L30 物理学基础理论辨Distinguish for ph





摘要 提出判断基础理论的正误、分辨虚实的几个主要方面

关键词 物理基础理论



  以基本粒子理论为例,原子、中子、质子已先后步出了基本粒子行列,粒子标准模型纳入的基本粒子有12种,即6种夸克、6种轻子,同时还包含胶子、光子、几种玻色子,它们不算基本粒子而却是“力的载体”。 此外 12种基本粒子的“镜像粒子”算不算基本粒子?历来先后发现的200 多种重子算不算基本粒子? 宇宙射线中的超过600种“粒子”算什么粒子?还会发现更多的夸克和轻子吗?除电子外,其余11种“基本粒子”都不是自然界天然存在,而且都能转变,能算是基本粒子吗?

  现有理论将“12 种基本粒子”分为三组,认为质子、中子 是三组中各出一个成员组成的,这有点类似“抓中药”。但是,12种基本粒子的质量各不相同,而质子、中子的质量却高度划一,达到0.001%,通过数学排列组合容易发现,大自然无法实现这样的组合。因此,“12 种基本粒子”的理论显然是一种有破绽的“顾头不顾尾”的理论。






  当时被认为似乎能说明质量变化的几个实例,现在全都有了“并非质量变化的”分析判断(参见《L12 关于物质不灭和能量不灭规律》。 “宇宙大爆炸”“理论”的性质相同,根据什么机理可以说“大爆炸之前所有质量都压缩在一个理论的点里”?如果找不出这样的机理,那种神奇的“压缩”从理论上没有依据,因此,不能视为可信的理论;“宇称守恒”或“宇称不守恒”属于判断,未提出任何机理,当然不属于有理之论。所以,机理应当是正确理论的必要条件,也是回答质疑的手段,需要有机理与合乎推理。

  既然找不到“质量可变”的机理,对于诸如此类存在“困难”和“问题”的“理论”, 放弃比坚持就更为可取;如果还是提不出“宇宙大爆炸”的机理,仅仅根据“红移”,不能判断发生过这样的“爆炸”,很明显,如果只看到“红移”而不看到“蓝移”,理论难免有片面性;至于宇称到底守恒还是不守恒,首先要有对质子、中子、原子的正确认识,才能有能够描述真实情况的理论;如果,连E=mc2的能量来自何处尚说不清而要采用“质量变能量”来解释,就需要找到“变”的机理。





  以往认为“宇称守恒”是规律,现在实验中出现了相反情况,到底守恒还是不守恒?二者中必定是一正一误,这里面临的问题首先是,还相信不相信能量守恒规律,这相对说是高位规律。今天的现实问题是,“物质不灭”已从“理论上”予以搁置,“能量不灭”也由于“可以变质量”而有些二乎。已经不把这两项基础自然规律“当回事”,在《L28 基本粒子》文中曾提过,《相对论》提出“质量可变”有其苦衷,但在应付了当时的难题的同时,也带来违反自然规律引起理论失误的后果。

  如果当初坚信物质不灭规律,完全可能正确回答当时的“原子能何来”、“加速器中为什么得不到光速粒子”、“ 示踪粒子迹线为何出现中断”等问题,并由此对原子的形成有准确的认识,建立正确理论,在基础理论正确之下,宇称守不守恒当然会有正确认识。











  现有基础理论中存在“过分人性化”的现象。人性化的适当引入显然有益,“过分”与否的界限在于是否会使理论失误。在任何领域,力来源于力线相互作用,引力子发出引力线,斥力子发出斥力线,引力线相互作用生成引力F1,斥力线相互作用生成斥力F2,引力线与斥力线相互作用生成较小的引力F3, 即F3<F1。

  原子外层多余电子时,当然是斥力线偏多;由引力子聚合而成的质子和比质子小的许多“粒子”自然发出引力线,这些是事情的本质,使用 “阴阳、正负”描述属于人性化的处理,这样的处理,用于描述“带负电荷”物质的行为是合适的,因为斥力线相互作用生成斥力F2;用于描述“带正电荷粒子”则是不正确的,它们发出引力线,是“相吸”而不是“相斥”,如果坚持人性化的“同性”,只能构思出一个“胶子”来弥补才能完成“吸”,理论的这一“弥补”因为失真,必然附带出新的“困难”或“问题”,例如说,“胶子”质量必须为零,而质量为零只能是真空,新的问题是,真空对于力是“中性”,如何影响引力?

