



提要 分析“渐进束缚”、“渐进自由”与质子、中子的“自由”与“束缚”的实质

 关键词 “渐进自由” “渐进束缚” 

(This text in English see rear)










  另一个相关议题是“质量变能量”是正确的还是错误的观点?在《L05 E=MC2方程的能量何来?》文中对于以往认为能显示“质量变能量”的所有实例进行了分析,结论是,都不是真正的“质量能变”,因此,经典物理学发现的“物质不灭”与“能量不灭”两项自然规律并未真正面临“例外”,“质量可变”属于误会。今天,仍有不少人相信“质量可变”,但是至今并未发现一起实例能证明质量真的可变,乃是“事出有因,查无实据”。“质量可变”在物理领域已经类似一则信仰与文化。


  分析“各种”能量可以发现,能量的二元素是物质m与运动速度v, 在定量计算时,m乃是实际形成该种能量的那一部分质量,它可能是物质m的“一部分也可能是全部”,v则是这“m”的速度。如,物体动能,m是全部质量,v是其速度;电能,质量m是流动的电子,只占不到万分之一,速度v为光速。


  循此思路上推,《L04 物质演变》一文得到的结论是,质子是空间高速——光速量级——引力子在近距离相遇中被引力“栓住”形成“微涡旋星系”,“星系”成员数量从2开始,

随着成员数量增加,引力子发出的引力线中,“相互作用形成引力”的比例越来越大,依然伸向外部的引力线比例越来越少——此为“聚合效应”——达到一定规模,外伸引力线已不再能“栓住”从身边飞过的引力子,使“微涡旋星系”的成员数量不再增加,因此,力的平衡是质子质量“划一”的机理所在。需要插入的是,《L01 粒子今论》论证了基本粒子只需要两种:引力子和斥力子。斥力子就是电子,它发出斥力线,其质量比现在认为的10-28克小得多,理由见后。











  现代物理假设“电子伏不同”的“粒子”为“不同粒子”, 基础理论的这一小小误会的客观原因在于至今不能分辨被检测“粒子”是“单身”还是“复数”,一直认为它们是“单身”。两种基本粒子之一的引力子其“天性”是聚合,两枚具有速度、方向不同的引力子的聚合当然像“双星”而不是“合二而一”地靠贴在一起,就是说,在微观领域也不能背离物质不灭和能量守恒两项自然规律。

  于是,“电子伏”不同可能有两种情况,一是真正“一粒”但质量不同,但是,在两种基本粒子中,只有引力子可以“相互吸引”,因此此情况不存在;二是:“粒子”并非真正“一粒”,而是“数量”不同。在引力子聚合过程中,它逐步形成成员数量由2 到10的12次方之多的“微涡旋星系”,最大为质子,每一步都是“数量”的不同而不是“粒子质量”不同。迄今,我们都认为它们是“一粒”,由此已经命名了成千种“不同”的“粒子”,使“粒子”品种多得令人应接不暇,虚的成分越来越大。

  质子受到冲击后, 10的负24次方(克)质量的“微涡旋星系”分为若干“较小的”,每一个“较小的”“粒子”依然是“复数”(“微涡旋星系”),不因为命名“××粒子”而成为“单身”,它们具有同自己质量、速度相应的回转动能,这是(1b)的实质。

关于(2b),现代物理中的“12种基本粒子”除电子是发出斥力线的斥力子外,其它11种 “基本粒子,其实都是引力子的不同规模的“微涡旋星系”,只是由于“电子伏”不同(其实是成员数量不同)而被命名为不同“粒子,”其中,电中微子有可能是引力子,有待今后研究确定。


(1c)正确命名的粒子,为电子,但其质量很小,据《L04》文,约为10 的-36次方(克),而不是10-28克,理由是,氢原子外围不可能只有1枚电子而是需要很多枚——1份——电子

(2c)不同数量引力子的“微涡旋星系”被以为是“单身”而命名为不同 “粒子”,如:各种介子、200余种重子、质子“裂解”后产生的各种“粒子”、各种夸克、中微子等;

(3c)非涡旋状态的高速飞行引力子“组群”,如:> 600 种(理论上可能有10的12次方“种”)的“宇宙射线粒子”;

(4c) 满足理论需要其实并不存在的“粒子”,如:“镜像粒子”、光子、胶子、玻色子、希格斯子等。











在什么情况下质子内部的引力子可以“自由”而离去呢?实验表明, 质子碰撞能够做到这点,机理何在?


