L25 陈理士物理Chineseph


L25 陈理士物理


摘 要 本文叙述陈理士物理(以下简称为C)及其空间诸元的新、异之处和其特点 


关键词 陈理士物理  物理  物理学  物理基础理论  陈理士物理空间

(text in English see rear)

    1 前言




  继承经典物理学并继续前进,发现现代物理学的失误提出系统性的改进,于是形成了一个标新立异的和谐的基础理论空间,为物质演变找到了机理,使 “问题”和“困难”不复存在,这就是陈理士物理(以下简称C)。

    2 陈理士物理的改进



2.1.2 继进:经典物理学的不少理论需要进一步求得“甚解”,如: 物质和力学方面




(4)工程力、电磁力、牛顿引力是一回事吗? 电磁学方面







(7)“同性相斥、异性相吸”是客观自然规律吗? 光学方面


(2)光 的“波、粒”二论长期不能融合的原因何在?

(3)“二象性”是一项规律吗? 热学方面



(3)热力学第二定律是一项普遍存在的自然规律吗? 原子、分子理论方面





2.2 相对于现代物理学的改进

2.2.1 对于相对论 



(3)关于E=mc2方程的物理实质,以往由于未能清晰原子能的实质,使“质量变能量”似乎有了依靠,C 从机理上阐明了核能的实质。

(4)相对论最后同意了“宇宙膨胀”理论,不言而喻,也要认可以后的“宇宙加速膨胀”理论。C 据理论证,“红移”、“蓝移”、“光的引力弯曲”等都只是一种空间光学现象,“红移”不能代表远星高速“离去”,“蓝移”也不表示远星高速“飞来”,光线经过恒星附近发生路径弯曲更非“牛顿引力”所致,它们乃是“空间海市蜃楼现象”。

2.2.2 对于量子力学








  引力子有“直线运动”与“圆运动”两种运动方式,基于能量守恒,运动速度不变。如果方程E=mc2 是精确的,不难看出,引力子的速度v=1.414c , 即大于光速c 。


2.2.3 相对于现代天文学、宇宙学理论



(3)空间并不存在“暗物质”、“暗能量”,这些也是“红移”派生出来的。“宇宙加速膨胀” 理论是为了解释“星体越远红移越大”,如果“红移”不同“远星高速离去”挂钩而只是光波极度衰减产生的实际频率改变,宇宙便没有“膨胀”,更没有“加速膨胀”。



    3 陈理士物理“空间诸元 ”


3.1 粒子:





(3)介子、中微子、夸克etc. :引力子聚合尚未达到质子规模的“微涡旋星系”



(2)光子:在射线范围内,“光子”实是电子即斥力子;在电波范围内 ,“光子”实为电波,其实并无“光子”其物



3.2 物质:

3.2.1 规模:最小为两种基本粒子:引力子、斥力子,其质量<10 的负36 次方(克);最大为濒临爆发的“超新星”,约比太阳质量大一个数量级

3.2.2 演变:引力占优势使基本粒子不断聚合为群体,聚合有“代数聚合”和“蓄能聚合”两种方式,受“聚合效应”制约,基本粒子的一级聚合最大“单元”为质子、中子规模且质量相对一致;质子、中子、电子聚合成为原子为二级聚合。原子再聚合成为微尘、物体、行星、恒星,这是第三级聚合。“超新星爆发”使聚合彻底解体,返回基本粒子、原子、分子,如此不断循环。


3.3 空间: 物理空间——即真实空间——为3维,任何物质在空间的位置,均可由3维坐標确定,“3”对于“维”既充分又必要,为了修正光速影响,从数学上采取“四维时空”弥补,这并不意味真实空间的“维度”由3改为4,而是为了信息能代表真实而进行的数学处理

3.4 时间: 单向、连续、均匀、不可逆、不可跨越、不可伸缩、无绝对起止点

3.5力 : 由物质双方的作用力线相互作用生成,分为引力、斥力两种不同“种类”;力的大小在于作用力线数量多少,受到“聚合效应”制约

3.6 能量: 形形色色的能量,最终都可以归结为动量mv,定量地等于1/2mv2(平方),能量相互转变的规则是mv 守恒,质量m是形成能量的二元之一,质量与能量的相关,止于此

3.7 宇宙: 物质永存,演变循环不断,无始(起)无终(止),故宇宙永存,“宇宙大爆炸”理论的证据不牢、理由不妥


    4 小结 


2019.3.24  加注: 本文于2008/10/28登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月投入使用的现在的新架构未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以保持原貌。


Chinese physics

S. G. Chinese

Abstract this text talk about the new and different part of Chinese physics (following abbreviate in C)

Key word Chinese physics  physics  basic physics theory  Chinese physical space    


1 preface 

  Physics is a natural science of possess some millenary history, in a century, it have new content, in order to show the difference with primary, arise the different items of “classic physics” and “modern physics”.

