L29 牛顿力学现在过时否 Does Newtonian m


  L29a  牛顿力学如今过时否?


提要  阐述牛顿三定理不存在“过时”问题和牛顿引力方程的的物理意义及适用域

关键词 牛顿三定理  牛顿方程  量子力学  四种力 



  当年,人们对于牛顿三定理也称之为“牛顿三定律”,而对于“定律”通常并不进一步探寻机理,相当于“客观存在”, 只需承认而不提问“为什么”。 

  现在看,“牛顿三定律”涉及物质运动内容的部分,应当存在寻求机理的空间,应当可能提问“为什么”, “牛顿三定律”与“物质不灭定律”不同,后者是客观存在,没有理由,它只可以反复验证而不能说出“为什么”。因此,只有在机理明晰之后,才能够正确的作出“牛顿三定律”是否过时的判断。

2 牛顿三定律的物理实质

  这里提出,“力学”的三门开拓——《量子电动力学》《量子色动力学》、《量子味动力学》——乃是未能领悟“聚合效应”的结果,并不真存在“量子色”与“量子味”,而“电磁力”的实质应当归结到原子的状态与 “力线”,同“力学”直接联系的是力线。

  力是什么?力是一个非物质而又离不开物质的物理量,它使物体改变速度或相对位置,力来自于“力线相互作用”而不是直接来自物质,“力线” 与“力”的联系在于:“物质发出力线”,也就是基本粒子发出力线,对此,陈理士物理阐述于论文《L11a力线力学概要》中,具体为:

(1) 基本粒子有两种:引力子、斥力子,可以聚合成为质子、中子、原子、分子

(2) 引力子发出引力线

(3) 斥力子发出斥力线

(4) 引力子的引力线与其它引力子的引力线相互作用产生引力F1

(5) 斥力子的斥力线与其它斥力子的斥力线相互作用产生斥力F2

(6) 引力线与斥力线相互作用产生引力F3,但F3< F1








此定律曾经在应用中经受过长期验证,至今在“宏观”力学中并未发现存在任何不妥。方程F=ma是其数学形式,简洁明确,应用十分方便。数年前,有论文《 公式F=ma力从哪来?》一文对方程提出了怀疑,大致有: 

1、 F=ma等号右方是有确切意义的两项之积,而左方却没有独立意义。

2、 力是“人造产物”,“力”以及那些产生力的感官概念的引入并非必要。

3、 此方程形式空洞,精确推敲则模糊晦涩,道义上可疑。

4、 不能解释带电粒子间的磁相互作用。

5、 力沿两质量连线作用的规定对于分子间作用力是错误的。

6、 此方程令人难以认同地更象由许多假定构造的一种文化。

7、 对于物质行为已可用量子电动力学、量子色动力学的精确定律描述。

8、 “力的文化”定义模糊,只是由于它易于操作而在竞争中生存下来,且持续繁荣。










  将两块马蹄形磁铁分别置于两处,从S和N极伸出的“磁力线”是人所熟知的。若将此二磁铁异性相对吸合,此时,原先外伸的磁力线几乎全部消失,力线转入磁铁内部成为“作用力线”,在二磁铁间形成相应吸力。进一步的分析可以看出,应用力线模型有助于说明力到底有几种?真正不同的力只有引力、斥力两种。电、磁力,其实都是原子处于特种状态下所伸出的力线形成。引力、斥力均由力线作用形成,作用力线的多少左右着力的大小,作用力线与剩余力线的分布情况是“四种”力“量别”的原因。宏观力之所以只有万有引力而没有万有斥力的原因在于“斥力源”电子趋于分散不能“天然地”集聚一起形成高密度斥力线因而成为“近距力”。正因为对“力”感到捉摸不定才会“模糊晦涩”,这是今人未能发现的“四种力”的内在联系而产生的困惑所致,并非F=ma方程含有“勉强成分”,换一种主观境界,若说此方程形式简洁优美也无可厚非。因为此方程原先带一个比例常数,单位的运用,巧妙地使它成为1,因而使形式简洁。如果要“精确推敲”不妨从机理或物理量纲进行,但关键在于,方程的构建 是否能反映客观现象,这也纯属学术问题而已。




  现在简述力线模型和“四种力”的关联机理,以引力为例,最强的单位引力发生在基本粒子“引力子”之间,每一引力子向空间均匀地射出总量为 1(相对值)的引力线,当两枚引力子接近时,引力线相互作用,在二者间形成引力。这里附带回答了“力是怎样生成的”,答案是:“力是物质双方的力线相互作用生成的”,从恒星核反应中飞向空间的引力子接近光速,当两枚引力子十分接近——距离在埃的量级——相互作用的力线接近1/2,所形成的强大引力使二者不再分离,成为相互绕对方回转的“微双星”,双方剩余的引力线总量为1(各为1/2),继续伸向空间,此剩余力线使“微双星”继续增加成员成为“多星”,各成员分布在一个球面空间表面。

