L26a 太阳系的昨天今天和明天Yesterday toda



摘 要 本文以陈理士(Chinese)物理基础理论的观点据理回答“太阳是如何生成的?”“太阳的核反应是如何发生的”“太阳的演变趋势”等问题

关键词 太阳系 太阳 核聚变 恒星

(The text in English see rear )







  陈理士物理的回答是:物质聚合达到极限,“物极必反”。其机理在于:恒星心部压力过大原子的电子层垮塌以至质子、中子“碰撞”(参见《L04 物质演变》)。今天,质子碰撞的结果会产生核反应已为实验证实,利用此种碰撞产生能量的LHC也已建成。

  恒星的核反应源于高压,因此,只发生在心部。核反应使质子、中子解体为基本粒子高速——达1.4倍光速——飞向太空,于是太空中形成了空间电场且不断受到骚扰,形成“本底辐射”;空间不断有引力子高速飞驰,它们逐渐聚合,以质子、中子为“一级聚合”极限,尚未达到极限的基本粒子“组群”(微涡旋星系)不断被发现和命名,迄今一直误以为这些“微涡旋星系”是“一粒”,因此,称之为“粒子”,有各种介子、夸克、中微子和原子裂变后探测到的许多其它“粒子”(参见《L01 粒子今论》)。







2 今天























3 明天

  太阳的明天同其它星球的明天相似,取决于物质的收支平衡,“如果”支大于收,心部核反应区域必定越来越小最后停止反应,此后又“如果”不再有陨物坠入,温度会按对数规律渐渐降低,光亮渐渐减弱而不再耀眼,这一过程延续若干万年 ,“如果”还是不再有物质“收入”,又经过若干万年,彻底冷却下来,成为一颗行星。














 (5)答: 恒星在某一空域成为一个演变体系或单元,在大约100光年的空间,进行聚散演变循环,所发生的引力子以光速四散,有的飞出原来的“领空”,但同时也有引力子从“外面”飞来,保持密度相对稳定,因此,每个恒星就是一个“太阳系”,也不断进行聚散循环。


2019.3.24 加注: 本文于2008/11/18登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月投入使用的现在的新架构未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以保持原貌。

the yesterday、today and tomorrow of the sun system 

S. G. Chinese

Abstract this article is basic from the view point of basic theory of Chinese physics and to discuss the problem of how give birth how happen nuclear reaction and how is the develop trend for the sun

Key word solar system sun nuclear fusion star 


  Today, the six problems of the sun is:

 (1) how form of the sun?

 (2)why that look like in the same size of the sun and the moon?

 (3)whether exist “X planet”

 (4)where come from the comet?

 (5)whether the solar system was unique?

 (6)what is the final end of the solar system?

1 Yesterday 

  About “how form of the sun”, this belong to the problem of the topic of astronomic, this text be from the angle of physics to raise the discussing, prepared sun’s form and “development” treat as the general condition of matter evolution in the cosmos, thus guess its today、before and future, above six problems then near reply therein.

  The realistic situation is, in the ten thousand million light year of observable space, the number of P(peta)stars are in progress of nuclear reaction and none exemption, why? 

  The reply from Chinese physics is:the matter polymerize to the limit, Chinese idiom says :“things will develop in the opposite direction when they reach the limit”, its mechanism is, the pressure in the center of star is so huge with the result that occur collapse of electron layer of atom , so proton and neutron occur “collision”(see also in 《L04 development of matter》).today, tests have verify the nuclear reaction is the result of this collision, the LHC of to use this collision produce energy also has been activate.

The nuclear reaction of star was born of high pressure therefore in the center only.The nuclear reaction let the protons、neutrons got disintegration become basic particles with high speed——reach to1.414 times light speed——fly to space, hence form space electric field in the space, and constant suffer harass, form the “background radiation”;space has the gravitons of fly with high speed constantly, they gradually get polymerization, with the limited of “first class polymerization” of proton、neutron, the “group”(micro vortex galaxy)of basic particles of not yet reach to limit constant been found and denominate, up to now all the time in mistake for these “micro vortex galaxy” was “one particle”, therefore be distinguished they as “particle”, as every kind of mesons、quarks、neutrinos and many other particles of after atomic fission detected (see also in 《L01 modern opinion about particle》). 

