter has two kinds: 

(1) the matter’s size is less than 1/2 light wavelength and can't see with optical method :

thesis 《L04 matter’s evolution》have been to put forwarded the evolution circulation of matter in space. In under the action of attracting force, the basic (elementary) particle——gravitons(attractons) and repultons——polymerize to protons and neutrons;protons and neutrons gradually polymerize to atoms, molecules, cosmic dust, and micro matters.

the graviton of two kinds of the basic particle——gravitons(attractons) and repultons——it’s “cosmic-ray particle”, it has a very high speed(the speed of light level), it issue attracting force-line to space, not exist the repulsion force to it, so, it is the “ever quantum ”, its speed is never damping.

It is the issuer of the attracting force-line, attracting force-line interact with attracting force-line to form the attracting force, hence, when the graviton meets in space, if the minimum distance less then Angstrom, the two may be tie down by the formed attracting force——“strong force”, because of the kinetic energy of the two are all exist, they naturally to form “micro vortex double star”. The “double star” still issue attracting force line to space, hereafter it evolves to “micro vortex galaxy” is a matter of time. Follow the members of “micro vortex galaxy” get increases, the density of attracting force-line it issues will verge to reduce (the mechanism see also in《L04 matter’s evolution》), its largest scale is proton. 

If the polymerization has the high speed repulton——electron——to partake, its largest scale is neutron. 

These two kinds of “particle”——neutron, neutron——and they thereafter polymerizing formed atom, molecule, cosmic dust are all invisible matter, be called them as dark matter is true to this name, in future to use instrument in space possible measured them.

From above it is visible, these dark matter as soon as exist within a space of 150 light years, include our side, only so far no insight into the cycle of matter in space evolution, thus not from this perspective to look on the electrons of space electric field and cosmic ray particles.

(2) because of the distance was too far away, the light wave of all matter issued or reflected already damping till cannot observed even in the large scale optical telescope. 

Now, Since “big bang” becoming mainstream theory, certainly to think beyond 150 light-years no matter, above said, this theory is not credible. Astronomers have proved that the solar system is not in the center of the universe, this is not conform to stars is uniformly in the sky chart, if the telescope have seen the stars of "outside" of the universe, the star map does not have a uniform distribution, distribution is sparse direction should be the direction of the "edge of the universe".

Therefore, it is important to believe in the star map have a uniform distribution explain the telescope have not seen the stars of "outside" of the universe, the cosmos is larger than "Big bang" theory, more than 150 hundred million light-years of space there is still the star systems.

Hence, the 150 hundred million light-years radius region of we now observed just a small ball field of the real universe!

Far more than the existing matter such as stars who can't see are all the dark matter for now mainstream theory. 

These two kinds of dark matter not only is exist, but also in future can through measure and research little and little unveiled by humans.

3 Rough estimates of the stars total of universe

How much is the total stars? 

The following estimates:

Assumption 1: average distance between stars is 10 light years away, amount stars of 150 hundred million light-years radius space N is about:

4/3(15 hundred million)3 (3 the power)= 2.5×1027(10 to the power of 27)mean 2500(hundred million)(hundred million)(hundred million)

This estimated value should be pretty close, because have not seen the report to say two adjacent star the distance less than 1 light year or beyond the 100 light years away. 

Assumption 2: the average size of stars amount to the sun(the quality is 2×1033 (33 power) )gram

The total mass of the universe stars is : 2×1033×2500×1027= 5×1063克(63 power)

Certainly, this estimation only for the gross of stars in the 150 hundred million light-years radius of space, serve as the reference for to estimate space dark matter.

4 to estimate space dark matter

Cosmic space was the large workshop of basic particle polymerization, they at last polymerize to the macroscopic matter, if to say 2.5×1027(27 power)stars was the “finished product” of the ” large workshop”, the dark matter is the “raw materials, work in process”, though both causal relationship between closely , but, but there is no quantity proportion relationship between them. It is difficult to use the 5 x 1063 (63 power)grams to estimates of the amount of space of dark matter, merely, can from another train of thought for estimate :

Previous reports have a messenger to fly out of the solar system, this shows it after 12 billion km speed down < 1%.

Assumption 3: Its quality as a ton, the wind area of 1 square meter, it runs in space swept volume is:

1.2×1013(13power)M 3(cubic meter)

The speed reduce in nature due to loss of momentum, mean equivalent of 1013 (13power)M 3(cubic meter)volume contains < 1% (10 kg)damping matter.

Under the assumption spatial density of dark matter: 

10000(g)/ 1.2×1013(13power)=8.3×10-10 (g)/ M 3(cubic meter)

If the matter of amount space objects evenly distributed within 15 billion light-years of space, the distribution of unit volume (cubic meter) is:

5×1063g÷4.4×1069 (M 3 ) = 2×10-6 g / (M 3 )(cubic meter)

The two figures show that the amount of dark matter space exists is smaller than the amount of matter space star four orders of magnitude.

Assumption 4: Space electronic spacing for minimum 50 angstrom(5×10-7CM) radio wavelengths, Every M 3(cubic meter) contains particles quantity: 2 x 1024(24power)/ (cubic meter)

If the damping material all is the electron in the space field (i.e., the 10000 g is all electrons ) , so get its quality about:8.3×10-10 ÷2×1024 = 4×10-34

But, the graviton (cosmic ray particles) in space more than the number of electrons (the reason is, in the atom, graviton quantity is more than repulton), and space cosmic dust also cannot ignore, they are the "intermediate" of polymerizing of evolution, therefore, Electronic——repulsion—— quality is much smaller than this value. previous estimates is < 10-36(-36power) g, the accurate value to be measured to determine in the future.

5 After the discussion

About dark matter, Within 15 billion light-years space , the amount is expected to be far smaller than "visible matter", this article does not discuss "dark energy", because it's have the different physical dimension with matter, can’t to do compare.

In 15 billion light-years outside space, according to the star map, concluded that there is still exist galaxy distribution, and the total may be more than 250 billion, for today's mainstream theory, they are all “dark matter”.

Study dark matter and dark energy which is one of the premise of real achievement is correct basic particle theory and correct matter evolution theory, such theory should their harmonious, there is no "difficulty" and "problem", so can to gradually improve and enrich, to become a complete theory.

how many the electron’s - repulton - quality exactly? 9.1066×10-28 (-28 power)g but from in the chemical shift, it is actually a share of electron’s quality. In the field of chemical, Hydrogen is most "small", 2016-1-30 09:00:40 to say “there is an electron in the peripheral of hydrogen atom” is no significant different with ““there is a share of electrons in the peripheral of hydrogen atom”;but in the physical field, if “there is an electron in the peripheral of hydrogen atom”, how to form the atomic space? how to do Brownian motion ? whether all hydrogen atoms are arranged in a long "chains"? can hydrogen atoms also be electromagnetic neutral?

If avoidance and can't explain these problems, it will making a important threat for the authenticity of research results later.

Some articles for the "dark matter" exist some expectations of not in mechanism and not the mechanism, if take these expectations as the research object, it is difficult to get real results. 

In the future, once get the reliable measured data, the quality value of the graviton, repulton must be accurate, is helpful for the understanding of the spatial dark matter. 

remark: Due to the software, article 10 square time Numbers can not be narrow, as The square of 10 become 102, and so on