  每增加一个成员,作用力线比例调整一次,当成员由2至n,成员用于相互作用的力线由1/2-(1-n)/n,“多星”对外的剩余力线总量为1(每一成员为1/n),n是“多星”的成员数。就“多星”伸向空间的力线总量而言,这一物理关系表现为1+1=1;1+n=1,每一“成员”的剩余力线则不断下降,为1/n,这种情况可称为“聚合效应”(参见《L04 物质演变》),它使“多星”对外的吸引能力下降,当一粒引力子从“多星”附近穿过,如果再也“栓”不住它,“多星”的发展便告停止,这便是中子、质子规模。可以推测,“强作用力”并非一成不变。力线由最多为1/2随聚合度逐渐减少到1/n,形成引力的变化范围。中子质子所剩余的引力线是形成原子核的“动力”,原子核形成时,同样存在“聚合效应”,剩余引力线密度进一步减少,即所谓的“弱作用力”,从原子量超过“铋”的元素具有放射性看出,弱作用力同样与“聚合度”相关。“电力”则是“原子”力。当原子外层电子密度异常时,偏密则呈现的力线异常被称为带“负电荷”;偏稀为 “正电荷”(这是摩擦产生电荷以及正负电荷相等的实质),原子分别发出斥力线与引力线。斥力线始发者为偏密的电子外层,引力线始发者为原子核,构成电力、磁力的其实是引、斥两种力线,并非特别的“电力线”、“磁力线”。“磁力”是原子力,当正常的原子外层的电子轨道趋于有序时,核内引力线(原先由外层电子所封闭)外泄;有序的电子则发出斥力线。两个“同性”磁极相对,双方电子迫使对方反向旋转的斥力占优势,显示“同性相斥”,两个异性磁极相对时,电斥力虽存在,但从核内泄出的引力线相互作用形成更强的引力,使人感觉“异性相吸”。可以看出,对于电磁力的现有理论,是乖离物理实际、由人性化的假定写出的优美作品。如果不是带正电荷质子等的“相吸”,没有必要对此合乎人情的描述提出异议。















3 关于牛顿引力方程


(1) 物体M1与M2之间的引力F同M1与M2的乘积成正比例

(2) 物体M1与M2之间的引力F同M1与M2之间距离S的平方成反比例






  正如上面提到牛顿第三定律具有物理机理那样,牛顿引力方程应当涉及物理意义的层面,此任务需要后人承担。这里主要同“聚合效应”相关, M1与M2并不是两个孤立在空间的物体,对于它倆向空间发出的力线有两个问题




在微观领域的力为什么同宏观领域出现“悬殊”,这一数量上的差异,需要人们深入理解大自然和发现原因何在。通过分析,可以发现(参见《L04 物质演变》)对于给定的区域,任何物体发出的力线分为“区域内”和“区域外”两部分,“区域内”的是已经同区域内物体相互作用产生了力的力线,可命名为“作用力线”,伸出“区域外”的是“剩余力线”,作用力线﹢剩余力线﹦(该物体发出的)全部力线。

  因存在“聚合效应”,在物质不同规模下可使“剩余力线”密度发生巨大(量的)差异,达到10的12次方以上。因为未能发觉“聚合效应”,人们将这种“巨大量差”的力以为是“不同种类的力”, “四种力”目前虽然还是“主流理论”,但是,它将数量差别判断为种类不同,为了将问题简单化而陷于缺理,可以说是一种失误。

  文章《L18力的“ 统一”》阐述了“四种力”的“量别”来源于“剩余力线”密度的“聚合效应”和原子状态对力线平衡的影响。现在看来,只有从力线角度才能得到精确到引力方程。

  牛顿方程中“引力同距离平方成反比”是合适的,而“同M1与M2的乘积成正比例”则需要从“聚合效应”角度加以改善,对于宏观物质,“略有误差”,在 1% 的量级,例如,日食时由于月球同太阳处于同一方向,从地球上测量引力,自然有所改变, 不过数值不大。





4  牛顿力学现在不存在“过时”的问题



  象形之下,量子力的计算方程即使在量子领域也同样显示不能普适而需要“分为” “三种力”加以“对待”。 


2019.3.24  加注: 本文于2009/4/11登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月投入使用的现在的新架构未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以保持原貌。

Does Newtonian mechanics has been out of date now?

abstract  state Newton’s three theorem not exists “out of date” problem and the physical meaning and applicable domain of Newton’s gravity equation 

key words Newton’s three theorem  Newton’s equation  quantum mechanics   “four kinds of force”  

1  preface

  After modern physics appeared, some people think that three laws of Newton its applied field only can in macroscopic, Newtonian mechanics has been out of date, this viewpoint so far still exist, this the right? Or not right?

In those years, people to Newton’s theorem also called “Newton’s law”, and for “law” generally not further explore, amount to “objective reality”, just admit and do not ask “why”.

  Now look at, the part of “three laws of Newton” relate to the content of matter’s motion, ought to exist the space of seek mechanism, ought possible to ask “why”, “the three laws of Newton” is different with “the law of conservation of matter”, the later was objective exist, no reason, it can repeated verification and cannot to say “why”.So, only in after mechanism clear, can but correctly make the judgment of whether “the three laws of Newton” is out of date. 

