L58 物理学的“最大难题The biggest diffi


                                                     L58   物理学的“最大难题”



(The article in English see the rear)

提 要 本文据理回答物理学的“最大难题”以及由此衍生的问题

关键词 物理学最大难题 谁主宰宇宙演变 宇宙由何而来 物质演变 宇宙中的最大爆炸   

1 前言 


“超新星爆发的机理何在?”与 “基本粒子到底有多少种?”同样是难题,但是,无法对比哪一个难度更大。因此,本命题的“最大”加上了引号,意味着会许出现比这更大、更难的物理题目。


2 什么是物理学的“最大难题”?

答:本文认为“最大难题”是:谁主宰了宇宙演变? 由此衍生的问题是:


3 此难题为何本文认为“最大”?

  (1)迄今 物理理论对此问题无以为答





4 物理学如何回答这一难题? 


当看过以下“5 情况与机理”后,答案就出来了。

5 “情况与机理” 


5.1 关于宇宙中的演变,物理学以往有关研究取得了丰硕成果,陈理士物理对此补充了两端, 一是小于原子的粒子及其演变,二是大于行星的星体的演变,并将演变同“动力”联系起来。

5.1.1 基本粒子有多少种?


  其中,只有“12种”理论考虑了质子的形成:“12种基本粒子中的除电子外11种分为三组,每组出1枚组成质子”,此理论难以回答:“是什么机制或力量来分组挑选粒子去组成质子?” ,质子处处存在,此动力或机制到底何在?



若根据上述质子形成理论,从12枚中取出3枚来成为“质子a”,任意取出另3枚组成的是“质子b”, 因为11种基本粒子质量各不相等,“质子a”的质量 ≠“质子b”的质量,任意遇到两枚质子,其质量“一致”的可能性很小。




(1) 是真正的一粒

(2) 不能再分裂

(3) 不能“转变”

(4) 发出力线,通过力线相互作用生成力 

(5) 力线密度最高 

(6) 具有质量与体积

(7) 单个质量与尺度最小

(8) 比重最大

(9) 能够聚合成为迄今发现的所有“粒子”或任何规模的物质且有明确的机理

(10) 能够发生现已发现的所有的物质演变,其机理符合自然规律

(11) 品种充分而必要

(12) 是一切物理现象的“始作俑者”







答:质子不是“一粒”而是引力子以“微涡旋星系”方式聚合而成的群体 。






  于是,基本粒子只需要两种:引力子、斥力子,它们是自然界真正的粒子,是聚合形成分子、原子及一切宏观物质的“原材料”。其聚合机理,请参见论文《L04物质演变》 。

5.1.2 基本粒子从何而来?







5.1.3 基本粒子的状态和力



  基本粒子发出力线, 引力子离开质子、中子之后在空间高速飞行,它向空间发出引力线;斥力子(电子)离开中子之后,它向空间发出斥力线,力线同力的关系是,力线相互作用形成力,这是继承牛顿力学并从电磁学实验中得到的结论,即:




(3)引力线与斥力线作用也产生引力,此引力小于F1, 记为F3

  力只有引力、斥力两种,至于力的大小,如F1> F3,当然乃是作用力线数量不同。



5.1.4 宇宙中不同规模的物质演变

网文《L04物质演变》 叙述了基本粒子聚合成为质子、中子的机理与过程以及质子、中子、原子、分子直至宏观物体的过程。 聚合按规模分为: 




  宏观物体依然存在剩余引力线,天体的运动以及形成双星、星系的动力是引力。所有星体之间——无一例外——都形成了引力 ,即万有引力。



5.2 宇宙演变的机理

通过以上叙述,由于始终存在剩余引力线,此引力线可以相互作用形成引力,且“引力占优势”,因此, 宇宙中的演变大趋势是“聚合”。以下还要提到由聚到散、聚散循环。 

物质聚合自然是由小到大,越来越大,引力子的引力线在相互作用后存在“剩余”,此剩余力线是继续发生另一规模聚合演变的原因; 基本粒子聚合成的“微涡旋星系”达到一定规模(质子)后,为什么不能继续扩大呢?这是由于“聚合效应”:聚合粒子越多,剩余力线占比例越少,其机理参见上面提到的《L04物质演变》 。 










没有“聚”就没有“散”,很明显,宇宙中比“超新星”更大规模的物体不可能存在,比“超新星爆发”更大规模的“爆发”(分散)也不可能存在。这意味着,“宇宙大爆炸” 不可能发生!

