L41婴儿黑洞“Infant Black Hole”



提   要  从机理看,“黑洞” 乃是“超新星爆发”后,原地形成的暂时真空状态,现代物理学在缺乏机理和确证的情况下赋予“黑洞”越来越多的“性质”和“内容”,构建了许多方程,使“黑洞”成为超越实际的意识形态事物。


关键词   婴儿黑洞  黑洞 


  1 黑洞理论并不扎实

  三十一年前,一个业余天文学家发现了SN 1979C超新星爆炸(以下简为“爆”)。前些天,美国国家宇航局(NASA)发布新闻,公布他们发现了一个年仅31岁的黑洞,这个黑洞在SN1979C超新星的“遗骸”中发现,距离地球5000万光年,是目前人类科学家发现的最年轻的“黑洞”,即所谓“婴儿黑洞”。

  以下分析会发现,“新闻发布”内容不够扎实。本文不怀疑望远镜从“SN 1979C”那个方向发现了X射线源,但是,在5000万光年处,即使把银河系(10万光年)放在那里,所占视角也仅有0.11度,而这个“微小”的角度里包含了2000多亿颗恒星。无论钱德拉望远镜还是哈勃太空望远镜,其角定位精度充其量不优于0.01角秒,在这麽微小的角空间(边长为5000光年)中,恒星数量何止成千上万,怎么能够肯定所发现的X射线源是原先“SN 1979C”的位置?这里是说,“婴儿黑洞”的“定位”有点玄乎。






  2 “黑洞”的来由















通常,恒星以它的引力线,从空间引来物质,当这项“收入” 大于“支出”(核反应的“散失”)时,恒星便会“发展”,越来越“大”。











3  关于“黑洞”的性质


 1 “黑洞”永存,可以“融合”,不会消失


 3 “黑洞”可形成巨大引力,使物质变形、使星系绕其回旋,每个星系中心都有一个巨大的黑洞

 4 “黑洞”表面堆积物质,不会塌缩

 5 “黑洞”吞噬物质变大

 6 “黑洞”具有熵值

 7 巨型“黑洞”不再吞噬人,人入其中,可见外界,外界不能见到他

 8 “黑洞”边缘会不断产生粒子-反粒子对和正/负粒子对。当负能量粒子被吸入“黑洞”,正能量粒子就能获得能量逃逸


 10 “黑洞”是宇宙中密度最大和引力最强大的天体

 11 “黑洞”不让任何其边界以内的任何事物被外界看见

 12 “黑洞”吸纳一切,光也逃不了

 13 质量越大的“黑洞”温度越低 

  “黑洞”还在被不断赋予新的物理特征。如此次宣布的“婴儿黑洞”充其量就是在原来SN 1079C位置附近发现了X射线源,因此看出,这里暗含了“黑洞”还具有能够发出X射线的性质。






 4 分析


  成语“似是而非”含有不否定某些现象而仅不讃同所作判断的意思。在此,“爆”、空间X射线源、空间涡旋星系等都是客观存在,是扎实的客观存在。至于“爆”后物质能否又回来“塌缩”、“ 塌缩”成为什么样的“事物”?空间X射线源究竟是否从原来那个“超新星”那里发出的?诸如此类则属于不能肯定的部分。

  关于性质‘1’的“黑洞永存”,涉及一个哲理问题,宇宙间既有永存的事物,也有具有“寿命期”的“暂存”事物,前者无限期存在,因而无所谓“寿命”、无所谓“产生”与“消亡”;后者相反,既存在“形成”、“产生”也有“毁灭”、“消亡”。如果要使‘1’成立,首先需证明“黑洞”属于“永存”的物理事物,只有“永存”了,才不会消失;关于“黑洞” 的可以“融合”,概念相当模糊,难以令人置信;“黑洞”既然不断“产生”,又“永存”,设想,现在空间应当是什么样子?






  ‘4’ ‘5’ ‘6’同样出自主观想象。需要注意,“熵”同“温度”、“热量”相关,亦即,同原子、分子相关,诸如“中子星”、“超重物质”、质子、中子、电子等“非”原子物质,无所谓熵。在“黑洞到底是什么”并未定论之前,考虑“黑洞的熵”甚至列出方程来描述“黑洞的熵”显然偏于超前。




 (1) 基本粒子的种类其实只有两种:引力子、斥力子。认为它有12种是多了,再加“传力粒子” 更无必要。明显的问题之一是,质子、中子的质量高度一致至5位有效数,同现在的“基本粒子分三组”每组出一个成员组成质子的理论不相协调。由两种基本粒子聚合形成的质子、中子其质量当然可以高度一致。至于认为“基本粒子有62种”“基本粒子多于300种”更是多得离谱了。