2  the physical essence of Newton’s three law

 Here put forward, three developments of “mechanics”—— 《quantum electrodynamics》《quantum chromodynamics》、《quantum flavordynamics》——to be the results of ——failed to understand “polymerizing effect”, it don’t really exist “quantum chromo” and “quantum flavor”, and the essence of “electromagnetic force” should be attributed to the atom and the state of the “force-line”, direct contact to the mechanics is force-line. 

  What is force (power)? Force is a physical quantity of immateriality and cannot leave the matter, it make object change speed or relative position, force come from “force-line act each other” other than directly come from the matter, the relation of “force-line” with “force” lie in: “matter issue force-line”, namely the basic (fundamental) particle issue force-line, to this, Chinese physics state in thesis 《L11a The summary of the force-line mechanics》,specific for:

(1) there are two kinds of particle :graviton、repulton, they can polymerization become proton、neutron、atom、molecule

(2) graviton issue attracting force-line

(3) repulton issue repulsion force-line 

(4) graviton’s attracting force-line act with other graviton’s attracting force-line produce attracting force F1

(5) repulton’s repulsion force-line act with other repulton’s repulsion force-line produce repulsion force F2

(6) attracting force-line act with repulsion force-line produce attracting force F3, but F3< F1

  See first Newton’s third law:“the acting force is equal to the reacting force, and in the opposite direction”.Why? So far don’t have seen the explanation, but if from the angle of force-line to see, this is very natural. 

Matter A issued force-line trending space, before act with the force-line of matter B, unilateral force-line not forming force, cannot discover by physical means, now matter A do not suffer force, when any matter enter into a force-line field, whether it “suffer force” was lie on whether itself issued force-line、the density of the force-line and what kind of the force-line——attracting force-line or repulsion force-line.As for the size for the force, also depend on how much force –line was in “act each other”, it is the physical essence of word “induction”. 

  Hence, whether a matter “suffer force” in the electric field or magnetic field is lie in whether itself issue out force-line. 

  After the force-line of matter A “act each other” with the force-line of matter B, forms the force between both, this force produced with “both force-line” act each other, therefore, both sides in the lines of force must be “ the same”, this “same” is strictly or absolutely same, therefore, “Equal in opposite direction” for act force and react force no matter in the macroscopic field or in the microscopic field、no matter in the “electromagnetic attracting force、electromagnetic repulsion force” “quantum force” or “universal gravitation” and so on situation are all suit, no room for change.

  Here we can see, that Newton’s third law reflects the physical essence of forms force, therefore, it belong to the domain of natural law, no matter micro or macro, in any case, as long as involve force, it is correct, not exists the problem of “out of date” or “not out of date”.

  And see:Newton’s first law:if not suffer external force, object’s inertia state would not change;this law so far have not suffer accident or questioned. 

  Newton’s second law:object suffer external force it would produce acceleration so make object’s motion mode or speed change.

  This law ever live through long-term proving, so far never find any no proper in the “macro-scope ”mechanics.The equation F=ma is its shape of math, concise and explicit, use very convenience.Years ago, have the thesis《where come from the force of formula F=ma?》distrust to this equation, roughly as: 

1、the right side of equal sign was the product of two term of possess exact content, but the left none the independent meaning 

2、force was the man-made product, “force” and bring in those senses concept of produce force really not necessary 

3、this equation be emptiness in the form, accurately deliberate then dim and obscure, morally doubtable 

4、cannot magnetic interaction of the carry-charge particles 

5、the rule of the force react along the link line was mistake fore the react force among two molecules

6、this equation most like a kind of culture construct from many suppose which make some one difficult to approve 

7、to the action of matter already may describe by accurate law of QED (quantum electrodynamics) and QCD (quantum chromodynamics)

8、the definition of “the culture of force ” does dim, only due to easy to operate as well as can survived from compete, moreover continuous prosperity 

9、the energy can explain the whole of the force can explained even all the better, the great major reason for “force” last in use was spiritual inertia 

  Analysis to predecessor’s theory is beneficial work, through repeatedly analyze can make theory go on develop and perfect.Of course, yet to prevent easily deny the correct theory which original already has been got proving.Depart from “the law of conservation of mass ”before centenary although contribute to former some puzzle, but, apart from natural law yet make basic theory step into the wrong region, modern, “what is matter?” actually has been become the puzzle of none person can reply, could it be said that does not the side effect of “mass variable”? 

  Now engage in above 9 terms raise the different opinion as follows: 

1a、to the Newton’s inertia-force equation F=ma , the meaning of m and a of the right side of equation can not be defined from this equation itself, in like manner the force F of equation’s left side also notes and commentary from physics.Whether the meaning of force up to now not yet clear cut in the physics? It is unrelated to the equation itself, equation only bear the “duty” of both sides of equal sign must equal from the angle of “quantity”, if find can not strict equal, this equal sign then cannot establish, equation as well blow up;if in any accelerated motion the act force of measured was strict fit the equation, this equation then reflect objective truth.This text will discuss any way “force” have it or not the independent meaning later.

Here the relating is, feel blurry for the force but modern physics and not classical mechanics, be necessary observe and study to clarity for the true features of this “old buck” of “force”.