  现代物理学将“味”“色”融入量子力学也存在人性化是否过当的问题,因为,味与色当然不能合二而一,而强作用力与弱作用力仅仅是“量别”,只要找到“量别”的原因,完全可能合二而一,事实上,现在确实发现了“聚合效应”,“聚合组群”的剩余力线密度同聚合粒子数量成反比,差距可达万亿(1012)倍之多,既然从“强作用力”到“弱作用力”乃是同一种力线的数量之差引起,它们就不是“两种力”,细加分析,电磁力的情况亦复如此,尽管从数学上说,三门量子动力学(电、味、色)各自严谨、独立,自成体系,方程众多, 分工合作,加上牛顿力学,成为解释“全部四种力”的集体。但是,从机理上说,却有失于真。将同一种力线由于密度不同而形成的“大小”之差判断为“四种力”,人为地复杂化了和离开了真实。因此,四门“力学”学科的“分开”有违实际。



迄今,E=mc2 方程虽然已经不止一次经过验证被认为“正确”,但是,通过反复推敲,却不能发现“质量变能量”的机理,没有机理,不得不反过来认为不存在“质量变能量”的现实,另行寻找原子存在巨大能量的物理原因。在此情况下,原子、质子、中子的结构和聚合过程、聚合机理已经在长期反复推敲中被发现,并因此使 多年存在的“E=mc2 方程的能量何来”问题得到解答

  在此情况下,原子、质子、中子的结构和聚合过程、聚合机理已经在长期反复推敲中被发现,并因此使多年存在的“E=mc2 方程的能量何来”问题得到解答。所以,圆满和谐的粒子理论是:基本粒子只有引力子、斥力子两种;质子、中子乃是高速基本粒子被引力“栓住”形成的“微涡旋星系”,其动能为1/2mv2,m 是其中基本粒子的总质量,v是“回旋的线速度”。能量方程反眏了质子、中子本身具有巨大动能,将其认识为“质量变能量”,误也!

  如果像报道所说,E=mc2方程已获得“精确验证”,如“精确程度”可达4位有效值,则v=1.414×c ,式中c 为光速。基本粒子具有光速量级的线速度有原由吗?当然有,因为,基本粒子来自恒星心部核反应,此反应使质子、中子解体,基本粒子以“回旋的线速度”飞向空间,引力子不能形成斥力,因此它在空间恒保持这一速度不减。所以,质子、中子、原子在空间生成时本身蕴含mc2动能,只是平常不对外表现而已,一但通过核反应表现出来,此能量即为原先存在的动能,此时,基本粒子由回旋运动变直线运动,自然界魔术师的这一魔术,竟蒙蔽了我们一百多年,使人先是困惑后是认为“质量可变”。


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Distinguish for physical basic theory

S. G. Chinese

Abstract to raise some major side of decide correct or incorrect 、false or true of the physical basic theory 

Key word physical basic theory 

  The importance of basic theory is well-known, here will discuss, the recognition of just、error about physical basic theory.Theory apply in explain the problem、eliminate puzzled、go for gnosis, if mix into “impurity” or fault, the influence sure huge, so-called: “a miss is as good as a mile”.Theory of “yin-yang and five elements” of ancient China can explain a great many problems, as:if ask “how form the cosmos” ? the reply of “theory” of yin-yang and five elements is:cosmos born from chaos, chaos divided to two gas of yin and yang, the gas of yang coma up been the sky, the gas of yin down and coagulating been the earth.The sex of biological、the property of drug、the disease of human and so on aspect are all permeated theory of yin yang and five elements.                        

  But such theory of clear and logical in sound obvious difficult belong to correct theory.Because of, serve as the brace to the end what is “yang” and “yin”? It “changes” without any cause, in-observe any law, don’t carry any mechanism, dependent on the description of specious, so cannot have higher confidence.What kind of theory to be the correct theory? Nowadays, physical basic theory like all sorts of flowers in compete opening, each talk its right, constantly alter, new meaning constantly out, can’t be limited, up to unable to decide which is right.

