L46天体 celestial body


 L46  天体


提   要    从物理基础理论角度探讨各种天体形成、演变的机理,回答有关问题

关键词 天体 天体演变 行星形成 恒星何来 恒星核反应 彗星形成 狗骨头行星  星际物质 超新星爆发 类星体 射电星体 红巨星 白矮星 双星 涡旋星系 星云     “宇宙眼”



  占空间物质总量90%以上的是各种星体。虽然,由“远星光谱红移”演绎出来的“宇宙膨胀”或“宇宙加速膨胀”理论认为“在宇宙物质总量中‘暗能量’‘暗物质’超过90%”,但是,这种理论存在难以解答的问题,因此难以置信。例如,用“红移”证明“宇宙膨胀”;空间也有“蓝移”的恒星,“蓝移”怎么解释?又如,远星那么多年来一直“向外膨胀”,似乎表明万有引力对他们毫无作用?但是,它们毫无例外地都是球形,这是万有引力对它们 “照常起作用”的铁证,而后者的说服力要大的多。只要万有引力存在,它们还能不早就减速“返航”了!哪里还会“加速向外膨胀”?因此,“红移”、“蓝移”虽然是真实存在的空间光学现象,但为了理论的谐和,不能用它们表示星体正在以光速量级的速度向外或向内运动。



1 不可变

2 不可分

3 不可灭

4 发出力线

5 力线密度最高

6 具有质量与体积

7 单个质量与尺度最小

8 比重最大

9 能够聚合成为现已命名的所有“粒子”、原子、各种物质直至恒星

10 能够发生现已发现的所有的物质演变

11 是一切物理现象的原始生成者

12 品种充分而且必要





正电荷”——它的“大小”是引力平衡的结果,因而质子质量高度划一,如果由“11种不同基本粒子分3 组,从每组出一个组成质子”,其质量还能划一吗?质子质量的高度划一与“基本粒子有12种”的理论不能相洽,更不用说“基本粒子有62种或>300种”了。

  质子乃是基本粒子——引力子——能够形成的最大的“微涡旋星系”,它不是“一粒”而是  大约一万亿粒(参见《L34 引力子、斥力子——基本粒子》)。

另一种基本粒子是斥力子,它同电子的“不同”在于它的质量仅有10 的负36次方(克)而不是负28 次方(克),这是由于现有物理基础理论受到化学理论“氢原子外层只有一枚电子”的牵连,即使“分数电荷”已经明确作出了显示,至今未能纠正这一认识。如果“氢原子外层只有一枚电子”是真,氢原子还能具有中性、进行布朗运动、保持化学稳定性吗?

  其实,在化学领域,“氢原子外层只有一枚电子”,对于化学基础理论没有重大影响,因为  这同认为“氢原子外层的电荷是‘单位电荷’”相差不多;物理学对此则要求真务实,电子——斥力子——乃是基本粒子,对它的认识不能含糊。

  以上议论涉及到了从单个基本粒子到 “超新星爆发”的理论基础,需要首先明确。

1 各种天体及其演变

1.1 行星 行星形成


  论文《L04 物质演变》叙述了物质在空间循环演变的各个环节,其中“行星”是作为在引力下原子、分子聚合越来越多的结果而出现的。按理,这样的“行星”乃是众多微小物质的聚合,也就是“彗星”,而空间的行星显然是经过高温过程的星体,解释行星形成不能回避这一点。















1.2 恒星 恒星核反应

1.2.1 恒星核反应是行星“大”出来的




  质子、中子乃是基本粒子的“微涡旋星系”,回旋速度为光速量级,其动能约为mc2 (平方),“质子规模”乃是“微涡旋星系”的极限,现在,原子的外电子层被“挤开”,质子、中子势必“挤合”, 由于“聚合效应”,“微涡旋星系”只能有一个质子的大小,“挤合”使有些“微涡旋星系”将解体成为直线运动的引力子束高速(光速量级)四散离去,这便是“发生核反应,释放原子能”。

  所以,行星“大”的结果使心部压力增大,压力增大到一定程度超过原子电子层的承受极限而发生质子、中子相“合”,于是部分质子、中子解体,基本粒子由“涡旋”恢复为直线运动,高速(光速量级)离开,“发生核反应,释放原子能”(参见《L04 物质演变》)。



1.2.2 恒星在核反应中继续增“大” 



1.2.3 陨物给恒星增加魅力 黑子与耀斑 



  太阳的辐射可分为两部分,(1)是心部核反应产生的基本粒子辐射,即 α 、β 、γ 线,(2)是表面发出的热辐射,即电波与紫外线。










已经测量到一些星体具有磁场,恒星都有磁场吗?回答此问题之前需要清楚,星体的磁场是如何生成的?《L15b 地磁和星球磁场发生机理》回答了此问题,空间星体发生磁场的三要素是(1)内部具有导电、导磁性




















1 一颗几乎完全冷却了的相对较大的行星

2 一颗内部基本上没有冷凝、具有较高自转速度的小行星

3 它倆发生了“深擦过”性质的碰撞

4 小行星自旋,发生“辊軋”,摩擦力使小行星自旋加速,发生一圈“辊軋”

5 小行星在变形后无力恢复为球形

根据以上推测,狗骨头行星既然是 “辊軋”出来的,应当依然具有“自转”,其转轴在长度方向,如果内部尚未完全冷却,它还应该具有磁场,磁极也在长度方向,极性可以由右手定则确定。一旦完全冷却,失去导磁性,不再具有磁场。 


1. 4彗星 

1. 4.1彗星自何而来 








1. 4.2彗星的轨道为何特别 


1. 4.3彗星的尾巴


1. 4.4彗星的下落




1.5.1类星体  解读类星体


(1) 它为什么发出那么强的光亮

(2) 它为什么有那么大的“红移”

(3) 它体积类似太阳,而自身的能量比一般星系能量大上千倍,是20万个太阳的能量     总和,为什么?

(4) 至今,已经确认了空间有一万以上类星体,为什么有那么多?

(5) 类星体同空间大多数恒星有无关联?


