L28a 真正基本粒子true basic perticle





摘要   陈理士物理发现,当今的“基本粒子”多半不是“真正基本粒子”;已经命名的各种“粒子”绝大部分不是“真正粒子”而是粒子的“复数”,本文提出仅有引力子、斥力子符合基本粒子条件,它们是自然界仅有的两种真正的粒子。

  关键词  基本粒子  真正基本粒子  真正粒子  永恒量子  引力子 斥力子


1 概说


  什么样的粒子是基本粒子?基本粒子共有多少种?这是有关基本粒子的理论需要首先回答的两个问题,也是当今粒子理论的两个难题,《L01 粒子今论》一文曾经论述过,基本粒子只有两种,但在当前粒子理论认为基本粒子有12、62乃至300余种的情况下,对此,有必要阐明机理,洽于规律,建立没有“问题”、不存在“困难”的粒子理论。


2 现况

  当今有“12种基本粒子”、“62种基本粒子”、“>300种基本粒子”三种理论,在“12种基本粒子”中 :



















3 基本粒子应当有哪些性质




  相对论选择了“质量可变”,当时难以回答的问题那当儿算是回答了,而且那个E=mc2方程经过几次粗略验证,均显示能够成立。这似乎表示“质量可变”理论正确。《L12 关于物质不灭和能量不灭规律》一文论证了原子的能量来源于原子内部高速回旋基本粒子的动能,只是通常不向外释放而已,同质量是否能“变”并无瓜葛;粒子迹线在示踪介质上的中断应属于迹线中断而不应判断为质量消失;至于加速器中粒子的速度,在分析了加速原理后发现,被电流加速的粒子本来就不能期望达到光速或超过光速,加速电流类似“风”,被加速粒子类似“帆”,帆速恒小于风速,是“风帆效应”起了作用而不是“质量随速度变大”。










当今“标准模型”里的那些众多的“基本粒子”只有电子是真正的基本粒子斥力子,但是,其质量只有大约10-36克而不是10-28克;“电子中微子”有可能是引力子,其它那些“基本粒子”其实是引力子的不同规模的组群,在组群——“微涡旋星系”——达到质子规模以前,由于对外的引力线密度大,其成员数量当然可以增加,因为始终误以为它们是“一粒”,因此,它们“能变”,其实是成员数量改变,属于“量变”而不是“种类”之变。若论客观事实,基本粒子其实不能变,参见《L01 粒子今论》。


 3.2  基本粒子是真正的一粒



  上面已指出近代物理研究中的众多“可裂变”、“可蜕变”、“ 可转变” “粒子”的谜底:



 3.3  基本粒子是力线的原始发出者


 3.4   基本粒子可以聚合形成一切规模“物质” 

  由基本粒子聚合成为所有物质应当不成问题且有简单明确的机理,《L04 物质演变》一文叙述了引力子通过“蓄能聚合”成为质子的机理和中子同质子的不同之处,有了质子、中子和基本粒子斥力子便有了原子、分子,形成宇宙万物于是不成问题。


4 基本粒子究竟有多少种








在此,需要突破“效率不可能等于100%”的工程概念,物质在空间转变运动方式,没有能量增减,没有任何损失,效率恰恰是100%,引力子不论是单身还是参加“聚合”,其速度的绝对值不变,只改变运动方向、方式,它是“永恒量子”( 迄今,只用“量子”来描述具有一定速度的电子)。










5 基本粒子如何聚合成为各种物质

  上一节提到的《L01 粒子今论》已经叙述了两种基本粒子形成宇宙射线粒子和中子、质子的机理,有了质子、中子,空间电场充满了电子——斥力子,合成原子自然不成问题。

  质子含有大约1012(万亿)枚引力子,现在的判断方法则是,不同“质量”即为“不同粒子”,连质子不久前也认为是“一粒”,比它(质量)“小”的“粒子”更加认为是“一粒”吧?可见,在此误解下,除了已经“发现”的几百种“粒子”外,如果仪器足够精确——精确到能够辨别一枚引力子之差——理论上,未来可以“发现”“万亿种”之多的“新粒子”,如不能从 基础理论的角度辨明这一点,难免会受到困扰,其实,“物理11道难题”已经难住了人们多年,如何才能消解难题、摆脱困扰也大多同基本粒子理论的改进有关。越出粒子理论中那些不圆满部分的局限,方才能够得到和谐的粒子理论。


