L21 通古斯大爆炸 Tunguska event


       L21 通古斯大爆炸


提要 本文认为核反应从原理上分为原子解体和 中子、质子解体两种类型,通古斯爆炸属于后者类型的核反应,特点是没有明显的放射性遗留。

关键词  通古斯大爆炸 

(the text in English see rear)

1解释的难点 1908年6月31日7时,西伯利亚通古斯发生了一次震惊世界的大爆炸,那时,飞机刚发明(1903年)不久,还没有炸弹、重磅炸弹之类兵器。一般“爆炸”,充其量也就是炸毁一间房子。而通古斯爆炸的结果是:毁了两千多平方公里森林、出现了4.7级地震、数十公里外感到爆炸威力、消失了两个山丘,其中一个成为湖泊。



困惑的原因还在于:这里明摆着不会是炸药产生的爆炸,而现代物理理论认为核爆炸有“链式反应”、“热核反应”两种类型,也就是原子弹与氢弹发生的那两种爆炸。人们在熟知这些理论之后,自然排除了通古斯爆炸属于一般核爆炸而将来源归于“外星文明” “外星人”的“宇宙飞船”或“一颗60米直径的小行星”等偏重于发挥想象力的事件,而这些并不踏实。


2关于核反应理论的推敲 不能说明核反应为何能够发出很大能量是现有核理论不够完善的表现之一,现在,充其量只能用《相对论》提出的E=MC2方程来回答此问题,并认为,质量与能量是同一事物的“不同表示”。但是,需要进一步说明,此方程的机理何在,“同一事物”在什么情况下有“不同表示”?如果最终不能说明机理,上述“回答”也将难以踏实。因为,根据经典物理,质量与能量就不是“同一事物”。而且还有质量守恒与能量守恒两大基础定律,这同方程表现的意义不能协调。。














这里可以看出,单位质量释放的能量,核能远远大于其他能量。能量中的二元是作为能量载体的质量m与它们的速度v,热能仅有原子的电子层作为载体,而核能不仅由全部质量m作载体,而且速度为光速c的量级,因而,一公斤质量的核能按照mc2计算相当于 9.2万亿焦尔或30万吨煤的热能,其他任何能量不能与之相比。

但是,1kg铀235“裂变”释放的能量只有上述的1/150(2000吨煤) ,有杂志介绍,1kg重水“聚变”能量相当于4.8万吨煤,它们为什么达不到理论值且相差悬殊呢?

这也说明,有必要回顾现行核反应理论。需要推敲,核反应分“裂变、聚变”吗?,核反应究竟如何释放能量?“陈理士物理”的论文(Chinese physics space),《L01粒子今论》、《L04物质演变》等文章描述有关因素,并回答了上面的(1)——(5),与此相关部分是:


(2b)中子、质子是基本粒子“蓄能聚合”而成的“微涡旋星系”,涡旋线速度达到光速c(据最近报道,E=mc2方程已被精确验证,如果“精确度”已达到10-5便得到此线速度为1.414c而不是c),中子与质子的不同在于前者含有斥力子(电子),原子能(核能)由质子、中子、电子的动能组成,并非仅仅放射性元素才有核能,所以原子能(等于mc2 )乃是质子、中子、外围电子原有的动能,不过由于强大的引力,原子、质子、中子一般不会解体,此能量也就不对外显示







链式反应的物理过程是,中子撞入了原子,形成两枚中子或中子与质子“对撞”, “对撞”使部分质子、中子解体成为基本粒子飞散而表现为核能mc2,部分质子、中子逸出成为放射性“粒子”维持反应的“升级”。现今的一些“粒子对撞”的物理实质怎样?

