L54 物理学的第一次重大失误The first grav


L54    物理学的第一次重大失误


提 要  在“质量可变”出现100年后,人们发现,这一认识并不正确,且是基础理论“发生困难”、“存在问题”的主要原因 

关键词 物理学第一次重大失误 物理学失误 质量可变 基础理论失误 物理 物理学       

1 前言  



  严重的是,其所产生的影响已导致一些没有机理的“理论”——如“宇宙毁灭”“黑洞”“弦论”等等缺理之论堂而皇之地不断出现,使“理论”无理;“物理学的11道难题”多年来无人能解;甚至连哲学唯物论也受到了“池鱼之殃 ”。 






  在《L17a现代物理基础理论的系统性“问题”》文中已对此失误有所讨论,本文继续加以分析,以期识辨正误,回归景行,其理顺否,识者鉴之 。

2“质量可变” 失误何在

 2 .1 失误发生背景

  当时, 已有“质量不灭、能量不灭”两项定理,没有人怀疑,也没有人会相信“质量可变”。 但是,上世纪初,物理实验中发现了几则无法解释的现象:

 (1) 在加速器里,按当时理解,粒子可以达到的速度同加速电流相关,不应有限制,实际实验表明,加速电流再大,被加速粒子不能达到更不能超过光速,其理何在?

 (2) 物质的核能十分巨大,从何而来?

 (3) 在显示粒子迹线的威尔逊云室中发现有的迹线中断,除了说是质量“湮灭”外,不能做出别的解释。

 (4) 发现远星“红移”,导致形成“宇宙大爆炸”理论,此理论需要基础理论的支持。







    2 .2 失误判断












  例(2),其正确解答需要了解质子、原子的产生过程。用“质量变能量”来解释只能作为参考,需要进一步追问“质量如何变能量”,让人看清楚质量确实能够变能量, 之后,此解释方可以置信。

  如果不追寻机理,把事情归因与“上帝粒子”也同样是一个可以作为参考的答案,还可以提出一些不相干的事物作为解答, 不过,都属于不敢置信的答案。



  《L04 物质演变》等文叙述了作为两种基本粒子之一的引力子如何以“蓄能聚合”方式聚合成为质子,两枚引力子相互作用形成引力,引力将他俩“栓住”,“栓住”前后动能不变,于是,聚合使引力子改变运动方式:由直线运动转变为回旋运动,此“回旋运动”的动能即一般不对外显示的原子能,等于引力子原来在空间作为“永恒量子”、进行直线运动时具有的动能。




  “蓄能聚合”的领悟使原子能的来源有理可循。所以, 例(2)也不能证明粒子“质量可变”。









  大爆炸理论则包含了许多“待证之论”,乃是自说其是,需要经受推敲。它需要“质量能量互变”的支持。 这些“待证之论”的不实都会影响涉及的理论。













  2 .3 失误的延伸 






















  在“太阳系有一个外壳”、“宇宙只有一个太阳系”“宇宙众星只是图像”等文章大量涌现时,只有个别中国人(some general Chinese)只能在互联网上发表与此相反的文章。可见,“质量可变”作为失误,已步入物理学理论的云雾深处,使不严谨文风成为气候。



3 物理界为什么至今未提出此重大失误

   3.1 两难选择 


  此前没有人提出过违反任何规律的理论,违反规律不能进入理论。从 2.1 叙述可见,那时确实遇到了难题,为了解释难题,人们将不能解释的现象当做规律遭遇到了“例外”,为了解释难题,在质量“可变”与“不可变”之间选择了“可变”。




   3.2 理论把关不严 




   3.3 对于理论失误的轻描淡写处理方法 







  现在的物理基础理论是许多学者长期不断努力堆砌起来的,虽然发现 “存在问题、困难”,但是,提出“改进”则谈何容易。



4 分辨正误



  (1a) 自然规律属于客观存在,物理领域包括许多规律,有似一棵树,“物质不灭”与“能量不灭”乃是主要规律或基础规律,有如主干,具有普适性,任何物理理论必须与之相恰。

  有些“定理”如波义耳定理、热力学第二定理、折射定理、楞次定理等乃是局部适用规律,有如树枝,还有一些定理适用范围更小,有如细枝。 局部适用规律的使用范围不能随意扩大。有人利用热力学第二定律来证明宇宙会发生“热寂”,这是将这个在热力学范围内适用的局部规律凌驾到“能量不灭”这一基础规律之上。






