  在《L04 物质演变》中阐述过,质子的质量大小,是力平衡的结果,因此才能有6位有效数字。质子质量的高度一致,这是大自然向人们暗示:基本粒子的“种类”不可能多。


  其它的“粒子”都是“聚合度”小于质子的“组群”。分两类,一类是“微涡旋星系”,动能mc2蕴含于内部,此即原子能;另一类是“宇宙射线粒子”,以光速飞行,动能显示于外,同样等于mc2, 组群内部无涡旋运动。










6 结论




附后: “基本粒子有62种”“> 300种”等理论的“问题”和“困难”更多,本文不再讨论

2019.3.24  加注: 本文于2009/4/4登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月投入使用的现在的新架构未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以保持原貌。


the true elementary particle

S. G. Chinese


Abstract  the Chinese physics find out the great part of the nowadays “elementary particle” are not the true elementary particle, the every kind of particle of already named mostly does not true particle but to be the “plural” of the particle, this text to raise only graviton and repulton can fits the condition of the basic particle and these two basic particles are the only true particle of nature. 

Keywords   elementary particle  true elementary particle  true particle  ever quantum  graviton  repulton


1 generality

  What particle can to be the basic particle? how much kind of the basic particle? these are the two problems of first need replying about the basic particle, also the two difficult problems of nowadays particle theory, 《L01 modern opinion about particle》ever related, it only have two kinds of basic particles, but under the condition of present particle theory think of it have 12 to more than 60 kinds of basic particles, withal, be necessary further expound the mechanism, consult to the law, to build the particle theory of none “problem”、“in-exist ”of difficult. 



2 existing circumstances

  In the present particle theory:

 (1)there have been 12 kinds of formal basic particles, still some kinds of the particles of “transmit force”、and the “mirror particle” of all these particles, besides the electron from these 12 kinds, the rest divided to trio, every group out one member, together “make up” one proton 

(2)“the quality does variable”, the quality of particle may “annihilate”, namely so called “quality annihilating”

(3) The particle been “symmetrical”, if having certain particle then having its “mirror particle”

(4) “The particle variable”, among these, not only the “quark” of “element particle” may be “changing”, but also the meson may “fission” under shock, much other “particle” may “decay”、 “fission” 、 “fusion” 

 (5)the member of particle family was escalation, it about exceeded 2000 kinds and no the limit in theory

(6)the relation of “particle” and force reflected in mass force——Newtonian force——、charge force、magnetic-field force and so on aspect, hence up to now “four force” cannot got uniform, make use of four mechanics to describe with share out the work and cooperate with one another

(7)it may be produce “mini-black hole” from proton head on collision 

Objectively to see, above (1)——(7) does not come out from a satisfactory system of basic theory, they are the pile up of the viewpoint raise from many scholars over a century, every item all to be for explain the problem of the day, no man can raise the theory better then this, so to speak was the highest level at the time.Futurity in general does not doubt the exactness of this theory.But they act as the particle theory, ought to possess systematic, ought accept restricting of law, ought can bear interpellation.Such as:

The “quark” was changeable, yet the changeable “particle” to be the basic particle? any matter、any thing if can changeable it cannot become “basic” clearly, if the basic particle can changing, I’m afraid there is not “particle” can not come out from changing, so any particle can not become basic particle.this correspond to deny the existing of basic particle.

More such as:if the quality of (1) said is true, on account of the quality of 11 kinds of “basic particle” was differ from one another, there fore, the quality of generated proton under this theory also ought to irregularity, but, go through actual measurement, the quality of proton yet highly agreed, may reach to the effective value of 5 digit, why?

Again such as:according to (3), the bringing charge of every kind of “particle” ought to half and half of positive and negative, but in fact, except electron, in conventional practice, the “particle” of bring negative charge was few and far between, more then 600 kinds of cosmic-ray “particles”, hundreds of meson、11 kinds of “basic particle” and so on are all bring positive charge, why? 

It can be seen, through already generated particle’s standard model, the theory of particle yet exist essential problem, act as the basic theory, for prevent the long-long miss, not be allowed the mistake in the least bit.

