L36 质子  proton


L36 质子


提    要 本文回答“质子何来、何去”、“质子究竟是什么样的粒子”、“质子结构为什么稳定”、“为什么没有发现比质子‘更大’的“粒子”“质子质量为什么高度一致”等“难题”

关键词 质子  引力子 微涡旋星系

(the text in English see rear)

1 序  

  在《L01 粒子今论》与《L04 物质演变》中已经论证过质子的结构与聚合机理,有关内容,尽量不再重复。由于质子同中子、电子构成了原子,此三者是“万物之源”,对于质子的认识,当然需要尽量准确和详细。


2 在宇宙的物质演变中认识质子













  现代物理学认为质子是由 11种基本粒子聚合而成的。以上本文认为:只有引力子1种。此二答案大相径庭,因此,需要说明理由。




  因为,质子、中子、原子充斥宇宙间,质子的上述“三组理论”需要在方程“A+B=C”中 A、B取已知不同数值时而C却要恒等于另外一个不能与A+B相等的数值,还需要空间有无形的主宰,它“从三组基本粒子小组中各抓取一枚组成质子”,这恐怕是数学和物理学难以解释的。

4 质子相对地稳定的原因






5 在物质演变大环境中理解质子、中子的形成

  引力子发出的引力线同电子发出的斥力线相互作用形成的力F3 也是引力(此力小于引力子之间形成的引力F1),为什么质子内部没有电子?这可以从空间演变环境不同之中寻求答案,《L32 量子》等文曾说明,两种基本粒子中,引力子是“永恒量子”,原因在于对于它不存在斥力,它的速度不会消减,它的聚合有两种方式,现略重复:一是“代数聚合”形成“宇宙射线粒子”,二是“蓄能聚合”形成相互回旋的“微涡旋星系”,“星系”成员最多达到一万亿枚时由于“聚合效应”而不能再增加规模,这便是“质子”。





6 质子受到冲击后为什么能成为许多不同“粒子”?



7 质子、中子如何聚合成为原子?















  质子不但具有质量m,而且内部所有基本粒子均高速回旋,因而具有动能1/2mv2, 已经验证过的方程E=mc2暗示,v大小等于c的量级,这是基于能量守恒定律的推测,当然可信。

于是,质子自身存在核能,核能乃是质子内部隐含的动能,不存在质量m变能量的需要。只要质子解体,质量为m的众粒子以 c的速度飞出,自然具有mc2量级的动能,还需要“变”吗?质子解体显示mc2能量的同时,那些基本粒子由回旋运动转变为直线运动,动能由“潜”转变为“显”而已,是物质运动方式的转变而不是物质自身的“变”。







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L36 proton

(S. G. Chinese)

Abstract this text for reply “where come from and pass of the proton ? “What kind of the particle of the proton any way? ” “Whether the structure of the proton does stability”? “Why have not find the particle of bigger than the proton?” and so on “difficult problem” 

key words   proton   graviton  micro vortex galaxy 

1 preface

  in《L01 modern opinion about particle》and《L04 the evolution of matter》has been expounded and proved the structure and polymerizing mechanism of the proton, the involve content, to be best of one’s abilities is no longer repeat.Due to the proton make up the atom with neutron、electron, this three to be the “source of universe”, the cognition for it of course need rather accuracy and in detail.

  Although the proton may say omnipresent, but modern physics does not sketched out sharp image for proton, just the other way, in the “11 difficult problems” of physics, the eighth exactly was “whether the proton is steady?”visible,be necessary go deep into discuss the proton.

2 cognize proton in the evolution of cosmic matter 

  How generated the proton? The text《L04 the evolution of matter》had related, due to the surplus attracting force-line, the process of matter evolution become the loop, cut open this loop chain, begin from the basic particle——graviton、repulton.

  When two gravitons “meet” in space with speed of the order of light velocity and in close range, both attracting force-line mutual effect form attracting force, the result is make they polymerizing become “micro vortex double star ”, the surplus attracting force-line of this “micro vortex double star ” still “very much”(equal to one graviton’s ) , there for, “micro double star” constant to raise members become “micro multi star”——“micro vortex galaxy”.

  But, “polymerizing effect”—— adding members lead to the density of surplus force-line get reduce——make “micro vortex double star” cannot unlimitedly much, the limit is “proton scale”, when reach to proton scale, the density of surplus force-line already drop to no longer absorb up any graviton of fly with high seed over at side, so the “scale” “can steady” not have any other choice, so:

(1) proton does not “a grain”, but was a “micro vortex galaxy” polymerized from numerous gravitons

(2) the density of surplus force-line of the proton relatively compare small but still attracting force-line, it’s possible “tie up” proton、neutron and so on “particle “ of slowish.