 (2) 基本粒子与力线“共存”,并不存在游离于力线的“电磁”“味”“色”,“四个力”的差别其实在于力线数量(或密度)不同。

 (3) 已命名成千上万“种”“粒子”, 其实全部是“复数”粒子。

 (4) “粒子可变”, 其实是“基本粒子组群”的成员数量可变。

 (5) 所谓“镜像粒子”、“反粒子”,并不存在产生它们的机制


  9——13的立论就更加恣意,万有引力能够导致物质塌缩成为 “特别致密”吗?基于《L04 物质演变》阐述的“聚合效应”,物质越大,引力线密度越低,因为绝大多数力线已成为内部的作用力线,所以,宏观物体只能形成万有引力,此力能够吸引两颗恒星相互环绕回旋不再离开,但是却不能大到使气体“塌缩”为液体、固体,更不可能形成“超重物质”。


“婴儿黑洞”出自SN1979C超新星方向发现了X射线源,空间的X射线源就是“黑洞”吗?《L04 物质演变》阐述了在物质演变循环过程中,行星吸引陨物“长大”,大到接近“太阳那么大”,心部原子被高压压垮,质子、中子相撞发生核反应的机理。

在其内部核反应开始发生的若干万年内,它的心部不断升温,而且向外发出X射线等射线,此时外表温度不很高,不能从天文望远镜中发现它们,只是“射线源”,基于空间每天都发生若干“超新星爆发”,每“爆发”一个,意味着空间少了一颗恒星,因此,空间必定也在“产生”同样数量的“新恒星” (否则,恒星“越来越少”——),如上所述,“新恒星”在“明亮可见”之前的若干万年内,只是一颗望远镜“看不到”的X射线源,所以,空间这样的“射线源”不会很少,而且依据概率,其分布应当比较均匀。



5 结论


 2019.3.26 加注: 本文于2010/12/15 登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月投入使用的现在的新架构未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以保持原貌。

L41“Infant Black Hole”,to be or not to be?


abstract from mechanism to see, “black hole” to be the temporary vacuum state of autochthonous after “supernova explosion”, modern physics under the condition of lack mechanism and assured proof give “black hole” more and more “nature” and “content”, build many equation, to make “black hole” become ideology thing of surpass reality.   

key words  Infant Black Hole  Black Hole 


  1 “black hole” theory does not strong

  Before 31 years, an amateur astronomer discovered supernova explosion SN1979C, (below in “supernova”) .Previous day, NASA issue news, publish them find an Infant Black Hole only 31 years old, this black hole been find from the “human remains” of “supernova” SN1979C, it distance earth 50 million light years, to be the most young “black hole” of now human scientist find, mean they call “Infant black hole”.

  Below analysis will find, the content of “press release” not enough strong, this text not doubt discovered X-ray source from that direction of “SN 1979C”, but, at the locate of 50 million light years, even milk way galaxy (100 thousands light years) at there, it occupy the angle of view only 0.11 degree, and in this mini angle contain more than hundred thousands million stars.No matter that Chandra telescope or Hubble space telescope, its positioning accuracy of angle not be superior to 0.01 second of arc, in so tiny angle space (length of a side at 5000 light years), star’s quantity far more than tens of thousands of, how can affirm the discovered X-ray source is former position of “SN 1979C”? here is to say, the “positioning” of “Infant Black Hole” have a bit iffy. 

  Up to now the article of “black hole” not rare, major “black hole” theory think, “black hole” come from “supernova”, some theory still more according to “mass” scale be going to divide into some class for “black hole” under the condition of up to now not really detect “black hole”.

The article give “black hole” “possess super strong attracting force ”、can “to swallow”、 “inosculate” and so on many miraculous properties and not explain mechanism, there fore, these theory difficult to make conviction.Here relate to the most basic problem is:actually what is “black hole”?  

  Compared to present “black theory”, previous “black hole theory” compare prudent, not exceed the limit of physical mechanism and physical law, to think the “black hole ” was generated after “supernova”, the “black hole” at “that time” cannot spread electric wave、cannot find with optical 

instrument;current “black hole” then be endow with a lot of “property”, because these “property” is subjective endow, so should not consider relate to theory of “black hole” is strong.That is to say, this “black hole” of present black hole theory to the end it does have or not have still be worth to analysis, not the solid basis can affirm “have”.