It is no problem for operated by man in laboratory use this method to make up proton as which raise in (1), if let this humanity process move to nature, it exist the problem of “who operate this”. 

Under this circumstance, obvious need to raise the theory of in-exist above problem from the new angle, collect thinking can but get wide wisdom, the satisfactory theory at least cannot exist of “problem”、lack of mechanism or contrary to law.

3 which properties the basic particle ought to have


  It need to clear : “can or can’t changing of the quality” before discuss this problem, the background of《relativity》raise “the quality does not constant” is, at that time faced some puzzles, such as:where come out the huge energy of atom? Why the trace of active particle some time appear to break off?why can’t got tachyon from accelerator etc.? 

At that time Einstein should alternative from “conservation of matter” and “mass variable” if select the former, would facing the difficult problem;select the latter, may explain the problems but deviate from the physical basic law of already recognized at that time more over had proving for a long time:conservation of mass and conservation of energy.

  Relativity select “mass variable”, the difficult problems at last to be replied, and that equation E=mc2 go by several times rough proving, all show can establishing.This seems mean the theory of “mass variable” been correct.The text of 《L12 the law of conservation of the matter and of the energy》has proofed the sours of atom to be come out from the kinetic energy of interior basic particle they circle round with high speed, only generally does not outward release nothing more, it is no connection with if the mass able to “changing”;the trace of particle break off on the labeling medium to be ought not to judged for mass die away;in the case of the speed of particle in accelerator, after analyzed the acceleration principle can find, the accelerated particle by current originally cannot expect reach or pass light speed, the accelerate current like the “wind”, accelerated particles like the “sail”, speed of sail usual less than speed of wind, it is the “wind-sail effect” get functioned and not “mass follow speed fill out”.

  Upon that, the bass of “mass variable” actually not firm, up to now it have not even if one massy physical phenomenon may action for support.        The law of conservation of mass and of energy through analyzing over than 100 years and have not find true exception or exist problem, the ever having present to see only the misunderstanding.

Just due to get off the basic natural law, the theory of “basic particle” then suffer implicating, the “implicating” let folk believe in the basic particle can “changing” even “the whole matter of present cosmos all may become a point”, the “quirkiness rate” of this changing been far exceed Arabian Nights.

The correct judging ought to be the basic particle either can “change” or can “divided”.This is the bass of build the theory of basic particle.if the basic particle may change、may destroy、may divided, it as soon as cannot exist independently, and cannot become basic (element) particle.on the basis of the two laws of “conservation”, be sure of the basic particle have rear properties:

3.1 The basic particle will not happen any changing

  This property in the same time also correspond to “conservation of mass” and quality cannot change to energy、energy cannot change to quality.At today the theory of mass (quality) may be ever changing was fashionable, put forward the mass immutable it seems out of the swim, but, if mass variable can not find even one proving or one reason, the theory of “variable” or of immutable who is firm? At that time “mass may changing” negated “conservation of mass”, today, facing above condition, matter of course need “negation of negation”, renew the authority property of two law of “conservation”, act as the “inspection standard” for correct or errors of the theory, walk tall judge those particle theory of contain “mass may changing” been the miss theory. 

  If cannot prove the mass may change to energy, how can still to say “before big bang, the hole matters of present cosmos compressed in a point”? What reason can to say the mass can be unlimited compressed?at the outside, the gas molecule may be pressed about 2000 :1, and that the solid’s amount of compression relatively say very small, those theory be based on mass variable does not possess degree of confidence, the master key is, can not bring up solid proof and mechanism.

  The reason of believe in the basic particle not variable is:hole matter was constituted by graviton、proton、neutron、electron (proton、neutron also constituted by graviton、electron ), if they can change to the other particle, proton、neutron in the chemical element then also to be fickle.In practice the element even happen chemical reaction, proton、neutron、electron does not change, this explains the basic particle does not changing.

 Nowadays those numerous “basic particle” from “standard model” only electron is true basic particle, but its quality only about 10-36 (10 to the power of -36) gram and does not 10-28 gram;the “electron neutrino” may be the graviton, those other “basic particle” in fact was the group of different scale of graviton, before the scale of group——“micro vortex galaxy”——reach to proton, due to the external density of attracting force-ling was large, its quantity of member by all means mat be add, because all long in mistake for they was “one particle”, therefore they “can changing”, actually was the changing of member’s quantity, belong to “quantitative change” and not the changing of “kind”.If in terms of objective fact, basic particle actually can not change, see also in 《L01 modern opinion about particle 》.

