L22 理想能源 Ideal power source


                     L22 理想能源  


提 要 本文认为,通过质子、中子对撞产生原子能是理想的能量来源 


关键词 原子能 核能 碰撞效应 

 (text in English see rear)




  现代物理用相对论的E=mc2方程以及“质量变能量”回答核能来源。显然,方程不能代替机理,数学难以代替物理;在《夸克 量子 相对论》文中论证了并不存在这种“质量变能量”的“变”,早先以为可以用作“质量可变”“证据”的那些实例,经过分析,实属误会。既然一件确凿的证据也不存在,“质量可变”便缺乏可置信度。核能究竟何来?《E=mc2方程能量何来?》一文论证了核能乃是基本粒子聚合成为质子、中子时由显示状态转变为蕴含状态的动能,因此,不仅放射性元素含有核能,所有原子均含有核能。但在通常情况下原子是稳定的,显示不出它蕴含着核能,只有在特定条件下,才能部分释放或全部释放核能。  因此,通常难以理解物质含有巨大核能以及这些能量的来源。需要坚信,原子的核能不可能来自外部,从古典原子理论到现代量子理论都肯定原子同“粒子”相关,因此,原子的能量就是这些粒子的能量,粒子能有什么样的能量?动能!一百年前提出的能量方程当然是十分天才的猜测,它被应用了一百年后,最近又见到“被精确验证”的报道,这其实说明,基本粒子在中子、质子中的回旋速度v达到1.414c (c为光速)。其物理实质在于:质子、中子乃是亿万枚基本粒子高速回旋的“微涡旋星系”,它们的动能为1/2mv2,如此理解中子、质子的结构比较“协调”,否则,只能求助于“质量变能量”来解释原子能从何而来,“质量变能量”理论带来一个新难题:“质量是如何变成能量的”?可见,不把质子、中子看作“一粒”而看作“微涡旋星系”才能明明白白地说清核能来源和核能蕴藏与释放的机理。根据E=1/2mv2方程,v超过光速0.4倍。质子、中子的聚合形成,意味着它们被强大引力约束住,不能轻易解体。如问,中子、质子是稳定的吗?答案是:它们当然是稳定的。中子、质子并非静止在原子核内部而是回旋不已,因为“微涡旋星系”具有一定“群速”V,此群速的数值上限已被放射性同位素大致显示出来。


二、 核能的释放

以上说到,中子、质子是稳定的,质子、中子在原子里回转不已,但是,速度要比基本粒子在质子、中子里回旋的速度低一个档次,《物质演变》一文叙述了“低”的原因,聚合使物质的直线运动动转变为回旋运动,动能转变为“回转能”,聚合之后“群速”大大低于原先直线运动速度。因此,一般说,物体质量越大,在空间的线速度越低,“宇宙速度”是空间物质最低的相对速度,此速度约为10 -100公里/秒,是基本粒子回旋速度的四千到四万分之一。原子释放核能也有所不同,一是以中子、质子、电子为“单位”离开原子,放射性同位素释放能量就是这种方式,因为质子、中子没有解体,单位质量释放的能量远低于“原子爆炸”;二是“原子爆炸”,这使很多中子、质子解体,所释放的能量较多,但是,“原子爆炸”中也有相当多质子、中子并不解体而是成为中子、质子射线,射线的速度等于它们原先在原子中回旋的速度,远低于光速,所以动能也远低于通过E=mc2方程算得的能量;三是通过碰撞而使中子、质子解体为基本粒子,它们以1.414倍光速飞离,显示出mc2的能量。由于第三种方式可能释放出全部能量,不会激发正常原子使其成为放射性同位素,属于清洁核反应。因此,使原子的中子、质子全部解体可以让物质释放它的全部能量而不产生核污染,因而,这是理想的能源。


1. 原子之间机械碰撞“碰撞效应”


