L31 电与磁的性别


                                                L31  电与磁的性别  


提要 本文透过人文影响讨论电磁领域“正、负”“同性、异性”的实质

关键词 同性 异性 正电荷 负电荷

(text in English see the rear)

1 用性别比拟电荷性质的妥与不妥



   与此类似的还有一些 “规则”:“导线切割磁力线能发电”、“右手定则”等,这些规则描述了发电的现象,需要回答:导线切割磁力线为什么能发电?其理何在?电流在线圈内流动为何产生力?时间一长,这些似乎都不成问题,人们毫不怀疑其正确性,不意中成为“规定”。


可是“同性”并不尽然“相斥”,两枚质子当然是“同性”,但它们非但不相斥,而且很难分离。如果不从机理上分析透,只能有两种说法,一是说存在一种“胶子”将它们“胶住了”;二是说它们“同性相吸”了! 当人文观点难以舍弃时,“胶子”理论显得“可信”,不过“胶子”也使基础理论发生困惑,要使人相信存在一个没有质量却能发出强大引力的“粒子”不那么容易。通过力线及其作用分析可知,没有质量就没有力线;相互作用使剩余力线密度改变,即使真的有一枚“胶子”它也不可能任意的改变“胶住力”。



  真正的基本粒子只有引力子与斥力子——电子——两种,也只有它倆才是真正的粒子,目前已经命名的名目繁多的“粒子”,其实乃是“复数基本粒子”,而且是引力子的“复数”,受“聚合效应”制约,他们当中最大的 是质子、中子。所以,那些形形色色的“粒子”,其中真正存在的“粒子”,毫无例外地都是“复数粒子”。 

  引力子发出引力线,在聚合中部分引力线——作用力线——相互作用产生引力 (F1),剩余的引力线依然向外伸出。聚合规模越大,剩余引力线比例越小但是恒>0 ,这是宇宙间物质总体上趋于聚合的动力所在。




 现代粒子理论迄今未能正确理会到引力基本粒子——引力子——的存在。基本粒子是基础物理的重要成员,用抽象数学的语言:“是物理空间诸元中的一元”,现代物理基础理论的人为复杂化已经产生了“12 种基本粒子”,还有不算基本粒子又离不开“基本粒子”的几种“传力粒子”,而且不能肯定不会再出现“新基本粒子”。



既然没有理会到它的存在,只能创造出“胶子”来解释微观引力现象,这一睿智举措与真实失之交臂。两种基本粒子的观点在《L01 粒子今论》中开始出现,以后也有进一步叙述。



2 电磁引力与斥力的实质 “同性相斥、异性相吸”是客观规律吗?否!

 不论电还是磁,其表现都是“力”, 力从何来?力来自力线相互作用。力线如何相互作用?




(3)引力线与斥力线作用产生引力,记为F3 但 F3< F1




 回到主题,需要的是以并不复杂的自然现象为基础去解释其它显示复杂的物理现象。如: 电的引力与斥力的实质何在?磁引力与磁斥力实质何在?


  如果“偏少”,该原子内部的引力线不能良好密封(原先电子数量足够与核内引力线形成F3力,剩余引力线很少),外泄引力线增加,成为形成F1 力与F3力的“一方”,所以,质子可以看作是“完全失去了外层电子的氢原子”,因此,两枚质子,尽管将其比拟为“同性”,但是,它们相吸而不是相斥就理所当然。




(2a) 电荷的斥力是电子(斥力子)发出的斥力线相互作用产生的F2力,并非另有其力, 斥力的大小由作用斥力线数量决定



  如果两枚磁铁“异极相对”,“有序电流”方向相同,不产生力,只有双方引力线作用,产生引力,于是“异性相吸”; 两枚磁铁“同极相对”,虽然同样产生上述引力,但是,其“有序电流”方向相反,相互推拒,形成斥力,而且斥力大于引力,于是“同性相斥”,这是机理所在。