  The root of matter is, up to now can not make up if the “particle” is true “one particle”, be about to a large number of particle’s group take they for the particle of different kind, so let the “kind” of particle greatly increase, up to make one dazzle the eyes, have one’s hands full, also make the problem greatly complicate. 

3.2  the basic particle to be true one particle

Ordinarily the basic particle now that was the particle, as soon as should be “one particle” and unable the group of “”much particles.Why nowadays particle’s theory have not find “storing-energy polymerization” and final be going to the “micro vortex galaxy” of the quantity of different member all judge in “one particle” even “basic particle”? The cause of this sad seems lie in “mass variable” functioned, in this instance, those “one particle” or “basic particle” be deemed to possess “properties” of “ fissionable ”、“transmutable” 、 “changeable” etc., under this readily believe no longer to search mechanism;the technical reason is their “cohesion” very large, difficult to distinguish been “one gobbet” or “one particle”. 

  If firmly believe the law of mass conservation, be sure to stop up the train of thought of “changeable”, may well find the mechanism of “storing-energy polymerization”, the evolution of theory totally different with now.

Above has been point out the answer to a riddle of numerous “fissionable”、 “transmutable”、“changeable” “particle” in study of modern physics:they are the “micro vortex galaxy” and polymerized from the basic particle, not only have strong inner attracting force, but also stretch out quite more attracting force-line to external——this we judge they are carry “positive charge”——up to before polymerizing become proton、neutron, they are able to ceaseless absorb the basic particle join in.if they under high velocity impact, hard to avoid cause changing of member’s quantity, seems can to happen “fission” and “change”, to believe these “particle” may “change” really was a kind of misunderstanding.

  The basic particle been a grain of natural least “particle” of will not happen changing in any condition, it fit the law of the conservation of mass and lasting forever in the cosmos.apart from this, it already un-existing the other “particle” of true “a grain”, though they are called “particle” but actually been the group of the basic particle. 

“The basic particle cannot divided” have two meaning, the one is cannot “one divides into two”, because of it just one, isn’t that subdivide becomes “splinter”? the other is cannot become “splinter”, because of the collision of highest speed is the collision of graviton fly in space, the speed of this collision, would large million times than make “micro mist” in engineering, if it could produce splinter, ages ago space already been full of this “splinters”. 

3.3  the basic particle been the original source-encoder of force-line 

It already explicit, force is generated from interaction of two objects, through the noun of “acting force” can see, this cognition already get publicly known.The element of form force been the both force-line.Withal, electromagnetism field already succeed use this force-line model, “force-line act each other form force”.Basically, ought to result:force-line originate from the basic particle. 

3.4  basic particle can polymerizing form matter of every scale 

From basic particle polymerizing form all matter should be out of question moreover have the clear mechanism, the text《L04 development of matter》had narrated the mechanism of gravitons through “storing-energy polymerization” become proton and the difference of neutron with proton, have proton、neutron and the basic particle repulton (electron) then have the atom、molecule, to form cosmic inventory then out of problem.

4 how many kind of basic particle

From the angle of force-line and acting force, only needs two kinds of basic particle! this raising maybe make amazed to some one whom know well of modern physics but reasonable, because it have two kinds of acting force only.From the property of force-line and force to see, only have the difference of “attracting” and “repulsion”, as to the “four kind of force” of modern physics, their “difference, mainly lie in “magnitude”, in kind, still only two kinds of “attracting” and “repulsion”, if kind the mechanism of produce “magnitude”, this “difference of quantity” naturally can not become the basis of divide “kind”, now just can do this.

  Up to the present think electric line of force and magnetic line of force to be two kinds of force-line, it is very disadvantageous for to know the essence of force.In fact the south pole、north pole of magnetic force, positive、negative of the charge are all surface phenomenon, really acting was two kinds of force-line of attracting and repulsion, the magnitude of force been decided by the quantity of force-line of each other’s.any conductor so long as the atom’s periphery or whole conductor’s periphery have current in circle round, balance of attracting force-line of its nucleus happen changing, from the direction of whirly axis spill part attracting force-line, this is the physical essence of “magnetism”.As for the essence of “electric charge”, it is the electron’s density on the high side or on the low of atom’s outer layer.These common natural phenomenon cannot to use as the basis for to divide the kind of force.