  引力子发出引力线,它们飞出质子时有光速量级的线速度,在飞行中不会受到斥力,因而速度不减,这是引力子再次聚合成为质子时的状态,因此,质子必定是“微涡旋星系”而且含有“核能”mc2, 并不存在一种机制使引力子“渐进自由”或“渐进束缚”。


  至此可见,在质子内部,引力子的径向“束缚”不存在“渐进”,乃是力平衡所致;引力子的切向“自由”乃是在惯性之下,无任何条件,也不存在“渐进”。用 “渐进自由”、“渐进束缚”描述基本粒子在质子中的状态虽然似乎回答了某些问题,但是缺少机理,特别是撇开了对于(1a)(2a)(3a) (4a)等相关事项的明确,使描述趋于朦胧。



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L38 “asymptotic freedom” and “asymptotic fetter”? 

S. G. Chinese

Abstract to analyze the substance for “asymptotic freedom” and “asymptotic fetter”

Key words “asymptotic freedom” “asymptotic fetter ”



  How many kind of the basic particle? what situation of the proton inner? If the basic particles are inseparably close in the proton? Does the nuclear energy was implicated by proton、neutron or “changing out ” from “mass change to energy”? does the breed of basic particle in random two proton are same or not maybe same?

  The premise of to answer above problem is correctly to decide and analysis for the “structure” of proton and neutron.Now it had accumulated not a few of experimental materials, it is important that should be analysis according the reason, over and over to inspect and verify this analysis, under the situation of satisfactory and unisonous to enter the theory.

The reply of current theory to answer above problem is lean to farfetched, thus is difficult “general fit” and hardly to satisfactory.Such as, modern theory to feel “there are 12 kind of basic particles”, among these, the electrons are lie on the surrounding of atoms(this is correct), the other 11 kind been divided into 3 groups, every group to come one basic particle so make up a proton.

But, modern theory also to admit:

(1)the quality of 11kind of basic particle is not same each other 

(2)butt the quality of proton is high uniformity (reach to 10-6)

Clearly, (1) is contradictory with (2), cannot to show “there are 12 kind of basic particles” is correct theory.

  Even if the proton is make up only by two kind of basic particle, still to need to keep fixed assemble proportion——with precision reach 10-6 ——ability to satisfy (2), above situation be inclined to form the viewpoint of “proton is make up from only one of basic particle”. 

  The other interrelated subject was, does “quality change to energy” is the correct viewpoint or incorrect viewpoint? In the text of《L05 Where come the energy of the mathematical equation E= mc2 ?》has been analysis to hole examples of formerly feel may be show “quality change to energy”, the conclusion is, are all not true “quality change to energy”.

There fore, two natural law of “law of conservation of matter” and “law of conservation of energy” find out by classics physics does not be faced with “exception” truly, “mass variable” belong to misunderstanding.Today, still to exist many people believe “mass variable”, but until now it did not find an example could prove the mass truly variable, to be “ not substantial evidence from check”.

“mass variable” has been similar a firm belief and culture in the physical domain.

@ Physical theory of course need built on the base of “mass conservation” and basic particle not variable、not extinguish, upon that, need to confident from theory, the nuclear energy dose come from atom it self and not “mass change into energy”.