  The space have a steady flow of “furnishing” of the basic particles, also have the mechanism of attracting force dominating, proton 、neutron be bound to keep on polymerize, form atom、isotope, and “more and more are gathering”, become cosmic dust, interstellar matter.Following the time lapse, they gradually “grow up”, until fixed scale, is equivalent to comet、small minor planet、planet.Of course, planet “inborn superiorly” still have a strip of “crash course” way:after “supernova explosion”, form from cohesion of high temperature air mass.The planet still extend attracting force-ling to external, act each other form universal gravitation, therefore, constantly draw down “fall matter”, certainly continue “grow up”.

  If planet is solid state, “gravity” act on the solid surface, “every one” spread bear, not always can reach to the center.If it is liquid or its center is, the action of “gravity” reach to the center, certainly it is the center bear max. force, for the example of the earth, the surface only bear 1 atmospheric, but the center reach to million atmospherics, upon that, one day, when planet big as the sun is, the center pressure reach to “a hundred million” atmospherics, as stated above , in the center position, high pressure collapse atom’s outer sphere, would happen nuclear reaction, and then, from planet change to star. 

  So that, where come from the sun? it was from small to large and magnify by gradually develop.Today, the earth every time constantly got “fall matter” from space, so infer:(1) it is in the constant growth;(2) the attracting force-line of the sun would greatly more than the earth, it obtained fall matter also greatly more than the earth.

  The sun’s yesterday would smaller than today, only a planet of center have high temperature molten magma, but the high temperature of the center dose not the cause for nuclear reaction, the nuclear reaction was “come out from pressure” by very high stress of the center and crush atom, the mechanism already stated in 《L04 development of matter》.

  Nuclear reaction make atom scatter, proton and neutron get disassembly become basic particles, form the reverse developing of “extreme polymerizing then scatter”, produce heat to make this planet more rise temperature gradually become bright star.The difference of “body” for star and planet does not un-relation, planet only growth near the sun scale can begin occur nuclear reaction in the center, therefore, star should large than planet. 

  Cosmos constantly produce planets and stars, this the link of matter cycle developing, the yesterday of the sun to be a planet at first, once more increase mass from small to large and become a big planet, the center suffer “compression ignition ” so from big planet change to star.

2 today

  After this, today, what reaction occurred of the sun? for answer this problem, need to use trends viewpoint treat the sun, the sun have its “incoming 、expending”, the result of its “incoming 、expending” decide it will change to more large or small “little by little” gradually.“incoming” is the “fall matter” of one after another crash into the sun under the reaction of attracting force, these interstellar matter, most of them was rather little, but also have compare big, rational reading nature phenomena can lead to such conclusion. 

  Have the fall matter constantly fall in to the sun? since the earth having, the sun as well having, and more than earth’s.because of the fall matter come over was attracted by gravitation, the sun sent out attracting force-line is more than the earth, it form attracting force to space matter ought large than earth’s.

  The small fall matter seem not cause concern, but, when occasionally have a large-scale fall matter fall into the sun? How’s it going? To this if reply:“produce macula ”, this answer probably make one surprised, if input leavening agent to steel melt of 2000 degree (c) when smelting then become conscious of the phenomenon similar with “sunspot”, the sun, serve as a ball of liquid, though its surface temperature lower than the center, but reach to 6000 degree (c)! the small matter serve as the fall matter of the sun, not yet to the surface of the sun at once boil-off, cannot become sunspot, after the big matter fall, should have a process of absorb heat、intense warming、vaporization, now relatively compare “black”, at the same time, happen radiation of a large number electrons, make space electric field temporary change, thus affect the “density of space electric field”, it is one of “three element of geomagnetism”(see also in text 《L15 The happen Mechanism of the geomagnetism and the aster magnetic》) this is the physical background of “sunspot lead to magnetic storm”! in light of earth “received” fall matter to be the fact, so the viewpoint of the sun have more fall matter is credible, this is the “receiving” of the sun, make it “Continue grow up”.