  物质宇宙——作为无数恒星、行星、星际物质的总和——将在引力维系下永远存在,任何星体、基本粒子,不论它的速度多大,不可能离开这个宇宙,运行到了“宇宙边缘”的引力子,充其量只能少许离开“边缘”,而引力最终会将它请回来 (因为它同宇宙之间形成了引力!)。



  由于每一阶段的演变机理已经清楚,于是,“是什么主宰了宇宙演变?”问题已经有了答案 :是引力!引力占优势是宇宙中物质演变的动力。 



本文的附带结论是:比“超新星爆发”更大规模的爆炸在宇宙中不能存在,因为,物质聚合的最大规模是“超新星爆发”,物质达到此规模,必定发生“爆发”,因此,宇宙中最大规模的“爆炸”只能是“超新星爆发”,这是界线。 这意味着宇宙大爆炸没有发生过。 


L58    The “biggest difficult problem” of physics

                    S. G. Chinese

attract this article according to the mechanism to answer the “biggest difficult problem” of physics 

Key words the “biggest difficult problem” of physics  who govern the evolution of universe  where come from the universe   the evolution of universe the largest explosion of universe 

1 Preface 

 The difficult problems of physics does not a few, which one of the biggest?

“where is the mechanics of supernova?” and “how many kinds of the basic particle at all?” is the difficult problem in the same,but, can’t compare which one is more difficult. Hence, “biggest difficult problem” of this proposition combined with the quotes, it means perhaps there is the physical topic of more bigger and more difficult.

The word “who” in the topic “who govern the evolution of universe” should be the word “what”, temporarily changed to the humanized word “who”. The heart of the matter is the answer is right or not, and not at the interrogative pronoun is right or no. 

2 what’s the “biggest difficult problem” of physics?

Answer:this article thought that “who govern the evolution of universe ” ? the derive problems is:where come from the all thing? where come from the basic particle? What some are objectively exist in the universe objectively? What kind of evolution is happened in the universe? What is the mechanism of the evolution etc. At the time of answered “biggest difficult problem” need to answer these problems, if not find the mechanism and only the “theory of wish ”, the answer of cause if easy, but unconvincing, because lack of mechanism. 

3 Why this article to think it is the biggest?

The reason is:

(1)so far the physical theory was no answer for this problem

(2) the matter scale and the the matter kinds of this problem referred is largest and at most, so the complexity and difficulty possible maximum

(3) more than a famous physicist get religion at old age, this shows he believed in that “universal rules” in the religious doctrine been created every thing, now that can created every thing, no problem to dominate everything for granted. So far not found other puzzle can made physicist to change their trust of the natural science. 

 But, here also keep some:the physicist perhaps may not change trust all due to this, but evidently, in any religious doctrine, this difficult problems are all not difficult to answer, only this kind of answer can’t be ;;;;;;;;;accepted by the scientific .

Here is open to greater problems has been found in the future, as right as do,this problem willing to back off.

4 how do the physics to answer this problem?

After a long repeated analysis, the mechanism of this topic have discovered, having the mechanism, the answer to the problem is often simple, this problem is so also. What is the answer? 

After read the following “5situation and mechanism ”, the answer then come out.

5situation and mechanism

 To do the recognition for the existing fact is the manner of natural science, the classical physics for objective existing of matter not only give recognition, but also to do study, thus found the two laws of physics:conservation of matter and conservation of energy. If find any physical article is contrary to this laws, can be concluded that it can't be right theory. The following account related situation and mechanism. 

5.1 about the evolution of cosmos, at past physical study yield substantial results. To this the Chinese physics to added the two-end, the one was the particle less than atom and its evolution, the other is the evolution of aster which large than planet, and to link the evolution with the “power”. 

5.1.1 how many kinds of the basic particle?