 (1) “力有四种”理论,在解释微观粒子间的力为何与宏观物体间的力大相径庭时显示合适,但是,力的大小乃是数量差异,为何成为“种类”之差?这显示此理论不能圆满。这也使人们以为需要发展“四门学科”(牛顿力学、量子电动力学、量子味动力学、量子色动力学) 来分别研究力,这是伤害了力理论的系统性呢还是形成了 系统性呢?文章《 L18a强作用力弱作用力电磁力万有引力的统一 》对此进行了分析,认为“力”来源于“力线相互作用”,力的强弱之差乃是作用力线的多少之差,因此,从“物质发生变位或变形”角度看,力只有一种。 

 (2) 基本粒子有“12种”、“60种”、“> 300种” 三种理论并存本身就说明“有问题”,而 三种理论中只有“12种”理论对于“如何形成质子”作出了解释,此解释又与“质子质量高度一致”事实不和谐因而“有困难”。


 (3) 不久前在网上出现了“太阳系有外壳”理论,这是为了解释美国宇航员在月亮上未能看到星星。但是,此理论缺乏系统性、顾头不顾尾的情况被美国宇航器飞出太阳系和中国“嫦娥”携带的望远镜已经观察了好多星体而揭示出来。


5 展望


2019.3.26 加注 : 本文于2014/2/24 登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月投入使用的现在的新架构未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以保持原貌

L54 The first grave mistake of physics

            S. G. Chinese

abstract  after “quality variable” been appeared 100 years, people find, this understanding does not correct, it is the major cause of physical basic theory exists “happen difficult”and “exist problem ”.

key words The first grave mistake of physics mistake of physics  quality variable  the fault of physical basic theory  physics  the physical basic theory   


1 foreword

 Of the last century, two rules of “the immortality of matter”、“the immortality of energy”of physical field have been take over by “the quality variable”, it is the first important “modification” of the physics, at that time, because of it replied puzzle, people have not think deeply to this “modification” for does it is improvement or fault? But, so far it has been over 100 years, the mechanism of “variable” still never being discovered by the physical field, then “difficult” and “problems” appeared a lot of .

 Serious is, its influence has been lead to some “theory” of no mechanism ——such as “cosmos destroy”、“black hole” 、 “string theory” and so on theory of lack mechanism openly appear constantly, it make “theory” no reason;“the 11 problems” no one can solution for many years;even the philosophical materialism have also been suffer disaster. 

 This appeared basic theory is wrong, because, many research result from classical physics to modern physics are all for know the material, the normal situation should be, the know more and more clear, now, why even the material becomes the first problem!

 The physical theory can’t allow mistake, the basic physical theory furthermore not allow important fault, but, “quality variable” make basic theory happen important fault did occur, and that continue reach 100 years there is no perceived, is n’t that very troubling event?

As a result, continue facing theoretical incongruity, withal, no reflection and correct, but showed a “tolerance”, to the not harmonious theory, in a word with “exist difficulties” or “exist problems”, keep the lines of the long, avoid “difficulties and problems”, just say it is .

 For example of particle theory, exactly how many kinds of basic particles? “12 kinds”、“60 kinds ”、“ >300 kinds ” three theories go hand in hand, Does not deep think how much kinds should be? Each continue study、found “new particle”, like that, even if the results, can trust? If believe “particle cannot be changed”, the theory would not be the situation .

 In the field of basic theory, already “jade-like stones mixed in jades”, in the above three kinds of theory at least two kinds are wrong. The basic theory no solid the consequences are the upper theory is difficult to solid, hence, to say “quality variable” is the first grace mistake of physics, this formulation is serious, have its reason.

 In writing 《L17a Systematic “problem” of basic theories of modern physics》has been discussed to this mistake, this text continue the analysis, in order to distinguish right or fault, return to the flat road,whether the reason is straighten out, provide a reference.

2 what is the mistake for “quality variable”

  2 .1 the background of mistake happened 

 At that time, existing “mass conservation、energy conservation” two theorems, no one doubt, no one would believe that “quality variable” . But, last century, there found several unexplained phenomenons in the physical test: 

(1)in the accelerator, according to the understand, particle’s speed is related to accelerating electricity, there should be no limit, the particle results show, no matter how big the accelerating electricity, accelerated particle can’t reach to light speed, what is the reason?

(2) material’s nuclear energy is very huge, where come from them?