(3) folk according to its attraction expression, define it “carry positive charge”, that physical essence to be, it issue attracting force-line

(4) owing to (3) it will form attracting force with neutron、other proton and electron, so it will use itself for a unit, join in polymerizing, become atom, become object, become aster, ceaseless walk on towards next polymerizing link.

  Here related, proton was a high speed whirly “group” polymerized from the graviton of one of two kinds of basic particle with the method of “storing-energy polymerization” and does not the “particle of a grain”. 

  So-called “storing-energy polymerization” in indicate, the kinetic energy of the basic particle from polymerizing start to finish is invariant, but the mode of motion from “space linear motion” change to “local circumnutation”.The kinetic energy from easy show change to general not show external.It is self-evident, this kinetic energy mean atomic energy, for the mechanism of atom contain atomic energy, grasp the two basic natural law of conservation of matter and conservation of energy, then can guess out.

  Certainly, “local” in relative, that is to say, “proton” serve as a “unit”, its motion speed greatly lower than graviton’s.Because the sum of gravitons of “fly coming” from different direction and polymerizing to proton about a trillion grains, every a possess its own speed vector, the speed of proton is equal to the “algebraic sum” of numerous vector.From the probability angle to see, the direction of these vectors are random, if the distribution of numerous vector are very uniformity, in theory the “algebraic sum” possible equal to 0, in reality, very difficult absolute equal to 0, but also impossible very large, therefore, generally after “proton” form in space, it have a relatively pimping linear speed, this also the speed of neutron、proton fly off from radioactive atom.

   Proton to be the “micro vortex galaxy” of generated from gravitons with “storing-energy” pattern.  

3 distinguish the basic particle of form the proton 

  Modern physics consider the proton was polymerizing by 11kinds of basic particle.above this text consider:only one kind of graviton.Here two answers are widely divergent, therefore, need strategy of explaining.

  More basic problem is, how many kinds of the basic particle? the modern physics thinks it is 12 kinds, still must have some kinds of “particle of to pass on force”, moreover, in theory cannot reject again appear “new basic particle” yet and above “particle’s” “image particle”.

  Chinese physics judge according to the kind of force-line and acting force, force and basic particle are all have two kinds only.Think 2 to be the either full or necessary figure, will not also need not arise the third kind.In the process of graviton polymerizing to “micro vortex galaxy” with the method of “storing-energy polymerization”, the scale ceaseless expansion, to bear the restriction from “polymerizing effect”, the biggest scale is proton.so the proton only form from 1 kind of basic particle.the evidence is, from one graviton to “every kinds of particle” of the different scale to the proton of contain 1012 (10 to the power of 12) gravitons, without except, all “carry positive charge” (actually is issue attracting force-line), and still find “fractional charge”;and the mass of proton highly uniform. 

  Modern physics consider, “beside the electron, 11kinds of basic particle divide to three ‘group’, every group out 1 member form the proton”,the obvious problem of this theory is:the mass of 11 kinds of basic particles was differ from one another, the mass of so component proton no way highly uniform.But actual measurement make clear, the mass of proton but very in line, the difference less than millionth.How to solve this obvious contradiction of theory and reality? “Three group” theory still need explaining, what mechanism to “grouping” there, compound proton there? Having the mechanism, theory can but credible.

  Because of, proton、neutron、atom be full of cosmos, above theory of “three group” proton need to the equation “A+B+C” when A、B take the different known number but C should equal to the other number of not equal to A+B, still need a intangible dominate in space, it “every one group capture one from three group of basic particle and form proton”, this be afraid difficult to explain from math and physics.  

4 the reason of proton relatively steady 

  The proton is a “vortex” trends “groupuscule ” of gravitons which mutual tie up by attracting force-line, is it “steady” or “not steady”? this according to will it or will not it spontaneously change to other “particle” or spontaneously “KD”.As numerous gravitons already from travel space with high speed change to “tie up”, mean attracting force exceed leave force.

Before reach to “proton scale”, “groupuscule” not only will not “let slip” the member, but will still increase member’s number. 

  Upon that, right the condition of force make the proton appear stability, this point under the general condition, the proton ought to be steady.Neither casually “let slip” a member, all so will not casually add a member.