  Modern physics think “it have four kinds of force”, for roundly explain “the four kinds of different force ”, developed 《quantum electrodynamics》 (QED)《quantum chromodynamics 》 (QCD) and《quantum flavor dynamics》(QFD),this three for describe “electromagnetic force”、 “weak interactions” and “strong force”, they are the system of equations and conceptions.But physical field does not think it has been perfect, from the angle of explain nature to see, exist not a few problems, such as:for the example of attracting force, among the “four kinds of force” are all have attracting force, are they to the end just the “four kinds of force” or one kind? If it is one kind, how occurred the hug “different of quantity”? If it is four kinds, what is their “different of quality”? why only have the universal gravitation but not the “universal repulsion force”? why the mechanics law of Newton cannot suit in the filed of micro mechanics? Etc.if cannot be explain above rudimentary problems from the mechanism, the systems constitute from equations and concepts then possible fail.Because the theory be used to explain the nature, if exist leak or problem, its veracity even correctness then become problem.

  There fore, should not on account of modern theory “elusive” for force and doubt it previously possessed meaning.What is the force? The explicit meaning is:it is the action of “forced ” matter occur shifting or transformation,human’s sense and instrument “feeling” force just bear force’s “forced”.

  Indeed, persons unable catch sight of force, but in is not the reason of judge weather it is objectively exist or “have or not explicit meaning”, many physical matter such as ultrasonic、radio wave、magnetic line of force etc also are all not become conscious of, so far does not from this as well as doubt their existing or “none independent meaning”.

  In the domain of engineering mechanics, the definition of force was none doubt, measure 、calculate 、and apply to it are all seek refined day by day, this relate to safety and life of the structures, not allow dim or negligence.More must of check computation of the quality、acceleration and force of automobile、airplane、rocket etc.The force in the fluid mechanics、elasticity mechanics also possess explicit meaning. 

  Whole these force, they are all possess the property of make matter happen motion or transformation.I.e. they have realizing “action”, as well as give measuring either make comparisons, can accuracy foresee the result of action, to this physical quantity, what about can require it more “clear cut”? Why don’t have “independent” meaning? Although engineering mechanics divided to many discipline, it is because of the difference of application area and describe way, but their investigative was the same force:”engineering force”.This condition not effect the “independent meaning” of force.

  As for what is the “link” for “engineering force ” with ”acting force” of quantum mechanics to be the problem of need to explain of physics, can’t explain the rear to be the strive direction of physics, unable for this reason deny the independent meaning of the former.

  Up to now engineering mechanics of already show its independence not bear query for temporary cannot decode this “link”, below will relate this “link” actually exist.

2a、weather force to be the objective reality or “man made product”? when the matter happen deflection or transformation, if to say it is the expression of force, whether it fit to objective reality or subjective assume? When force act to human body, human feel pressure、pull、wallop.These kind of feeling no doubt was subjective, the feeling of every one also hardly identical, but, the feeling of force does not deny each other with subjective judge lack objective standard.Reasonable man never out of thin air happen sense of power, might as well think, man’s sense organ, also a tool of dynamometry, but due to subjective influence, this tool’s order of accuracy been lower and related to “experience”, thus inaptitude use for determination of “fixed amount”.But force, clearly does not concept but rather the physical quantity of subsistent, as for we how make know to it, to be a another story.   

  The force’s idea clearly can’t away from “feel”, above force’s definition of physics does not draw on the sensory idea, the display modes of force make matter happen motion or transformation does not rely on human’s sense.No matter whether human feeling, celestial body move errorless in accordance with the law of Newton find.

  If those feeling idea of generate force bring in physics may be or already lead to misunderstand for force, clean it is it’s only right and proper.But now look, at present yet not find this tendency.

  Indeed, serve as a noun, “force” was “manmade” , but no matter use what kind of letter symbol to show force, its content was objective reality, beyond doubt, when force make man snap, when force cause earth quake, when force form great waves crack shore, these are all objective reality, have nothing to do with human.Use the noun of “force” to be the describing of objective reality of force, why don’t use another noun? It is not the investigative task of physics, physics only need identify whether the representative content of force at all was subjective assume or objective reality, when people feel force act to oneself or other object, this feeling clearly was with base of objective reality.The statement of ” the force was product of manmade” possess one-side ness , not conform to reality. 

3a、as to make the aesthetics evaluate of equation’s how about “form”、 how about ”structure” and so on describing at last is the “aesthetics of science ”, due to the aesthetics belong to art scope, there fore difficult to avoid subjectivity and vary from person to person.Antecede never laid eyes on for the form of math of Newton’s second law to cause the comment of “form cavity” and so on, this to be the appear action by modern culture clearly, “nature exist four kinds of force” was a kind of culture which constructed by suppose essentially, the reason lie in cannot find they (“four kinds of force” ) actually exist relevance,does not really four kinds, because fail to correct explain involved nature information thus not detect “polymerizing effect” of matter.The result due to many according to the common suppose, mould three subjects of force, these was far away to the physical real, have to included in culture procession.

  There is two horseshoe magnets separately put in two locate, person now vary well for the “magnetic line of force” which from S pole to N pole, if these two magnets opposite by another pole and actuation, now, former overhang magnetic line of force almost whole disappear, the force-line change over to the inner of magnet become “acting force-line”, form relevant attracting force between two magnets.             