(3) in the Wilson cloud chamber find some particle’s path line get interrupt, in addition to say “quality annihilating”, don’t seem to make other explanation. 

(4) found far star have “red shift”,it lead to form that “big bang” theory, this theory need support from the basic theory.

 Under such circumstances, some one boldly raised “matter’s quality does not no changing;it will changes follow its energy’s changing”, and use equation to show the relation of this changing, this problem (1) get explain,at that time which make people are convinced and admiration. 

 Look from the situation at that time, this idea clearly shines, a cut above others, to be the crystallization of wisdom. 

 Should notice, “quality variable” at that time was limited by equation, it is different with later intend into “quality change to energy” “energy change to quality”.

  “quality variable” also make problems (2)、(3)get the explanation, “quality change to energy” “energy change to quality” make problem (4) get the explanation very easy and appear “having theory basis” .

 In turn, above 4 examples seem show the examples of “quality variable” , “quality variable” into the mainstream theory, “quality variable” have been around . seem have no problem, the actual situation is so, although found a lot of problems, people did not question so far .

but, although “quality variable” even have equation, but did not put forward mechanism, the equation naturally may describe mechanism but can’t instead of mechanism, quality exactly “variable”or can’t change, this is a significant problem of need prove and test again, as mentioned, refer to the basic theory, need to have a mechanism, can’t avoid.

2 .2 mistake judgment 

 “mass conservation” of classical physics mean mass can’t “destroy”, today, it can practicable to the basic particle can’t “destroy”. As for the basic particle can or can’t change certainly need support from theory and fact.

 Above four examples have quite a influence, as stated, so far the history was, people since then believe in “quality variable、can be destroyed”, to explain the above(1)-(4)examples and eliminated the the problems of the physics. Till today, mainstream theory never query for “quality variable、quality can be destroyed”.

 But there is a situation, in the phenomenons of the physics faced, have a plenty of objective existence, no reason or mechanism can say, we only admit, can’t to ask why. Such as:cosmos is objectively exist, can only admit, not to ask why the cosmos exist, it is impossible to find “the mechanism of cosmos exist”. In addition to the objective existence, all material evolution, should be exist mechanism, justified, such as electromagnetic evolution、speed change、material chemical combination and so on.

 “quality variable” or immutable, belong to the substance evolution, hence, if it is true, there be mechanism;if it is false, must find not mechanism.

 To find out the physical true of the four examples is one of the method for check “quality variable”theory is strong or no, because the correct theory can stand the test again and again, before, the problem of can’t to explain, today, after accumulated a lot of experimental data, “standing upon the shoulders of our predecessors”, some already existing conditions to understand the truth of the matter. Here, in today’s knowledge to analyze above four examples:

 example(1) the working principle of accelerator is:to use the force which generated from accelerating current and electrically charged particles to drive the accelerated particles, like the wind drive sailboat. There is a “wind-sail effect”:sail speed (boat speed) be not more than wind speed. Hence, people cannot expect be accelerated particles reach or exceed the current speed——light speed. 

 But at that time just appeared such expectations, when experimental results contrary to expectation, feel confused, become a difficulty problem.

 Like maths retention problem method actually it is very safe, mathematicians never overstepping have found rules, there have been no important mistakes. Physical field is theorem with the “immortality of the material” at that time, both proposed “quality variable”——although more prudent, added condition——also dare to believe and not be questioned, don’t beg mechanism, also to develop them. Due to “wind-sail effect”, example (1) can’t prove particle’s “quality variable”.

 It can imagine, this means “material quality change with energy(speed) ” does not fit to the theorem of conservation of mass、the judge is not correct.

 So, if then some one put forward “wind-sail effect”, should not some one believe “quality variable”. 

 example(2),its correct answer need to know the generated procedure of proton and atom. Use “quality variable” to explain can only be used as a reference for the time being,need further inquiry “how quality can turn into energy”, after make man cleared quality true change to energy, this explanation just now can believe. 

 If it do not chase mechanism, get things attributed to “God particle” also is a answer to a can temporarily used as a reference, also can put forward some irrelevant things as answer, just, they re all belong to can’t believe answer.

  After many answers, need judge and prove, need to rise to the theory, and even today, theory for proton how contains “atomic energy” still not fully understand, so that, since the material’s nuclear energy was objectively exists, also could not explain where it come from, “quality change to energy” is hard to deny. Under the circumstance of can’t put forward specific opinion and “quality change to energy” can answer difficult problem for us, give up searching mechanism and give up find out physical true make the “quality change to energy” imaging translate to theory, this though can to say that adhere to the principle of the basic theory is not enough, but also for a reason.

