L20 答现代物理学的11道难题answer the


L20a 解答现代物理学的11道难题


提  要  物理学11道难题至今无解,现代物理学的基础理论空间未能提供这方面的支持,但在陈理士物理空间,这些问题便不再为难


关键词 现代物理学难题 

(the text in English see rear) 

1 难题 约在20年前,现代物理学出现了十一道难题,它们是:

1.1 什么是物质?

1.2 暗能量的性质是什么?

1.3 重元素是怎样产生的?

1.4 中微子有质量吗?

1.5 超高能粒子是从哪儿来的?

1.6 需要新理论来解释超高能和超高温下的物理状态吗?

1.7 在超高温度下和密度下物质存在新的状态吗?

1.8 质子是稳定的吗?

1.9 什么是引力?

1.10 存在额外的维度吗?

1 11 宇宙是怎样诞生的?



2.1 质量:可变,质量m、能量E之间由方程E=mc2相联系

2.2 空间:分为现实空间与隐空间,存在大量暗物质、暗能量,空间多维且已超过20维

2.3 时间:可伸缩、可跨越、可变、可逆

2.4 基本粒子:已定论12种,它们还有“镜像粒子”和近乎基本粒子的中微子、西格斯子、波色子、胶子 …

2.5 物质演变:先有了轻原子,通过高温核聚变合成重原子,但至今尚未说明原子含有巨大核能的机理、恒星何来,至今不能说明恒星心部为何发生核反应。

2.6 宇宙:诞生于“宇宙大爆炸”;终于“宇宙毁灭”

2.7 宇宙射线:不知如何生成以及为何有那么多种“不同”粒子

2.8 规律:从粒子到宇宙,普遍对称;宇称不守恒…




3.1 质量不灭和能量不灭为两项基础规律:质量与能量既不能湮灭也不能互变

3.2 空间维度具有唯一性:三维坐標可以毫无遗漏地定义物体在空间任何所在处所的位置,“对称空间”、“隐空间”、“隐宇宙”之类在真实空间中无处可以存身,“四维时空体系”用以解决高速信息失真,真实空间只有3维,>3属于数学空间

3.3 时间:单向、均匀、不可逆、不可跨越、无绝对起止点 

3,4 基本粒子:只有两种,即引力子、斥力子,其它“粒子”由其聚合产生

3.5 物质演变:主趋势是“聚合”,方式有二:蓄能聚合,代数聚合。受到聚合效应影响,一级聚合只能到质子、中子规模,“原子能”即它们——质子、中子——内部基本粒子的动能;二级聚合形成各种原子,三级聚合形成多原子物质直至宏观星体,恒星由行星质量增大演变而来,恒星发生核反应的原因是心部压力巨大,导致原子跨塌,质子、中子相撞而解体,基本粒子以光速逸出,释放出能量mc2,此能量乃是基本粒子原先在内部高速回转的动能

3.6 宇宙:其中只有物质聚散演变,没有物质“有、无”演变,因此,宇宙永存、物质永存,物质演变不断。宇宙无所谓“起、止”点,超越时间概念,宇宙中最大的“爆炸”是“超新星爆发”,“宇宙大爆炸”并未发生过,也不可能发生

3.7 宇宙射线:是从恒星辐射的引力子以不同成员数量聚合而成的“射线”,它的“能量差异”其实是“成员数量”的差异,现已发现了超过“600种宇宙射线粒子”,理论上,可能有一万亿种!

3.8 自然界的基本规律:物质不灭、能量守恒。其中物质不灭落实在基本粒子不能灭、不能变。“对称”、“测不准”等乃是一些物理现象而非规律,具体事物是否对称是严格对称还是大致对称由是否存在此机理决定;在原子规模内,粒子位置不能肯定的真正原因在于那里没有静止不动的粒子。

  上述8项的推理并非主观肯定,它们存在于陈理士物理诸论文中特别是《L01 》——《L04》4篇中。







1(1)答:两种基本粒子是最小质体,由它们聚合而成的任何规模的形体都是物质。详见《L01粒子今论》及《L04 物质演变》。


1(3)答:质子、中子是两种基本粒子以“蓄能聚合”方式在空间聚合而成的,它们获得电子层的迟早决定原子核内质子、中子数量多少,因此,不但轻、重元素有可能同时形成,而且多种同位素也可能同时形成。参见《L01粒子今论》与《L04 物质演变》。









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Answer the 11 puzzles of modern physics

S. G. Chinese

Abstract the eleven difficult problems of modern physics does not got answer until now, space of basic theory of modern physics has not supply this support,but in the Chinese physics space ,these problems no longer puzzle

Keyword puzzles of modern physics 

1 the difficult problems maybe before 20 years, modern physics arise 11 difficult problems, they are:

(1)What is matter?

(2)What is the dark energy’s nature? 

(3)How generated the heavy element? 

(4)Have the quality of neutrino?

(5)Where come from the extra-energy particles?

(6)Does need the new theory for explain physical condition under extra-high energy and extra-temperature? 

(7) Whether the matter existing new condition under extra-temperature and extra-density? 