  Farther analysis can be seen, use force-line model contribute to explain at all how much kinds of force? Really different force only two kinds of attracting force、repulsion force.Electrical force、magnetic force actually are all form from extended force-line of atoms on the special condition.attracting force、repulsion force are all form from the force-line affect each other.

The number of acting force-line control the magnitude of force, distributing condition of “acting force-line” and “surplus force-line” just the reason of “” of “four kinds of force”.The reason for the macro force only have universal gravitation and have not “universal repulsion force” lie in the electron means the “source of repulsion force” verge to scatter cannot natively together and form repulsive force-line of high density and become “force of close range ”.just because feel elusive for “force” so to describe with “dim、obscure”, this is be caused by contemporary cannot find inner link of “four kinds of force” while produced puzzled, really not equation F=ma contain “reluctance composition”, to change a subjective realm, if to say this equation is concise and graceful in shape also no ground for blame. 

  Because of this equation original bring a proportional constant, unit using, skillfully make it become 1, thus make concise form.If should “accurate deliberate” way as well proceed from physical dimension, but the key lie in, whether build the structure can reflect objective phenomenon, this also pure and simple belong to academic problem nothing more. 

4a、the obligation of perfect explain magnet electromagnetic force land up on contemporary shoulder, why? In Newton times, the cognition of atom still in initial phase, folk input huge intellectual resources, last centenary, build nowadays physical experimental facility and theory system.Even so, the basic theory as not full, either harmonious.

Such as, “the outer sphere of hydrogen have 1 electron”, to be or not to be? Whether the quality of electron is 10-8 (10 to the power of -8) gram? How can 1 electron were well close the outer space of hydrogen atom thus to show neutral of electromagnetism moreover have elasticity of gases? Why whole “particles” of “carry positive charge” are all “attracting each other”? to the end how generated the force? Why the acting force is equal to the reacting force? 

  Being absolute equal or relative equal? Does the quality any way variable or invariable? If variable, be the quantity、density still volume variable? Wherein the essence of “energy equation” E=mc2 (square)? Etc. 

For force’s new theory, ought inter-consistency with long-tested classical theory , and does not deny the latter, the correct theory ought to make it, to this, latter on reconsideration.But this is the task of contemporary, should not hence be over critical for the ancients.

5a、until now, force has two kinds of model, each been all quite suitable in applied area.Model represented some property of real thing and do not equate real thing.Model apply lie in a certain extent abstract, for reach concise and fit for use.

  The “vector model” of force set the acting force effect along central ligature of two masses, this set from bear force of every particle to say was has “different” in direction, but not affect the description to the acting force.After whole particle’s force proceed vector addtion, at last compound to “acting force”.The vector model to be contrivable for the “acting force” between two “object”, the least object is basic particle, the maximum object is star, applied to analysis、calculate of object bearing force, vast calculate of engineering force due to the vector model so that get convenience.If involve the force of simple object and the force in the object’s building-up process, then need to use the model of force-line. 

  Up to now the model of force-line only applied in electromagnetic area, persons never find use it may “to unify for 4 kinds of force”, article《L18 “Unification” of the forces》use force-line model in ordered the “category” between “4 kinds of force”, displayed between they only “different of quantity” and does not “category”, this example explained, find mechanism to be the key, haven mechanism, build equation’s may be bring out the best in each other, conversely, only rely on find equation to “unite 4 kids of force” not only very strenuous, but final still need to explain the mechanism. 

  The vector model of power certainly not incomplete apply to explain “molecular force”, because it does not a universal model.It has not set itself exists universal function, contrary, the “line of action”、”point of action” are all possess assuming property, so long as suitable for use, these assumptions do not affect in-depth discussion to the basic theory of force. 

6a、if to say for force itself raised assumption, mainly assumed the force related to the quality (mass), this assumption is compare correct in the area of “Newtonian force”, modern instrument and method not yet find have any improper.So, “this equation” step in science scope not only culture.In practice, Newtonian force and the “three kinds of force” of described by quantum mechanics all only described a section of “force”, if cannot find the “link” of every section, they as soon as exist the relation of gotong-royong.Rear will relate, “link” is existing, only formerly cannot awake through the information gives from nature nothing more.

   Now sketch the link mechanism of model of force-line and “four kinds of force”, for example of attracting force, unit attracting force of forte fortissimo happen in between “graviton”, every graviton equably eject out attracting force-line to space of amount for relative value 1, when two gravitons get access, attracting force-line to be interaction, between both form attracting force.Here incidentally replied “how generated the force”, the answer is : “the force to be generated from both force-line of matter interact each other ”, gravitons fly off from nuclear reaction which speed be close to light velocity, when two gravitons very near——the distance in magnitude of angstrom——the force-line of interacting near 1/2, formed strong attracting force make both no longer separate, become the “micro double stars” of revolving each other round opposite side, the sum of surplus attracting-force of both for 1 (each be 1/2), keep on sent out to space, this surplus force-line make “micro double stars” continue add members become “micro multi stars”, each member spread on a surface of spherical space. 