  To analyze every kind of energy could find, the two element of energy is matter m and movement velocity v, when fixed amount to calculate, m is that part mass of to forming this kind of energy, it may be the “part of matter m or the hole”, v is the velocity of this “m”.such as, to the object’s kinetic, m is whole mass; electrical energy, m is the mass of running electrons, less then 10-4 of the whole mass, velocity to be light velocity.

  And then, any energy possible to express with 1/2mv2, determine the nature with mv as delegate.This to supply a train of thought:there are the movement particles in the proton and does not static particle in it, their kinetic energy just nuclear energy.   

To follow this train of thought and reasoning, 《L04 Development of matter》got the conclusion is, proton to be the “micro vortex galaxy” of high speed——light velocity——gravitons when they encounter at near distance and tie up by attracting force, the member amount of “galaxy” is begin from 2 , follow the member amount got to raise, among the attracting force-ling ( send out by graviton), the proportion of “act each other to form attracting force” would more and more major, the proportion of attracting force-line of still stretch to outer been less and less——this is “polymerization effect”——to reach certain scale, the stretching attracting force-line then no longer can to “tie up” the graviton when fly at its side, to make the members of “micro vortex galaxy” no more to increase, therefore, force balance is location of the mechanism of mass uniformity of proton.It needs to insert is, 《L01 The modern opinion of particle 》had proof, the basic particle only needs two kinds :graviton and repulton.The repulton just is electron, it sends out attracting force-ling, its mass is far less then 10-28gram (now to think), the reason see rear. 

  The conclusion of above analysis is, proton only can “make up” with one kind of basic particle——graviton, proton still sands out of attracting force-ling but “weakly”, nuclear energy just these basic particle’s kinetic energy of high-speed whirl.”weak” attracting force-ling is the force source of later to forming atom.

  So the structure of proton is more “simple and clear” then current theory, it is a “micro vortex galaxy” of gravitons;“simple”at only make up with one kind of basic particle, “clear” at may be clearly to seen the substance of interrelated events which until now not get explanation, such as:

(1a)the structure and mode of internal of proton

(2a) why proton’s mass highly identical

(3a) what kind energy of nuclear energy

(4a) the reason and substance of proton is “carry negative electricity” etc. 

  If only got reasonable answer, this theory to be harmonious and believable:(2009.19.28)

(1b)after proton suffer attack, why it does “split up” to turn into some “kind ”of “particle”? 

What is the structure they are?

(2b)finally, what manner of existing 12 kind of basic particle? 

(3b) able or not make contact for above theory with the “particle” of great variety and diversity?

Modern-times physics suppose if “not alike of electron volt” exactly “not alike of particle”, the objective origin of this small misunderstanding of basic theory is until now cannot resolute the detected particle was “bachelordom” or “plural”, always to think they are “bachelordom”.

graviton ,One of two kind of basic particle , its “inborn” is “polymerization”, the polymerization of two graviton of different direction certainly like “double star” and not “ merge two in one” to near together, in sub-atomic domain still cannot depart from two laws of mass conservation and energy conservation.

  Upon that, different electron volt might have two condition, the one is true “one particle”, because of among two kind of basic particle, only graviton may “attract each other”, so this condition is inexistence;the other is, the “particle” is not true one, but different in “quantity”.In the process of graviton forming, it step by step to form the “micro vortex galaxy” of member quantity from 2 to 10-24 ,the maximum is proton, every step are all different in quantity and does not different "particle quantity". 

Until now, we are to think they are “one particle”, there out it has named thousand “different”“particle”, it let kind of “particle” very much, down to have more business than one can attend to, the ingredient of vain was more and more large.

 After proton suffer attacking, “micro vortex galaxy” of mass of 10-24gram divide into amount of less “micro vortex galaxy”, every “less” “particle” was “plural”(“micro vortex galaxy”) still, not owing to had named “××particle” and become “bachelordom”, they possess whirl kinetic homologous with their mass、velocity, this is the substance of (1b). 