  2 the cause of “black hole”

  Now, theory about the cause of “black hole” have:

(1) After “supernova” from “black hole”

(2) A star of burn finish due to personal gravity and constant collapse, final will form “black hole”

(3) “Black hole” ordinarily is form from collapse large star of be at death’s door, bodily form huge, appetite is amazing 

(4) “Black hole” cause by neutron star more contract 

(5) star——white dwarf——neutron star——quark star——“black hole”

(6) “small black hole” produced from proton clash

(7) following ceaseless cast matter and ceaseless accumulate of the matter of explosive base point, formed the matter similar the “black hole” of our world in one-dimensional space

  It can be seen, the common ground of (1)——(7)was only raise a kind of “so” of subjective assumed and not raise “the reason why”, lack of the mechanism, difficult to answer interpellation, such as, if quiz: 

(1a) does the “black hole” is matter? If right, what just the different with star’s matter? 

(2a) to the end how generated of the “black hole”?

(3a) where come from the attracting force of the “black hole”?

“black hole” theory clearly cannot reply above those problems according to mechanism, compare to it the more direct problem is:can “supernova” according to (2) form “black hole”?

  The answer of textual is:should not! Why? The reason is:“supernova” was come from “development” of star, the star’s center happened nuclear reaction, proton、neutron of “suffer reaction” become basic particle leave with light speed, no longer return at all. 

  Generally, star use its gravitational force-line, draw down matter from space, when this “income” greater then “pay out” (“dissipate” of nuclear reaction), star then get “development”, more and more “large”.

The result of “large” is within magnify the nuclear area of the center, “magnify” to a certain extent, the hole matter of star evaporate and boil off, this exactly “supernova”.

  Space ceaseless find “supernova” to explain, star universally on the “develop” process, therefore, every star would “to go forward” the direction of “supernova”, it is the general trend of can not reversion. 

  At present see, after “supernova”, be able or not “gravitation” redraw hole matter and “collapse” become “overweight matter”、“neutron star”、“super strong gravitational”、“possess swallow ability ”and so on aster? Through observe can know, the high temperature air mass of “supernova” from after expand its existing time reckon with “year”, this phenomenon make clear, the gravitation really exist, make the air mass should not be lost;but in the meantime also indicate, gravitation was limited.“under heat insulation condition”, go through some years, even it cannot make gas “collapse” into liquid, quite apart from “collapse become super weight matter ”, go so far as to those basic particles of leave with light speed, obvious no longer cannot haul back them.

  Cannot expect after “supernova” mass and gravitation be able to make miracle, because, in the macroscopic, by no means exist “strong force”, even “strong force”, can but “attract up” graviton make it become proton、neutron, between proton、neutron the attracting force then more small than “strong force”, modern those property of “black theory” gives to “black hole”, it cannot get support from the angle of physical basic theory.“a burn off star due to personal gravity ceaseless collapse” to be a kind of specious describe, the future of star is “supernova”, it not exist “star of burn off”, use “burn” to describe nuclear reaction of star have not forbidden, but star’s high temperature cannot be mentioned in the same breath with burn and oxidation.

  Universal gravitation relatively is the most weak force, the concept of “engineering collapse” cannot move in molecule、atom field, universal gravitation can not make molecule、atom happen any structural change.         

  So, if to say the “black hole” of former theory (1) close to the vacuum, those “black hole” in current “black hole theory” described does not have dependable rationale, nor find formative mechanism、principle, if to say the X-ray source of space find is “black hole”, at the least it is lack uniqueness, every big planet when its center begin happen nuclear reaction, external not yet glow, in some ten thousands years, telescope can not catch in sight for it, but receive ready the X-ray of it issued, it is not related to “black hole”, they only to be the planet of issue X-ray.

  It can be seen, although “black hole” has been “well-know”, but the great part of it to be the product of theory, it not have strong “cause” yet. 


3  for the property of “black hole”

  The current “black hole” theory give the character for the “black hole” have:

1 “black hole” remain forever, can “inosculate”, will not disappear

2 “black hole” possess quality, the minimum can generate from proton clash, the maximum possess quality of million sun. 