  When added 1 member, the proportion of acting force-line to surplus force-line would adjust once, when the members from 2 added to n, the acting force-line among members from 1/2 added to (n-1)/n, the sum of external force-line of “micro multi stars” is 1(1/n for every member), n is the member’s quantity.About the sum of force-line of “micro multi stars” sent out, the physical relation show 1+1=1;1+n+1, when the member get added, the surplus force-line of every member then drop, for 1/n, this condition may named “polymerizing effect” (see also in 《L04 development of matter 》) , “polymerizing effect” make the attraction power of “micro multi stars” drop, when a graviton across from “micro multi stars” nearby, if no longer tie up it, development of “micro multi stars” then stop, this exactly the scale of neutron、proton. may guess, “strong force” does not invariable.Force-line from 1/2 of maximum follow degree of polymerization drop off to 1/n, form the range of variation of attracting force..

  Surplus attracting force-line of neutron、proton to be the “power” of form nuclear, when form nuclear, similarly exist “polymerizing effect”, surplus attracting force-line more reduce, mean so-called “wear force”, to see from atomic weight of element exceed “bismuth” possess radioactivity, “weak force” similarly relate with “polymerizing degree”. 

  “electrical power” to be the force of atom.When the electron density of atomic outer unusual, prejudiced thick then appear repulsion force-line unusual more, be called “carry negative charge”;prejudiced rare is “positive electrical charge”(this is essence of rub generate charge and positive charge is equal to negative charge ), atom partly issue attracting force-line and repulsion force-line.Originator of repulsion force-line is electrical outer of prejudiced thick of atom, Originator of attracting force-line is nucleus, it actually to be two kinds of force-line of attracting and repulsion constitute electric force 、magnetic force, and not the extra “force-line of electric” “force-line of magnetic”.

 “magnetic force” also atom’s force.when outer electrons density of normal atom go order, attracting force-line of nucleus (former close by outer electrons) get escape, the order electrons issue repulsion force-line,when two “homosexual” pole opposite, the repulsion force of both compel opposite side contra-rotation be in the ascendant, to show “the same sex repel in the contrary.”, when two “opposite sex” magnetic pole get opposite, though the electric repulsion force still exist, but the attracting force-line escaped from nucleus interact form more strong attracting force, make one feel seem “Opposites attaract”.It can be seen, present theory of electromagnetic force was leave reality、been the graceful works write out by humanity assumption.If not proton’s attracting each other(and not the same sex repel in the contrary ), no need for this describing of accord human feelings raise an objection. 

  There fore, the electric force、magnetic force are all the result of atom’s outer shell get unusual and the force-line changes distribution, the former is the changing of electron density, the latter is the changing of distribution mode, serve as the source, are all “attracting force-line、repulsion force-line”.

  Force relative to mass (quality) and does not in proportion to mass was because of “polymerizing effect”, but in the macro area, the nonlinearity degree less then 1‰, the error not very large, on the whole, the relation of force and force-line was “linearity”, this is the reason of Newton’s equation suit.

  Any mathematical model all need “abstract”, the abstract of Newton’s equation no wonder, should question closely is can or can’t the equation get pass test and verify, until now, this equation was competent.Visible, Newtonian mechanics does not suffer too much humanity influence, it reflect natural objective thing in macroscopic.

Today, if already find more much and more accurate mechanism for force, it ought harmonious with Newtonian mechanics, 《the force-line mechanism》may achieve this.

7a、above expound make clear, the judge of “four kinds of force” does not in accordance with reality, after when we understand “polymerizing effect”, it is appear clear of the attracting force from strong to weak、the gravitation is most weak.Those equations itself of constitute 3 kinds of quantum mechanics undoubtedly to be correct, the question is that aspect of physical mechanism, use equation can achieve of describe three kinds of different force and the behavior of they towards the mass.

If stress for physical real then need proceed with mechanism, “polymerizing effect” has been achieved this.The theory about basic force need mechanism clear, after, mathematic equation then can express helping, if unknown in mechanism, it is hardly to raise “established law”, basically, established law was find out from reality or mechanism, to be the “polymerizing effect” make the attracting force generated by a graviton and a proton may differ to so much of 10 to the power of 12, it does no exist two kinds of “strong、weak” acting force.Above has been narrate, the electric attracting force、magnetic attracting force to be form from the same attracting force-line act each other, to be the “same kind of force” with “other” attracting force.

  Three kinds of 《quantum mechanics》must be the achievement of mathematics, whether the achievement of physics should not depend on the condition of force but mainly lie in whether fit the physical true、is or is not mechanism clear.May hold up the example as the equation E=mc2, up to now the quantitative relation of this equation is without error, but due to lack of mechanism and hardly serve as the proving for “quality change to energy”.Oppositely, now has been discover, the really “source” of atomic energy to be the basic particle original possess kinetic energy, do without again have “energy source” in addition, this at once denied the theory of “quality change to energy”.Visible, haven the operable equation, unequal to haven correct theory.