至此,可以看出,电磁理论中的“同性相斥”“异性相吸”是过分人性化的结果,“同性”的“性”乃是人为假定的,当人们在电荷现象中观察到电子的“相斥”时,并没有进一步从力线作用产生力的角度探明为何“相斥”,而是方便地引用了人们容易接受的“同性相斥”,这一“理论”果然容易深入人心,且令人终生难忘。直至发现质子在原子里难以分开才感到存在问题,为此,创造了“胶子、玻色子”等“传力粒子”,它们既然是凭空创造的就只能“质量= 0”,不再进一步追问下去也就“有交代”了。但是,对于物理学,任何“质量= 0”便等于真空,真空就不能具有物质方能具有的任何性质。




3 “同性相吸”的反思

3.1 比拟与定律之别


  质子的内部作用力,需要从力线角度加以分析,对此将另文(《L38 渐进自由与渐进束缚?》)加以叙述。


3.2 理不可缺



 100年前,当有人提出“质量不是不可变”时,这一违反基础规律的“理论”理当受到质疑,理当追问“质量可变”的机理。在不问“怎样变”、“何以变”的情况下,迄今已经“变”到了“(宇宙大爆炸前)现在宇宙中的全部物质压缩在一个理论的点里”的梦幻程度,这一理论失误的结果是,如今,“什么是物质”已经成为物理学11 道重大难题的第一道!







3.3 慎重开拓







4 结束语


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The gender of the electricity and magnetism

S. G. Chinese

Abstract the text permeate the influence of mankind culture to discuss the substance of “positive、negative” “homogeneity 、 opposite sex ”of electromagnetic domain

Key words homogeneity opposite sex positive charge negative charge

1 proper or not proper of use gender compare charge properties 

  “The different sex attract each other, the same sex repel in the contrary.” Was physics “provision” of unofficial about electromagnetism acting-force, this “provision” on account of use humanity describe moreover concise、vivid, make they once know then unforgettable. 

  This class of physical terms return humanity field, would rich vocabulary connotation.But they seem also ignored more question closely for why is it that be able to “The different sex attract each other” “the same sex repel in the contrary”? What does the mechanism for attract and repel?

  The locate position of “provision” be differ from “law”, “law” reflect objective reality of natural, “provision” be bring subjective factor.Electromagnetic “male and female、plus-minus、N-S” after all was quite at odds with sex of person.Psychology、physiology and so on sciences be expected to support the statement of “attract each other” “repel each other”;and that for physics, the plus-minus of electric, attract-repel of electromagnetic, need support of mechanism, need answer:where is the mechanism of “The different sex attract each other” “the same sex repel in the contrary”? 

  Like this still have some “regulation”:“ the wire incise magnetic line can generate electricity”、“right-hand rule” and so on, these regulation described electric phenomenon, need to answer:why can generate electricity when wire incise magnetic line of force? Where is the mechanism? Why generate force when current flow in coil? Follow time get pass, all these seem be out of question, people make no doubt of its exactness, unexpectedly become “provision”.

  For “the same sex repel in the contrary” between electrons of carry negative charge or “particle”, answer seem relatively easy, electron serve as basic particle it issue repulsion force-line, between electrons, repulsion force-line act each other, generate repulsion force (F2), therefore, between particle or object of carry negative charge exist repulsion force.Here describe with “the same sex repel in the contrary” not have improper. 

  But, “the same sex does not all repel in the contrary”, two protons absolutely be the same sex, but they far from repel each other, and that hardly to separated.If not analyze clear from the reason, it only can have two kinds of statements, the one is exist a kind of “gluon” “stick” them;the second is they “the same sex attract each other ” ! when difficult to abandon humanity viewpoint, “gluon” theory seem “”credibility”, however “gluon” also make basic theory happen puzzle, it not very easy to make people believe in exist a “particle” of none quality but can issue strong attracting force.    Through force-line and its effect can know, none quality as soon as none force-line;interaction make density of surplus force-line get change, even really exist a “gluon”, it cannot randomly change its “stick force”. 

  Why happen “attract each other” between protons? This relate basic theory, only correct basic theory can but make its reason get satisfactory, for this reason, need enter into new physical space.

  Thesis L01——L04(《L01 modern opinion about particle》、《L02 Outline to space》、《L03 also discuss about time》、《L04 development of matter》) described this outline of physical basic theory. 