(1a)由于引力占优势,物质在空间将不断进行聚合演变,按照:基本粒子、质子、中子、原子、分子、宏观物质、行星、恒星、“超新星爆发”路径 不断演变。而“超新星爆发”之后演变分为两条路:一是原来空间由基本粒子开始聚合演变;二是原来空间不久形成一个新的行星体系。二者相加,成为此后该空间的演变内容。

(2a)行星、恒星、“超新星爆发”的演变动力在于它们不断“成长壮大”,由“量变”到“质变”, “量变”是它的“长大”、质量变多;“质变”是行星心部发生核反应、恒星心部核反应区域变大以至全部物质分解,恒星不再存在。




















有文章描述“白矮星,也称为简并矮星,是由电子简并物质构成的小恒星。它们的密度极高,一颗质量与太阳相当的白矮星体积只有地球一般的大小,微弱的光度则来自过去储存的热能。在太阳附近的区域内已知的恒星中大约有6%是白矮星. 1白矮星的名字是威廉•;;鲁伊登在1922年取的。白矮星被认为是低质量恒星演化阶段的最终产物,在我们所属的星系内97%的恒星都属于这一类。”




1.5.4星云  宇宙眼 














  一定数量的质子、中子可以吸引在一起形成一个“涡旋的质子、中子小群体”,还可以吸引电子形成原子,但是受到“聚合效应” 制约,这个“群体”有一定限制,超过了“一定”,引力显得不足,中子容易逸出,成为“放射性元素”。能够稳定的元素其质子、中子总数最多为209枚——铋,连几百枚中子都不能吸引在一起,哪能使海量中子“团结在一起”形成星体?








 ( 4 ) 黑洞的“质量”到底是什么?同基本粒子、质子、中子有无关联?有何关联?









2.4 发射“暗物质”“暗能量”的天体






  对于“远星光谱红移”的解释,不能违反已知理论和规律。将在其他文章中还要继续讨论,宇宙只是在进行正常的物质循环演变,参见《L04 物质演变》,“宇宙大爆炸”并未发生过,宇宙中“最大的爆炸”是“超新星爆发”,因为,物质的“规模”不会超过这一界限。


2.5 由“暗物质”或“暗能量”形成的的天体

在2.4 已经论证过,“暗物质”或“暗能量”乃是“事出有因、查无实据”,既然这两样事物不存在,它们形成的的天体当然同样属于“子虚乌有”。

3 回答天体自何而来?




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L46   celestial body

    S. G. Chinese

abstract to discuss the form of all kinds of celestial body

key words  celestial body  evolution of celestial body  planets forming  where come from the star star’s nuclear reaction  comet take shape  dog bone planet    interstellar matter  supernova explosion  quasar  radio star  red giant star       white dwart  double star  vortex galaxy  nebula  cosmic Eye 



  accounted for more than 90% of the amounts of space matter was every kinds of stars.Although, theory of “cosmic expansion” or “cosmos speed up expanding” deduce out from “red shift of remote star’s spectrum” consider “in amounts of cosmos matter “dark energy” “dark matter” exceed 90% ”, but, this theory exist problems of difficult to answer, so be beyond belief.Such as, to use “red shift” for prove “cosmic expansion”, space also exist star of “blue shift”, how to explain “blue shift”? as well such as, remote star straight “expand outward” for that years, it seems make clear universal gravitation like water off a duck’s back for them, but, they are all to be spherical, this is the ironclad proof of universal gravitation “play a part as usual”, and the persuasion of the latter would more large.So long as universal gravitation is being, how can they not long since “return to base”! where is it they still “speed up outward expansion”? therefore, although “red shift” “blue shift” was real existing space optical phenomenon, but in order to theoretical harmonic, unable to use it show remote stars are moving outward or inwards with the speed of order of light velocity.

Persuasion of the latter would more large.So long as universal gravitation is being, how can they not long since “return to base”! How can they still “speed up outward expansion”? therefore, although “red shift” “blue shift” was real existing space optical phenomenon, but in order to theoretical harmonic, unable to use it show remote stars are moving outward or inwards with the speed of order of light velocity.

Visible, “cosmic expansion” “dark matter、dark energy” and related “theory” was very ricketiness in basic theoretical side.Formerly the estimate from astronomy about stars occupy matter’s amounts ought to be suitable.

Matter’s least unit is basic (elementary, fundamental ) particle, they objectively exist in cosmos, admit this existing already was the common view of physics community, cannot uniform is “which particle just the basic particle” ? clearly, it ought standard from “condition”, if basic particle is all accord to the “condition” as soon as it can calm down dispute, all long the reasonable condition of basic particle have:

1 invariable

2 impartibility

3 cannot perish

4 send out force-line

5 the density of force-line is most high 

6 possess quality (mass) and volume 

7 single quality and size is least

8 the proportion is largest 

9 it can be polymerizing become now has been named all “particle”、atoms、every kinds of matter until to star

10 it can be happen now has been discovered all mater evolution

11 it is the original generator of all physical phenomenon

12 the variety was full and necessary 

Theory of “main stream of a fluid” think of it exist 12 kinds of basic particles, another theory of “main stream of a fluid” think of it exist 62 kinds of basic particles, among these no any one or particles group all fit above condition.

Chinese physics put forward that basic particle have two kinds of graviton and repulton (electron) only, they come from star’s radiation and “supernova explosion”, this graviton (is not some article suggested ‘graviton’ of “deliver universal gravitation”) issue attracting force-line, form the attracting force F1of “grade of strong acting force” between gravitons, it constant motion with speed of order of light velocity, F1 may make the other graviton of fly over at side (distance is very tiny) suffer “tie down”, due to the kinetic energy is conservation, after suffer “tie down” become the “micro double star” of mutual whirl, this is the beginning of polymerizing to proton, the “micro double star” still issue attracting force-line, it make the member constant added and become “micro vortex galaxy”, following the member added, “polymerizing effect” make the density of attracting force-line of “micro vortex galaxy” to lessen, when reach to proton scale, already cannot again “tie down” new member, hence the quality get stable, therefore:

 “proton’s scale” or “proton’s quality” showed the result of force balance of micro field. 