(8) Does the proton is steady?

(9) What is attracting force?

(10) If exist the extra dimension? 

(11) how generated the cosmos? 

  Time has past many years, until now did not meet the reply to above any problem in the data, such reticent mean now still cannot to reply above problems, also explain, present basic theory cannot offer the requisite support for resolve above problem, 

Because of, cannot to say the experiments does not enough, the experiments about particle was 

not few, the experiments related to modern physics, the most is in the particle side.Namely, the basic theory of modern physics likely to be imperfect.Now list its main side (basic theory space of the modern physics)

2 the factors of modern physics space: 

2.1 quality:variable, the relation between quality m and energy E be linked from equation E=mc2

2.2 space:divided to real space and hidden space, it exist of a large number dark matter、dark energy, the space was many dimensional and already exceed 20 dimension

2.3 the time:scalable、span-able、variable、reversible

2.4 basic(elementary)particle:already determined 12 kinds, they still have “mirror particle” and the near basic particle of neutrino、Higgs、boson、gluon.....

2.5 developing of the matter:first have the light atoms, through thermonuclear fusion compound heavy atom, but until now not yet explain the reason of atom contain huge nuclear energy、where come from star、why happen the nuclear reaction from the heart of stare

2.6 the cosmos:be born in the “big bang”;in the end of “cosmos destroy ”

2.7 the cosmic rays:ignorant of how create and why it have so much kind of “different” particle

2.8 the law:from particle to cosmos universal symmetry, parity was not conservational..... 

 Just it does not sturdy of these main sides of basic theory let problems hardly get satisfied reply even can’t answer, such as:the huge energy of equation E=mc2? What kind of the principle? Where “to deposit” the space dimension of exceed 3? After all what is the time? Why matter was changeable? How to change? Proton is make up of 3 basic particle from 11 kind of basic particle of “different quality”, why but the quality of proton highly fit (reach to 10-5)? The “true reason” of “big bang” only the light spectrum of remote star happen “red shift”, but, the light spectrum of the remote star also have “blue shift”, why only deduct “red shift” and ignore “blue shift”? have the “transmit force particle” of Higgs、boson、gluon and so on? They was “none quality”, how can explain their existing........

  It cab be seen that present “theory space” really need improve, underside list corresponding set of data of Chinese physical space, look it if can clear up these puzzle.

3 the set of data of Chinese physical space (the theory basis of reply puzzle)

3.1 the law of mass conservation and energy conservation:since the quality and energy can’t annihilate also cannot changing each other, 

3.2 dimension of space possess uniqueness:the coordinate of 3dimension can be define any location in the space have not omit, that is nowhere can be take shelter in the true space of that “symmetry space”、“hidden space” “hidden cosmos” etc.

3.3 the time:unidirectional、even、irreversible、cannot span、none absolute start or end point

3.4 basic(elementary)particle:only 2 kinds, namely graviton and repulton, other “particle s” are all generate from they get polymerization 

3.5 development of matter:the main tendency is “polymerization”, to have two methods:algebra polymerization and storing-energy polymerization.It suffer the influence from polymerizing effect, the first-degree polymerization can but arrive to the scale of proton、neutron, the “atomic energy” mean their——proton’s、neutron’s——internal kinetic energy of basic particle;the second-degree polymerization form every kind of atoms, the three-degree polymerization form matter of multi-atom up to macroscopic star, the fixed star come from mass magnify of planet and developing, the reason of star happen nuclear reaction was pressure huge in its core, lead to atom collapse, proton、neutron suffer collided and break up, release the energy of mc2, this energy to be the kinetic energy of the basic particles former they rotate with high speed in the inner of proton、neutron 

3.6 the cosmos:among it only have the development of matter’s polymerization or scattering, have 

not the development of matter’s “to have、none”, there fore the cosmos is eternal、matter is 

eternal, matter’s developing were ceaseless.Not to matter the “point of to rise、to stop ” and beyond time concept of the cosmos, the biggest “explosion” among the cosmos is “supernova”, the “big bang” does not ever happened and can’t be happening 

3.7 the cosmic rays:this “rays” was polymerized from the gravitons of different member’s quantity which radiant out by stars, its “different of energy” in fact is the “different of member’s quantity”, now already find exceed “600 kind of particles of cosmic rays”, may be have a trillion kinds! 

3.8 the basic law of natural world:conservation of matter、conservation of energy.Among this “conservation of matte” put into practice at the basic particle can’t destroy、can’t changing.“symmetry”、“uncertainty” etc to be some physical phenomenon and not law, specific thing symmetry or not and it is strict symmetry or approximately symmetry was decided by if exist of this mechanism;in the atom scale, the true reason of particle’s position can’t sure lie in there have not action-less particle.

Above 8 items reasoning really not subjective affirm, they exist in all thesis of Chinese physics, especially in the four piece of writing of 《L01》——《L04》.

  Through contrast may find, Chinese physical space is the system improving to the basic theory-space of modern physics.Make a “negation of negation” to the part about matter of basic theory of modern physics, modern physics negate “conservation of matter、conservation of energy”, to consider “quality variable”、“quality change to energy”.

