L44简答 “21世纪四大科学难题”Simple analy



简答 “21世纪四大科学难题” 


摘要: 四大科学难题何以难,难在基础理论不能提供解释的支持,难在基础理论的不圆满

关键词:四大科学难题  类星体 


1, 物理学理论上的对称问题在实验中为什么做不出来?

2, 理论物理发现的基本粒子有一半却不能独立存在,为什么?

3, 占宇宙总质量90%的暗物质,到底是由什么物质组成的?

4, 类星体的能量特别巨大,如何解释?

  当前的物理基础理论由于存在系统的“问题”, 自身难以圆满,以质子为例,现在的理论认为它是这么聚合而成的: 11种基本粒子(从12种里去除电子)分为三组,每组各出一枚,聚合成为质子,已知这11种基本粒子的质量各不相同,“每组各出一枚”,并不一定是哪一枚,如果上述理论正确,质子“应当有36种不同质量”而不可能有“相同”质量。但实际测量表明,质子的质量是1.67248×10-24克,此数值具有6位有效值,亦即,质量高度划一。这说明,基本粒子的种类不能多于3,正确的理论不能不顾客观事实而说一面之词。这里可以判断的是基本粒子远少于12种,更不可能达到62种。而认为基本粒子有62种的至今不乏其论!可见,有人说“物理无理”,良有以也。










  6种“夸克”、介子等“一大批粒子”其实并不是真正的“一粒”,它们乃是数量不同的引力子形成的“微涡旋星系”,它们的“电子伏”不同反映的并非简单的“质量不同”而是“粒子数量”不同,其理何在?这些“粒子”无一不可以“分裂”,无一不是“暂态”,无一不带正电荷,《L04 物质演变》文中叙述过,引力子在空间聚合时,遵守物质不灭、能量不灭两项基础自然规律,先形成两枚引力子相互高速回旋的“微涡旋双星”,逐渐增加成为不同成员数量的“微涡旋星系”,受“聚合效应” 制约,最大是质子。

  上述“一大批粒子”其实乃是“不同成员数量的‘微涡旋星系’”, 它们都有较多引力线发出,具有强烈聚合倾向,当然难以独立存在。此问题明确显示,现在的粒子理论尚未贴近实际。


  “暗物质”来自“宇宙加速膨胀”理论,此理论来自远星光谱出现红移且“距离越远红移越大”。“暗物质占90%” 便是由此计算出来的。因此,真正客观存在的是“远星光谱出现红移”,膨胀理论、宇宙大爆炸理论都是为了解释“红移”而提出的,至于此理论对不对,需要论证。这里只提出一件事:除了“红移” 远星之外,还存在“蓝移”远星,作为物理理论,不能只论“红移”而不顾“蓝移”。现实恰恰如此,大爆炸理论不断补充,却避而不谈“蓝移”,是否能够成为可信的正确理论呢?




  “类星体” 不同于一般恒星的物理状态是它们发出比一般远星大的多的能量和强得多的光。这里存在两点认识局限:一是认为远星应当同近星处于同一种状态,因此距离越远亮度越低;二是缺乏对于宇宙中星体演变的推理分析。

  《L04 物质演变》叙述了物质在空间循环演变的过程与各环节,其中一环是“超新星爆发”,在此阶段其亮度与物质发射要远远大于一般“恒星”状态。


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Simple analyze “the four big scientific difficult problems of 21 century”

[ S. G .Chinese

Abstract:why the four big scientific problems is difficult, the difficulty lie in the basic theory cannot offer support for explanatory, lie in basic theory is not perfect 

Key words: the four big scientific difficult problems   quasar

  Go by the name of “the four big scientific difficult problems of 21 century” are below problems:

1, why do not to come out in the test for symmetry problem of physical theory? 

2, there are half of the basic(elementary)particle of theoretical physics find but cannot independent exist, Why?

3, to the end what is the component matter of dark matter of occupy cosmic total mass 90%?

4, the energy of quasar was special huge, how to make clear? 

  Due to the current physical basic theory exist systematic “problem”, cannot satisfactory if self ,for example of the proton, current theory to think it was such get together:11 kinds of basic particle (wipe off electron from 12 kinds) divided to three group, each group out one, together become the proton, the quality of given 11 kinds of basic particle are differ from one another, “each group out one” not fixed which one, if above theory is correct, the proton “ought have 36 kinds of quality value” and impossibility have “the same” quality, but the reality measure make clear, the quality of proton was 1.67248×10-24gram,this value possess 6 bit effective value, that is, the quality highly uniform.It explain, the kinds of basic particle cannot more than 3, the correct theory cannot in spite of objective fact moreover talk the statement of only one of the parties.