  For the example of theory of the basic particle, atom、neutron、proton、had been successively step out of the ranks of basic particle, particle standard model bring into 12 kinds of basic particles, mean 6 kinds of quarks、6kinds of leptons, in the meantime also contain gluon、photon、some types of boson, they doesn’t count basic particle but been the “carrier of force”.Besides, whether count or not count the basic particles of 12 kinds of “image particle” of basic particle? Whether count or not count the basic particles of more than 200 kinds of baryons of constantly one after another find? What kinds of particle for surpass 600 kinds of cosmic rays particles? Whether still find more quarks and leptons? Not include electron, the other 11 kinds of “basic particle” are all not nature world natural exist, and they are all can change, can they to be the basic particle? 

  Existing theory be going to “12 kinds of basic particles” divide to three groups, and think proton、neutron to be composite of every group out one member, this have a little similar “catch traditional Chinese medicine ”.but, the quality of 12 kinds of basic particles were differ from one another and that quality of proton、neutron then high uniformity, reach to 0.001%,get by mathematics permutation and combination easy find, nature cannot carry out this combination, therefore, theory of 12 kinds of basic particle clearly to be was a kind of theory of have a burst seam and “attends to one thing and lose another”.

  Theory of basic particle also need reply:where can get these “basic particle” of nature and what method can use for polymerize they、why cannot polymerizing to the “particle” of large then proton、neutron and so on problems.

  For the reason of above these problems cannot reply, not lie in the difficulty large and that lie in existing basic theory exist problem, can not be good as a support of reply above problem, therefore, to be one kind of the “theory” of un-truthfulness.

  The correct physical basic theory need:

(1)clearing in mechanism 。

  The core of theory lie in “reason”, the “analects” of none mechanism only make a fuss about some thing, can’t being theory, more difficult become correct theory.Now it seems, theory of “the quality variable” at once belong to theory of not raise mechanism, since it has been raised 114 years, only raised “the quality it seems not un-variable ” but all the time not have reply “how change for the quality”, where been the mechanism? If the quality “can change”, certainly at first should the basic particle “can change”, like that, is the quantity of basic particle variable、density variable and still volume can change? they all the time cannot answer these class of problems.

  Some examples of at that time be deemed to can explain the quality change, now all already have the analysis and judging of “it does not the quality changing”(see also in 《L12 Mechanics for force line》).It is the same of property for “theory” of “big bang”, what mechanism can use for the basis may say “before the big bang whole mass all compressed in a point”? if find not such mechanism, the sort of those magical “compressing” have not basis in theory, therefore cannot treat as credible theory; “conservation of parity” or “un-conservation of parity ” belong to the judgment, not raise any mechanism, of course not belong to the theory of rational.Therefore, mechanism was the essential condition of the correct theory, also the method of answer query, the correct theory need to have mechanism and accord with reasoning.

  Since find not mechanism of “mass variable”, about such “theory” of exist “difficulty” and “problem”, give up is more desirable than insist;if still cannot to raise the mechanism of “big bang”, only according to the “red shift”, can not judge happened such “explosion”, clearly, if only catch sight of “red shift” and not catch sight of “blue shift”, theory hard to avoid have the one-sidedness;as for the parity at all is conservation or un-conservation, at first need have the correct know to neutron、proton、atom, ability have the theory of can describe reality;if, yet can’t explain the energy source of equation E=mc2 and should use “quality change to energy” for explain, that is it need to find the mechanism of “change”. 

  In the physical field, none any “change” not exists mechanism, if this kind of “change” is objective reality, the mechanism be sure to find;if the mechanism does not exists, this “change” is also not exists.Until today, they still believe in “quality change to energy” and that is not face up to lack the mechanism of “change”, this practice of content with superficial understanding seems need “change”.

(2)abide by natural law。

  Practice some time appear the phenomenon of seems inconformity with law, if cannot find reasonable explain, it have two choice, the one is firmly believe of law, go on with hard strive, find the reason for “inconformity”, seek its what are the reasons why, in order to go for explain;the two is serve as the proving for to think the law of previously does not correct, think of got “new law”.

Nearest this kind of event is “discover” of “non-conservation of parity”.Before, such as “conservation of parity”、“contraction in length in motional direction” and so on once believed been correct, as for “quality variable” then already pass for right for a long time of centenary, but, if does not true right and that only been think right, this “right” can but “once”, this once, maybe soon, maybe reach to a long time of centenary, but in the final analysis can not forever, because since depart from true, certainly find not mechanism, only equivocation.