 In the atomic explosion measured a large number of particles, in fact, if it can accurately measured all particles, my find their quality are equal to the original quality of “explosive material”.

 The atomic energy of the explosion formed, to be the kinetic energy of particles, the number of particles does not change. Not even one particle “quality changed into energy”.

《L04 evolution of matter 》 and so on writing narrated the graviton act as one of two kinds of basic particles how it polymerize to proton with “energy storage polymerizing”, two graviton ct each other to form attracting force, it “tied” them two, the kinetic energy is constant before and after “tied”,hence, polymerizing make graviton change motion mode:from rectilinear motion change to circumnutation, the kinetic energy of “circumnutation” just the atomic energy which generally no external show, it is equal to graviton’s original kinetic energy when it act as a “ever quantum” with rectilinear motion.

 “energy storage polymerizing” says the mechanism of material contains atomic energy, this is a natural process of accord with conservation of matter and conservation of energy, is understanded from rethink natural phenomenon, is forced out from stick to “law should not violate”. 

 Therefore, the release mean proton and atom get break up, the gravitons again get well rectilinear motion and fly to space.

 Proton’s forming is the result of attracting force effect, its break up of course not very easy, generally proton was quite “stable” , this stable come from attracting force don’t let members easily leave.

 Understanding of “energy storage polymerizing” make the sours justified. So, example (2) also can’t prove “quality variable”. 

  example(3), if to ask, does the particles of enter Wilson cloud chamber all would show its trace? From the display on film explained, only seldom particles can, why so? What is the reason? this needs to be noticed, “particle’s” “energy not in the same”.

 If it is cosmic-ray “particle”, this energy“ not in the same ” lie in “team member number”, as a single particle, graviton’s energy (kinetic energy) no big difference. But, they easy “together” in space flight, up to we believe “there are more than 600 kinds of cosmic-ray particles”, since we can’t identify whether the particle to be “singular or plural”, so, which particle of enter Wilson cloud chamber certainly my have “many kinds”, the difference is “different electron volts”, the solution here can interpreted for:Wilson cloud chamber show the “particle” of electron volts within a certain range, show the trace should be reduce some energy, if some particles when enter chamber their energy already near lower limit of show the trace, after show a trace reach to the ower limit, this moment immediately change to do not show——the trace break off.

 So, the trace break off not equal to “particle” from exist change to no exist, only the next trace is invisible.

 In fact, the theory of “quality variable” here is not practical, if here is “quality change into energy”, where is the changed energy? What is the mechanism? How to specific change ? Therefore, example(3)also can’t prove “quality variable”. 

 example(4),the big bang theory think, “on the eve of the big bang, the existing all matter of cosmos are all compressed in a ‘point’ ”. 

 About this ‘point’, begin put forward was “a overweight ball of diameter of some kilometer ”, there after many scholar constantly revise, the smaller the change, now finally become “a theoretical point”, no volume. This explain no only fully believe to “quality change to energy”, but also to “energy no volume” and energy may free from quality. Incomparable with above conditional “quality variable”. 

 Here avoid many mechanism and why, they are all have to vote “no” nature, such as:does the energy can leave with the quality? Can matter may compressed with a fable type? Can the heavy star been existing? Can the physical dimensions my span? Etc.

 Also can see, the problem have the systematicness, systems engineering take the systematicness is very seriously, a part of any open will effect whole system.

 The big bang theory contains many “theory of needs proved”, to be the theory of a self-taking, need suffer deliberate. It needs support by “quality and energy interconversion” . The no true of these “theory of needs proved” will influence to referred theory.

 Look to material’s compression, gas volume to pressed in 1000:1 is no problem, but liquid and solid pressed in 10:1 was difficult, for example of the carbon atom into the earth core under 200 thousands M pa turn in to diamond, its density only changed 2.3 times, what mechanism can make much stars pressed in “a point”? If always can not find this mechanism, does there is have not this mechanism? 

 The article said gravity will led to the”big collapse” at that time is “the destruction of the universe”! Actually, the “ability” of gravity has been seen from stars running, it can make two star of “0 relative speed” gradually close up, for the stars of have a certain speed, can only effect the running track. By gravity it is far from two star form the pressure make them “collapse”, here to force “wide gap” , similar of the difference of “soot blowing” and “the power of nine bulls add two tigers”. Much less to put “all stars” “pressed to none”!