(1c)”正负电子”对撞 其实是(负)电子跟带“正电荷”的粒子对撞,亦即,电子和质子的对撞,质子乃是万亿枚基本粒子的“微涡旋星系”,对撞从此“微涡旋星系”中撞出部分不同规模的基本粒子“小组”, 这些“小组”自然乃是更小规模的“微涡旋星系”而不是“单身”,更不静止。条件的随机性导致“小组”规模及数量有一定随机性。这是“正负电子对撞”可以“撞出”一些不同“粒子”的实质。重复一次:这些“粒子”其实不是一枚名副其实的“单身”粒子,而是从质子这个最大的“微涡旋星系”内撞出了一个或多个较小的“微涡旋星系”

(2c)中子、质子间的对撞 发生质子、中子解体,解体后基本粒子以“光速”(待进一步验证)分散,形成mc2的能量。

可以看出,(2c)反应可能按照mc2发出能量,即一公斤质量“爆发”相当于燃煤30 万吨。但如果将静止的质子加速到“光速”,它对撞发出的能量扣除加速消耗的能量,得到的净输出将较少,若要通过对撞获得的净输出能量多,在可行条件下,对撞速度应取低值。



3 通古斯爆炸的原因分析 

通古斯爆炸的事实已表明了这次爆炸的能量远远超过陨石的机械能量,以上议论过,较大硬物质的高速机械对撞有可能导致核反应,虽然有人将通古斯爆炸原因归于核反应,但初看上去似乎“难以置信”,这是由于,先前一般认为只有放射性元素才能发生核爆炸,《L04 物质演变》分析出了不仅放射性元素含有核能,任何原子、分子也都含有核能。核能归根结底是基本粒子的动能,当引力子聚合成为质子时,它们原来直线运动的动能转变为回旋运动的动能,是运动方向的转变,能量大小不变,所以,核能主要蕴含在质子、中子之中,当质子、中子得到解体,核能便如数释放出来。










(2d)类似通古斯爆炸生成的“大坑” 有可能是地球上金刚石等高压高温才能产生的物质相对比较富集的地方



2019.3.22加注(位于中文最后): 本文2008/8/6 登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月的新架构未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以保持原貌。


Tunguska event 

S. G. Chinese

]Abstract this text think the nuclear reaction divided into two kinds of type of atom disassembling and neutron、proton disassembling, Tunguska event belong to the rear the character is have not very strong leave over of radioactivity

Key word Tunguska event

1 difficult point of explain at about 7 of June 31 in 1908, Tunguska of syberia happened once world-shaking big explosion, at that time, airplane just invent (in 1903) not long, not yet the weapons of bomb、blockbuster etc.the general “explosion” at most only bomb out a room.And that the result of Tunguska event was:be done for the forest more than 2000 square .km.、arise earthquake of 4.7 class、tens of km outer feel blast power、disappeared two massifs, the one becomes lake.

  Hence, in the meantime of make people very shock, also very puzzled:to the end, what properties the explosion belong to be? While witness seen, which is fall of a falling stone of large scale.

  a falling stone even if the heft reach to dozens tons, it seems can’t give rise to such serious consequences.Since1927, withal, early or late raise up to 25 kinds of different analysis ideas. 

  After 100years, today, though manpower explosion also can reach to the scale of Tunguska, but above puzzling been not to remove, because of, realize those scale explosion of Tunguska, explosive some 10 thousands tons or nuclear reaction, but in the present theory, meteor falling not the least concerned with nuclear reaction.Moreover, the event cause people happen puzzle in addition:why form the huge pit of earth and moon face ? As if it is the imprint of a minor planet, after it was doing so large work (pressed a large pit), where come from the force let it get “rebounded to space”? if not, where it go for that minor planet of cause trouble? The reason of puzzle also lie in:here does not explosion of explosive clearly, and that theory of modern physics consider nuclear burst have two kind of “chain reaction” and “thermonuclear reaction”, namely that kind of explosion of atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb.   After people know very well of these theory, naturally shut out Tunguska explosion belong to the general nuclear explosion and give the source to the space ship from “alien civilization”、“ extraterrestrial being ”or “a minor planet of diameter in 60 meters” and so on events of lay particular stress on express imagination, but these are not dependable.