2. 中子、质子放射碰撞 


3. 中子、质子加速碰撞 

  质子带“正电荷”,容易实现对它的加速,将加速质子射进原子或者在加速器中实施对撞都可以实现质子、中子解体而释放核能,两种方法的不同在于,前者的反应率高,后者不会残留放射性。如果有一个小型加速器,被防辐射材料“半包围”,在加速器出口通过对撞产生核反应,这便构成了核推力装置,这种可控推力装置适用于作为空间航行动力。目前,“强子”对撞已进行,(这种)加速后的质子对撞可以使质子解体从而释放核能(mc2)不成问题,但(是,也)难以期望发生“微型宇宙大爆炸”、“黑洞”之类事物。那类“事物”(颇具争议,)其实属于意识形态。若“红移”证明“宇宙大爆炸”,“蓝移”证明什么?( 如果黑洞没有质量,它怎么能形成力?如果黑洞有质量,为什么不能用物理方法探测到?)要是打算通过对撞获得净能量输出,对撞速度应尽可能低,(如果)将质子加速到光速,所需能量已占它可能释放能量mc2 的二分之一(,如果将对撞双方都加速到光速,所需能量为mc2, 已不能期望获得能量净输出)。

4. 原子自然压缩碰撞 


清楚的事实是,(1)恒星核反应均发生在心部 (2)恒星心部均为液态 (3)所有恒星均为在一定范围内的“大个头”。这些“均”说明事出有因,合理的推测是,行星不断吸引陨物而“长大”,由于重力,中心压强越来越高,压力由原子的电子外层相互推挤所平衡,如果电子层的承受能力达到极限,“退让”难以避免,此时,中子、质子由于原子“合并”而对撞,发生核反应,于是温度渐渐升高,行星慢慢地转变成为明亮的恒星。在此情况下,中心压力高是原子发生核反应的必要条件,等于说,小个头行星成不了恒星。恒星显示了,原子在高压下可以发生核反应,但压力必须高到恒星中心部位那种程度。由于引力,星体个头由小到大,内部压力也由低到高,终于引起心部核反应,行星慢慢发展成为恒星,一切顺乎自然。“恒星是怎么生成的”?以上从现象中分析出了机理,顺理成章地解释了这个问题。恒星核反应是大自然作出的释放核能的一种示范。

5. 原子人工压缩碰撞 



三、 小结 在以上释放核能的方法中,可以控制又不留残余放射性粒子的方法以3较佳,但是,要达到实用水平,为期尚远。至此可见,人类面临的难题不在于能量资源的枯竭而在于如何从中子、质子取得能量的技术。一旦掌握了这种技术,任何物质都是能源,而且是较为理想的能源,“能量资源枯竭”将不复存在。 


2019.3.22加注(位于中文最后): 本文2008/9/12 登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月的新架构未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以保持原貌。


Ideal energy

S. G. Chinese]

Abstract this text consider, produce atomic energy through collision of proton and neutron is the perfect source of energy

Key words atomic energy nuclear energy

  Inexhaustible is the parameter clause of the ideal energy.The source never dried up, does such ideal possess reality? The viewpoint of this text is:have! Why generally people do not think of this? The statement of the text just for this.

 To say without preamble, the final ideal energy of human is the nuclear energy (atomic energy), but this kind of nuclear energy is not the same thing with present generate electricity of atomic power station.Currently, not only more difficulty in the raw material supplying for the atomic power station, but also generate nuclear waste yet, the condition is not ideal.If exist a kind of nuclear energy, the raw material is out of question, needn’t produce nuclear waste, that certainly meet with ideal.The question is that existing basic theory cannot make people catch sight of this plausible, and in reality, also just miss the opportunity with find out this possible.Now divide state as follows: 