Proton is polymerizing and become from one kind of basic particle——graviton, it still issue few attracting force-line——go by the name of “carry positive charge”——it’s size was the result of force balance, thus proton’s quality is highly uniform, if “form proton from11 kinds of different basic particle divided 3 group, the every group out one”, can proton’s quality still uniform? highly uniform of proton’s quality is cannot to coordinate with theory of “there are 11 kinds of basic particles”, say nothing of “there are 62 kinds of basic particles”.

  Proton to be the largest “micro vortex galaxy” of basic particle——graviton——can emerging, it does not “a grain” but about a trillion particles(see also in 《L34 graviton、repulton——the basic particle》).

Another basic particle is repulton,the “difference” of it and electron lie in its quality only have 10 to the power of -36 (gram) and not to the power of -28(gram) , it is due to existing physical theory suffer implicate from “the outer sphere of hydrogen have one electron only” of chemistry theory, even if the “fractional charge” has been clearly make display, so far cannot correct this cognition.If “the outer sphere of hydrogen atom have one electron only” is true, can hydrogen atom still possess neutral、go on Brownian motion、keep chemical stability? 

  Really,in the chemistry domain, “the outer sphere of hydrogen atom have one electron only” there is not significant impact, because it is nearly with to think “the charge of the outer sphere of hydrogen atom to be the‘unit charge’”;and the physics be ask for true and pragmatic, electron ——repulton——to be the basic particle, the cognition for it cannot vague.

Above argumentum relate to the basis of theory from single basic particle to “supernova” , so need clear-cut above all.

1 the evolution of all kinds of celestial body

1.1 planet   planet’s formation 

1.1.1 how can form the planet ?does the planets of the solar system were “to catch” by sun? thesis 《L04 matter’s evolution》narrated each link of matter’s cycle evolution in the space, among these the “planet” is appeared as a result of under gravitation the atoms、molecules polymerizing increasing.Normally, such “planet” to be the polymerization of numerous small matters, i.e. “comet”, while space planet visibly was the aster of go by the procedural of high temperature, account for planet’s forming should not avoid this.

  “comet” get “heating” after born is possible, the heat maybe come from collide or its own radioactivity composition, but the observe data of “supernova” SN1987A discovered the “shortcut” of planet forming. 

  “supernova” become bright light-circular, aboriginal star already vanished, its most matter through nuclear reaction so proton、neutron break up become two kinds of basic particles radiate to space and “be gone forever”, the remainder is gas molecule、atom of high-temperature, it just the “bright light-circular”.After a number of days, some “light-spot” appear in the light-spot, continue more time, temperature gradually drop, bright light-circular and light-spot all vanish from observation.Those “light-spot” clearly to be planets, be the planets of “fast” forming. 

1.1.2 planet be able to “grow up” 

  Because of the radiation by star and “supernova”, spacial basic particles is escalation, under the action of attracting force, happen polymerization, generating proton、neutron、atom then in the course of nature, atom still issue fewer attracting force-line outward, it is the power of chemical reaction and mass polymerizing, due to attracting force was dominate, so can form molecule、atom and matter of all kinds of scale.

  The basic particles constant polymerizing and generate molecule、atom and matter of all kinds of scale, matter of all kinds of scale are all issue attracting force-line, therefore, planet constant “attract” and get “Meteorite things” exactly is a matter of course, this make planet constant “grow up”. , 

1.1.3how can planet become the galaxy of whirly each other

Above mentioned, not long after “supernova”, this space generated a batch of high temperature matter (planets), they should backing up by gravitational action, backing up nature towards the mass center of “ball matter”.So, they certainly whirly each other, both will not collide and stop (see also in “《D12 Mechanism for form planet》from Essay collected of physics of this sites” ).

  After this, due to aerial Meteorite things, they constant “grow up”, among they, biggish planet get meteorite matter compare more and “grow up” compare fast, as a result of “virtuous circle”, it at last grow up faster and faster, its mass be far ahead, other planet, gradually from rotate round the quality center of total planets translate to rotate round it (because of now the mass of total planets doer too much smaller than it, the quality center already near its center).

Above planets were “agglomerate” generated after “supernova”.It does not have a big planet at beginning, the other planets were not attracted coming from it. 

  Why the planets mostly possess surface of rock postural? The answer is:

They are gradually cool down from high temperature, naturally possess rocky surface.The center of not yet fully condensed to be the “lava”.

1.1.4 planets to be the brother、sister of star

  Thus, it can be seen, planet possess twinborn relation with star even some satellite and does not “master-server” relation, if to say, to think the moon to be the “brother 、sister” relation with earth、sun, it does not fantastic idea.It also can guess, the space of about 100 light year of star occupied, to be a space “unit” of evolution, it amount to a “cell” of cosmic “organism”, because when star “large” reach to a certain extent, as well happen “supernova”, this airspace, will constant this circulate evolution.How can planet translate to star will narrated at below. 

1.2 star star’s nuclear reaction

1.2.1 star’s nuclear reaction to be come from planet’s “large” 

In a planet system, infer from Newtonian gravitational equation, the planet of large planet can get more “Meteorite things” than the smaller, so their “growing” emerge for the condition of larger fast、smaller slow, what can fast reach to? Through some hundred million years, can make that “largest” of be far ahead be occupy 99% of whole and all mass! 

Now consider, what result will happened on the body of this “largest”?

  At the same time of planet’s body enlarged, “centre pressure” would corresponding enlarged, this make the centre atoms “extrusion each other”.The atom’s outer have electronic shell, between two electronic shell form repulsion force can balance outer pressure.But, this is the narrate of qualitative, to see from fix quantify, the ability of this kind of “balance outer pressure” impossible huge without limits, once reach to “the utmost limit”, the electronic shell shall suffer “crush off ”, proton、neutron suffer “crush ”to merge, what is the result?