  Here unconsciously replied a puzzle:“how occurred of the sunspot”?

  The sun also have its “consumption”, center’s nuclear reaction make matter break up become basic particles scatter away, this “pay out” let it “reduce”.Balance of receive and pay, is it win or lose? From the sun already “kindled” multi-billion years to see, at least, it is have some surplus of balance of receive and pay, therefore, today’s sun, yet in slowly grow up.

  One problem of seem unchallenged is, whether the nuclear reaction of the sun center to be the “thermonuclear fusion”? modern physics think of, nuclear reaction divide to two kinds of “fission” and “fusion”.The “fission” make heavy element change to light, send out energy;the “fusion” make light element change to heavy, also send out energy.This theory of avoid mechanism at the same time of explained some problems, also derived some problems, such as:

 (1)where come from the energy of nuclear reaction send out?

 (2)why the nuclear reaction would send out the energy?

 (3) what mechanism make the dispersed light element continuously into the center of star and proceed “fusion”? once the light element all become heavy element, what would happened? Can seek out any example proving this theory in the some trillion stars of space?

  Cannot answer above problem according to the theory but may use “quality change to energy” for help, this way again derive new problems:

 (1)how can the quality change to energy?

 (2)to the end, whether the basic particle is variable? Being the change of volume、density or quantity?

  Constantly derive new problem is the expression of theory fault, therefore, if want to clear nuclear reaction at all divided to how much kinds, inferior in first to clear the essence and mechanism of nuclear reaction. 

  Proton to be the “micro vortex galaxy” which form by trillion basic particles——gravitons, the linear velocity of vortex reach to 1.4 times light velocity, if proton get disassembly, the energy ——kinetic energy——of basic particle radiation with 1,4 times light velocity is mc2(square), that is to say, proton、neutron itself contains nuclear energy, whether disassemble of proton and neutron is the condition of whether its nuclear energy get freed, such a theory then compare clarity and harmonious, it may be unscrambled out from “energy equation” got proving, un-need depart from two basic law of “conservation of matter” and “conservation of energy”, now has been analyzed out those examples former ever make we in mistake for “quality variable” actually belong to misunderstand (see also in《L12 the law of conservation of the matter and of the energy》) , “polymerizing effect” set a limit to the scale of proton、neutron, to be the force balance make they size fit, so the quality of proton、neutron can give 4 to 5 effective numerical value.Due to “polymerizing effect”, if two proton get together, should the one disassemble at once——nuclear reaction——but only be left one proton at the same time issue the energy of mc2(square), m is the quality of proton.

  Proton been attract with proton, but humanistic “homophobia” let human being feel protons ought repulsing each other in the atom, need the gluon “stick up” to them, in accordance with the viewpoint of Chinese physics, proton send out attracting force-line external, between two protons produce attracting force and not repulsion force, with no need for gluon.Since they attracting each other, can they will meet in the atom thus happen nuclear reaction? the reply is:can’t, why? Because of proton does not static in the atom, proton、neutron serve as the unit, they are circle round in the atom, attracting force make them cannot leave, centrifugal force be make them can not “combine”.

  But, the condition of star center make a difference, when the barrier——electronic shell——among atoms get collapse, the colliding of neutron、proton then difficult to avoid, colliding make neutron、proton disassemble and become basic particles leave with high speed——happen nuclear reaction, if star’s “income” make its “body” not decrease, hence the center pressure not decrease, the nuclear reaction would not cease.