As to (2b), among“12 kind of basic particle” of modern times physics, except electron is sand out of attracting force line, other 11kind of “basic particle” are all the“micro vortex galaxy” in different scale of graviton, only due to“electron volt” not alike (really is member quantity not alike) and named “different particle”, among these, electrical neutrino it’s possible graviton, need pending through research from now on. 

  As for (3b), now it has named “particle” may divided into:

(1c) particle of correct naming, to be electron, but its quality very small, according to the text 《L04 Development of matter 》, it about 10-36gram and does not 10-28gram, the reason is, the surrounding of hydrogen impossible only one electron but needs very much——a share of——electrons

(2c) the “micro vortex galaxy” of different quantity is believed act as different “particle”, as:every kind of meson、more than 200 kind of baryon、after proton fragmentation procreant every kind of “particles”、all kinds of quarks、neutrino etc.

(3c) the group of flying graviton of un-vortex postural, as:more than 600 kind of (may be 10-12 kind on the theory) “cosmic-rays particle” 

(4c) the “particle” for to meet the needs of theory and does not existing in fact, as:“mirror particle”、photon、gluon、boson、higgs particle etc.

un-list Particle still more, mostly belong to (2c)、(4c),they maybe in-exiting or not true “a grain of” 


  Above discussion of proton and “particle” promote we to analyze the situation of “suffer force” and “movement” of proton according to the mechanism, there out ability to decide finally exist or un-exist the mechanism of “progress step by step to free”、“progress step by step to tie ”.

In proton, basic particle suffer tie of attracting force in radial is natural, if not attracting force, where still to exist polymerization? How could to form “micro vortex galaxy”? but if this action of attracting is “progress step by step to tie ”? It’s clear, every graviton of “micro vortex galaxy” is located in the balance situation of “attracting force equal to centrifugal force”, attracting force-line which to send out from every graviton of “micro vortex galaxy” is mostly through act each other to form attracting force to make “everyone” can overcome centrifugal force in the vortex thus get polymerization and do not loosen, i.e. “suffer tie”, needs pay attention to this “tie”, the direction only in “radial”, at the same time, every graviton freely inertia whirl, this situation not only exist in all “plural particle” i.e. “micro vortex galaxy”, also in macroscopic astrodome system of “double star”、” vortex galaxy” etc.because of at tangent direction, they located in the situation of inertia movement, do not exist “tie”.It cannot broadly to describe with “progress step by step to tie ”, it is not suit the mechanism. 

  So graviton, the one of two kind of basic particle, in the process with high seep——order of magnitude of light velocity——, as it were “tie in radial”、“freedom in circumferential”, but if

Exist he mechanism of “the more pull the more tie” like elastic been?

if the distance of two graviton to raise, only be able to little acting force-ling, to drop attracting force.Graviton act as member of “micro vortex galaxy” obliged “the more pull the more loose “.

  Even though according to the theory of “there are 12 kind of basic particle” and “proton is make up from quark、meson、neutrino”, neither can to explain why they can be “the more pull the more tie”or“the more pull the more loose ”,

  It does not exist a mechanism to make quark、meson、neutrino these three of “basic particle” of current theory can “progress step by step to free”or “progress step by step to tie ”. 

  the reason of “the more pull the more long” of elastic is similar with other elasticity body, because of , in the Hook’s region, when the body suffer draw out, the distance of atom to be raise, acting force ought to reduce, but the other side, the atomic figure also extend to ellipse, so portrait force get raise, this two factor balance out, pull contrary get raise.Ordinary Hook’s region is not large, it is not clear for the brittleness material, there fore, the total situation is “pull to loose”、”pull to loosen”, to use material pulling accomplish a physical model for to describe the inner of proton is to lack comparability, both fuzzy and lack of mechanism.