The correct “new theory” should have greater tolerance of set up on the mechanism, 《quantum flavor-dynamics》、《quantum chromo-dynamics》ought to be in harmony with Newtonian mechanics and does not “replace”、“cancel” or “divide the work”.Folk don’t for the sun not static in space and reduce the valuation to Copernicus’s heliocentric theory, no matter how developing of mechanics, the great contribution of Newtonian mechanics ought not ignore, in theory, should not suffer influence from such “theory ” of physical base not firm, 《quantum flavor-dynamics》、《quantum chromo-dynamics》only after solid prove “strong force” and “weak force” been the individual kind of force and to be the different “breed” with Newtonian force, “flavor” and “chromo” can but keep a foothold, now look, have some mysterious.

8a、Through use force-line model find, attracting force also not invariable, in the scope of Newtonian force also so, above has been mentioned, range ability was not so large like when in the scope of basic particle, greater matter scope littler influence of “polymerizing effect”.When the moon enter into the ligature between the sun and the earth, the gravitation between the sun and the earth may measured happen change, this is an example of acting force of gravitation regulatory follow matter distribution.

  After find the influence of “polymerizing effect”, the change of force does not make “concept dim” of the force.originally Newton’s “gravitational equation” have a constant, due to select and use the unit make it become 1, if keep it and treat as a variable of changing following “mass scale”, thus this equation may use in the micro area.Its physical back ground lei in, the quantity of force-line issue from every basic particle does not change, the change in the polymerization was “distribution” of force-line.

  From engineering force to quantum force, the definition of “the force-line act each other generate force”、“big or small of force was direct ratio with the quantity of acting force-line ” does not dim.Use vector model resolve analysis and calculating of engineering force is the wise crystallize of predecessors, it is no contrary with now explore the deep relation of force, the physical model and mathematical model aim at use the simplest method to do the most accurate describing, “simplicity of operation” itself ought been a academic goal and should not suffer nitpick. 

9a、in the engineering mechanics, elasticity mechanics can use energy solve not a few problems, theoretical mechanics then more often can’t use energy in stead of force’s analysis, in the fluid mechanics、aerodynamics also hardly apply energy replace force.Though in the particle area general use electron volt replace quality, but also influenced more cognition to the particle’s features, whether the “particle” of larger electron volt which quality fixed larger than the “particle” of electron volt smaller? We cannot distinguish the “particle” of “plural”! in the engineering it cannot use energy in stead of force, it does not “spiritual inertia” but “the existing always in accordance with fixed logic”.The theory of engineering force, the great part was practical, any try of change to it, if can make calculate inactivation, affirm suffer welcome, soon become the new “inertia”.

  Here, be necessary research the exactness of “energy in stead of quality”, in the particle area, the particle’s quality already general label with “electron volt”, so far they without detect inside imply the assume of need proving:all “particle” must be true “a grain”, if not “a grain” but the “plural grains” of not same, the condition as soon as unlike.It ever stated in article 《L01 modern opinion about particle》,the matter just so, it only have two kinds of basic particle of graviton and repulton, other “particle” to be the “micro vortex galaxy” of different “polymerizing degree” of graviton of before reach to proton “scope”.Visible, the limit of use electron volt to label “particle’s quality”. 

  Above list view 1a to 9a, proceed in rough for “1、”to “9、”, make one sigh with emotion was, until now, be in misunderstand, already shake or shelve not a few correct theory of predecessors, for this reason, make the theory final cannot perfect, form the phase of ceaseless repair.Such as:whether the quality really may change follow the velocity? What is the physical meaning of that famous equation E=mc2 ? May the real space exceed 3 dimensions even reach to 11 dimensions? Wherein in physical meaning of 4dimensional space-time? Etc.

This text not plan discuss these problems, only the associate after read about happen distrust for the equation E=mc2.Through above summarize, it can be seen, the know of “four kinds of force” is since unavoidable and un-correct, the understanding for “polymerizing effect”, not only can explain why the density of force-line can substantially decrease follow polymerizing, but also make the “kind difference” disappear of “four kinds of force”, can avoid to use mathematic method seek confirmation while depart from physical mechanism, also may seen a spot of general trend of matter development in cosmos and the law of aster evolution.Be going to the constant of Newton’s “gravity equation” revised as a function F’ of change follow polymerizing degree can make the description of “four kinds of force” only use a same equation.F’ as a function may reflect the property does not synchronous wit mass, this also explain the accurate degree of “inertial mass” was exceed “gravity mass”, but in the scope of “Newtonian force”, the differ noes not obvious.To cognate force and mass from different angle can make theory verge to perfect, make the complete picture of force so that in focus. 

  The equation F=ma current may construe only apply to the scope of Newtonian force.In particle field, the distribution of attracting force-line more even very more suffer influence of “degree of polymerization”, mass’s true value difficult get showing, that is, the problem be not in the equation and that is in the aspect of m, to date it is believed that quality can translate to energy and does not care about from the basic law of physics.

  Whether these two laws appear change when in the particle field? It seems not find the basis of changing.The second、third law belong to the natural law of “can’t answer why ” but acceptable repeat proving, if not find out “exception”, it should be admitted.

“conservation of matter、conservation of energy” was basic universal law of matter keep and Newton’s three theorem to be the laws of matter exist in mechanics field.