 Big bang theory need matter have “infinite” compressibility, make the stars of magnanimity volume compressed in “a theoretical point”;big collapse theory need “the weakest” universal gravity can put cosmic inventory “collapse” become unreal! Here also implied “the energy none volume”:the quality change to the energy of none volume, the compression of a fable type seems make possible etc.

 It is clear, this two kinds of theory are all need “quality convert with energy ” and “energy none volume”.

 The “big bang”to be people’s analysis for the reason of remote star having red shift, if the analysis is truthfulness, as soon as would not appear one-sidedness, but, find of blue shift remote star just make this analysis appear one-sidedness, that is, the “big bang”theory can’t compatible with blue shift phenomenon. 

 Therefore, the “big bang” is not steadfast, then can’n use it to prove “matter change into energy” or quality can be massive mounts compression. 

 Does energy have or not have the volume? Does energy can or can’t interconvert?

 The basic physics dimension shows, the quality and the energy don’t the same matter, cannot delimit equal-sign,this also no room for accommodation. The “quality variable” theory was use “change” to instead the equal-sign so make them accommodate, become the same thing.

 Through a large number of physical experiment for a thinking analysis for several years, today just can see , the judgment of “quality variable” was incorrect, therefore, the theory with this basis naturally can’t be strong, “the theory exist ‘difficult’and ‘problem’”, as it is appear theory is not correct, under the condition of none satisfaction theory, should we to hanging it stay for solve or accommodate a theory of “exist ‘difficult’ and ‘problem’”? The quality “variable” and “immutable” only have a difference of one word, but lead to the theory have the difference of correct and incorrect.

 Now the theory of “quality variable” already loss the support, did not find any fact can prove the quality indeed variable.

 “quality variable” wae the important mistake of the theory, and made many theories of related matter into mistake follow it; lead to some scholars don’t serious about the law of physics;cause the theory lose important inspection standard. 

 Many untenable “theory” enter to theory, the stone of like-jade which disorderly the jade, make the theory of original correct suffer throw aside, so that “what is the mater” has become “difficult problem”! 


   2 .3 The extension of the fault 

 Today’s “quality variable” has far more out of the bondage of《relativity》,even implicit “energy none volume”, so, cosmical stars can first “change into energy”, then “compressed in a ‘point’”.

 Such “change”, whether its span exceeded myth! 

 Such theory avoided to clarify mechanism, certainly have a lot of “problems”, in fact is the error theory. Under accommodate of the mainstream theory, stately appeared besides “big bang theory”, also:

  (1)the cosmos accelerate expansion theory;

  (2)cosmos will collapse destroyed theory;

  (3)string theory;

  (4)superstring theory;

  (5)black hole theory;

  (6)dark matter、dark energy theory;

  (7)the theory of particle variable、may none quality、can giving quality to other particle(God particle) etc. 

 It seems find a key for answer difficult problems: “quality variable”, but, without any mechanism is put forward or the real instance to prove quality variable.

 “quality variable” like runaway horses, gallop at will, relate problems meet it s soon as get solved (by at will ). Is it true or not?

 These “theories” in the frame of “quality variable”, no one no“problems”or “exist difficulty”, such as:

 The fact of space exist remote blue shift star is incompatible to the theory of related to the “big bang”, it also possess “deny only need one ticket” properties for(1)and(2), if to say “the theory exists difficult” to be mention lightly;“quality can from none to having, can change” this is a premise for (3)(4)(5)(6), conversely, “quality can’t change”should negate these theories.

 Just think, “the one dimensional vibration of the string”——none volume, certainly none quality——how can it become the quality? certainly “vibrating energy change into quality” come out the give the supporting. 

 Visible, once be aware of the quality cannot change and quality cannot interconversion with energy, those theory as soon as difficult to sustain.

 Above has been analyzed, “quality variable” to be “theory out have the reason, but none real fact ”,ought to lay up.

 More than 30 years ago in “11 problem of modern physics” why not explain?

 There is something wrong with the basic theory!

 “11 problem” more involved in particle theory, under “the particle variable”, even “how many kinds of basic particles” can’t agree, a complete solution is difficult to form naturally.

 Nowadays, many physical scholars be skillful in “quality variable” use, and the people of firmly believe “quality can’t change” then very rare, an article of “quality can’t change”viewpoint is impossible in mainstream theory. 