In the cosmos the least particle of course is the basic particles, as for the sum of the basic particle, the theory of there are three kinds of quantity(12 kinds,62kinds,>300kinds) of the basic particle was coexists in the mainstream theory . 

 Among this, only the “12kinds” theory considered proton’s forming:“except the electron, the rest 11 kinds of basic particle divided to 3 group, from every group put one to form a proton” , this theory difficult to reply: “what mechanism or power to group select a particle to form proton?”, protons are everywhere, where is this mechanism or power?

As above method of “every group put one to form a proton”and no causal relationship between before and after was the “theory of wish ”, although has explain a problem, but it is lack of basis, and will bring new challenges.

“how do forming about proton and neutron” is the problem of can’t avoid of physics, because they are the “tile” of atom, molecule and the macro material, for these need the perfect theory.

If bass on the above theory to form the proton, to put 3 from 11 basic particle to forming a “proton a”, any out 3 form “proton b”, because quality of 11 kinds of basic particles each are not equal, the quality of “proton a”is not equal to “proton b”, the any two protons, there is little possibility of its quality "consistent".

 Test result is, all the protons quality height consistent!

This can be repeated verification of experimental results denied above “three group” theory, that is “theory of wish ”.

This article to think, the basic particles should be all accord with following conditions:

(1 ) to be true a grain of

(2) can’t be divided

(3) can’t be “change”

(4) to issue force-line, through the force-line act each other to form force 

(5) the density of the force-line is largest

(6) has the quality and the volume

(7) individual quality and the scale is minimal

(8) the specific weight is the maximum 

(9) can polymerized to so far find all particle or the matter of any scale and has the clear mechanism 

(10) can happen all so far find evolution of matter and the mechanism is accord with natural rule 

(11) the variety is sufficient and necessary 

(12) to be the “beginner ” of any physical phenomenon

 That is to say, all particle be sure to issue out force line, can form force, all physical changing be sure to related of force-line,force .

Such know make the answer of the problem greatly simple, such as:

Asking:how many kinds of the basic particle?

Answer:there are two kinds of basic particle mean graviton and repulton only .

 The reason is, to distinct from force nature, there is two kinds of the attracting force and repulsion force only.

Asking:what kind of the proton?

 Answer:the proton does not “a grain of” particle, and it is a group which polymerized with the method of “micro vortex galaxy”.

 The reason is, because proton when under the impact can be become “many kinds of unlike particles, their common point was all “carry positive charge”(the physical reality is sent out the attracting force-line )、may further “fission”、instability、contain the energy of may estimate with the equation of E=mc2 (square). Above answer was got and understand after long time repeat analysis, can leave “particle variable” of inconsistent with the rule of conservation of matter, can explain the source of atomic energy and the reality of “particle variable”. 

 Asking:what related about the graviton with now has been named many particles?

 Answer:most of the “particles” are all produced from the proton suffer“bombard”, they are the smaller “micro vortex galaxy” of proton, to be the “plural particle”.

 Some “particles” was suggested by theory, do the analysis find, can’t really there, such as:force particles(the particle of transmit force)、gluon、image particle、assign quality particle(God particle) etc.

X-ray are the repultons (electrons) of with the linear motion;cosmic rays are the gravitons with the linear motion.

  As a result, the basic particle need two kinds of only:graviton and repulton, they are the real particle in the natural field, are the “row materials” of polymerize and to form atoms、molecules and all macro matter. For the polymerizing mechanism, please see the article《L04》. 

5.1.2 where come from the basic particle? 

The answer is, the basic particles was objectively existing in the cosmos, force their existing, cause and effect doesn’t matter, no such thing as time, to be:forever existing.

 Here, the related problem is:“where come from the cosmos”? The answer is in the same:cosmos to be the objective existing, it divided to two parts, empty and real, empty to be the boundless space,real are the all moving substance.

 Because it is the fact, to this physics can do admit only. 

 Where come from the macro all matter of all forms? Answer:they come from polymerizing and evolution of the basic particles. 

About how the basic particle get polymerizing and evolution, please see following narration and article 《L04 matter’s evolution》.