  Due to count for much this “negation of negation” should to bring up in a loud! If not to think the “quality variable ”moreover the “changing” more and more wantonly, physics begin study matter before 2490 years, accumulated that much knowledge, the knowledge about matter ought to more and more near true, why “what is matter” but become first-class “difficult problem”? 

In the theory of modern physics have quite a number of suppose which lack the mechanism 

Support, such as: 

multi-dimensions space of exceed 3、energy change to mass、parity conservation、parity does 

not conservation、the basic particle divided to 3 groups and 12 kinds、neutron and proton is make up by each group of the three every send one basic particle、the force divided 4kinds、the positive charge mean exist the “positron”、light speed to be conservation、it exist of dark cosmos、dark energy、dark matter........ 

This means, in the theory of modern physics,it exist much uncertainty component, yet exist 

some incorrectness component, cannot form the system of perfect and rigorous, to appear “difficulty” or problem is can hardly be avoided. The Chinese physics base on search the mechanism、distinguish the reason、depend on the reason、clarify reason, established space set of data of physical basic theory after improve, the rationality、correctness await proving, but the obvious is, many problem of until now can’t get resolving include above “11puzzles” were no longer puzzle.

4 Short-answer for above puzzle from section 1 

1(1)answer:two kind of basic particle to be the least plasmid, every body polymerized from they are all matter.for details see 《L01 modern opinion about particle 》and《L04 development of matter 》

1(2)answer:modern physics use “dark energy、dark matter” to explain “red shift”, to think it have a kind of “energy、matter” drive remote star leave us, but the “red shift” much more likely a kind of optical phenomenon of light wave generate under extreme weak;space yet have remote star of “blue shift”, it hardly to treat with the theory of “dark energy、dark matter” same time.Therefore,

“dark energy、dark matter” but a imagine and not existing.See also in《L19 View for the dark matter》. 

1(3)answer:proton、neutron was polymerized by basic particles with the method of “storing energy” sooner or later of they acquire electron shell divide the number of proton、neutron of nucleus inner, therefore, not only light element、heavy element may be form in the same time, but also variety isotope may be form in the same time.See also in 《L01 modern opinion about particle》and《L04 development of matter》

1(4)answer:besides basic particle, any matter similarly possess feature of “been entity、send out force-line、have quality ”, several kinds of neutrino of already find also be no exception.If electron neutrino can’t divided to lesser particle and its quality less than 10-36 (10 to the power of -36) gram, may it be graviton (one of two kinds of basic particle), see also in 《L01 modern opinion about particle 》 

1(5)answer:multitude stars ceaseless radiate basic particle, they have two kinds of polymerization method in the space, one is “storing-energy polymerization”, to form proton、neutron、atom;other is algebra polymerization, to form the particle of cosmic rays, namely ultra-high energy particle.Ultra-high energy particle to be the group of basic particles they radiate from stars and together in space, suffer influence of “polymerizing effect”, its biggest quality was about proton quality.

1(6)answer:the velocity of graviton usually to be about light velocity, when in linear motion it is the state of showing energy, in the circular motion is the state of proficiency, all possess energy are near mc2(square), the temperature is the energy scale of electron’s energy of atom’s outer shell, pro rata with tangential velocity of electron rotary, when this velocity reach to upper limit the electrons centrifugal force and attracting force get balance, be about to every one leaves.If atom’s out shell lose of electrons, it does not matter of the temperature. 

1(7)answer:if the extra-temperature reach to outer electron radiate and leave, neutron、proton may be collide under lesser pressure thus lead to disassembly;as for “surer high density ” matter generally depend on “neutron star” and so on imagine matter which density was far large than the element of the periodic table, they in fact can’t being.Because of, the nucleus heavy than bismuth would not stable, “polymerizing effect” decide more much neutron、proton incapable together closely. 

1(8)answer:proton is the “micro vortex galaxy” of gravitons, it contains how much gravitons was the result of force balance, therefore, usual condition it is steady. 

1(9)answer:attracting force generated from two way, the one is attracting force-line act with attracting force-line, the other is attracting force-line act with repulsion force-line.Attracting force make correlate matters go near;“polymerizing effect” make appear of the “quantity difference” of strong force、weak force、gravitation.When atom’s outer shell be short of electrons or direction of turning of electrons get ordering and make attracting force-line of nucleus get escape, may be create electromagnetic attracting force.It merely seems be differ from above 3kinds of attracting force, actually still root in the force line sent out from basic particle.

1(10)answer:the true space only 3 dimensions, 3 is the dimension of since full also certainly need.The dimension of exceed 3, belong to the mathematics space, one argument for one dimension, the sum does unconstrained.The true space was not exist the fourth dimension or more dimension. 

1(11)answer:the basic fact is, matter objectively exist in space, folk need to admit.Matter’s developing is the result of acting of attracting force, this developing due to none energy loss thus circulate endlessly, although any developing can’t do without time, but matter exiting just as well the time, and then, the cosmos exiting is surpass the time, the origin、finishing point and the problem of “how born out” were inexistence.