L53 试释月球上的“十个未解之谜” unsolv


     L53    试释月球上的“十个未解之谜”

提 要 从《L04 物质演变》观点看来,“月球起源”等“之谜”乃是物质演变的自然结果 

关键词  月球起源  月球年龄 月球土壤 月球水气 月表玻璃状 月球磁场 



1. 月球起源之谜 

2. 月球年龄之谜 

3. 月球土壤的年岁比岩石年岁更大之谜

4. 当巨大物体袭击月球时,月球发出空心球似的声音之谜 

5. 不锈铁之谜 

6. 月球放射性之谜 





  可以看出,问题1 的分量比其它题要重,一旦正确答案得到,对其它题的解答很有帮助。但是,“起源之谜”对于物理基础理论恰恰普遍存在,如:宇宙起源、星系起源、太阳起源、地球起源等等,这些都没有圆满学说,这里涉及到宇宙中物质的演变,已有的理论未能从不同规模的物体演变中发现联系和普适成分。

  但《L04 物质演变》有助于回答于此,根据该文观点,物质客观存在,对此不存在理由,只需要承认,而物质的演变则存在机理,此文探讨了这一机理。

  如果把宇宙比作人体,一个恒星系统可以比作细胞。以太阳系为例,这个细胞是怎么演变的呢?在这个空域进行着“物质聚散循环”,从“循环”的任何一个环节例如“超新星爆发”解开这一“循环” ,演变可分为两条路径:



以上两条路径的循环看出,(1)是物质的“内外循环”,(2) 是“内部循环”。(1)既有大量物质成为基本粒子散入太空,也从空间得到进入本系统空域的基本粒子,使系统内的总质量有所波动但大体上不会离奇改变。


路径(1)在这个空间的聚合演变从 两枚高速飞行方向相反的引力子开始,形成“微涡旋双星”,引力子原来具有光速量级的速度,如果所有引力子的速度绝对值相同,“微双星”的“群速”等于零,而相互回旋的速度等于它们原先的线速度,显然,此时它们的动能1/2mv2 不变而“形式”已经转变,“射线能”转变成为“核能”,前者很容易通过“冲击”它的“阻档物”而显示存在,后者则难以显示。





   现在试释以上“之谜 ”如下: 










  “电子层让位引发核反应”,源于“聚合效应”,其机理《L04 物质演变》已经阐述。


1答:月球与地球同时起源于 “本系统”上一次“超新星爆发”,它俩同太阳、太阳系的其它行星、卫星都是同胞。

2答:由于《1答》 月球同地球、太阳乃是“同龄人”。





6答:月球上放射线元素的分布不是一个预先可以准确说明的问题,需要实测。上面叙述过月球物质来源与地球相同,如果地球放射线元素的 分布并不均匀,月球上放射线元素的分布很可能也不均匀。



空间到处在聚合形成原子、分子、宇宙尘、、,随着当地电场状况的不同,原子、分子、宇宙尘的化学成分不能相同,元素有轻有重,有不同同位素,当然也会有“水”,应当说,地球附近的“空间水”大都降临到了地球之上,很少的水分进入月球空域, 当这些“很少”的水降落到月球表面又很快汽化成为水蒸气便是自然现象。






2019.3.26 加注 : 本文于2013/12/21 登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月投入使用的现在的新架构未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以保持原貌


L53   The ten unsolved mysteries of the moon

abstract  from the viewpoint of article 《L04 matter’s evolution 》to see, “moon’s origin” and so on “mysteries” to be the nature results of 

key words  moon’s origin moon’s age moon’s soil moon’s moisture moon glass-like lunar magnetic field              



 The “The ten unsolved mysteries of the moon ” published on the web is:

1. The moon origin

2. The moon’s age 

3. The age of moon’s soil is older than the rock’s 

4. When massive objects hit the moon, it send out the voice like hollow sphere

5. Moon’s pure iron was non-rust on the earth

6. The moon radioactive

7. A large number of moisture on the moon

8. The moon’s surface was glass-like 

9. Moon’s magnetic field

10. The moon’s mysterious “material gathering” 

 It can be seen, the weight of the question 1 is heavier than the other, once get the correct answer, is very helpful answers to other questions.But, the “the mystery of origin” just on the common of basic physical theory, such as:cosmos origin、galaxy origin、the sun origin、the earth origin and so on, these all have no complete theory, here comes to the evolution of the matter in the universe, the existing theory failed found in contact and universal components of different size of the matter evolution.

 But the 《L04 matter’s evolution 》will help answer on this,according to this view, there is no reason to matter existing objectively, only need to acknowledge, but the evolution of the material should exist mechanism,this writing discussed this mechanism.

 If to see universe as a body, then the star system as a cell.For example of the solar system, how evolution for this cell? In this space proceed “the circulation of matter’s gather and scatter” , begin from any link of this circulation such as “supernova” to untie this “circulation”, evolution may divided two path:

(1)“supernova”——→atom break up become two kinds of basic particle (graviton、repulton)fly to space with high speed;cosmic rays (high-speed graviton) from space fly pass through this field, among these some through “ storing-energy polymerization ” change to proton (if having repulton join in so become neutron)、atom、molecule——→cosmic dust、loose polymer——→at last become the meteorite objects of the massive objects in this systems——→ follow below (2) “supernova” (finished a circulation)

 (2)“supernova”——→the not break atoms expand as high temperature air mass——→condense become a batch of “bright spot” ——→cooling to a planet system ——→the largest planet in this system evolve become star ——→“supernova” (finished a circulation)

 From above two path of circulation can see, (1) is inner-external circulation, (2) is inner circulation.(1)have a lot of material to become basic particles in to space, also from space to get the basic particles into the airspace of this system, make the sum mass of system have fluctuation but do not change bizarre. 

 Because many atom break up, path(2)the quality of many, planets in the original area generated is not enough to quickly form star, largest of which the planet need several hundred million years of accumulated mass can be transformed into a star.

 The polymerizing evolution of path (1) is begin from two graviton of flying in the opposite direction, form the “micro vortex double star”, the original graviton with the speed of the light-speed level, if all graviton’s absolute value of the speed is equal, the “group velocity” of “micro vortex double star” is zero, and their velocity of mutual convolute is equal to their original line speed, obviously, now their kinetic 1/2mv2 energy is not change and the form has been changed, from “ray energy” change to “nuclear energy”, the former is easily indicate the presence through “impact” its “blocking”, the latter is difficult to show. 

 “micro vortex double star” send attracting force-line outward, hence gradually grow into “micro vortex galaxy”, but also gradually reduce the density of attracting force-line (polymerizing effect), when reach to the proton scale, the released outward attracting force-line no longer can attract space graviton join in, the size of the proton become a stable. 

 Since graviton from space star and “supernova”, the speed there is may be have a smaller “difference”, it is equal to the speed difference of stars, mean the “speed of the universe” magnitude, thus, new polymerizing proton possess “cosmic speed”, protons polymerize to atom is similar with above process,just raised a material scale.

 There fore, in the space of the moon is samely polymerizing generate atom、molecule、cosmic dust…….

 Now try to explain above “problems” as follows: 




 The moon origin deeds inspect in the origins、evolution of solar system, after “supernova” there form a batch of bright spots,after cooling can they concentrate together? 

 The answer is: will not, because of after cooled these “spots” just the planets in this system, after they generated the mutual gravitation will “ closer” to they, become to the “heart”movement, this “heart”to be they “whole’s” center of mass;besides, they original can’t “static” in the space, everyone have its cosmic speed, therefore, the result is formed a planets system of in the circumnutation, some bub of leave the planet close possible become “planetary planet”——satellite. If some a planet develop up to its quality account for the “vast majority”, the quality center then in in its body, and near its center.