  Through analysis can see, the mechanism of star nuclear reaction and send out energy be similar with “fission”, just because of the action of disassemble of proton、neutron, but, if want to say “light element polymerize to heavy element” then not this reason, the space stars of count with ten thousand trillion,the “age” of which one all may count with hundred million years, if happened reaction of “fusion”, the heave element rise follow age, when about of “supernova explosion”, isn’t that whole become heave element? 

  Therefore, today it is nuclear reaction happened in the sun’s center and does not “nuclear fusion”, the reaction make electrons fly off, protons、neutrons disassemble, form incessant basic particles radiation.Namely, though stars center reach to that high pressure and temperature, atom by no means get “together by press”, high atom can not form heavy atom there, the reason of issue nuclear energy lie in part neutrons、protons happen disassemble become basic particles, circular motion translate to linear motion, their kinetic energy from hidden state translate to display state nothing more. 

  The sun’s some influence for the earth has been find out by people, such as the sun’s influence to the earth space electric field does not yet find out, the reason lie in now not yet the satisfactory explain for geomagnetic.According to the viewpoint of Chinese physics, there are three elements for form geomagnetic:the space electric field、the earth’s rotation、the center been conduction, this three conditions may be use to judge all stars whether exist of magnetic field.When the sunspot generate, fall matter suffer heating to 6000 degrees , high then the temperature of “electric welding”, generate the electron radial is understandable, this make earth’s space electric field happen density change, reflect to the change of geomagnetic, go by the name of “magnetic station”.

  The two kinds of basic particles of the solar radiation, in this, the end result of repulton——mean electron——was space electric field, before their motion speed become zero, appear as the “electron rays” of X-ray、ultraviolet rays and so on;after graviton leave the sun, to join “polymerizing” process, among that, “algebra polymerization” form the particle of cosmic rays, up to now people to think “the particles of cosmic rays exceed 600 kinds”, in fact they but to be the “group” of one kind of particle, only “other of quantity” and not “other of category”, if think of “other of quantity” as “other of category ”, “600 kinds” may be expand to “trillion”, the velocity of cosmic-rays was very high, penetrating power was very strong.

  To judge from cosmos constant happen “supernova”, the sun’s today is “break even have a few surplus”, namely its quality been in “slowly” grow, to use the time of 100 years impossible finding this “growing”. 

3 tomorrow 

  The sun’s yester day would be alike with other stellar, depend on the balance of matter, “if” the pay large then income, the center nuclear reaction area certainly get smaller, at last stopped reaction, hereafter again “if” no more have fall matter falling, the temperature be able to gradually induce according to the logarithm rule, the brightness gradually reduce and no longer dazzling, this process go on some ten thousand years, “if” yet no more matter “income”, again through some ten thousand years, thorough cool off, become a planet. 

  But these three “if” be hardly found, owing to the attracting force-line of the sun send out, the mechanism of from basic particle change polymerizing of space are all existing all the time, whenever, the sun be able to have “matter income”, even though “cannot make both ends meet”, the result nothing but to be the nuclear reaction on and off, can’t go so far as to long stop.

      Have the reason for imagine the sun more a better-off life, its “income” of matter ought “after break even, has some surplus”, the reason is, the income and pay no way just balance, more can’t equal to zero, originally, the sun exactly constant “grow up”, this explain for a long time continuously have matter supply.In space the speed of from basic particle polymerizing to proton、neutron will not large change, once to have a planet bigger than other, it attract fall matter also more, this make it growing faster, forming the “virtuous circle”.Therefore, today in the solar system, the sun and its planets all have “matter income”, the matter of fall in to the sun was at most, but more and more, that is why the mass of the sun occupy more than 99% 0f the sum mass of the solar system, at the side of attracting matter, it not only continue keep on top, but also the superiority bigger and bigger. 