  True basic particle only two kinds of graviton and repulton——electron, also only they was true particle, currently has been named a multitude of names “particle”, actually to be the “plural basic particle”, and that was the “plural” of graviton, to restrict from “polymerizing effect”, between them the maximum was proton 、neutron.Therefore, those mixed “particle”, among they the really existing “particle”, are all “plural particle” without exception.

  Graviton issue attracting force-line, in polymerizing part attracting force-line——acting force-line——act each other produce attracting force (F1), remain attracting force-line still stretch out toward external.More large the polymerizing scale, more little the ratio of remain attracting force-line but lasting large than zero, this is power location of matter as a whole verge to polymerizing.

 Upon that, there have the reason of between protons it is “attract each other” and not “the same sex repel in the contrary”, in practices be cause by to be attracting force-line act each other produce attracting force.Thus catch sight of the limit and not perfect part of use “sex” assimilate particle action. 

  Base on analysis of acting of force-line, can showing through the limit of humanity meet event’s physical significance.Therefore, since no need for refuse make use of humanity describing, but nor should see this describing as “provision” even law, should not abandon to seek fore mechanism. 

  This fact of proton’s “mutual attract” reflected humanity analogy have its point of “excessive”, need search physical significance.But arise of “gluon theory” explain won’t give up “sex analogy”, mean, ‘in proton gravitons still “the same sex repel in the contrary”, due to gluon anchylose they, can but keep together’.This practice of “rob Peter to pay Paul” at the same time of stop a leak, yet produce new burst seam and new circulate of “pull down、repair”, towards practical physics pile in unreal composition.Be unable to proving particle can “quality equal to zero”、not issue force-line and also can “anchylose” other particle, without this mechanism.

  To today modern physics fail to right understand the being of attracting basic particle——graviton.The basic particle is the important member of basic physics, to use the language of abstract math:“to be an element of elements of physical space”, basic theory of modern physics of artificial complicate already produced “12 kinds of basic particles”, also some kinds of “power transmission particles” of doesn’t count and can’t do without “basic particle”, and unable affirm will not reappear “new basic particles”. 

  But in Chinese physics, it have two kinds of basic particles only, mean graviton and repulton, among them repulton quite right electron, but its quality much little (10 to the power of -36 gram) than 10 to the power of -28 gram of now physics, the reason is:the periphery of hydrogen atom no way only have one electron, should have “many” can but seal up its space, make attracting force-line of proton not escape in quantity and get electromagnetic neuter and possible process Brownian motion. 

  Graviton is the basic particle of issue attracting force-line, up to now define any “particle” of sent attracting force-line for “carry positive charge” even associated with “positron”——actually absent this “particle”, graviton is one of two kinds of basic particles.

  Since not have understand its existence, can but create “gluon” to explain the phenomenon of micro attracting force, this sagacity behave narrowly miss an opportunity with truth.The viewpoint of two kinds of basic particle begin appear in《L01 modern opinion about particle》, later also have more related.

Gravitons sent out attracting force-line, between them certainly form attracting force, they called “strong force”, hence become whole “particle of carry positive charge” all “same sex attract each other”!

  At aspect of charge, up to now use sex analogy in theory to be right and wrong at half and half, gain and loss coexisting.If in mistake for humanity analogy to be truth, surely be able to derive wrong “theory”.

2 substance of Electromagnetism attraction and repulsion

  No matter electricity or magnetism, its expression all the “force”, where come from the force? Force come from force-line act each other.How the force-line act each other? Summarize from practice:

(1)attracting force-line act with attracting force-line produce attracting force, write down for F1

(2)repulsion force-line act with repulsion force-line produce repulsion force, write down for F2

(3)attracting force-line act with repulsion force-line produce attracting force , write down for F3, but F3< F1 

  Where come from the force-line? it come from basic particle.Above has been persuaded, graviton issue attracting force-line;repulton issue repulsion force-line.This is “inborn” of two kinds of basic particle.

As if ask why basic particle should issue force-line? Or ask why graviton issue attracting force-line? the answer is:“objective reality” or “natural phenomenon”.