 From this description of the process can be seen, in a system of the aster, planet、satellite to be generated in the same time, only cause by the difference of quality, circle round around the “different center”.

 That “larger planet” would sent out more attracting force-line, get more “ meteorite object ”, and faster grow up, virtuous circle, gradually run to everyone around the“largest planet”(now the quality center in its body) round, and the satellite still around its planet round.

 Center’s high pressure make the “largest planet” atomic shell unbearable while get away, proton、neutron get “combine”and that break up become the basic particle leave with high speed, thus give off the atomic anergy hence turn into star.

 “ atomic shell get away cause atomic reaction” born of “polymerizing effect”, the mechanism has been stated in 《L04 matter’s evolution 》.

 Thus the answer of ten problems is:

(1) the moon and the earth was born in the same time of the last “supernova explosion” of this system, this both are all the compatriots with the sun and other planets、satellites of this system.

(2) because of answer (1), the moon to be the contemporary with the earth and the sun.

(3) before the moon get cooling its sky has been generated cosmic dust, they landed become “lunar dust”.

(4) many of the mountains exist huge cave, part of the cave surface is covered in carbonate or exist carbonate debris thus the word “karst cave”, it seems the huge cave to be the result of the sea water to melt, if all those “empty” is the result of sea water to melt, where is the formed carbonate ? Knowledge of metallurgy to explain, when the magma gradually cooling, the “contraction cavity”in the “after cooling” region is inevitable, hence, tend to have huge hole in the earth mountains, at that, some moos’s surface below rocks exit cave, this should be a normal physical phenomenon.

(5) moon’s rock sample of pure iron particles on the earth does not rust , people say:“in the scientific world, don’t rust of pure iron is unheard”.Actually, a new phenomenon, not only worth to studying, and appraisal theory, the same element, not only there is many isotopes, and that, formed in the different environment, may be have the difference of crystal and outer shell orbital, thus affect their chemical activity,“don’t rust of pure iron is unheard” is seen in lab.Pour water on the red-hot iron plate can get chemical activity changed water, the iron generated in the moon its chemical nature have some difference can only say,the chemical property of material, not only depends on the chemical composition, also depends on the state of atom、molecule,it is worth to continues study. 

(6) the distribution of radioactive elements on the moon is not a question in advance can explain exactly, need to test.The above described, the moon’s material source is the same with the earth, if the earth radiation element distribution in not uniform, the distribution of radiation element on the moon is likely to be uneven.

(7) water vapor comes from evaporation, water come from “sky falling”, “sky falling” has been continuos detected from earth sky, where come from the “sky falling”? 

 Space everywhere polymerizing form atom、molecule、cosmic dust……,as the local electric field in different condition, the chemical composition of atom、molecule、atomic dust can’t be the same, element has light and heavy, there are different isotopes, of course also have the water, ought to say, near the earth’s “space water” mostly come to earth, a few water enter to moon’s airspace, when this “little” of water to the surface of the moon landing and vaporizing soon become water vapor is a natural phenomenon.

 (8) if no oxygen on the surface of the earth, the earth surface rocks should also light smooth, because there is no oxygen on the surface of the moon, as for the similar glass, its bright degree and colour, depends on the chemical composition, should not the same everywhere.

(9) this fact explained, the moon in the past has “spin”, at that time its inner has the liquid magma;the space has electronic distribution field——space electric field.These are the three conditions for space object generate magnetic field, as a result, in the past the moon has the magnetic field, but, to maintain electric field need to consume the moment of inertia, this slowed the rotation, at last stop rotation, the whole magnetic field disappear.That is the speculation for the way of moon’s ever.

(10)after the moon from liquid condition cooling to concretion, is the quality of inner distribution uniform or non-uniform? It is similar with the problem of “is the earth’s quality of inner distribution uniform or non-uniform” , answer this problem need after got measure data.