 Over past 100 years, people leave of two basic physical laws of “conservation of matter, conservation of energy”, to believe in the quality can “interconvert” with the energy, use “big bang” to explain “red shift”, at last led to “what is the substance” become the “large difficult problem” of physics.

 If believe in “conservation of matter, conservation of energy”, whether such “before the big bang, the whole substance of now cosmos are all pressed in a theoretical point” and so on “theories” still credible?

 For to handle the "biggest problem" of physics, need to respect the law, acknowledged objective existence.

5.1.3 the condition and the force of the basic particle

When “supernova explosion” the atom thoroughly collapse, why two kinds of basic particles is “high speed to leave”? The answer should be:they original is “circle round in high speed”, just the circle round speed is not enough for over come the attracting force, “explosion” make circle round speed a little fast, the centrifugal force increase, hence flew to space immediately, at this time their speed is slightly large than the tangential velocity of when they original circle round in proton and neutron.

Here said of the basic particle in proton and neutron. Previously, atom’s peripheral electrons (repultons)already due to high temperature left out . 

  Basic particle send out force-line, after graviton with high speed leave proton or neutron, it send out attracting force-line to the space;after repulton (electron) leave neutron, it send out repulsion force-line to the space, the relation of the force and the force-line is, the force-line effect each other to form the force, it is inheritance of Newtonian mechanics and the conclusion got from the electromagnetics experiment, mean:

(1)attracting force-line effect with attracting force-line form attracting force, marked for F1

(2) repulsion force-line effect with repulsion force-line form repulsion force, marked for F2

(3) attracting force-line effect with repulsion force-line also form attracting force, this force is less than F1, marked for F3

There are two kinds of force only:attracting force and repulsion force, as for force size, it ought to be the different of the quantity of effect force-line.

The reason of forming above force was naturally got from observed physical phenomena.

Because graviton can’t form repulsion force F2, hence, no matter whether it attend polymerizing, its speed should not reduce, as a quantum, it is the “ever quantum”;as for repulton (electron), if it not again to the aggregation form the neutron, it will due to form the force F2 with space electric field so slow down gradually, become a member of the space electric field finally.

5.1.4 the different size of matter’s evolution of cosmos

Article 《L04 matter’s evolution》 narrated the process and the mechanism of the basic particle polymerized to proton,neutron, atom,molecule up to macro substance. According to the scale the polymerization is divided to:

(1) first lever polymerizing evolution:under the action of attracting force-line the high speed movement graviton polymerized to “micro vortex galaxy” (proton) with the method of storing-energy polymerization. If there is high speed repulton(electron) added, formed neutron.

(2) second lever polymerizing evolution:under the action of residual attracting force-line, dynamical proton,neutron polymerized to nucleus and form atom,molecule with the method of “vortex”.

(3) third lever polymerizing evolution:under the action of residual attracting force-line, atom,molecule polymerized to macro mass.

The macro mass still exist of surplus attracting force-line, the power of the movement of celestial bodies and form double star or galaxy is attraction. between all celestial bodies ——no exception——form attraction mean the gravitation.

repulsion force only exists between the repulton(electron), it make atoms,molecules keep distance, after numerous atoms become large “object”, repulsion force won’t watch it, it seems to say, “the attracting force is dominate”.

5.2 the mechanism of cosmos evolution

 Through above narrate, due to always exists residual attracting force-line, this can through mutual effect to form attracting force, and “the attracting force is dominate”, therefore, the general trend of cosmos evolution is “polymerization”. The following also refer to from polymerization to scattering and the circulation of polymerization and scattering.

 Matter’s polymerization naturally is from little to big, bigger and bigger, after mutual effect graviton’s attracting force-line exists “residual”, the residual force-line to be the reason of to happen other scale polymerizing evolution; why the “micro vortex galaxy” arrived a certain scale(proton) can’t continue to large? This is because the “polymerizing effect”:the more polymerizing particles, the less ratio of residual force-line, the mechanism see also in above referred 《L04 matter’s evolution》. 