  “natural world only have two kinds of basic particle”, this objective natural phenomenon of need folk approbatory does not much, now physical basic theory result in greatly complicated, such as:already have 12 kinds of basic particles, also “particles of transfer force ”, they neither basic particle, nor can push they besides of basic particle.complicated result of course was theory appear don’t perfect, leave of reality.

  Return to theme, the needed is use don’t complicated natural phenomenon to explain other physical phenomenon of appear complicate.Such as:what is the substance of electric attracting force and repulsion force? What is the substance of magnetic attracting force and magnetic repulsion force? 

  The force phenomenon of charge may begin investigate from “charging by friction”, the substance of two electrical insulating materials rub each other was drive each other of their electrons of outer sphere, make quantity change of atom’s electronic shell of the suffer rub part, form temporary “prejudiced much” or “prejudiced few” , this just “positive charge” “negative charge”, from this, after rub, some atoms are “out of gear” of outer electron’s quantity.For electrical insulating material “out of gear” can keep for longer time. 

  If it is “leaning few”, gravitation of the inner of this atom cannot well sealed (original quantity of electrons enough to form attracting fore F3 with attracting force-line of nuclear inner, surplus attracting force-line was very few ), escape attracting force-line get added, become “one side” of form force F1 and F3, so, proton may regard as “hydrogen atom of completely loss outer electrons”, therefore, two protons, although analogy them for “homosexual”, but, they attract each other and does not repulsion each other engage in of course.

  If it is “leaning much”, the substance of “repulsion each other” of two scraps of paper which carry positive charge is react of force F3 of between “leaning much” electrons, they can give analogy with “the same sex repel in the contrary”, but can’t more link together with sex even open up to electromagnetic phenomenon submit to humanity rule.Because, the origin of force F1、F3,has been get physical substance, use analogy, can but be in harmony with it, can not be in the contrary with it. 

  Here can see:

(1a) the quantity of negative charge of fricative equal to the quantity of positive charge, be the strict “symmetry”, “absolute equal”

(2a) the repulsion force of charge was force F2 form from repulsion force-line act each other issued by electron (repulton), really not have another force, big or small of repulsion force decide to the quantity of act force-line

(3a) not relate to “other particle” such as “positron” and so on 

To take care of magnetic force, outer electrons of normal atom to be rotation in disorder, in its “sky” electron distribution keep dynamically uniformity, can make force-line of each direction which issued from proton get “action” and atom appear “electromagnetic neutrality”, if rotation direction of part outer electrons in order, existed “two-poles”, then inevitable spill attracting force-line from direction of reduced electron issued, this is the reason of magnet “absorb iron”.

  If two magnet “face to face with different-polar”, the direction of “ordered current” in the same, not produce force for this, only both attracting force-line act each other, to cause attracting force, upon that “The different sex attract each other”; If two magnet “face to face with the same polar”, although similar cause above attracting force, but , that “ordered current” in the opposite direction, refuse each other, form repulsion force, and repulsion force large than attracting force, so “the same sex repel in the contrary”, this is the location of mechanism.

  Visible, from the angle of force-line and force, can know electric power and magnetic force rather clear, here also may see, “electric power”、“ magnetic force” none different in substance, the different two kinds of force-line to be attracting force-line and repulsion force-line, two kinds of different force to be attracting force and repulsion force, as for “electric attracting force” and “magnetic attracting force” only different in situation of generate, does not different in “force-line” and “force”. 

  Two kinds of force-line, they act each other to form two kinds of force:attracting force F1、F3 and repulsion force F2.This is the physical substance of form force in electromagnetic field, any description, need be in harmony with this.

3 The Introspection of “the same sex attract each other” 

3.1 the distinction of analogy and law

  Except electromagnetic phenomenon use sex serve as analogy, still not a few humanity influence in physical theory, but, give those rise for “provision”、“regulation” be need very careful, apply analogy belong to the property of “individual cases”, cannot arbitrarily open up, if not, these use and open up, hard to avoid get into error field.Recent famous analogy is about to proton as “rubber band”, thus to have theory of “asymptotic freedom” and “Gradual bound”, the improper of this analogy lie in:atom make up from two kinds of basic particle, some what different in acting force side with proton which polymerizing from one kind of basic particle.due to F2 have a hand in, rubber band 、spring may “more drew tight”, but, proton only make up from gravitons, can but “more drew relaxing ”. 