1 nuclear power and its source

  Modern physics use the equation E=mc2 of《relativity》and “quality change to energy” to reply the source of nuclear power.Clearly, the equation cannot instead of mechanism, mathematic hard to instead of physics;in the text《L04 Development of matter》had been proved not exist that “changing” of “quality change to energy”, those examples ever believed may use as the “evidence” for “quality variable”, through analyze , all belong to misunderstanding.Since no one hard evidence can be existing, 《quality variable》then lack of confidence. Where come from the nuclear energy after all? The text《Where come from the energy of equation E=mc2?》had been proved the nuclear energy is the original kinetic energy of basic particle before polymerize to proton、neutron, therefore, not only radioactive element contain nuclear energy, all atoms are contain nuclear energy.But under general condition atom is steady, not to show it contain nuclear energy, only under specified conditions, proton、neutron gat disassembly, can but release partly or whole and to show for nuclear energy.This is the objectives background of matter contains huge nuclear energy and its source of generally difficult to understand.Need to firmly believe, the nuclear energy of atoms impossible come from exterior, from classical atomic theory to modern quantum theory are all sure atom related to “particle”, therefore, nuclear energy to be these particle’s energy, what energy may there have? Kinetic energy! The energy equation suggested before 100 years absolutely very gifted guess, after it had been applied 100 years, recently had see the report of “gat accurate proving”, if the proving precision reach to 10-5 (10 to the power of-5), this actually explain, in the proton and neutron the convolution speed V of basic particles reach to 1.414c (c is light speed).Its physical substance lie on:proton、neutron to be the high speed “micro vortex galaxy” of trillion basic particles, their kinetic energy for 1/2mv2, So understanding the structure of neutron and proton is rather “coordinate”, if not, can but seek help to “quality change to energy” to explain the nuclear source, theory of “quality change to energy” carry out a new problem:”how change to energy from quality”? 

it is clear, not regard proton 、neutron as “one particle” but treat as “micro vortex galaxy ” can but just clearly articulate the source of nuclear energy and the mechanism of its containing and release , and the substance of under impact proton、neutron “generated” much “kinds” of “particles”.According to the equation E=1/2mv2, v is exceed 0.4 times of light velocity,polymerization of proton and neutron explain they tie up by strong attracting force, can not disassemble easily.If ask, does proton or neutron is steady? The answer is:they absolutely be steady.Neutron and proton are not static in the nucleus but circle round endlessly, because of the “micro vortex galaxy” possess fixed “group velocity ”V, the upper limit of this group velocity had been displayed from radioisotope.

Therefore, the nuclear energy E to be the kinetic energy of atom inner contained.It include 3 parts, (1) the kinetic energy of internal rotation of “micro vortex galaxy”, (2) the group velocity of proton、neutron formative energy, (3) the kinetic energy of peripheral electrons.

Of course, (1) is leading role, (2 )and(3)comparatively very small. 

2 release of nuclear energy 

  Above speak of proton and neutron is stationary, they rotate endlessly in the atom, but this rotate speed would lower a level than the speed of basic particle rotate in proton and neutron, the text《L04 development of matter》related the reason of “lower”, polymerization make matter’s linear motion change to circle round motion, kinetic energy change to “rotation energy”, after polymerization “group speed” far lower than the speed of former linear motion.Therefore, generally say, more the matter mass, lower the linear velocity in the space, “cosmic velocity” is matter’s lowest relative velocity, this velocity about 10-100 km/sec, is 1/4000—1/40000 of the rotate speed of basic particle.

Atom release nuclear energy also in different, the first is leave atom for “a unit” with neutron、proton、electron, It just the mode of release energy of radioisotope due to proton 、neutron not disassemble, released energy of a unit mass far lower than “atom blast”;the second is “atom blast”, it make lots of neutrons and protons gat disassemble, released energy then more, but in the “atom blast” yet not a little neutrons and protons do not disassemble but become the ray of neutron、proton, the speed of ray equal to the speed of they former rotate in the atom, it is far lower than light velocity, so kinetic energy yet far lower than the energy get from equation E=mc2;the third is through collision make neutron、proton disassemble become basic particles, they fly out with 1.414times light velocity, appear energy of mc2.Due to the third mode may release whole energy, will not arouse common atom let it become radioisotope, belong to cleaning nuclear reaction.Therefore, make whole disassemble of neutrons、protons of atom may let matter release whole energy and not produce nuclear pollution, thus, this is perfect energy. 