If suffer shock from other proton、neutron, can proton steady yet? Of course can’t, therefore, although the proton is steady, but does not absolute stability.

  The reason of proton’s stability to be “the attracting force be in the ascendant”, it is the force ensure it stability of structure. 

5 understand proton’s forming in the all situation of matter’s evolution 

  Attracting force-line sent out from graviton act each other with repulsion force-line from electron form force F3 also the attracting force (this force less than attracting force F1 which form from gravitons act each other), why proton’s inner have not electron? This can be find answer from the different of space evolution environment, 《L32 QUANTUM》and so on text ever explained, among two kinds of the basic particle, graviton is the “eternal quantum”, the reason lie in not exist repulsion force to it, its speed will not cut down, its polymerizing have two way, now repeat the brief:the first is form the particle of cosmic ways, the second is form “micro vortex galaxy” of mutual whirly with “storing-energy polymerization”, when the member numbers of “galaxy” to the maximum of a trillion due to “polymerizing effect” it may not again add the scale, this to be the proton.

  In this process, the electron of original nigh may not be to join in, because of every graviton really not static there but was circle round with high speed, the static electron is no way catch up with it.So proton is form in the space of none high speed electrons, that is, the space of ulterior leave the star.After the proton form, it does not static in the space, but move in space with the speed of vectorial algebraic sum of each member’s vector (in general equal to the cosmic velocity ).It still issue relative lesser attracting force-line.  

  The same polymerization if occur in the star nearby, then there may be the electrons of high speed part in , but the repulsion force-line make the part in electrons repel each other thus limit on certain numbers, now the “proton of added electrons” except its quality slight bigger than proton, yet “disincline” for electron, so become neutron.Neutron is alike proton of possess less speed and not static in space, it also the “micro vortex galaxy” of the basic particle, they further polymerize in space see below 7.

The analog for above mechanism is form of proton、neutron, lie in have it or not and the number of high speed electrons, thus really not everywhere of space are all even generate proton、neutron. 

  Proton、neutron to be the basic particle natural polymerizing formative under the action of attracting force, this is a loop of the circulation of matter evolution.The later loop exactly form all kinds of atom、molecule、isotope, late or early of get electron outer decided atomic weight, that is to say, it have not the early or late generated order for “light atom” “heavy atom”.

6 why after when proton suffer shock can generate many different“particles”?

  At present a distortion of analysis for experimental result was for whole detectable “particle” all judge in “a grain”, hasn’t think the possibility of they are the “particles group”, more hasn’t think existing of “micro vortex galaxy”, hence appeared “variable” theory.Proton may “change” for many other “particles”; may “change” for energy, “particle variable、mass variable” make folk cannot correctly know the experimental result on the base of existing natural law, can’t understand while misted, down to “what is matter?” become the first puzzle of physics.If cannot be aware of this kind of theoretical fault but see it only be “theory exist difficult” or “exist problem”, obviously it doesn’t help the situation.Because, this is the theoretical fault of difficult through “mend” get correct.            If be aware of the proton was the “micro vortex galaxy” polymerized from numerous gravitons, after it suffer shock will break down to some “micro vortex galaxy” of smaller scale, the problem then natural disappear;no matter the proton or those “micro vortex galaxy” of smaller scale are all contain kinetic energy——nuclear energy, they are all have attracting fore-line sent out——carry positive charge;the “micro vortex galaxy” of smaller scale of break down formative possess randomness, such “difficulty” natural will not happen.It still mistake for they are “a grain”, in that way, through shock completely possible find “new particle”——actually to be the “micro vortex galaxy” of new scale.When next the instant to make use of Europe Big Mac LHCproclaim find “new particle”, the idea of need clear is:between cosmos the particle of true “a grain” only two kinds of basic particle of graviton and repulton, all other “particle” although call for “particle”, are all not true “a grain” but to be a “group”.Particle theory need to make this improve so can solve related “difficult” and “problem”.

7 how can the neutron、proton polymerizing to the atom?