3 “black hole” can form huge gravitation, make mass transformation、make galaxy circle round with it, every galaxy are all have a large “black hole” in its center

4 the surface of “black hole” matter pile up, will not collapse 

5 “black hole” swallow matter and change to large

6 “black hole” possess entropy

7 “black hole” of large scale no longer swallow human being, human being enter it, visible the outside, but outside cannot see him

8 the border of “black hole” ceaseless generate the pair of particle-antiparticle and the pair of positive/negative particle.When the particle of negative energy get suck in the “black hole”, the particle of positive energy then obtain energy and escape 

9 massive star happen collapse at its evolution evening, its mass particularly compact, it have a sealing border of name “eyeshot”, huge gravitational field hided in “black hole” 

10 “black hole”is the aster of most large density and most strong gravitation in cosmos 

11 “black hole”not allow any thing in its border get catch in sight by outside

12 “black hole”absorb every thing, either light also cannot escape

13 mass more large for “black hole”, its temperature more low

“black hole”still suffer endow with new physical property ceaselessly.Such as “Infant Black Hole” of this time enunciable at best exactly find a X-ray source at former SN1979 nearby, so can see, here imply “black hole” yet possess the property of can issue X-ray.

  Really,if “black hole” real being, no matter whether it can detect,always have a day of its born, so use “infant” act as the attribute is no wonder.But up to now, show me what are you made of “black hole”? 

  In the end, will or will not generate “black hole” after “supernova”? it need mechanism’s support, physical things and its motion all should have mechanism.

  Now under the condition of have not find mechanism, not only those property of now give “black hole” seem unlikelihood, but also up to now cannot reliably proof what is “black hole” in theory to the end?  

This text for the property of “black hole” which thesis gives do analysis as follow:


 4 analysis

  Clearly, nowadays the articles of discuss “black hole” are all cannot reply query from mechanism, therefore, as above mentioned, “black hole” theory and existing of “black hole” does not strong. 

  Idiom “seemingly right but actually wrong” contain the meaning of don’t deny some phenomenon and only don’t agree the judge.Hereon, “supernova”、space X—ray source、space vortex galaxy and so on are all objective existing, been the strong objective existing.As for after “supernova” can mass again return and “collapse”、what “things” after this “collapse” become for? Whether space X—ray source is come from those former “supernova”? things like that then belong to cannot positive part.

  About “black hole lasting forever” of property ‘1’, involve a problem of philosophy, cosmos both have the things of lasting forever and have “temporary” things of possess “life span”, the former exist of indefinite duration thus not to matter the life span, not to matter the “generating” and “die out”;the latter on the contrary, since exist “forming”、“generating” also have “perish”、“die out”.It who wish ‘1’ set up, the first need to prove “black hole” belong to the thing of “lasting forever”, only get lasting forever, can but will not die away;about can “inosculate” of “black hole”, the concept quite dim, difficult to make one believe;since “black hole” ceaseless “generated” also “lasting forever”, imagine, what shape now space ought to be? 

  From the other one angle to see, according the property of present endow “black hole”, it only be a “component of matter”, matter’s any component, are all the being of conditional, so impossible eternal.

About “black hole have quality” of ‘2’, what “quality” is that? Is the knowable——proton、neutron、atom、molecule、basic particle——or the unknowable quality? If “black hole” cause from proton possess the quality of less than proton? Here clearly already be going to put “quality” wind together with unknowable、incomprehensible, as far as “the maximum possess quality of million sun ” its make point seem too casual, since nature absent aster large than “supernova”, how can concentrate and exist the quality large than this million times? 

  The content of ‘3’ look like all the more arbitrarily, not suffer restrict of natural law.Be rich in science fiction meaning, behind the description of “form huge gravitation” have a problem of mechanism:how can generate the force? Clear-cut the mechanism, “the unification of four force ” at once no longer one puzzle.

  Why “black hole” “may form huge gravitation”? any “force”, come from “interaction of force-line of matter”——the least is basic particle, if leave of interaction, even have force-line, cannot form force, this the physical background of electromagnetic force seem distinguish from common force, it also the reason for “acting force is equal to reacting force” of Newton’s law.visible, the content of ‘3’ cannot believe is reality.

  Astronomy observation find vortex galaxy, for explain how come vortex galaxy then put forward “its center exist black hole”, mean to be “black hole” make myriads of star get attract can not leave away and round with it, this theory “seem right”, but space have not a few “double star”, they inter-attract、surround convolution each other, among they not need a “black hole” serve as a center of attracting force (if have, whirly track as soon as not that shape), why starry surround convolution each other need a “gravitation center”? 

“4”、“5”、“6” similarly come out of subjective imagine.“entropy” relate to “temperature”、“heat”, mean, relate to atom、molecule, such as “neutron”、“overweight matter ”、proton、neutron、 electron and so on matter of “un” atom, not to matter of entropy.Before get the last ward of “to the end what is black hole”, to think over “the entropy of black hole” even list equation to describe “the entropy of black hole” clearly be partial to advance. 