How to get the nuclear energy of neutron、proton? From principle to see, the “scope”—quality—of neutron 、proton really not by accident, 《L01 modern opinion about particle》related “polymerizing effect”,in the process of polymerizing of basic particle, follow the member’s quantity to increase, the attraction power of this group get decrease, after reach to the scope of neutron、proton, it has been no longer to attract the graviton which fly at side, this is the polymerizing effect.Therefore, quality of proton、neutron is the result of force balance, upon that their “big or little” may “uniformity” arrive 0.001%, their energy was come from the kinetic energy of the basic particle flying in space with 1.414 times light velocity change to rotation energy.Now, make disassemble of neutron、proton, the physical process is the basic particle from rotation motion revert to linear motion again, the energy from contain (rotate motion) condition “change” to display (linear motion) condition.For to this purpose, need to make “collide” of neutron、proton, if two neutron、proton get collide, due to the “polymerizing effect”, at most can but keep back one, basic particles of the other one immediately fly off.The possible way is:

2.1 machinery collision between atoms 

 Periphery electronic shell make atom be able to serve as a independent “unit” stably exist in the space, the atom still issue some attracting force-line external, this force-line make atom close up each other, but repulsion of electron shell stop “overly” near, form the balance of attracting and repulsion, due to different of balance condition, matter possess “tri-state”.Generally to say, the “machinery collision” is happened among solid body, in the scope of engineering mechanics, the rule of collision has been cleared. 

When the velocity of collision is exceed “engineering speed” reach to “cosmic speed”, what is the condition? At the moment of collision, the atom’s electrons shell of first collision need to take up matter’s kinetic energy, if it’s “ability” not worth, they can but “abdicate”, let more atoms get “contact”.The consequence of electrons shell “abdicate” is neutron、proton of atom inner happen “collision”, as stated above , this kind of collision make neutron、proton disassemble become basic particle and fly off with high speed, give off nuclear energy.namely, machinery collision can happen part nuclear reaction, but not whole this kind of collision all happen these reaction, both of collision, mass should be large enough, relative speed should be high enough, when get collision the surface should be hard enough.Under these conditions lead to nuclear reaction may call “collision effect”, above cognition contribute to explain some natural phenomenon which up to now puzzled us, such as, the big bang betide at Tungus of Russian in 1908 and the large sphere pit on the earth and moon.From this angle to see, this kind of nuclear blast nature has unfold before one’s eyes for a long time, merely folk have not understand nothing more.Need make out in theory, in some implement, in order to have large quantity of protons、neutrons happen disassembly, collision is necessary. 

2.2 the radiate collision of neutron 、proton 

  Atom external the rotation speed above normal is the characteristic of radioisotope, just because of this, sometimes “individual” neutron、proton overshoot out of atoms, become “radioactivity”.Neutron、proton act as “ray” once burst into other nucleus, may happen collision make disassembly of neutron、proton become basic particle fly off, or never happen collision fly off from atom, there fore, appear “three kinds” of particles of αβγ. 

Because of the magnetic field almost make no difference to neutron and the graviton of exceed light speed;fly off of proton should arouse corresponding a share of electrons ——repultons——depart from atom, they separately carry positive、negative charge, this is the physical substance of radioisotope issue αβγray.

2.3 high speed collision of neutron and proton

  Proton carry of positive charge so easy realize accelerated to it, let accelerating proton shoot in atom or collision in the accelerator all can bring about disassemble of them and release nuclear energy, the different of this two kinds of method lie in, the former have high reactivity, the latter will not residual radioactivity. 