 It needs confident of now that event already happened, it should be exists the objective cause, if the theory can’t be explain this reason, the theory should exist shortage and need inflict added on、improved on.Any theory, can’t just saying the statement of one of parties, it ought to face query, able to reply question, in-exist “difficulty”, if not, as soon as the correct theory.

2 weigh of the theory of nuclear reaction unable to explain why the nuclear reaction can issue huge energy is one of the expression of un-perfect enough of existing nuclear theory, present, at most can but use equation E=MC2 which suggested from 《relativity》to reply this problem, and consider of quality and energy is the “different expression” of the “same thing”.But need more explain , what is the mechanism of this equation, on what the “same thing” have the “different expression”? if finally cannot explain the mechanism, above replying then would not dependable.

 Because of according to the classic physics, quality and energy as soon as not the “same thing”.The more is existing two main basic law of the quality conservation and the energy conservation, this is in-coordination with the meaning of equation expressive. 

 The atom is make up from the three of neutron、proton and electron, the modern physical theory considers, proton was form from three group of “basic particle” and each out one, need more explain:

(1)the “basic particle of three groups”(quark、meson、neutrino) already have 11 members, every quality was unlikeness, “every group out one”, how can prove the consistency——reach to 10-6—— of the quality of component proton?

(2)what status for basic particle in the inner of neutron and proton?

(3) where come from the atomic energy at all? 

(4)what is the physical true for nuclear reaction?

(5)does the nuclear reaction divided to two mode of “fission” and “fusion”?

  Since the energy of Tunguska event great reach to not nuclear reaction not enough offer, need to analyze existing theory, to research the mechanism of nuclear reaction,if can happen the nuclear reaction under this condition, the reply of problem then compare intelligibility.

  The first, have a look to the substance of all kinds of energy:

(1a) heat energy:it is the kinetic energy of part electron of atomic outskirts, the largest of occupy ratio of electron quality is hydrogen atom, at 5.4 ten thousandth, and the least is lead atom, at 2.1 ten thousandth;the line speed of circumnutation about 400 KM/Sec.namely, the energy carrier was the electrons of matter, about occupy several ten thousandth of matter quality, the velocity of carrier was the magnitude of cosmos velocity 

(2a)mechanical energy:for example of kinetic energy and potential energy, the energy carrier is all mass, involve velocity the least is zero, the largest near cosmos velocity.The other formal mechanical energy can translate to kinetic energy or potential energy through the “Work”.

(3a) electrical energy:no matter in space or matter, energy carrier only electrons, when to show energy its largest speed at light velocity. 

(4a) light energy:the energy carrier is “field electron” of space electric field or in the transparent body, the speed is the velocity of light.

(5a)nuclear energy:the energy carrier is all quality, the speed is the velocity of light.

  Here can see, the nuclear energy is afar large than other energy.The binary of energy is m act as the energy carrier and their speed v, the heat energy only have the carrier of electronic shell act as the energy carrier, and the nuclear energy not only due to the whole quality act as carrier, but also the speed is the velocity of light, therefore, the nuclear energy of a kilogram mass according to calculate of mc2 is amount to 9.2 trillion Joules all the heat energy of 3 hundred thousand tons coaly, any others can’t compare with it. 

But, only 1/150 (2000 tons coal) of above can released from “fission” of 1KG U235, have a magazine introduce, the energy of 1 kg heavy water through “fusion” can amount to 48 thousand tons coal, why they all can’t reach to theoretical value even differ greatly?

  This also explain, oblige look back to present theory of nuclear reaction.

need to thresh, does nuclear reaction divided to “fission and fusion”? after all how release the energy from nuclear reaction? The thesis《L01 modern opinion about particle》、《development of matter》of Chinese physics had described relevant factors, and replied above problems(1)——(5), the relevant portion is:

(1b)it only have tow kinds of basic particles of graviton and repulton(electron);there are one share of electrons lie on the outer shell of hydrogen atom and not one electron, this one share, about 100 million grains, its sum quality is 10-28gram, the quality of one electron only 10-36gram.