Which two kinds to be the basic particle?

4,1 graviton   

Graviton issue attracting force-line, a graviton on one’s own is similar a magnetic pole, equably issue attracting force-line towards space, the density may to take relative value 1 , force-line to look regard the physical model was abstracted out from this physical matter of act force, force-line cannot concretely use “piece” as the unit inflict measure can but use relative value, because its changing with uniformity mode and does not pulse jump mode.The density’s maximum is the attracting force-line density of one graviton issued;minimum may from infinitely small approach to zero.             

  Which is the individual graviton? Where is it ? up to now it has been find a large number of “particles” and many “basic particles”.Estimate according to the probability, among the discovered “particles”, “electron neutrino” may it be it, at the same time, also want to keep the possibility of “less than it yet”, the reason is, the strength of graviton issued was greater than other any “particle” or matter issued, and the possibility would large a little, its gathering tendency is forte fortissimo, very difficult exist the “bachelordom” graviton, simply, when it just fly out from star or “supernova” to be the bachelordom gravitons, they get rid of tie of strong attracting force, enter into space and fly with light velocity, but once meet graviton or other matter would rejoin once.Therefore, the “particle” of cosmic rays when they just leave star enter into space among them the probability of exiting graviton is more, graviton fly in space with high speed, does not exist “repulsion force” to it, only the attracting force can “tie up” it.    

  Hereon, need to break through the engineering conception of “efficiency is may not be equal to 100%”, matter change the movement mode in space, none the energy increase and decrease, the efficiency just equal to 100%, no matter graviton is bachelordom or join “polymerizing”, its absolute value of velocity does not change, only change the movement direction、mode, it is the “perpetual quantum”(up to now only use “quantum” to describe the electron of possess fixed speed).

  Because it is the minimum particle, there is not any matter less than it, to this day the cognition for it was got through analyze every given physical phenomenon, figure out its quality is less than 10-36 (10 to the power of -36) gram, the farther cognition, has yet to future research.

  There are two mode of graviton “meet” with other graviton, the one is the direction general in line, form a partnership and fly together, become a “group” of n gravitons, they seem one particle to external, the speed does the same with original, the quality was n times with original, the electron volt also was n times with original, this just the “particle” of cosmic rays;

the other is the direction general in opposite, once attracting force can “tie up” them, the original kinetic energy still exist, certainly become a pair of “micro double star”, its speed of circle round is equal to the original speed of liner motion, namely, the energy was invariable, the motion mode from liner motion change to circle round, this is the result of the action of attracting force.Only it the “micro double star” get disassemble, its kinetic energy not explain external.really, this just the atomic energy, the formative process of “micro double star” just the implicate process of atomic energy.This point, up to now not yet realized.

  Is the graviton May be component from smaller “basic particles”? due to present method is limited, cannot fully deny this possibility.But even if really so, it does not form the discord towards above viewpoint.That is to say, see graviton as a particle would not emerge different analysis result in the physical filed with they was true a particle, will not appear “difficulty” or “problem”, therefore, present, might as well hold they to be “a grain of”, only from theory keep the possible of “multiplex”.

4.2  repulton 

  Whether the repulton just be the electron? To answer, “yes, but not really”, the question is that, at present the cognition to it not exactly, the true a grain of electron just to be the repulton, present think the electron of “the mass for 9*10-28(10 to the power of -28) gram ” 、“it only one lie on the periphery of hydrogen atom ” in fact dose not a grain of electron but “a share of” electron, the mass(quality) of electron is nearly with graviton, about less than 10-36 (10 to the power of -36)gram, therefore, this “a share of ” about a hundred million grain! 

  Imagine, if only one electron at the periphery of hydrogen atom, how can the “airspace” of it? How can it proceed of the Brownian motion? How can it should not show up intensity magnetism and possess electromagnetism neutral?

The repulton issue repulsion force-line, among repultons refuse each other, star’s nuclear reaction issue two kinds of basic particle, repulton tend to disperse in space, therefore, cosmic space be full of “space electric field”, but, exist the attracting force between it and nucleus, space electric field will not boundless spread.This also reflect “attractive force dominate” of nature. 