  Proton and neutron to be the “micro vortex galaxy” of the basic particle, the speed of vortex is the order of light velocity, the kinetic energy about mc2 (square), “proton scale” to be the limit of the “micro vortex galaxy”, now, atom’s outer shell suffer “crush off”, proton、neutron certainly will “crush to merging” , due to “polymerizing effect”, “micro vortex galaxy” can but have the scale of a proton, “crush to merging” will make some “micro vortex galaxy” get break up become graviton beam of linear motion and scatter in all directions with high speed (order of light velocity), this just “happen nuclear reaction, release nuclear energy”. 

  Therefore, the result of planet large is make the pressure of its centre buildup, the pressure buildup to a certain degree exceed the bear limit of atom’s electronic shell while happen proton、neutron mutually “together”, hence part proton 、neutron break up, the basic particle from “volition” revert to linear motion, to leave with high speed (order of the light velocity) , that is, “happen nuclear reaction, release nuclear energy” (see also in 《L04 matter’s evolution》).

  Due to the centre release nuclear energy, this planet at the same time of possess radiant gradually rise the temperature.After many years, radiate brilliant light, they look at it with new eyes, it become a worthy of the name of star.

  Therefore, the scale of planet cannot magnify unlimited, the upper limit is “star scale”, planet magnify to this scale, no way do not translated to star.A regularity description is: [b ] space will not have any planet large than star .

1.2.2 star constant “magnifying” in the nuclear reaction 

Above nuclear reaction seems explain once planet become star, nuclear reaction be able to “pay out ” quality (mass), thus may “to lass weight”, but, though star “payout” quality, it have a share of “income” yet, this exactly space offer “Meteorite things” to him.From now on it will constant magnify or decrease to be decided from “income 、pay out ” balance.Ceaseless occurred “supernova” explained, stars still constant magnify as a whole, on the other hand, if “pay large than income” as a whole, “supernova” can the accidental only, more astronomer are stars gradually dim down and revert to planet.

  Therefore, the result of “income、payout” balance was “have some what surplus”, star develop to wards the direction of constant magnify.

1.2.3 Meteorite things add the charm for the star  sun spot and solar flare 

So far they puzzled where come from the sun spot? Moreover, some scientist ever cry out in alarm “sun will happen supernova at 2012” before a few years ago, really, these are all caused by fail understand the effect of Meteorite things.

  It is knowing space have motion matter of different sized, when they be close to sun and just right become the Meteorite things of sun, what physical phenomenon can happened? 

Solar radiation may divided to two part , (1) the basic particle which generated from nuclear reaction of the centre, namely 、 、 rays, (2) thermal radiation issued from surface, mean electric wave and ultraviolet rays.

  Above (1) determine the nature look likely is direct ratio with the region size of nuclear reaction, it will increase with sun’s “develop”, (2) possess fixed randomness, relate to the distribution of interstellar matter of space.

To imagine, there is a relative huge Meteorite things fall into the solar surface, what is the condition?

  The majority space meteorite things belong to the “un- combustible” of “rock” generic, but also have few “combustible matter” of “combustible ice” generic, these both fall into the sun, all can issue electronic radiation in the rapid heat up process, make nearby space electric field temporary change electron density.

  the difference is, the former will absorb heat in the warming、boil-off process, make sun’s local surface-temperature temporary slightly drop, thus the locality due to the temperature get temporary slightly drop and that is “shading”, they certainly calling “sun spot”;and the later will send out heat, make local temperature temporary have somewhat rise, they calling for “flare spot”.    “sun spot” and “flare spot” and so on phenomenon ceaseless appear make the sun more possess charm.Because of, the scale、ingredient、quantum and so on possess randomness, they cannot become conscious of them at so far distance, feel confused for sun spot and flare spot, ancient even gave the link for “sun spot” with nature disaster. 

  Therefore, sun’s “radiation intensity” partly divided from this random event of how much of gain meteorite things, it cannot completely reflect the “radiation level” of sun itself.

  transform sun’s “radiation intensity” mean its nearby change the density of space electric field, thus cause geomagnetism’s change.

  above describe with the example of the sun is the same with all star, merely, star was too far, cannot become conscious of “sun spot” and “flare spot” on their surface that’s all.

1.2.4 are all stars have the magnetic field ?

  It has been measured some aster possess magnetic field, are all stars have the magnetic field?before answer this problem need clear, how can generated aster’s magnetic field?《L15b The happen Mechanism of the geomagnetism and the aster magnetic》answered this problem, the three element of happen magnetic field of space aster is:

(1) the inner possess electrical conductivity、permeability

(2) the external have electron distribution (space electric field)

(3) aster turn on its axis

  Star are all in the high temperature condition, therefore (1) generally be no problem at all;the space electric field distribute at everywhere, (2) be no problem at all;really (3) also be no problem at all, because of, when star in the process of from small (planet) to large, the “push-turn” effect of meteorite things of come from all directions hardly absolute equal to zero, star possess smaller speed of circle round is difficult to avoid.

  Therefore, in a manner of speaking, star generally possess magnetic field , big or small mainly correlate with its speed of circle round.

It can predict, the pole of star in main co-inside with the centre of gyration, the direction of pole may confirm by right-hand law. 

1.2.5space electric field of star nearby 

  Due to the repulsion between the repultons (electrons), the electrons radiated from star except into neutron it can continue circle round in high speed, the others will gradually reduce speed,up to static and become the member of space electric field, their “exclution ” make this field tend to uniformity.

If remove all star for the space, the space electric field will very equality.  Star is the radioactive source of two kinds of the basic particle, therefore, at nearby of star, have a electron radiation field of possess gradient, the electron density certainly cannot uniformity, this dynamic electron field of possess gradient make “optical properties” of space cannot uniformity, the fame influence to the physics was “gravitation bend”, before 107 year there is find when optical line go through star nearby the light path happen “bend”, relativity raise “gravitation bend”.Be think “bend” is caused by gravitation, it is a distinguished viewpoint, the excellence at all scholars of contemporaneity cannot raise and believe in this viewpoint, but today to see, the electromagnetic force of larger than gravitation still cannot make light happen “bend”, only the degree of homogeneity of “light medium” be apt to make light path happen replicate, at the same time make light frequency (wave length) happen change. 