As stated, the emergence of quantum mechanics and relativity should not disagreement with Newton’s three theorem, but, in the modern physicists seem appeared the phenomenon of cannot deep understand and inheriting predecessors important achievement, in doubt and lay aside “substance immortalization law”, also appeared “Newton mechanics have been out of date” view, this view apparently one-side but has made many people believe that, modern physics is brilliant achievements and problem、difficult” heavy, or rather, to be exists the systematic error of the basic theory, the wording of “” is a viewpoint of lack of analysis、not careful.


 3  about Newtonian gravity equation

  Newtonian gravity equation mainly said two physical relationship:

   (1) The gravitation F between object M1 and M2 is into direct proportion with the product of M1 and M2

(2) The gravitation F between object M1 and M2 is into inverse proportion with the distance S2 (square) of M1 and M2

Since in proportion, two sides of gravity equation will need a constant, Newton skillfully applied “unit” make this constant equal to 1, it is the gravity equation which suggested from Newton.

  This equation is created mainly aim at celestial body and so on macroscopic object.Now, whether still applied by astronomy? Whether some one report it already “out of date”? If “user” have not raise an objection, but “quantum” researcher judge it is “out of date”, this “charge affaires” hard to avoid no good.It reminds you of a physicist ever said “human eating is to reduce entropy value”, whether should be nutritionists more can do a good job in this article.

  Today, how do you view Newtonian gravity equation?

First, this is the theoretical achievements of predecessors’ don’t come essay, it was huge role in astronomical calculation and space calculation, today is still the most practical, so far did not appear the equation which can replace it.

  Secondly, from the angle of force-line to see, this equation have improvement room in further.

As mentioned above Newton’s third law has the physical mechanism that, Newtonian gravity equation should be involved in physical significance level, this task requires for later generations.Here mainly be related to the “polymerizing effect”, M1and M2 does not two matter of isolated space, there is two problems for the force-line of they issued:

(1a)whether strictly into direct proportion with mass M?

(2a)whether all force-line are join in “interaction”?

  If the answer is “yes”, the gravity equation exactly a equation of do not need to improve.

  Why in the micro field appears “great disparity” with macro field? this quantitative difference, need people deep understand nature and find why.

Through the analysis, we can find (see also in《L04 the evolution of matter》) for a given area, any object issued force-line divided two parts of “intra area” and “outside area”, the “intra area” part is the force-line of already act each other with the object of intra area, can be named as “acting force-line”, stretch to “outside area” was the “surplus force-line”, acting force-line﹢surplus force-line = all force-line (issued from this matter).

  Because of exist “polymerizing effect”, in different matter scale may make “surplus force-line” density happen huge (quantitative) difference, up to more than 10 to the power of 12.Because they could not find “polymerizing effect”, people to this “huge quantitative difference” thought it was “different kinds of force”, “four kinds of force” at present although still is the “main stream theory”, but, it judged the quantity different for the “different kinds of force”, in order to question’s simplification but sink into lack of the mechanism, can be said to be a mistake.

article 《L18the “unification” of strong forces、weak force、electromagnetic force、gravitation》expounded the “quantity classify ” of “four kinds of force” was root in the “polymerizing effect” of the density of “surplus force-line” and the influence of atom’s state to the force-line balance.Now it seems, only from force-line angle can get accurate attracting force equation. 

  In Newtonian gravity equation “gravitation is into inverse proportion with the distance S 2 (square) ” is suitable, and “into direct proportion with the product of M1 and M2” need improved from the angle of “polymerizing effect”, for the macro mass, it is “slightly error”, in 1% of magnitude, such as, when solar eclipse due to the moon is lie in the same direction with the sun, measuring gravitation from the earth, natural change, but little numerical.But for the micro field, the influence of “polymerizing effect” was very large.

   Of course, Newton’s age has not quantum mechanics, Newtonian mechanics was creative found aim at macroscopic body, cannot simply shift for microscopic, this is the “pertinence” problem and is not the “out of date” problem.But the reality is people announced “Newtonian mechanics is not used in microscopic field ”, whether a bit similar with Chinese archaism “the city gate fire the moat fish suffer ”.   

  Improve Newtonian equation make it use for microscopic is possible, and the which subject of “three” “quantum mechanism” subject are all not appears this possible.

  How to “improve”? Need to give that constant 1 change to the variant of changing follow the quality, it is easy in theory, but in practice contains a lot of experiment and analysis, can say easier said than done. 

4  now Newtonian mechanics not exist of “out of date” problem

  Newton’s three laws serve as the law, not only in the macroscopic, but also same applies to “quantum field”, so “three laws” now not exists of “out of date” problem, about the Newtonian gravity equation “does not apply microscopic”, as stated, should not simply use “out of date” to describe.If great Newton alive today, he will certainly according to research in to the quantum field and improve his gravity equation, for gravity equation today also have not appear yet more correct new edition.

  “Newtonian gravity equation does not apply to calculate quantum force” although is one thing, whether it “out of date” is a another matter.The former is the scope of application of problem, “out of date” is a another concept, if now still will be applied in the original field and no update more correct equation can replace, it would be no “out of date”.

  By contrast,the calculating equation for quantum force even in quantum field also appear can’t pervasive and need “divided ” in “three kind of force” to “treat”. 

  Now nature more can’t say “Newton mechanics have been out of date”.