  “classic physics” mainly focus on the basic theory, “to know the nature”、“explain the nature”、in search of natural law, the task of it leave over is need to more go after to the end.The steps of classic physics was very modest, do not replace theory with imagine, in-exist great miss of theory, make successor like stand on the shoulder of predecessors, the direction is clear on the way of climb.

   Modern physic mainly focus build the theory of microcosmic matter, the difficulty is unusual, but its success also resplendent and magnificent, happen miss even systematic miss is impossible to be avoided, not at all surprising, the existing primal problem is, up to now never clearly be aware of this point but only to think the theory exist “difficulty”、“problem” and “eleven puzzles” thus hard to walk out of the wrong region.

  Inherit classic physics and move on, find out the wrong of modern physics and raise systematic improve, hence form a basic theory space of maverick and harmonious, found the mechanism of matter developing, make the “problem” and “difficult” pass out, this is the Chinese physics (here in after referred to as C) . 

    2 the improvement of Chinese physics

2.1 relative to classic physics

2.1.1 inheriting:C strictly hold the basic law of classic physics had been find out, after modern physics set up two natural law of “mass conservation、energy conservation” at the position of all or none, to this put forward “negation of negation”, according to the theory to prove this two law of classic physics never really meet with “exception”, to analyzed the examples of former according these take for “mass variable”, prove that belong to misunderstand, up to now not have any example can really state “mass variable”, have to explain any misunderstand of these two natural law of objective existing, if leave these two natural law ,the theory certainly step in the wrong region.

2.1.2 move on:not a few of theory of classic physics need more meet “extremely explain”, such as: matter and mechanics aspect

(1) to the end what is the “quality” of stand for mass?

(2) how to generated the force?

(3) why the acting force is equal to the reacting force?

(4) do the engineering force、electromagnetic force 、Newton are the one and the same? electromagnetism aspect

(1) what is the physical substance for positive and negative charge? 

(2) does exist “positron”?

(3) if electric line of force and magnetic line of force are the two kinds of force line?

(4) what kind of force for magnetic force?

(5) what is the substance of “Lenz law”?

(6) why “wire incise magnetic line of force” can raise electric current?

(7) do “homo sex exclude each other、opposite sex attract each other ”is natural law? optical aspect

(1) any way what is the light?

(2) what is the reason of the two theory of “wave 、particle” of light cannot mix together at long-term?

(3) does “duality” is a natural law? heat aspect

(1) does whole matter all possess “temperature”?

(2) if entropy may open up towards any subject disciplines even may to say “human take food is for reduce entropy value?”

(3) does the second law of thermodynamics is a natural law of ubiquitous? the side of atom 、molecular theory

(1) does periphery of hydrogen atom only have one electron?

(2) why the atom show up a large number of isotope?

(3)if proton is “a grain of” close-grained “particle”?

C according to mechanism made harmonious reply to above every problems, from the core of three thesis L01—L03 and later other thesis can see the description.

2.2 The improvement related to modern physics

2.2.1 for relativity

(1) to raise “negation of negation” for “mass variable”, in need of firmly believe, up to now it have not find and from now on also can not find any true example can shake the law of “quality conservation (mass conservation)”.

(2) the physical substance of “four dimensional space-time” is any positional information of object to be spread with light-velocity, to cognize it need fixed time, only consider in this time, the obtained information can stand for reality, therefore, in the equation of describe matter position need to add a dimension of time, this a epochal major contribution at the side of know cosmic space of relativity.So “four dimensional space-time” to be a kind of “mathematical treatment”, “4-D space” is “mathematical space”.The true space can but 3-D only, 3 was the dimension of through strict proof、be in accordance with “sufficient and necessary condition”, as well as con not one less, also can not one more.Any theory of exceed 3-D, at first need to prove where can stay that “dimensions” of exceed 3. (3) about the substance of equation E=mc2 , the former due to cannot clearing the substance of nuclear energy, make “mass change to energy” seems possess dependence, C clarified the substance of nuclear energy.