  Today, to unscramble the phenomenon of “red shift of remote stars” need not remove the dynamic and the degree of homogeneity of space electric field, only one party is willing to think red shift delegate remote stars leave with high speed, this is rather one-sided in theory, need to think space still have the aster of “blue shift”;need catch sight of:remote star and near star was spherical in the same、gravitational wave often come from distant place, these all explain “gravitation” exist at distant place as usual, since it exist, from the “big bang” to now, why they do not reduce speed?

  In a word, every star are all a launch site of the basic particle, need admit, in the vast space electric field of compare uniform, also have many uneven “sub district”, when consider space optical problem, cannot ignore this.

1.2.6 star’s “large” and “supernova explosion” 

  Above narrated, star’s centre happen nuclear reaction is “come out from large”, is “come out from pressure” of centre pressure oversize, and that issue attracting force-line to external make star be in continue “grow up”, the result of “grow up” is centre pressure increase, the area of nuclear reaction increase, star’s temperature higher, therefore, the ending of star’s inevitable is, should the day come, when most proton、neutron of atom of nuclear reaction area happen disintegrate, the rest high temperature matter of star all boil-off, star swell and disappear, become a ball of brightness area of high temperature, this phenomenon called “supernova explosion”, its physical substance is, part matter of original star break up to two kinds of basic particle radiate leave with high speed no longer recidivating, surplus matter become high-temperature gas. 

  Visible, attraction dominate make two kinds of basic (elementary) particle stepwise happen polymerization, until star begin appear “scatter”, “supernova explosion” to be the largest scatter.But, no matter “scatter” or no, attraction dominate as before, for this reason, in star’s area will constant happen “evolution of matter polymerizing and scatter”, this evolution due to “matter immortalization and energy immortalization” as well as constant circulate, to surpass the time. 

1.3“the dog bone planet” 

  The planet commonly was spherical, it is the result of force balance of high temperature liquid matter, bat space also discovered the dog bone planet, it existing this matter, it should existing the mechanism, what reason make the planet possess such appearance? 

  Ought to believe in, planet possess dog bone appearance is not “innate”, due to the gravitation make any high temperature aster become sphere.

  Upon that, here guess, space exist the “rolling forging mechanism” of minimum probability, the planet of “dog bone” figurate to be “rolling forging” out by chance in this “extra large work shop” of space, how to “rolling forging”?

It play an important role was the collision of planet.If two little planet of already cooling happen collide in the space, the result absolutely form much rocky “fragment、splinter” of big and small; 

  But, if one of both collision is compare large and “harden shell” compare thicker, the other is lesser moreover “harden shell” compare thin, and they two is not “fully the right side——centre align centre——collision” but mutual have some deviating, collision carry “deep graze” pattern, now the beginning of collision, the large planet gradually “wedge” smaller planet, the abdomen of smaller planet suffer extrusion backoff inward, if the smaller planet have not “rotation” moreover “wedge” of non friction, after graze, drift apart, leave a cylindrical hollow at the surface of the planet.But 

  If planet possess more “rotation” speed, plus the driving of the resistance of “deep graze”, from begin collision to break away from collision it can circle round over one revolution, this at once similar with engineering “roll forging” craft, the large planet correspond to a spherical die, the smaller planet correspond to a blank of be taken by “hot forging”, after happen collision, the smaller planet then from sphere change to the shape of “dog bone”.From the appearance of “dog bone” to see, any section of its portrait all can be seen the trace remain by a “ball” of diameter large than it.

From above narrate can see, to form “dog bone” was not easy, it was the result of some “factors” combination together with lesser probability, to include:

1 a relative biggish planet of almost completely cooled 

2 a smaller planet of possess superior rotation velocity and its interior mainly not have cooling

3 they happened collision of “deep graze” property

4 the smaller planet rotate, happen “roll forging”, friction make smaller planet quicken rotation, happen a circle “roll forging” 

5 after transformation the smaller planet inability revert to sphereical

In line with above guess, since the dog bone planet is “roll forging” out, it ought still possess “rotation”, the axis of rotation in the length direction, if its interior not fully cooling yet, it still ought to possess magnetic field, the polar also in the length direction, the polarity can confirm by right-hand rule.Once fully cooling, lose permeability, no longer possess magnetic field.

The dog bone planet of reality shoot have Kleopatra (famous Egypt empress ), still have Hector star、Atlantis a star and so on. 

1. 4 comet 

1. 4.1 where come from the comet? 

Due to the attracting force is dominate, matter’s evolution in the space, main stream is polymerization, may divided into three grade:1 level、2 level、3 level.Divide grade is the result of the force balance, namely be caused by “polymerizing effect”.

1 level polymerization:the basic particle polymerizing reach to the scale of “proton、neutron”

2 level polymerization:proton、neutron、electron polymerizing reach to the scale of atom、molecule

3 level polymerization:atom、molecule polymerizing become macroscopic matter

From here it can be seen, such evolution will generated arrangement of “small grain” and does not matter of rocky condition. 

  Space really have such “aster”——comet, if to say foregoing planet to be form with “rapid”, the comet just polymerized by “doing thing in logical order”, that is to say, after polymerizing was atoms、molecules get together, form gas and the fine grain of solid state, fine grains get together present looseness, when it accresence, the grains get much to a certain extent, can catch sight of telescope even by the eye, it is a altisonant aster——“comet”.

  Mainly different for comet matter with planet lie in it have not “rock” matter, the reason is it have not suffered high temperature.Its matter lack of “strength”, under the impact of basic particle flow which projected from the sun, form a “broom handle”, “broom handle” explain since the comet lack of strength, also explain comet’s matter to be polymerizing by gravitation, will noy easily scatter.

1. 4.2 why the track of comet unusual 

  It has been mentioned in 1.1.3, the planets of just recently generate do the motion of mutual surround is the result of gravitation of these system, comet was form in space with random, not belong to planet system, its track appeared individual. 