 When “the solar system have a shell”、“the cosmos only have a solar system” “stars of cosmos to be image only ” and so on articles in a large of number, only several Chinese (some general Chinese) can published article to the contrary at internet. Visible, “quality variable” act as a mistake, already step in the cloud of physical theory, make nu-preciseness style of writing climate.

3 why so far physical field does not raise this grave mistake


  3.1 the selection be in a dilemma 

 Before no one raise the theory of violation of any law, the violation of the law can’t enter theory. From above 2.1 can see, at that time really encountered problems, people to see the phenomenon of not able to explain as a rule encountered “exception”, for explain the difficult problems, between the quality “variable” and “can’t variable” selected “variable” .

 But, also can see, if at that time some one to elected “can’t variable”, is equal to keep the difficult problems in physics, how to make that time of people feel disappointed this is!

 From then on, “ quality variable” be believed, it is the understanding factors


  3.2 theory check no strict 

 At the time of difficult problems get solute, ignore checks: “quality variable” and “it can’t variable” there are different principle, “can’t variable” is the admission for natural phenomenon, mean admit that exists objectively, no need to prove mechanism, there is no mechanism; “quality variable” be belong to “change”, any “change” all exist mechanism, it just the study object of natural science. But “quality variable” seems become the exception, since predecessor not raise the mechanism, contemporary also not feel this need mechanism, more not feel if there are no mechanisms, “variable” cannot be established! 


  3.3 the method of handing of mention lightly for theory mistake 

 The premise of correcting errors is understand mistake, under the circumstance of not understand mistake, now have a handing method of understatement, mean add a explain of “exist problems” or “exist difficult” to the related theory.

 This method have great containment, admit the “theory”of “exist problems” or “exist difficult” stately into mainstream theory. 

 The theory of “exist problems” or “exist difficult” equivalent to at least is the theory of the imperfect, need to further analysis and study, find the problem;it may be the wrong theory also, need to give up. They are allowed enter the theory, hard to avoid make theory watering, generate the new “problem ” and “difficulty”. And the understatement to for the theory blurred the line between right and wrong people distinguish theory, make basic theory from zero tolerance change to can let “problem、difficulty”. 

  3.4 need systemic analysis,more difficult 

 Now the physical basic theory was many scholars piled up by long-term continuos efforts, though find “existing problem、difficulty”, but “improved” is hardly. 


4 To distinguish between right and wrong

 To distinguish theory’s right or wrong need from law、mechanism、completeness nd so on aspects:

Now to discuss:

 (1a) the natural law is belong to objective existing, the physical fired include many laws, it like a tree, “conservation of matter” and “conservation of energy” to be the main law or the basic law, like the trunk, possess universality, any physical theory should be fit to it. 

 Some law such as the Boyle’s theorem、the second law of thermodynamics、refraction theorem、 Lenz theorem and so theorems to be the local applicable law, like the tree branch, also many theorems applicate more small range, like the withe. The applicative range of local applicable law cannot extended at will. People use the second law of thermodynamic to prove cosmos will going to “heat death”, this is put this local applicative law override on the the basic law “conservation of energy”.

 Basic particle should not changing、should not destroy;mass、celestial body can’t bizarre compression, because, the opposite phenomenon never really seen, two “immortalization” to the basic law.

 It has been put forward, believe in particle can “change” was the important reason of particle theory happen mistake, the other reason is failure to identify the measured particle to be “a grain” or number of grains 、to be“companion” state or “vortex” state, only distinguish “new particle” by different electron volt. 

 If it is don’t seriously rely on the law, how to distinguish the correctness or un-correctness for the theory?

 The physical law should be lay on the position of “deny just need one vote ”, the theory of not fit to physical law ought judge to incorrect theory, those “particles” of root from “change” ——fission、fusion、metamorphosis、、、、——need to study their physical truth seriously, get the true knowledge, not credulous “change” out into “a grain of ”a true particle.

 Certainly, the existing law is the result of understanding, a few incomplete in this also possible, may improve through again and again verify. 

 The extension of quality conservation、mass conservation is particle should be possess quality, thus may daring let those “not quality particle” scatter with wind.

 The energy’s physical dimension contains two factors of quality and speed, one for both, from this judgment, energy can’t be free from quality(matter);energy can’t be none volume.

 It can be seen, adhere to the rules can avoid form some “theory” of none mechanism、lack mechanism . 