5 how can the basic particle polymerizing to every kind of matter

Above ever mentioned text 《L01 modern opinion about particle》already related the mechanism of two kinds of basic particle form cosmic-ray particles and neutron、proton, possess neutron、proton, space electric field be full of electron——repulton, combining atom of course out of question. 

  Neutron contains about 1012 (10 to the power of 12) gravitons, now the judge method is, the different “quality” come down to the “different particle”, even proton also think of “a grain of” not long ago, does the “particle”(quality) less than it all the more think of to be “a grain of” ? it is clear, under this misunderstanding, except already find hundreds “particles”, if the instrument enough accurate——accurate to can distinguish the different of one graviton, in theory, future may be find billion kinds of “new particle”, if can not identify this point from the angle of basic theory, hard to avoid suffer puzzle, really, “physics 11 problems” already puzzled folk many years, how can clear up problem、get rid of puzzle as well mostly related with the improve of the theory of basic particle.exceed the limit of those un-perfect part of particle theory, can but get harmonious particle theory. 

  Withal, ought to believe, so far discovered many “particles”, actually to be the “micro vortex galaxy” of the quantity less than “proton” or “group of graviton”, the difference of them, actually to be the difference of quantity,

It was expounded in 《L04 development of matter 》, the size of proton, to be the result of force balance, so can possess 6 significant digit.The quality of proton highly fit, it is nature’s hint to human:the “kind” of basic particle impossible much.

  Proton、neutron further get together become atom、molecule、planet、star to be the result of surplus attracting force-line act each other, matter’s development in space, without exception was the “works” of force, and major is the result of the effect of attracting force, the effect of repulton was make atoms keep distance、matter possess form and “strength”. 

Other “particle” are all the “group” of the polymerizing-degree less than “proton”.Divide to two class, one is “micro vortex galaxy”, the kinetic energy mc2 contain inside, this is atomic energy;another class to be the “cosmic ray particles”, fly with light speed, the kinetic energy mc2 show external, also equal to mc2 , none vortex motion in the group’s inner.

  Thus, may be appear a problem:where come from the basic particle? this is the same problem with “where come from the matter”, therefore the answer also the same:it “come from origins”.

  The basic particles was objective reality in space, was the natural being of nature, un-exist the problem of “to come from where”、“to exist why”.Because was “objective reality”, we ought to admit. “the basic particle unchangeable, cannot destroy;the kinetic energy eternal in space, will not increase or decrease”, the order of nature, need to admit.

  Here attach to raised, besides other than to the “plural particle” take for “particle”, modern physics yet appeared not a few fabled “particle”、“matter” and “physical thing” , they like the flower of none root, now although all kinds of flowers stretch glamorous, the colour in riotous profusion, but see through physical law and mechanism, difficult to lasting.If take it for true, certain give the theory increase problem and difficult. 

  The “imaginary particle” have:“mirror-image particle”、“positron”、“gluon”、“boson”、 “photon” etc.

The “fiction matter” have: “antimatter”、“dark matter”、“neutron star”、“black hole” etc.

  The “fiction physical thing” have: “big bang”、“dark energy and dark matter account for >90% of cosmos”、“quality may be changing” etc.

  The result of believe in those “theory” of un-link up with mechanism、un-harmony with law then would bring about fault.Someone believe in two high speed proton get collide may produce “”、to copy “initial stage of the big bang”, It may be confirmed that European Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will not offer the true support to help these “imaginary”, in support of these theory of un-correct to be people’s misunderstanding.

6 the conclusion

(1) the basic particle of form cosmic inventory only have two kinds:graviton and repulton, they are the true basic particle, 

(2) the other all lots and lots of “particle” of already named are all the “micro vortex galaxy” of basic particle or the group of basic particle.

 The incidental reasoning is:un-exist the “particle” (or matter) of quality been zero, because of the force-line should issued from the basic particle, the basic particle naturally possess quality, therefore, force-line、force should related to quality.None quality is equal to vacuum, can not become the source or carrier of force.This is the reason for “force-agent particle” cannot being. 

Attached: “there were 62 kinds of basic (elementary ) particle” “there were more than 300 kinds of basic particles” and so on theory its “problem and difficulty” even more, this paper will not discuss