1. 4.3 comet’s tail 

  Comet’s tail, in reality it explained part properties of its constitute matter:grain wee、looseness of structure, to be the gravitation get together with them.When it near the sun, the radiation of the sun, make its part matter of wee grain “displacement” along radio direction, but not enough exceed gravitation yet, therefore these grains only “displacement” and cannot leave, following the distance of it with the sun while change “tail’s” length and direction.once far away with the sun, the tail then shorter and shorter until to almost completely “pack up”.   

1. 4.4 whereabouts the comet 

  Comet obvious to be the aster of “cannot become large body”, its quality difficultly to added too much, because of since to move in the space, then difficult to avoid or escape from near other celestial body, difficult to avoid or escape from happen collision, this kind of encounter all can make “incompact” it to loss part matter even get “to annex”.

  For that reason, from polymerizing mechanism to see, space will generate comet, but however space have few comet only, this to explain, comet constant to come into being also fast fade away, difficult long term existing, if not, the quantity of comet should very many.

1.5the other celestial body

1.5.1 quasar  unscramble for the quasar 

  The quasar was one of “the four elements find” (cosmic microwave background radiation、impulse star、interstellar molecule、quasar) of astronomy in 1960’s, until now puzzling is:

(1) Why it send out like that strong brightness? 

(2) Why it have those big “red shift”? 

(3) Its body similar with the sun, but its energy large than general galaxy thousands times, to be the sum of 200 thousands suns, why?

(4) Until now, it has been affirmed more than ten thousands quasars, why have so much? 

(5) Whether the quasar exist association with the bulk stars”?

In order to reply above question need correct reading natural phenomenon, need the support of basic theory, here used following viewpoints of Chinese physics:

(1a)due to attraction was dominate, matter should constantly proceed polymerizing evolution in the space, constantly evolution according to the track of:basic particle、proton、neutron、atom、molecule、macroscopic matter、planet、star、supernova explosion.And after “supernova” the evolution divided to two tracks:the one is begin polymerizing from basic particle in the former space;the second is in the original space soon after form a new planets system.Both add together, become the evolution content of this space hereafter. 

(2a)the evolution power of planet、star、“supernova ” lie in they constant “grow in strength”, from “quantity change” to “property change”, the “quantity change” is its “grow up”、its quality added, “property change” is its centre happen nuclear reaction、the nuclear reaction area of the star change to large up to all mater break down, this star no longer existence.

(3a)these a series of evolution of from proton to “supernova”, every matter’s form all mean a kind of mechanism and force balance, the cognition for matter’s evolution and aster modal need contact to evolution mechanism and interaction of force-line.

  From what is said above to see, to think of “quasar” to be the “image” of a certain time interval after star change to “supernova explosion” is reasonable, because of the time between from “explosion” become a ball of brightness photosphere reach cannot catch sight by optical instrument reckon with the year, “image” change relatively slow, every image from telescope all give the presentation of “static state”, actually that is in the slowly evolution.Even two image shoot separated by some days, due to the distance too far, image need high-magnification, it has been difficult clear, and difficult accurate compare.

  On a other hand, suppose the life of star is ten thousand million years, the light period of “supernova” is 1 year, among space twenty seven hundred million trillion years, about the ten million be in the “quasar” state.This issue actually ought to see from the reverse side, first stats the sum for the “quasar”, compare exactly observed the bright period of the “supernova”, after that may compare exactly calculate out “star’s life”.

  Since “quasar” the image of a certain time interval of “supernova”,(1)(3)at once be no problem at all,(4)(5)also existing narrating, about(2),need consider from the optical angle, 

 why remote stars appear “red shift” or “blue shift”? here have two major factors:medium factor and distance factor.

  medium factor exactly is the density of space electric field, in particular is at nearby of star, there are compare higher electron density and gradient of electric field.Because of the earth part from the sun compare near, we have the space electric field would higher than “mean level”, from the earth look of the aster need to consider this influence.

  distance factor is to say, star “shine” no only sent the light wave, also contain its carrier namely repulton’s——electron——beam, the both are all decay follow the distance.

  Above two kinds of influence, the former possible lead to when the stars catch in sight from the earth will most tend to “red shift”, the few tend to “blue shift”;the latter possible form “more far the distance, more large the red shift”.

  In a word, for such optical phenomenon of “red shift” and “blue shift”, first need reading from the angle of space optical, moreover need total consider, should not only explain the first of it and despite the second. 

1.5.2 radio star 

  From what is said above it seems, “radio star ” may well to be the “baby star” of from planet change to star and when not yet reach to very brightness, radiation and its quality make clear it already not to be the planet, luminance then make clear it not yet become a shiny “star”.

  Therefore, “radio star” to be the younger brother of “star”, can but grow up become a shiny “star” after through some years. 

1.5.3 red giant star 

  “red giant star” was a noun of astronomer invented for “old age sun” and the other “old age star”, to consider “after about five thousand million years, the sun will step in old age, be able to change to red giant star, the diameter would largen for hundreds of times”.The limit of this viewpoint rest with, it without consider sun’s “future” from the angle of mechanism of star’s evolution, only put forward a “result” of after some hundred million years, and avoided the reason of evolution, “have result non reason” was the characteristic of many miraculous theory, may quiz, what is the mechanism of the sun’s diameter would largen for hundreds of times? How happened the present evolution of the sun? What decided sun’s “develop” in future? 

  Really, nowadays theory say “the sun’s inner is hydrogen combining to helium ” to be “have result but non reason” as well, what is the power cause the helium of the sun would all “enter” the centre and happen nuclear reaction? The sun’s inner to be compact liquid, why those hydrogen be able to penetrate tens of thousands of kilometers go to the centre?

  Easily comprehensive is, the ultrahigh pressure of the sun centre arouse nuclear reaction——mean proton、neutron get break up——,what “material” there have, the nuclear reaction quite right that material.The solar spectrum explain the hydrogen just at sun’s surface and take part in “combustion”, can it still through the magma of tens of thousands of kilometers go to the centre continuously? Why “break up” be sure that just the proton of hydrogen and don’t other atom’s proton、neutron? 