 (2a)the mechanism was the “cause and effect” relation of the physical variation, get hold of “cause and effect” relation, theory to explain、judge and forecast. There is no “the result of none mechanism”, when refer to “quality change”, at first need to find mechanism.

 When put forward the judgment of “change”, at first need to find mechanism of “change”, as for “quality variable”, need to ask “how to change”、what is the mechanism?

 “God particle ( Higgs boson) give quality to other particle”、“earth’s magnetic field has reversed many times”、“big bang generated cosmos”、、、、these all belong to the “variation”, only after find mechanism, to believe that this change can happen;if all the way can’t find the mechanism, might as well believe that there is no such “change”, to change train of thought for analysis.

 When put forward “a particle give quality to other particle”, need to explain this particle how to give the quality to other particle.

 For example of the geomagnetism, the formation of three elements was:

 Space electric field、earth rotation、internal conduct electric and magnetic. I.e. Space star like 

a spherical electro magnet, the mechanism of formation of magnetic field is the same of form the magnetic field of electromagnet, hereby, “earth’s magnetic field reverse ” means earth’s rotate direction change 180 degree! 

 Earth’s “magnetic field reversed many times”need earth’s rotate direction change many times, “ earth’s rotate direction revers” need a energy of push the earth turning in the opposite direction, 

Does exist this energy? Does many times exist these energy of with 180 degree to push the earth reversed? 

 If earlier been cleared the mechanism, I’m afraid won’t easily put forward “earth’s magnetic field reverse”, recently many writings on the net put forward “ after several month Earth’s magnetic field will reversed 180 degree ”, obviously, the scholars of the theory, cannot according the mechanism to answer “how can form the sun’s magnetic field”.

 Certainly, the earth’s magnetic field, the sun’s magnetic field, their formed mechanism is the same, but, due to the internal lava flows and the composition uneven, the magnetic pole often have some few excursion to the “geographic pole” be unavoidable, but the 180 degree reversion is unlikely to happen. Why? Because this require “exist” the external energy of make them rotating direction change 180 degree. If none this “existing”, can’t achieve the magnetic pole change 180 degree. Could not speak in this way, but according to the few excursion so computing to 180 degree, inevitable limitation.

 (3a)the correct basic theory should be able to repeat bear consider and discuss, should be in the relevant circumstance are not a problem. there were not be a “difficult”. Conversely, it a theory only can be shows its correct in the limited situation, on other occasions shows “problem”、“difficult” , this means is not the correct theory. Such as:

 A. There are “four kinds of force” theory, it is shows correct at to explain the force between microscopic particles why widely divergent with macroscopic object, but, the size of the force is the quantity difference, why it become the difference of the “kinds”? It shows this theory can’t complete. This also make people believe need to develop “quadrivium”(Newtonian mechanics、quantum electrodynamics、quantum flavor dynamics、quantum chromodynamics) to research force separately, does it harms the systematicness of the force theory or form the systematicness of the force theory? To this article 《 the “unification” of strong forces、weak force、electromagnetic force、gravitation 》 had analyzed, regard as the “force” root in “the force-line act each other”, the difference of force is the difference of the quantity of the acting force-line, so,from the point of “”, there is only one kind of force. 

 B. The theory of there are three kinds of (“12 kinds”、“62 kinds”、“>300 kinds”) basic particle have the problem itself,in these only “12 kinds” did explained “how form proton”, this explain as well disharmony with the fact of “proton’s quality highly fit ” thus “have difficult”.

 Only the theory of “the basic particle was two kinds of graviton and repulton” never appear the problem in completeness and systematicness。 

 C. Recently “solar has shell” theory online, this is for to explain the American not find stars on the moon’s sky. But, this theory lack of systematicness and one-sidedness has been get reveal from U.S. spacecraft fly out of solar system and the telescope on the China “Chang-e” has been observed many stars. 

 Actually, theory’s completeness and systematicness can’t leave of accordance with law and with mechanism, it is the necessary and sufficient condition of the correct theory.

5 outlook

 The understanding is the premise of the correction, people will not be allow the situation of physical theory long-term exist “difficult” and “problem”,the theory with this “exist problem”theory for the basis certainly should not correct;need the new theory of none “difficult”and “problem”, after new theory’s filtering, the space of physical basic theory well be crystal clear, incorrect “theory” thus could n’t be flowed, so to speak:“there well be brightness” .