(4) 《relativity》at last agree the theory of “cosmic expansion”, it is self-evident, should approve later theory of “cosmic accelerate expansion” too.C prove according to the theory, “red shift”、“blue shift”、“gravitation bend of light” etc are all only the kind of space optical phenomenon, “red shift” “away” with high speed, “blue shift” cannot delegate remote stars “coming” with high speed, light go by star nearby happen path bend not be caused by “gravitation” still further, they to be the “space mirage phenomenon”.

2.2.2 towards quantum mechanics 

(1) the basic particle only two kinds of graviton and repulton;graviton send out attracting force-line, repulton send out repulsion force-line, the force-line act each other form force.

(2) the nature have two kinds of basic particle to be the true “a grain” only, or else exist other particle of genuine, now physics named thousands and thousands of kinds mixed “particles” be without one was true “a grain ”, most of they are the “micro vortex galaxy” of different members of graviton, was the “group” of graviton which motion in high speed. 

(3) “fission”、“metamorphosis”、“fusion” of “particle” in truth to be the change of member quantity of “micro vortex galaxy”, neither refer to “particle change” nor refer to “mass change to energy” or “energy change to mass”.

(4)the force was form from force-line act each other which sent out by two kinds of basic particles, therefore, it have two kinds of attracting force and repulsion force only, big or small of force decide the quantity of acting force-line. 

“polymerizing effect” make clear the density of acting force-line was largest between two graviton, follow polymerizing member get increase, the density of surplus force-line would reduce, this is the substance of attracting force of proton inner was largest and gravitation between star was least.

Be going to the force divide to four kinds, more be going to the《quantum mechanics》also divide to four kinds, this condition need to improve, the “quantity difference” of force should not become the main basis of divide kind, here once again make clear, infer the equation is served mechanism, it cannot go against mechanism.

(5) two kinds of basic particle are all act as “particle” of “quantum” and not only electron.Graviton also form attracting force with electron (repulton), so the graviton in motion of high speed may not get any “brake force”, it constantly move with the same speed, it not only was “quantum” but also was “ever quantum”.

Graviton have two movement method of “linear motion” and “circular motion”.Be based on the energy conservation, motion speed was invariant.if equation E=mc2 is exact, as will be readily seen, the velocity of graviton v=1.414c ,namely greater than light velocity c .

(6) nature existing exact symmetry things and rough symmetry things, at the same time also existing un-symmetric things, but symmetry not a natural law, it cannot deduce exist “image particle”.in fact, as above mentioned, the nature only have two kind of truly particles, they did not exist “antiparticle”, the rest thousands and thousands of “particles” were cannot “establish” itself, how say about “image particle”.

2.2.3 related to astronomy and cosmology theory

(1) “red shift ”、“blue shift” to be space optical phenomenon, to this cannot to say remote stars come with high speed or away with high speed, they are move with cosmic speed only.The ”big bang” is misunderstand derived due to “red shift”, cosmos not exit “start point” and “end point”, the biggest blast of cosmos was “supernova explosion ”, this is the inexorable trend of star “growth”.From this conclude, it cannot happen the explosion of more large scale than this.

(2) where come from the fixed star? Due to exist gravitation, whole space matters are all in “polymerization and change to large”, the electric shell of center atom will cannot bear and collapsed, so proton get collided, happen nuclear reaction and break up, the graviton of make up proton from circumnutation translate linear motion, the kinetic energy of circle round translate into the kinetic energy of linear motion ——atomic energy——and release, transform and become bright star. Star due to the infall more than the “consumption” of nuclear reaction then continue “largen”, when reach to a certain degree, the area of nuclear reaction also corresponding increase, up to make whole star vaporize swell, this “large star” as a result turn to “supernova”. 

(3) space does not exist “dark energy”、“dark matter”, these also derive out from “red shift”.The theory of “cosmic speedup” was for explain “more far the star, more big the red shift”, if “red shift” do not link up with “remote star leave with high speed” but to be the actual frequency shift cause from extreme decay of light wave, the cosmos then have not “expanding”, more have not “cosmic speedup”.

(4) where come from the planet? There are two generating ways, the first is from small to large by gradually polymerizing;the second is, after “supernova” cohesion become light spots, when their surface cooling, become the planet of “crash course”. 

(5) the totality law of matter evolution in space is “poly- and scatter circulate ”, matter from small to large, all along reflected “attraction occupy superior”, the large as star center happen nuclear reaction, it still inseparable with attraction——form center pressure, “supernova” is the thorough scatter of star, also can’t do without center pressure——form from gravitation.This “poly- and scatter circulate” don’t consume energy, therefore “endless”.