  Actually, from above can see, the existing of problem major in the basic theory, 

  Even though it may be to build the equation of “progress step by step to free”、“progress step by step to tie ”,if does not exist of mechanism, the equation also have no alternative.Such as, 《relativity》has the equation of mass changing to follow motion speed (Lorentz transformation),

the substance of Lorentz transformation is the acceleration principle of accelerator rest with use electron to drive, the velocity of current to be “light velocity”, the velocity of driven charged particle naturally with limited of “light velocity”, any equation can not be change this mechanism.Would not owing to raise equation of “mass changing follow velocity” and through experiment seems got the verification to this equation then do not find mechanism but to admit “mass variable”.Over the last 100 years, until now really have not find the true example of mass changing, therefore can not recognize “mass variable” on the theory;for another example, 《relativity》also has the equation for “gravitational deflection” of light, and the data from equation yet near of actual measurement.But to analyze the mechanism of transmission of light can know, does not find “electromagnetic force”、“strong acting force” (large than gravitation) can cause deflection of light, gravitation can cause deflection of light is can not belief.The answer of this example is, electrical-field gradient of space of star nearby to lead to 

the “index of refraction” got changing, it as a matter of fact is the effect of “ something imaginary a mirage” of space 

  The equation have important assisting action, but cannot instead of mechanism.more cannot to think, to exist the equation and data of experiments, theory then can lack of mechanism.If lack of mechanism, “theory” only possess “suppose” nature.In front of above two examples, “the process of physical research is the process of to raise equation and verity equation” is not a all-sided method clearly.

  In what situations inner graviton of proton may get “freedom” and go out? Experimentation to make clear, collision of proton may be to do this, what are the reasons?

  The mechanism lie in the “polymerization effect”, collision make two proton “interblend”, this moment, due to add the kinetic energy of relative motion of proton, exceed half of graviton immediately get freedom and circumfusion with vortex velocity, thus show energy to external.

  Graviton to send out attracting force-line, possess velocity of order of magnitude of light velocity when they fly off from proton, would not suffer repulsion force when on the fly, so the fly velocity does imperishability, this is the mode before they again polymerize to become proton., therefore, proton should be “micro vortex galaxy” more over possess “nuclear energy” mc2, it does not exist a mechanism to make graviton ““progress step by step to free” or “progress step by step to tie ”. 

  In the inner of proton, other direction of Basic particle——graviton——also not “progress step by step to free” or “progress step by step to tie ”, due to act each other of graviton, exist attracting force among they each other, at the same time, the kinetic energy to be existing and imperishability to make this fore cannot to influence their whirl.

thus visible, at proton inner, the radial “tie” of graviton is not exist of “step by step”, be caused by force balance;“freedom in circumferential” of graviton is under the inertia, it has not any pre-condition, also does not exist of “step by step”.

 To use “progress step by step to free” or “progress step by step to tie ”to describe the condition of basic particle in proton although seems replied some problems, but lack of mechanism, especially put aside the reply to the relevant matter of (1a) (2a) (3a) (4a) etc. to cause the matter through the mist.

  In brief, serve as basic particle, for proton, the reason of graviton cannot “enter” at will is “polymerization effect”, the mechanism of can not “free to leave” is the radial direction suffer strong attracting force.Does not exist the interrelated mechanism with micro distance of “progress step by step to free” or “progress step by step to tie ”.

  Serve as a judgment, “progress step by step to free” or “progress step by step to tie” is similar with “quality variable”、“light gravitational deflection”, are all a preeminent conception for to explain the difficult problem, the preeminence at it hasn’t can to raise by contemporaries, but have not gain one’s ends.Should nod to say it is the correct theory, as a correct theory it can not lack of mechanism, reason is core of the theory, if put reason in the first, then would not to raise this theory, any theory if lack of mechanism is hardly to form correct theory.

   None this mechanism namely basic particle in the process of polymerization and distribution does not exist “progress step by step to free” and “progress step by step to tie”, “polymerization” and “distribution” are all lie on the force balance of the force generated of force-line act each other.