 When the density of residual force-line of proton or neutron already not enough “tie up” high speed graviton, but is enough for polymerize other proton or neutron with the method of “micro vortex galaxy”(because their speed is relatively very small), to form the nucleus, this is the second lever polymerizing, this polymerization is also “polymerizing effect”, when reach to 209 protons,neutrons (the nucleus of metal bismuth )is the end (although may be more over this, but it would be not stable! It is radioactive element ).

 From molecules and atoms to macroscopic object are all belong to the third lever polymerizing. the third lever polymerizing may form planet in theory, but, this refers to the "size", if to form the planet such like the earth, the moon,  Mars,Venus still needs “speed up mechanism”:

After “supernova explosion”, most of material already become basic particles and fly out, a 

small part material is gasifying and become high temperature white air mass, gradually, this air mass shrink and congeal become to the liquid “bright spot”, that’s the “speed up planet”.

 After original star system happened “supernova explosion”, the residual gas molecules and atoms condensed into a “speed up planet system” of the quality is much small than original “supernova”, this planet system gradually cooling and surface solidify. Due to send out attracting force-line, the micro material which generated from around space naturally to be their “free falling body”, this male them added quality. Among them a brother of the bigger one to send out more attracting force-line, it should get more “free falling body”, so its quality will added faster. So “virtuous circle”, after some 100 million years of this planet system, the “elder brother” become a planet of quality more large than its brother. The circle round center also gradually from space move to its inner. 

The result of this biggest planet continue larger is, its center press increase, when exceed to the limit of the outer shell of atoms repulsion, atom would collapsed, proton and neutron faces “collision” “merger”, because the scale of proton and neutron is the result of force balance of the “micro vortex galaxy”, “collision”or “merger” of two protons or neutrons make the one of them immediately break up, basic particle leaved with high speed thus shows atomic energy, hence, from the time, the center of this planet begin arise nuclear reaction, temperature rise, it got “free falling body” from space all become “the nuclear fuel”.

Therefore, the inner of this big planet begin temperature rise, several years later, it change to the new face, radiant golden light, People have also changed its call ——fixed star ——.

Visible, when polymerization to the fixed star scale, begin happen part “disperse” phenomenon, and reached to “supernova” scale this star thoroughly dispersed.

 Within the scope of its original space, on the one side, space high speed gravitons and repultons (electrons)process the “ first lever polymerizing”, on the other side, above mentioned “speed up planet system” also brewing produce.

Such, one circle round of matter’s evolution have been done, begin from the basic particle, continuous polymerization, when reach to star scale, begin appear disperse, at “supernova explosion” is thoroughly disperse. matter’s evolution to be “the circle round of polymerization and disperse”.

No "gather", no "disperse" ,clearly, in the cosmos there is not have the object large than “supernova”, the “explosion (disperse) scale” large than “supernova explosion” also can’t be exist. it means, so called the “ big bang” can’t be happened!

 The matter’s cosmos ——the sum of countless stars, planets, interstellar matter ——will exist forever due to attracting force to maintain, any star,basic particle no matter how big its speed was, can’t be leave this cosmos, if a graviton is flied to the cosmic “border”, at best, only a few left, at last the attracting force would please it go return (because between cosmos and it formed gravitation).

attracting force is the power of matter polymerizing, also the reason of to maintain cosmos “unity”. 

 The “part disperse” phenomenon in the inner of star also is the result of gravity.

 Due to the evolution mechanism of every stage is clear, hence, the problem of “who govern the evolution of universe ”have the answer:to be the attracting force.

the attracting force is come from “attracting force-line happen interact”, graviton naturally sent out attracting force-line to all directions, so the polymerizing evolution can “abiogenesis”, don’t need any other supernatural force to Participated in or "master".

 No matter how large the matter or star they are all sent out the remaining attracting force-line, this shows the entire universe gravity is preferred, this will produce gravitation, gravitation make all matter can’t be leave cosmos or into the boundless space.

 The obiter conclusion of this article is:in the cosmos can’t exist the explosion scale large than “supernova explosion” because the largest scale of matter polymerizing is “supernova explosion”, when reach to this scale, it must be happen “explosion”, so, in the cosmos the largest scale explosion only can be “supernova explosion”, this is the border line. It means The big bang does not have happened.