  Formerly to think “conservation of parity” to be the law, now appeared opposite condition in experiment, does it conservation or not to the end? In the both should be one right other one wrong, the first of here face the problem is, if believe in the law of conservation of energy or un-doubt this law, this law relatively was the high-order law.Today’s real problem is, “conservation of matter” already give lay up from “theoretically”, “conservation of energy” also due to “my be change to quality” moreover have some un-firm.Has been don’t “to pay attention ” to this two terms of natural law, in 《L28 characteristic of elementary particle》ever bring up, 《relativity》to raise “quality variable” have its difficulties, but at the same time of deal with temporal puzzle, also bring in the result of violate natural law and fault in theory.

  If originally firmly believe the theory of the law of conservation of matter, completely possible correctly reply “where come from the atomic energy”、“why cannot get the particle of light velocity in the accelerator”、“why the race of labeling particles some time appear break off” and so on problems of that day, and thus get the accurate know for the formation of atom, build the correct theory, under the basic theory correcting, to conservation or un-conservation of parity of course be able to have correct know.

In a word, the physics law of yet admitted was the result of repeatedly practice and long-term proving, have to hew to it.

  Today, the “theory sway” of similar from “conservation” to “un-conservation” reflected the basic theory exist fault, also show they ignore logic regular.

  Here special suggested was, two term of basic natural law of conservation of matter and conservation of energy after find go through long-term repeatedly apply、proving, not have true find any “problem” or “defect”, though ever misunderstand in “mass does not invariable”, but those example of make man products “mass does not invariable” today it appears all not true “mass does not invariable”, but the misunderstanding of before the mechanism get find, therefore, two “conservation” serve as the location of basic discipline should immediately to recover,need realized, depart from discipline mean theory’s fault.  

(3)satisfactory、harmonious, humanity within reason 。

  Classical physics is the theory system of compare satisfactory、harmonious, certainly has yet to more develop, towards the large aspect to know the star and cosmos, towards the small aspect to know the molecule、atom、basic(elementary)particle.make human can now the true appearance of the nature in four corner.

Modern physics obvious carried this heavy burden, input a large of excellent intelligence, build up a resplendent and magnificent palace of physics, full of achievement, be obvious to all.Whether exist of shortcomings? Where exist of shortcomings?

  The answer lie in the basic theory, now physical basic theory exist not a few “difficult” and “problem”, hard to reach satisfactory and harmonious was its expression.The importance of basic theory is self-evident, the substance of cannot come up to satisfactory and harmonious lie in the distortion of theory.

Such as, above has been mentioned, current theory consider the basic particle divided to three groups, every group out one for constitute proton, the quality was differ from one another of 12 kinds of basic particle, therefore this theory is not reconcile with proton’s mass (quality) of height in line—— the differ less then 10-6 (10 to the power of -6);also such as, if two protons get to gather, if they would “the same sex repel in the contrary.”? Why it was difficult separate proton、neutron in the atom? As if to say the inside have “gluon” anchylose they, the “gluon” definitely “none mass”, none mass is the same with vacuum, can it issue force-line、form strong attracting force and effect as the “gum”? “none mass” is equal to “no matter”, the force was product from (matter issued) force-ling act each other, leave of matter, then none the carrier of issue force-line, what way can “gluing”? 

  The satisfactory reply would be, proton issue attracting force-line, they certainly need inter-attraction, visible, current basic theory, it leave of the act of force-line, adopt humanity description of “homosexual、heterosexual ”, and there is not find out the substance of “reprove” and “attract”.Such theory certainly speciosity, the head and the tail can not join, only partly show “correct”.                     

  The develop、change of the aught of nature world all exist definite mechanism, all accord with natural law, and the nature world does not exist the mechanism or law of “self-contradictory”, nature is a large system of harmonious, therefore, the discussion of described truth、reacted objective mechanism to be the correct theory, the theory of exist “problem” or “difficulty”, it can’t reach to harmonious and satisfactory, can’t to be the correct theory.The opinion for the “level” high-low also ought according to the degree of it approach true, the rest is secondary.It ha e a kind of statement, to think:“the process of scientific research is the process of build equation、through experiment test and verify equation thus get correct equation ”.

  This lopsided view easy produce mislead, the process of scientific research mainly lie in find、seek mechanism and truth, the equation correct was not equal to reached study aim, for the example of three subjects of quantum mechanics (quantum electrodynamics、QCD、QFD), the scholars write out a large number equation of high tone for them, now don’t bring up any equation exist problem, already to be three high level subject of natural science.But, if from mechanism find out “three kinds of force” does not true three kinds but only the same force-line form from act each other, big or small of force is due to how much quantity of force-line, the “kind” of force then would eliminated, yet these three subjects can stand erect in the forest of subjects?