(2b) neutron、proton are the “micro vortex galaxy” of basic particles make up with “storing-energy polymerization”, the linear velocity of vortex reach to “light speed” c (according to recently report, equation E=mc2 has been gat accurate proving, if the “definition” come to 10-5, then this liner velocity reach to 1.414 c and does not c), the different of neutron and proton lie in the former contain repulton (electron), atom energy (nuclear energy) are make up from the kinetic energy of proton、neutron and peripheral electrons, really not only radioactive element have nuclear energy, so the atom energy (=mc2) to be the intrinsic kinetic energy of proton、neutron and peripheral electrons, only due to the strong attraction force, generally atom、proton、neutron will not disassemble, this energy then not appear external. 

(3b) the gravitational force dominate make the object less than star generally trend get polymerizing.”polymerizing effect” make the polymerizing of basic particle with superior limit of proton、neutron, the farther polymerizing is form atom、molecule and macroscopic matter

(4b) the force is created from effect of force-line, the graviton issue attracting force-line, repulton(electron) issue repulsion force-line, the attracting force-line act each other create attracting force F1, the repulsion force-line act each other create repulsion force F2, the attracting force-line act with the repulsion force-line create the lesser attracting force F3 

(5b)the force F3 was formed between proton and electron, single proton may draw down electrons, form hydrogen atom;;the force F1 was formed between proton 、neutron and proton 、proton, theirs remain attracting force-line form attracting force with electron, once draw down electrons, then form the atom.All in the random, therefore, forming of heavy and light atoms none the distinguish of order;due to in the former proton and neutron does not static in the space, so they similarly be in the condition of circle round and not static, but, the speed of circle round is far less than light speed

(6b) the substance of nuclear reaction is atom and proton、neutron get disassemble, to make the cyclotron motion of basic particles again change into the motion of straight line, the nuclear energy from abeyance change to display

According to (1b)——(6b), the reaction of radioactive elements belong to “disjointing of atom ”, the specialty is the reaction generate neutron、proton、electron and fly out, from liberated energy may figure out, the mean speed of ejecting particle of radioactive elements about 2000km/sec,the circle round speed of neutron、proton of stable elements would hang down some.

  Therefore, the substance of nuclear reaction is “disassemble” of (6b) and not “quality change to energy”, that changing of “light atom polymerize to heavy atom” does not existing in natural world.

  The physical process of chain reaction is neutron bang into atom, form “clash” of two neutrons or of neutron to proton, “clash” make part proton、neutron get disassemble form basic particles and fly out to show the nuclear energy mc2, part neutron or proton froth-over become radioactive “particle”, keep reaction to “increase”, what is the physical substance about some modern “particle clash”? 

(1c) ]collision of positron and electron” 

actually that is the collision of (negative) electron and the particle which carries positive electric charge, namely, the collision among electron and proton, proton is the “micro vortex galaxy” of trillion basic particles, the collision knocking-out part “group” of different scale of basic particle,these “group” of course to be the more small-scale “micro vortex galaxy” and does not “bachelordom” event not static, the randomness condition lead to the scale and quantity of the “group” have fixed randomness.This is the substance of “” can “knocking-out” some different “particles”.Repeat once:these “particle” 

actually does not one genuine “bachelordom” particle, but to be the lesser “micro vortex galaxy” knocking-out from the largest “micro vortex galaxy” of proton.

(2c)collision of neutron and proton 

   It happen the dissolution of proton、neutron, after dissolution the basic particle scatter with “light speed”(should to more test and verify), to form energy of mc2. 

  It is observed that reaction (2c) possible issue energy according to mc2,namely “break out”1KG quality amount to fire coal 300 thousands ton.But if speed up the static proton to “light speed”, the energy from collision deduct accelerate energy get net output then less, demand through collision get more energy of net output, on the feasible condition, collision speed ought take low value.

  The particle impact test had verified, proton、neutron can be happen nuclear reaction under fixed condition.

The machinery collision of two hard surface of quality big enough, so long as speed big enough, also ought to can lead to outer electron of atom suffer knock off thus proton 、neutron get collision hence happen disassemble.This i.e. infer according to reality, it possible lead to nuclear reaction from machinery collision of high speed.