  Upon that, its mass、volume bigger and bigger, the nuclear reaction area of the center also bigger and bigger, the temperature higher and higher, until one day, all matter boil-off and swell、the volume violent increase, become “super nova explosion”, thoroughly scatter to basic particle、atom、sub-atom、molecule and go off with high speed, leave behind the temporary vacuum at primary position. 

  owing to space matters of unceasing come and go will soon pass into here, so it only be temporary vacuum.Can here become “black hole”? this depend on “gravitation” can or can’t pull return those leave with high speed matters and again collapsed become “overweight matter”.The principle is very clear, if gravity possess like that ability, before “explosion”, star long since been formed “black hole”, the “gravitation” even two close gas molecule also can’t make they “collapse” form liquid, if give it like that magical ability, the theory difficult to steady and sure.

  Develop towards “supernova explosion” direction, this to be the tomorrow rough prospect of the sun, this also the only way of tomorrow of all stars, in the evolution circle of the matter, due to attracting force be in the ascendant, “polymerization” is main trend, when reach to scale of star, its center begin arise “scatter”, proton、neutron disassemble and become basic particles leave with high speed.Now “polymerization” still exceed “scatter”, the star continue magnifying.Later, follow the magnifying of nuclear reaction area of the center, the “scatter” gradually draw near and exceed “polymerization”, “explosion” then begin happen, when huge area of nuclear reaction has been finish action, “explosion” then been accomplished.It can be seen, though “supernova explosion” would very intensity than “explosion”, yet need go on with a length of process, isn’t accomplish in a flash.

  Besides, from now up until the sun develop get to “supernova explosion” also does not the shout time, though above have some “more and more”, but the speed of matter polymerizing in space “roughly stabilize”.

because of, the supplying of basic particles was root of the nuclear reaction of some ten thousand trillion of stars, the quantity of star is so much, even if small number happen “explosion” also will not affect “roughly stabilize”.The speed of sun acquire matter from space to be suffer restricted of “roughly stabilize”.

  Now the sun only to be a little brother in stars family, tomorrow—— after some hundred million years——be able to become a body compare large one, the day after tomorrow, when its body large to the outstanding one of stars, become “supernova explosion” then extremely urgent.After the sun fully “explosion”, does the earth “invariant in basic only temperature rise” or “evaporated part mass” or “fully evaporated” admix in a lump of air mass of high the temperature ?This is the problem of may roughly calculate, if at that time it still existing or partly existing, due to the sun already disappear, the earth can but do coasting flight, its external gravitation force-line should readjust effect object, form the new balance pattern, after very long time, it may be self “grow up” develop in to a star or finally near a star and again surround fly.

4 simple answer of the problems 

  Thus, the simple answer of the beginning 6 problems is:

 (1)answer:the sun to be grow in strength from small to large and gradually polymerizing, in the end owing to “large”, the electronic shell of center atom get collapse, proton、neutron collide, light the fire of nuclear reaction of the center.

 (2)answer:the body of the moon is far little then the sun, to the human’s angle of view, the sun’s to be 0.5331degree, the moon’s to be 0.5581degree, both difference only 2.5%, look like “size in the same”, can but say it is coincidence.

 (3)answer:the X-star is similar with the Higgs in the particle, start from theory’s need.Serve as a planet of the solar system, if absolutely true, can it don’t become conscious by astronomical telescope? 

 (4)answer:if understand space to be the “workshop” of mass polymerizing, proton、neutron、atom、molecule gradually polymerized、grow up in space, the nearby polymerizing mass act as “fall matter” to “suck in” by aster, beyond, some then may be turn into loose colony, there with its inertia, cruise in space, this is the comet. 

 (5)answer:star in a certain space become an unite of evolution system, in the above 100 light year space, proceed the circulation of polymerizing-scatter, genesic gravitons scatter in all directions with light speed, some fly off from primary “airspace”, but at the same time also have gravitons fly in from “out side”, keep the density relative stability, so each star to be a “solar system”, also constantly go ahead the circulation of polymerizing-scatter.

 (6)answer: the present sun inevitable would continue enlargement, go by some hundred million years, form the “supernova explosion”.Later, again form the new planet、large planet, therein the largest translate to next stare, such circulate endlessly, “be endless circulation” is the end of it.