  The inner acting force of proton, to analyze it need from the angle of force-line, withal be going to narrate by another text 《L38“progress step by step to free” and “progress step by step to tie ”?》.

  The question is that, the principal character of analogy and assimilated event need similarity, “the same sex repel in the contrary” may apply between electron, popularize to graviton、proton engage in improper.Due to in mistake for “ought to appropriate”, hence created “gluon”, this seem solved “difficult problem”, in effect to be occurred the “second fault” on the fault base, certainly derive new “problem” and “difficulty”. 

3.2 cannot be short of reason 

  Some improper statement seems already or ever be deemed to near “established law”, such as:“conservation of parity”、“non-conservation of parity”、“quality does not un-change” and so on, go so far as to the humanity analogy of electromagnetic also near “provision”, modern, this kind of theory increased non end, their common character is short of reason, “quality change to energy” it seems already to be the “phenomena of nature ”of “objective reality” and beyond question, this just to be a kind of fault. 

  The objective existing of nature was “sportive object”, this may be resolve to two basic law of “conservation of matter” and “conservation of energy”.Ought to understand, this is the objective existing of ought not doubt, to this not need quiz “why”、“wherein the reason” and so on problem, can but give admitting.Other all natural phenomena, uniformly exist of mechanism, uniformly may ask “why”, the physics just all along engage in reply these why as own duty.   

  100 years ago, when someone raise “quality does not change”, this theory of violate basic regular should suffer question, should make a detailed inquiry for reason of “quality variable”.under the condition of pay no attention to “how change”、“why change”, up to now has been “change” to the dream degree of “(before big bang)whole matter of present cosmos compress in a theoretic point”, the result of this theory fault is, nowadays, “what is matter” already become the first problem of 11 great physical difficult problem!

Many theory be short of support from theory, such as:“light’s gravitational bend、gravitational red shift”, why? “the length of motion object get curtail at motion direction ”, why? “conservation of parity、non-conservation of parity”, why? “progress step by step to free、progress step by step to tie” why? Etc.

  In the meaning of a word of Chinese of physics was “matter” and “mechanism” lay particular emphasis on “find mechanism、reason for matter”, if modern physical basic theory come from Chinese academia of expect the reality to correspond to the name, estimate will not allow the reason lack so much. 

  Once theory lack of “reason or mechanism”, only remain “discussion”, its confidence then greatly drop.

 Correct theory be sure to have support of mechanism, be sure to accord with laws of nature, if lack of mechanism、at all time cannot find mechanism even contrary to natural law, should believe in it is error theory,

Until now, except in electromagnetic field describe to use “plus-minus、male-female”, in “quantum dynamics” use “color”、“taste” act as the attribute also used to see;clearly, it is important, what is its mechanism, what is its physical substance.

3.3 be careful in open up 

  Protons attract each other be a paradox to the humanity electromagnetic theory, the reason of problem of course should find from the latter, “perverse” come from “the same sex repel in the contrary” open up to “The different sex attract each other”, why may not open up here? Above said, humanity analogy only be individual dispose in individual cases, cannot proceed from the one to the other. 

  To be bundled in sight, some open up in physical theory field already very overset, as:

(1b)the 3 dimension space of objective existing get ceaseless open up, the maximum has been reach to 21 dimension!

(2b)natural world existing symmetrical mechanism、symmetrical things, also coexisting asymmetrical mechanism、asymmetrical things;under the condition of ignore the later, opened up the “symmetry principle”, hence arise “anti-particle”、“antimatter”、“anti-universe”

(3b) open up of “quality changeable ” reach to above “before big bang whole matter of cosmos all pressed in a theoretical point ” etc

 Such weirdness open up of leave law and mechanism, how can form correct theory.

4 end credits 

  From humanity influence of electromagnetic theory find out, this kind of describe cannot replace mechanism, in addition of the basic objective existing of nature need admit and cannot answer “why”, any physical phenomenon all have rational to follow and have mechanism to find.Physical theory cannot leave “mechanism”.