    3 “every space element” of Chinese physics 

  modern physics haven the tendency of place extra emphasis on mathematics, the compete between Einstein and David Hilbert seem indicate the short on appraise mechanism. “each space element” of C was possess was good-sized in the content with modern physics, this major set up at the side of appraise mechanism and abide by natural law, now list as follows:

3.1 particle:

3.1.1 basic (element) particle:the basic particle have two kinds of graviton and repulton only, their quality about 10 to the power of -36 gram

3.1.2 other “particle”:are all the “plural particle” or “”nothingness the plural particle as:

(1)proton:to be the “micro vortex galaxy” which polymerized with billion gravitons, the vortex speed reach to the order of light speed 

(2)neutron:it have repultons (electrons) added when proton in polymerizing 

(3)meson、neutrino、quark etc :the “micro vortex galaxy” of graviton in polymerizing when not yet reach to the scale of proton

(4)cosmic ray particles:the group formed by graviton with the mode of “algebra polymerizing” nonexistent “nothingness particle” as :

(1) mirror particle:proton were likely to added some electrons become unstable “antiproton” of temporary carry positive charge, but this is not the same property with “antiproton” in the mirror theory.Besides, those “antiproton”、”mirror particle” which definite from “symmetry” theory does not existing 

(2) photon:in the range of ray, “photon” really was electron namely repulton, in the range of electric wave, “photon” really was electric wave, in fact, it have not the matter of “photon”. 

(3) any “particle” of quality equal to zero

(4)any “particle” of not sent out force-line、“force spreading particle ”etc

3.2 matter: 

3.2.1 scope:the minimum to be two kinds of basic particles:graviton and repulton, their quality about 10 to the power of -36 gram, the maximum is the “supernova” of be close to explode, about large then one order of magnitude of the sun 

3.2.2 evolution:the gravitation be in the ascendant make basic particle ceaseless polymerizing to group, polymerizing have two pattern of “storing-energy polymerization” and “algebra polymerization”, to restricted with “polymerizing effect”, the maximum “unit” of first-degree polymerization is the scope of proton、neutron and the quality relative no difference;the proton、neutron、electron polymerizing to atom is second-degree polymerization, atom again polymerizing to micro mote、matter、planet、star, this is third-degree polymerization. “supernova explosion” make the polymerization thorough disassemble, return to basic particle、atom、molecule, so ceaseless circulating.

Nature exist strict symmetry things、roughly (probability affect) symmetry things and un-symmetry things, it confirmed by mechanism, none proof show matter’s existing and evolution follow “symmetry law”, but the quality of matter no way change, no way change to energy.

3.3 space:physical space——namely true space——to be three dimension (3-d), any matter’s position in space, all can confirm by 3-d, for dimension 3 even though full also necessary, 

for revise the influence of light velocity, make complete with “4-D space-time” from mathematics, this not mean the dimension of true space from 3 change to 4 , but the mathematics treatment in order to the light information may delegate true

3.4 time:one-way、continuous、even、in-reversible、cannot span、cannot flexible、non absolute start and end point

3.5 force:generated by both force-line act each other, divid into two differnt "kinds" of attracting force and repulsion force;big and small of force lie in number of acting force-line, and suffer check and supervision by "polymerizing effect "

3.6 energy:the mixed energies, in the end all can come down to momentum MV, quantificationally is equal to 1/2 MV2(square), the law of energy change each other was MV conservation, the quality M to be the one of two elements for form energy, the relation of quality and energy does stop here 

3.7 cosmos:matter conservation, evolution would circulate constantly, not have begin (start) not have finish (end), so the cosmos eternal existing, the proof of theory of “big bang” is not firm, and the reason also not proper

3.8 basic law: the basic particle invariant、immortalization, the matter of any scope was mass immortalization;energy immortalization, the energy of different form can change, but energy cannot change to quality, and the quality also cannot change to energy

    4 brief summary

  The “new and different” of this text has mentioned above, C emphasize the support of mechanism, these mechanism existing in every thesis of serial number begin with L especially 4 pieces of L01——L04(L01 modern opinion about particle、L02 Outline to space 、L03 also discuss about time、L04 development of matter ), they according mechanism, cognized the limit of existing theory, revert the position of objective existing of the law of “two immortalizations ”, find put new mechanism, got the place of problem, replied the “difficult problems”, formed new harmonious physical basic theory system of not existing “problem” and “difficult problems” mean Chinese physics