  Some science fiction seem close relations with ‘7’, hidden meaning between the line of ‘7’, “small scale black hole” still demand “take person”, if believe this point, “for human’s safety”, sure need protest start LHC!

“black hole” cannot spread electric wave, why “man in it , visible outside”? in “black hole” theory, have not a few similar such assertive without foundation, as well as lack mechanism, also contrary to physical law.Serve as discuss, though its vision very abundant, but need close up to the mechanism.

   About ‘8’, come down to particle theory.Hereof, up to now already named about more than 2000 kinds of “different” “particles”, major problems difficult to answer.For example of proton、neutron which folk compare familiar, may I ask:proton is excessive “a” electron than neutron, why its quality is little a bit than neutron? The outskirts of hydrogen atom “have an electron”, why but it can show electromagnetic neutral and process Brownian motion? What relation for the particle of cosmic-rays with the particle of matter? Present, folk not only cannot reply this kind of problems, even “what is matter” also become “difficult problem”, this explain “poured water” in the basic theory, exist the untrue part, in particle theory, what is the untrue part? Roughly may list: 

(1) in fact the kind of basic particle to be two only:graviton、repulton.Think of that 12 kinds is much more, in addition “power transmission particle” more nothing necessary.The one of obvious problem is, the quality of neutron、proton highly fit to the effective number of 5 bit, it is not in coordination with theory of “basic particle divided to three group” every grout out a member form proton.From two kind of basic particle polymerize become proton、neutron its quality of course height no difference.as for "there are 62 kinds of basic particle"and "there are 62 kinds of basic particle" was more ridiculously. 

(2) basic particle “to coexist” with force-line, it don’t exist the “electromagnetism”、“taste”、“color” of drift away the force-line, “different” of “four force” in fact lie in different of quantity(or density)of force-line. 

(3) ten thousands of “kind” of “particles” of already named, actually are all “plural” particle.

(4) “particle variable”, in fact is member’s quantity of the group of basic particle variable.

(5) so-called “mirror particles”、“anti-particle”, it did not exist the mechanism of generate them, for put forward “negative energy particles” it need define what is “negative energy”? all basis of energy was kinetic energy MV, quality M unable be negative, velocity V may have “positive、negative” in specific condition, that only the problem of direction, cannot relate to “intake energy”、“send out energy”.

  Make a point of 9——13 then more reckless, can gravitation lead to matter collapse become “particularly compact ”? bass on the state of “polymerizing effect” from《L04 development of matter》, more large matter, more lower the density of attracting force-line, because most of force-line become inner acting force-line, therefore, macroscopic body can but form universal gravitation, this force can draw two star circle round each other no longer leave, but cannot large to make gas “collapse” become liquid、solid, even not form “over weight material”.

  “celestial body of most powerful density and attracting force ”、“huge gravitational field”、“matter special compact” and so on wording all very at will, be rich in meaning of science fiction, but cannot possess confidence. 

“Infant Black Hole” come from discover X-ray source at direction of “supernova” SN1979C, is X-ray source of space exactly “black hole”? 《L04 development of matter》stated the mechanism of happen nuclear reaction:in process of matter develop, planet draw fall matter “grow up”, when large be close to “like that sun” , center atom collapse under high pressure, proton、neutron get collided.                   

  In many ten thousands years of its center begin generate nuclear reaction, its inner ceaseless heat up, and that issue X-ray and so on rays outward, now the temperature of its outside does not high, can not catch it in sight from astronomical telescope, it only to be the “source of rays”, base on space happen some “supernova” every day, every “supernova” mean lacked one star, therefore, space should be also “generate” as much again as “new star”(if not, star will less and less——), as stated above, before many ten thousands years of “new star” get bright, it only be a source of X-ray, therefore, such “source of rays” will not seldom in space, and according to probability, its distribution should relatively uniform.

  Upon that, credible is, at the general position of SN1979C, find a source of X-ray.Other “news” of NASA issued, are all belong to imagine, lack of foundation in theory.   



5 conclusion

  Through above analysis can see, “black hole” theory of up to now be in the ascendant, correlative with the task of similar lack of mechanism、don’t harmony with physical law of “supernova”、“dark energy”、“dark matter”、“neutron star”、“hidden cosmos” etc, fully emerge folk’s abundant imagination and wisdom, but, if lack of mechanism, if all the time cannot find mechanism, theory’s truth be going to greatly give a discount, the news of “Infant Black Hole” can but remind folk, “black hole” theory up to now lack of mechanism, some existing statement all have not solid physical foundation.