3 cause analysis for Tunguska event

  The fact of Tunguska event had verified the energy of present explosion is far surpass the machinery energy of falling stone, above have commented, the machinery collision of large matter were likely lead to nuclear reaction, although someone put the reason of Tunguska event belong to nuclear reaction, but in first look seems “incredible”, this be due to, it is stated former that only radioactive element can happen nuclear explosion, 《L04 development of matter》had analyzed more than the radioactive element contain nuclear energy, any atom、molecule are contain it also.After all the nuclear energy to be the kinetic energy of the basic particles, when the gravitons polymerized to proton, the kinetic energy of former linear motion change to the kinetic energy of circum motion, it is the changing of motion mode and the size of energy is invariability, therefore, nuclear energy primary contain in proton and neutron, when they get disassemble, the nuclear energy then released as exactly the amount.

   Therefore, the reason for Tunguska event much more likely is the nuclear reaction of this type in theory.Be logical, the reason of cause of formation for the huge pit of earth and moon then be readily solved:that is form from nuclear explosion.The difference of these nuclear explosion and general nuclear explosion lie in it is initiated by machine collide of big balling stone and rock hard face of planet. 

  After to see, the energy of 60 meter diameter of planet, even its speed reach to 100000M/sec, the kinetic energy amount to the heat value of 34 ton TNT only, far less than the energy from nuclear explosion, therefore, in the added 25 kinds of view point, only 3 kind of view point relative to “nuclear explosion” so suffer least doubt, if from the angle of reading nature, work out the understand of “large mass、high speed may be the reason location”, it is idiomatic on the mechanism, the missing is farther observe and record, of course, to do test is possible yet.

  Here attach make out where is the danger of collide of “asteroid” with the earth? A diameter of 100 meters asteroid if fall into deep sea or desert of the earth, will not cause nuclear reaction, give rise to affect relatively less, If it is collide with rock surface, were likely to happen nucler reaction, the consequence engage in very serious. 

  The related think over is, in order to get colliding of proton and neutron in machinery colliding, need high speed and “hard to hard”, thus can be “crush off” atom’s outer electrons.So the Tunguska should large enough, after into atmosphere, though surface melt by high temperature, the interior still have sufficient “hard quality”, secondly, the striked surface should hard enough, if Tunguska fall on the desert or ooze, the nuclear reaction is cannot happened, but only a event of biggish general falling stone nothing more. 

  For Tunguska explosion, lack of radioactivity needn’t become the reason of negate it is nuclear reaction, because of the dissolution due to the collision of neutron、proton not arouse common element make it become radioisotope.Should not put the phenomenon of chain reaction produce radioactivity residue be applied to the nuclear reaction of high speed collision of hard matter, latter character is similar to the star, to be a kind of “clean” nuclear reaction.Certainly yet just the radioactivity less nothing more, impossible not at all. 

Above relation become 26th viewpoint of explain the Tunguska explosion, this viewpoint be out of question in theory, correspond to make a forecast in theory, raise a new mechanism of nuclear reaction.Namely, the high speed collision of large mass and hard surface can lead to nuclear reaction, the kind of this collision is the reason of arise “meteorite crater” of planet of moon etc. 

Therefore, this text then become the beginner of the theory of to think under fixed condition mechanical collision can lead to nuclear reaction. 

this text understanding for Tunguska event formed following new viewpoints:

(1d)mechanical impact of “hard”—— “hard” may cause happen nuclear reaction

(2d)the “large pit” similar of Tungus nationality explosion, may be the place of diamond and so on matter relatively enrichment on the earth they produced can but by high pressure and high temperature 

(3d) “pit、low-lying” on the planet to be generated by happen clear explosion from meteoric stone high-speed shock the planet rock hard surface, count the number of this kind of pit, to compare with its known life 5 billion years,can know the happen probability of this strike 

(4d)on the “hard surface” planet, “greatly small” pits would nature happens continuously