  What is the mechanism for keep the nuclear reaction of sun’s centre? It was the ultrahigh pressure surely, where come from the ultrahigh pressure? As above mentioned, it to be the result of “large” of the sun.Sun’s nuclear reaction would “consume” part matter and make the sun decrease, why it can keep nuclear reaction for thousands million years? This is reason of the sun have “matter income ” absolutely.Therefore, no doubt the sun ceaseless get “Meteorite things” from the space more over the quantity of Meteorite things would enough, down to “break even、have slight surplus”, such viewpoint be in harmony with “every star be develop towards‘supernova’” and ceaseless become conscious of “supernova” in the space, the causality is clear, compare credible.

  Therefore, the description for red giant star in the article to be some section phenomenon of supernova,the true red giant star does not specialized existence, the change of following the time of the star is not “dedifferentiation” but to continue “grow in strength”, each and all tend to “supernova”. 

1.5.4white dwarf 

  It have the description in the article “white dwarf, also called degenerate dwarf, to be the small star of component by electron degenerate matter.Their density was sky-high, a white dwarf of mass equal to the sun only have the size of the earth, its weak luminosity come from the heat of formerly stored.In the area of sun’s nearby stars about have 6% was white dwarf.....” The name white dwarf p1 was named by William rui up in 1922.white dwarf be know as the end product of star evolution of low quality, in our belonged galaxy 97% stars are all belong to a kind of this” sat white dwarf its “light is all weak” does no problem, this is observed result, and that say it have “high density” is imagine only, because of that “high density matter” all the while only exist in the article, testing of materials so far did not “press” out any matter of the density large than given materials;“electron degenerate” is the imagine in the same, they think proton to be statically exposed in the atom, therefore, if outer shell “open”, nucleus then may “degenerate”.really, proton、neutron are rapid circle round in the atom, radioactive element show, the velocity of circle round is so fast, often exceed attracting force and fly off from atom, for that reason, “degenerate” will not happened.Any atom’s density will not change at will, more will not oversized change.

  Like that, the aster of size like the sun, whey its luminosity very weak? The reasonable contemplation is, it is “younger” than the sun, the front ever narrated the evolution from planet to star, imagine, what condition about “radio star” to continue “grow up”? absolutely is gradually give out light, from luminosity very weak go to dull-red、brown、very red, gradually to white、bright, the “complexion” gradually change, whiles through some ten thousand years.

 “white dwarf” very likely is the elder brother of “radio star”.When find the ester of different “complexion” in the space, they are star’s “hobbledehoy” age.

 The “white dwarf” of the other way is “crash course”, above said, from the data of observation of “supernova” SN1987A find the “shortcut” of form planet, if after “supernova” the remain matter more than 1/10, among new born planets possible have the one its mass slight more than star’s “critical mass”{while planet reach to this mass, its centre begin happen nuclear reaction}, before it become “turn white hot”, then it will through the stage of “white dwarf”.

1.5.5 nebula  cosmic eyes 

  These are two kinds of aster of need reasonable unscramble, the “cloud” is the lightless steam cluster, and that nebula is gasified matter of high temperature and luminous, its temperature was higher than the temperature of the sun’s surface, clearly, the “nebula” is the “supernova” of just finished, above 1.5.1 ever analyzed, the visible space may have more than ten million stars are in the “supernova” condition.

  When their distance at “thousands light years”, in the explosion stage may become “cat eye nebula”, and explosion just finish then is a “photosphere”, the later evolution, in the observation of SN1987A it has been beheld;if the distance is far away, single “supernova” cannot imaging, much “supernova” coincide together in a field become the “bright cloud”.

  Therefore, catch sight of many “nebula” in the astronomy picture is natural, they special bright, the luminosity exceed star.In the galaxy, such nebula special evidence.

If to say “cosmic eye” to be two “nebulas” of distance at “thousands light years” and catch in sight, for their name certainly without doubt,

  Cosmic dust reflex star’s light wave, can it produce “nebula” image? Because of cosmic dust is the Prior period product of matter’s polymerizing evolution, it widely exist in cosmic space, but its reflex relative weak, difficult to detect on the far away.They scattering sun light may make cannot catch stars in sight in the moon’s “black sky” at day, but cannot produce the picture of the luminance near star;in the milk way galaxy be a mass of nebulas, appear bright in the night sky, to reckon according to the sum of stars, it ought have fixed “supernova” in them.In a fixed distance, their image in the telescope is like egg or eye, some one has been named “cosmic eye” for two this kinds of images present in the telescope at the same time, if the distance is further, the outline fuzzy, only to be the bright gobbet, several “gobbets”, at once become “a piece”, for the bright region of milk way in the night sky, here make out such unscramble, mean they are much “supernova”. 

2 the celestial body of un-existing

2.1 neutron star 

  Neutron sent out a little (relative to graviton) attracting force-line, between neutron and neutron、neutron and proton are all form attraction, once have not protective screen of outer electrons, will or will not it generate “neutron star”、“proton star” ? the answer is:unable!why?  so far atomic theory not have from the right side answer two problems:(1) do the basic particles are motionless or motion in the inner of proton、neutron? (2) do the protons、neutrons are motionless or motion in the inner of atom?

Among these the (2) is relative to subject under discussion, above has been said, radioactive element shows, proton、neutron to be rapid circle round, does proton、neutron of non radioactive element is motionless or circle round compare slowly in the atom?

“overweight matter” appear in the article was due to present theory inwardly permit that basic particle is static in the proton、neutron.

《L04 matter’s evolution》narrated the polymerizing mechanism of atom, this moment, proton、neutron possess a fixed speed in the space, their “polymerizing” become nucleus really not simple “close” but was become “convolute”, under this circumstance, attraction is balance with centrifugal force, the original kinetic energy is immortalization, so they will not static or close up.

  Space have not static neutron, kinetic energy immortalization make space neutron can not become “neutron star”, also in the inner of matter’s atom.