  Here can judged that the kind of basic particle is far less than 12, more cannot reach to the kinds of 62.Up to now there is not lack of theories to think of basic particle have the kinds of 62.visible, people say “physics have no reasons” is much have its basis.

  Now analyze and answer above four problems:


  “Symmetry” is a kind of properties of objective existing of “some” physical things, but, someone be going to open up to “whole” for “some” don’t give the proving, this is lack of reason in itself, certainly cannot expect it is correct.

  The reasonable viewpoint is, nature exist accurate symmetry——or absolute symmetry——things, at the same time also exist roughly symmetry——or relative symmetry——things, still exist asymmetric things.

  If one thing is symmetry, decided by physical mechanism.While cannot decided by imagine, more cannot believe in it exist “symmetry principle”. 

The accurate symmetry things as:the acting force is equal to the reacting force; in the charging by friction, the quantity of positive charge is equal to the negative charge etc. 

  The roughly symmetry things as:the appearance symmetry of propagation、snowflake etc.

  The asymmetric things as:the properties to be different of positive charge (the electrons leaning much of atom’s outer layer form repulsion force-line leaning more)and negative charge (the electrons leaning few of atom’s outer layer so the attracting force-line of nuclear get escape);time progress;parity etc.


  The six kinds of “quark”、meson and so on “piles of particles ” actually does not true “a grain”, they are the “micro vortex galaxy” form of graviton of different quantity, the difference of their electron volt reflective does not simple “different quality ” but different of “overall quality”, wherein the reason? These “particles”, no one cannot “fission”, no one does not “transient state”, no one not carry positive charge, it narrated in《L04 the evolution of matter》

  When graviton in polymerizing, abide by two basic natural law of matter conservation and energy conservation, first form the “micro vortex double star” of two graviton mutual convolute, gradually increase become the “micro vortex galaxy” of different members, suffer the condition of “polymerizing effect”, the maximum is proton.

  Above “piles of particles ” in fact to be ‘the “micro vortex galaxy” of the different quantity’ , they all have the attracting force-line of compare more and issue, possess intensity polymerizing trend, certainly cannot independent existing.This problem explicit display, present particle theory not yet press close to reality.


  Dark matter t come from “Cosmic acceleration” theory, this theory come from the spectrum of far star appear red shift moreover “more far the distance more big the red shift”.“dark matter occupy 90%” exactly come out by calculate from this.Therefore, really objective existing was “the spectrum of far star appear red shift”, expansion theory、big bang theory are all suggested for explain “red shift”, as to this theory is right or not, need demonstration.Here only raise one thing:besides the far star of “red shift”, also existing the far star of “blue shift”, act as the physical theory, cannot only discuss about “red shift” and ignore “blue shift”.The reality just in this way, big bang theory constantly replenish, but shy away from “blue shift”.Whether can become correct theory of credible?

  Actually, “red shift” and “blue shift” are all the optical phenomenon of far space, cannot apply mechanically with Doppler effect of close range.

Therefore, “dark matter、dark energy” to be the production of “one-side theory”, does not really exist. 


  The not alike physical state of “quasars” with general stars are they issue much more energy and much strong light.Here exist two point of cognition limit: the one is to think whole far stars ought are all on the same condition, so the distance of star more far then the luminance more low;the second is short of the rational analysis of aster evolution in the cosmos.

  《L04 the evolution of matter》narrated process and every link of cycle evolution of matter in the space, the one link among those is “supernova explosion ”, in this stage star’s luminance and mass emission would afar large than general “star’s” state.

  Usually estimate the life of a star about ten thousand million years, but the light period of “supernova” about an year.Namely, according to the probability, in the ten thousand million stars it about have one star just lie in “supernova”.  

  Modern, the star of can observed about 2×1022(10 to the power of 22), therefore there are a large number of stars are locating in the “supernova explosion ”.have reason for believe in, those “quasar”, to be the star in the “supernova explosion ”, this a link of matter evolution circle of cosmos, space star about one-10 thousand million just lie in “quasar” state.