 The proton serve as a “micro vortex galaxy” of numerous——reach to a trillion—— gravitons whether it appear scattered “a lump” or massy “a grain” external? It is determined from the expression of after they bear the force.Basic particle in the polymerization process, when polymerizing particles compare lesser the density of acting force-line compare actively large, so in the inner of proton, the density of acting force-line between graviton will exceed the density of any atom、molecule, as to say the “mechanical strength”, proton surely exceed any atom、molecule.Thus its behavior, fully like tight “a grain”, without any material can make it “shatter”, only use method of bombard with “proton” to “proton” can disintegrate it,this rather similar with diamond processing.After space have proton、neutron,the farther polymerization is:

(1) proton draw down the electrons, due to the large difference of velocity, the electron only can rotate at the periphery

(2)proton come across proton, ,catch up each other, happen convolution

(3) proton come across neutron, catch up each other, happen convolution

(4)neutron come across neutron, catch up each other, happen convolution

 The proton’s periphery had “a share of” convolution electrons then become hydrogen atom, (2)(3)(4) prepared nucleus for produce other element and isotope.

  The motion direction of proton、neutron possess randomness, therefore after polymerization the speed more drop.Above polymerization process produced atom, the inner is whirly proton、neutron, the centrifugal force generated from convolution general less than their attractive force, such atom to be steady.Hydrogen atom only have a proton, but this proton itself exactly a whirly “micro vortex galaxy”, so atom’s inner have not resting particle.

 Hence guess, the space of not have neutron, can form hydrogen atom only, the space of full of neutron, not only can form every kinds of atom, but also can form all kinds of isotopes at the same time.

   It cannot mechanical divide “space of not have neutron” and “space of full have neutron”, because neutron、proton are all not resting but possess the fixed speed, therefore the conception of above “space”, only be fit for “place of production” and not fit for “distributing region”. 

8 the changing of proton in the matter’s evolution loop 

  The proton is steady after it got forming, whether it will exist in the space forever? Whether the exiting of proton is a problem of “life time”? also no, here is a problem of suffer implicate:the proton belong to the atom, atom belong to matter, matter belong to aster, aster will from the planet develop into star, in the end stare will run to “supernova explosion”, by now matter thorough “scatter” become basic particle, the proton disintegrate at this time.Its change not due to its own mechanism, but suffer implicated from star evolution.The period also compare long, with “hundred million years” for unit.

  After the proton scatter to the basic particle, again enter into a new loop of polymerizing to proton、neutron.Visible, the “changing” of proton in the loop of matter is compare simple, it hide in the “area behind a theatrical stage”, cannot find with existing method.The mixed change of cosmic inventory does not come from the proton but come from atom、molecule. 

9 The nuclear energy of the proton

 The consequence of nuclear energy belong to “mass change to energy” was, unable explain the physical true image of nuclear energy, also unable explain how the mass can change to energy, unable to clear the general meaning of the energy. 

  Not only the proton possess mass m, but also whole interior basic particles all circle round, thus it have the kinetic energy 1/2m v2, the already proved equation E=mc2 hint, the magnitude of v is equal to the order of c , this is the guess base on the law of conservation of energy, certainly credible. 

Upon that, the proton itself exist nuclear energy, it is the con not active kinetic energy of the inner of the proton, absent the need of mass m change to energy.If only the proton get break up, many particle of mass m fly out with light speed, of course possess the kinetic energy of the order of mc2, does it need to change yet? In the meantime of the proton break up and appear energy mc2

,  those basic particles from circumnutation translate to linear motion, the kinetic energy from “latent” translate to “prominent” that’s all, to be the translation of the motion mode and not the “change” of mass itself.

  The physical basic theory has been established mass conservation is put into practice on the immortalization 、invariability of basic particle, this belief should not shake.

  Therefore, the nuclear energy is the kinetic energy of atom itself contain, not come from the “change” of “mass change to energy”, mass (quality) also cannot change to other physical parameter.

  Believe “mass change to energy” to be a kind of fault, the error lie in inconsistent with the fact.To this need to “improve”, “to alter” can “advance”.

10 from the proton quality guess the graviton quality 

  The graviton in one of two kinds of the basic particle, many “particles” of proton and neutron suffer shock formed are all the “micro galaxy” from the graviton polymerization, therefore, their quality delegated graviton’s number of their contain.

In this respect, cosmic rays offered the more convenient way of guess graviton’s quality, because to it the measure has been recorded a lot of different data, formerly think these different data delegate different “particle”, after when be aware of they actually delegated the different “group” of gravitons, their difference of energy of course to be the difference of member’s number.

  In the data of already recorded, “disparity” reach 10 to the power of 12, the smallest ought to be the quality of one graviton, the maximum to be the quality of the proton, from this can infer, the quality of graviton less than 10 to the power of -36 (gram), why it not equal but less than? Here keep the possible of above “disparity” does not the maximum.