A fixed quantity of proton、neutron can attract together become a “small group of vortex proton、neutron ”, also can attract electrons become atom, but suffer the limit of “polymerizing effect”, this “group” exist a fixed limit, exceeded “fixed”, attraction appear not enough, neutron easy escape, become “radioactive element”.The element of be able to stable the maximum sum of its proton、neutron was 209——bismuth (Bi), if unable attract together even several hundred neutrons, how can make magnanimity neutrons “keep together” and become “neutron star”?

Therefore, “neutron star” can but exit in article and cannot really exist. 

2.2 black hole 

  The speech “black hole” first off delegate the vacuum condition of after “supernova” on site leaved, give it the properties of “ray of light cannot through”, later gradually “materialize”, say it possess quality, and the scope of quality and upper limit of quality bigger and bigger, now, some articles be going to according to the quality put “seriation” for “black hole”, the least, less than atom, “may product in large-scale colliderLHC from proton’s clash ”, the maximum, large than some hundred million sun’s quality.

  From the angle of basic theory to see, these are not rely on, the reason is: 

(1) “black hole” theory need support from “quality、energy variable”, today to see, two basic law of conservation of quality and energy cannot instant leave, if not theory should miss.

(2)both the articles think “space” have “numerous black hole”, and not found even one real “black hole”,and to consider “black hole” cannot observed. 

(3) every aster of space are all the periodicity form of matter’s evolution in the space, have its context 、evolutive mechanism and circulating track, “black hole” then “keep out of the affair”, without link with this.

(4) to the end what is “the quality of black hole”? have it or not the relevance with the basic particle、neutron、proton?What about this relevance? 

(5)the source of gravitation is the attracting force-line of graviton issued, the attracting force-line of different matter’s mutual effect form attraction, force, can but exist between matter, graviton is the only particle of “sent out highest density” attracting force-line, where come from the attracting force-line of the “black hole”?

(6)“black hole have supper-strong attraction and take up light” that is theory for explain “black hole out of sight”, the simple foundation is “Gravity bending” really, gravitation make “light bend” to be the misunderstand, the electromagnetic force of stronger than gravitation cannot make light happen bend, gravitation natural without such power.

The substance of “light through star nearby happen bend ” is lie in:the star was the radioactive source of electron, the space electric field of its nearby possess grads (density difference), for the light wave, to be the un-homogeneous medium, if happen refraction, it’s only right and proper.

Therefore, “black hole out of sight”, does not it can “take-up light” but rather it is not exist.

(7)the difference of “exist and un-exist” to be the difference of “matter and non matter (vacuum)”, the most basic level of matter is two kinds of basic particle:graviton and repulton, this two polymerizing produce proton、neutron、atom、molecule until cosmic inventory, this is the objectives back ground of knowable of cosmic inventory.Any matter cannot free to this, “black hole” need look for theory support of it existing, prevent run in the opposite direction of the reason.

  This text think, so far those a series of “black hole” described in the article, space does not really exist them. 

2.3 the aster of quality larger than “supernova” 

Some article frequently mention “the quality is any times of the sun”. 

  So far the reality was, when a aster reach to the size as the sun, its centre should happen nuclear reaction, hence from planet translate to star, due to the ability of attraction power of star is large than planet, it would get more Meteorite things, “gain weight” will more quick than planet, therefore, star continue to be “grow up”, when a star reach to about 10 times of sun’s quality, the nuclear reaction of its centre magnify a great many, freed nuclear energy corresponding plenty, down to except the protons、neutrons of disintegrated from nuclear reaction fly to space, the rest quality all gasify swell in high temperature, this exactly the “supernova”, visible, “supernova” was   the reasonable results of the star large to fixed degree, the aster larger then this and while don’t happen nuclear reaction is impossible.Therefore, when it comes to such as the statement of “large a hundred million times of the sun”, above all need to prove such large aster is possible existence. 

2.4 the aster of to shoot “dark matter” “dark energy”

The article of to describe “dark matter”、“dark energy”、“black hole”、“big bang”、“ Cosmic acceleration” was very much, commonly seen, people gradually go to sumption, here appear the description of “miss of a least bit and fault of much miles” of basic theory rather suitable, in these, actually only the spectrum of remote star happen red shift was impersonality phenomenon, these theory are all develop for explain “red shift”.The thing is this develop carry with one-sidedness, 

Theory of from this formative, of course difficult to true.

  “red shift” is the phenomenon of when the distance extreme far the light-wave (frequency) happen changing, to consider its reason similar with “the Doppler effect” on earth is understandable, but, at the sight of space also exist remote star of “blue shift”, should give up such considering. 

People grudge give up the link of the Doppler effect with “red shift” seem similar with Einstein have eyes only for “Lorentz transformation”, so set the “blue shift” ignore up, and insist “red shift” just “remote stars leave with high speed”.

  This certainly is one-sided, if not consider “red shift” and “blue shift” at the same time, how can to form the satisfactory correct theory?

On the other hand, put together “dark matter”、“dark energy” to judge “occupy % of integral of cosmic material” from the basic angle to see it is wrong, the error is they possess the different physical dimension, correspond to mathematical different concrete number, cannot put together and go on arithmetic.

  The explanation for “red shift of remote star’s spectrum”, cannot go against given theory and law.It will continue discuss in other article, cosmos nothing but in the process of normal matter’s circulate evolution, see also in 《L04 matter’s evolution》,“Big Bang” do not ever happen, “the largest explosion” of cosmos is “supernova (explosion)”, because of, matter’s “scope” will not exceed this limits. 

From this deuterogenic “dark matter”、“dark energy”、“black hole” and so on “matter” or celestial body really unreal.

2.5 the celestial body form from “dark matter” or “dark energy” 

It has been proved in 2.4, “dark matter” or “dark energy” to be “where there’s smoke, there’s fire、but it has been found that the report is not substantiated by facts”, since these two kinds of things do not exist, the celestial body form from them is belong to “unreal” as well.

3 answer where the celestial bodies come from?

If you ask where the celestial bodies come from? Above narrative answer is, from the angle of form, no matter what a star is all “product” of evolution,every celestial body is in the transient state .

And from the angle of matter, all composite stars basic particle and their kinetic energy all objective in space, abide by conservation of matter and conservation of energy the two nature laws.