  Existing basic theory exist the phenomenon of “excessive harmonious”.    Appropriate import harmonious is obvious useful, the boundary of whether “excessive” lie in whether would make theory fault.               In any field, force is origin from force-line act each other.

  Graviton issue attracting force-line, repulton issue repulsion force-line, attracting force-line act with attracting force-line generate attracting force F1.

  Repulsion force-line act with repulsion force-line generate repulsion force F2.

  Attracting force-line act with repulsion force-line generate smaller attracting force F3, namely F3<F1.

When the outer sphere of atom has excess electrons, absolutely repulsion force-line inclined too much, proton polymerized from graviton and many “particle” less than it absolutely issue attracting force-line, this is the essence of matter, to describe use “yin yang、positive、negative” belong to humanized treatment, such treatment use for describe the expression of “negative charge” matter. 

  But, if believe “reprove each other in homosexual” was the law then it is excessive。When find protons attract each other in atom, people to think “repulsion each other in homosexual” was the natural law and to think it have a kind of “gluon” make effect so protons can not “repulse each other off”, this make force’s theory fault to complicate direction, up to even link with “color” and “taste”, also come out many “particle of introduce force”, they as well as influence on the force, “none mass”, this make “theory” more “speed across sky”, let some one feel unattainable and unfathomable, this is the result of excessive humanity.       

  “taste” is different in properties with “color”, both cannot two combined into one, but “strong force” only “quantity difference” with “weak force”, if only find the reason of “quantity difference”, possible two combined into one fully.In fact, now really find out “polymerizing effect”, the density of surplus force-line of “polymerizing group” is inverse proportion to the quantity of polymerizing particles, the difference may reach to more of ten thousand trillion times (10 to the power of 12) , since from “strong force” to “weak force” to be cause by the quantity difference of the same force-line, they as soon as does not “two kinds of force”, as careful do analysis, the condition of electromagnetic force is also as this, although speak from math angle, three subjects of quantum (electric、taste、color) dynamics each preciseness、independent, create a system of one’s own, have much equations, they work in cooperation with a due division of labour, add with Newtonian mechanics, become a collectivity for explain “whole four kinds of force”.But speak from mechanism angle, then lose the true.The different density of the same force-line so form different of “magnitude” judge that for “four kinds of force”, it is artificially complicate and leave of true.     Therefore, the viewpoint and practice of four subjects of “mechanics” leave of reality. 

(4)repeatedly prove and analyze 。

  Through test prove theory is the common view of academic circles, the final conclusion go by long-term repeated proving certainly rather steady and sure.Any improve for such formed theory should careful, not only need proving, but also need examine and verify have it or not mechanism, whether accord with law, for fear that save the uncut jade and give up the jade.

  Until now, equation already more then once through proving be deemed to “correcting”, but, through repeated deliberation, yet not find mechanism of “quality change to energy”, not have mechanism, have to in return think in-exist the reality of “quality change to energy”, separately look for the physical cause of atom exist huge energy.Under this circumstance, the structure、polymerizing process and polymerizing mechanism of atom 、proton、neutron has been find in long time repeated deliberation, and thus make the problem of many years exiting of “where come from the energy of equation E=mc2” got answer.  

  If like the report says, the equation E=mc2 has been got accurate proving, if “accurate degree” may reach to 4 bit significance, then v=1.414c, the c to be the speed of light.Whether have the reason of basic particle possess linear velocity of the order of light velocity? Surely have, because, basic particles come from nuclear reaction of star center, this reaction make proton、neutron get disassemble, basic particles flying to space with “linear velocity of whirl”.Gravitons cannot form repulsion, so they lasting keep this velocity not reduce in space.Therefore, when proton、neutron、atom generate in space itself contains kinetic energy mc2, merely usually don’t display external nothing more, once appear through nuclear reaction, this energy mean the kinetic energy of former existing, this moment, basic particles from whirl motion change to linear motion, this magic of nature prestidigitator unexpectedly becloud we a little more than a hundred years, make person puzzle at first and after think “quality variable”.

  Clearly, build equation、proving equation only a part of physical research, the nuclear goal ought to be find mechanism and law, possess mechanism and accord with mechanism is the essential condition of correct theory.In this way can make physical research forward follow the road of “clear-cut ”.