If to have a small-sized accelerator, “half surrounded” by anti radiation material, at export of accelerator through collision produce nuclear reaction, then constituted a nuclear thruster, this kind of controlled thruster be suitable for act as the power of space voyage.

Currently, “hadron’s” collision has been proceed, this accelerated collision of proton may make proton’s disassembly thus release nuclear energy mc2, but it is difficult to expect happen “micro big bang”、“black hole” and so on things.That “thing” infect belong to ideology.As “red shift” prove “big bang”, what proved of “blue shift”? if “black hole” have not quality, how can it form the force? If it exists quality, why cannot be find by physical method?

Intend through collision obtain net power output, collision velocity should as low as possible, if accelerate proton reach to near light velocity, need energy already occupy 1/2 of it possible release energy, if the both side of collision all accelerate to light velocity, need energy is mc2, it cannot expect obtain net energy output.

2.4 the collision of nature compression of atom 

 This mechanism of nuclear reaction up to now never bring in the theory of physics, just because of this, until now it is difficult to explain the mechanism of nuclear reaction of star, but the expression of star hinted this mechanism:this nuclear reaction is “come from press”! the distinct fact is:(1) star’s nuclear reaction all happened in the center 

(2) the center of star was liquid 

(3) all stars are “big body” of fixed scale

These “all” explain that there is good reason for it, the reasonable guess is, planet ceaseless attract fall matter and “grow up”, due to gravity , the pressure of center higher and higher, the pressure is balanced by push each other of the electrons of atom’s outer sphere, if the endurance of outer sphere reach to limit, “concede” is hard to avoid, now, 

this moment, neutron、proton get collision due to atom’s “merging”, happen nuclear reaction, therefore temperature gradually rise, big planet slowly change to bright star.In this instance, center pressure high is the necessary condition of happen nuclear reaction, as mush as to say, planet of little body con not become star.Star appeared, atom mat happen nuclear reaction, but the “high” should reach to that degree of the center of star.Due to attracting force, astral body from little to big, inner pressure from low to high, finally arouse center nuclear reaction, planet slowly develop into star, all in the course of nature.“How generated does the star?” above mechanism was analyzed from phenomenon, well-reasoned explained this question.Star’s nuclear reaction is a demonstrate of release nuclear energy from nature.To this can understand or not is human’s things. 

2.5 about artificial compression of atom

 From the noun of “thermonuclear” find out, it exist a misunderstand, to think “heat” is the necessary condition of happen nuclear reaction, from above stating can see, heat mainly was the result of nuclear reaction and not the condition or cause.In the process of planet translate to star, heat make aster become liquid, this easy to deliver pressure, relate this is Pascal’s principle.

 Think the star happen “fusion” of hydrogen atom composite to helium atom is belong to misunderstanding, the nuclear reaction of star only at center part, what mechanism to make star’s hydrogen atom all crush to the center and keep nuclear reaction?

  If con not find this mechanism, does dare believe in this “theory” still? To be the intrinsic “material” happen nuclear reaction in the star, it may have different element, they only obey the rule of technology of metals when under high temperature, no way of only hydrogen atom drill to the center part.

  Therefore, artificial compression of atom should refer to above 2.4 from principle, until now, laboratory used the method of electromagnet compression want to carry out nuclear reaction, this method if can win, the key is if reach to the high pressure like star center so atom’s electronic shell suffer collapse under pressure.

3 summary 

  In the above method of release nuclear energy, the better method of controllable was 2.3, but ,for reach to realistic, to be done by remote times.Arrive here can see, the problem of human faced not lie in exhaustion of energy resource but in the technology of how to obtain energy from nuclear、proton.Once know well this technology, any matter are all energy, this energy don’t produce pollute, is the ideal energy, at that time, “energy resource exhaustion” will have gone with the wind.