



提   要  基于机理分析,本文发现自然界的力只有“引、斥”力之分而无“四种”之别,这使“四种引力”自然地消失边界而“归一”

关键词  聚合效应 强作用力 弱作用力 电磁力 万有引力 “四种力““四种力的统一” 

( this text in English see the rear)

前言   前人曾经为“统一”万有引力与电磁力付出长期努力,今人面对的是“四种力”,对此可以说至今未能“洞察玄机”,要“统一”似乎“谈何容易”。问题何在?基础理论未能提供支持!若将力的考察向前进一步,从力线入手,加上对于“聚合效应”的领悟,“四种力”的“统一”便迎刃而解。 

1 不同的力



⒈1 远程力:作用于远距离物质之间

⒈⒈1 万有引力:引力

⒈⒈2 重力:引力

⒈2 近程力:作用于近距离物质之间

⒈⒉1 量子作用力:分引力、斥力两种

⒈⒉2 原子、分子作用力:为引力

⒈⒉3 电磁力:分引力、斥力两种

⒈⒉4 工程力:材料受拉,压、扭、弯、剪、冲击所生的应力,摩擦力等,可归结为分子引斥力。



2 物质和力

2.1 力源 



2.1.2 力是怎么产生的? 



斥力子是什么粒子?答案很明显,它就是电子,它的同类相斥性质已为人们所熟知,但是它的质量比化学方法确定的10-28克小得多 ,约为10-36克(见《L04 物质演变》。













(3)引力线同斥力线作用,产生引力F3 , F3<F1


⒉3 物质聚合和力 聚合效应和力 中子星







  “单身”引力子,100%力线伸向空间,两枚引力子聚合后,力线分布类似马蹄形磁铁的两极,50%引力线相互作用,形成二者间的引力,剩余力线各为1/2 (50%),伸向空间,这种情况也可用“H判断”,将两枚引力子置于字母H的两个横竖线交点处,两条竖线之内为作用力线,之外是剩余力线,在“相加”中,剩余力线和粒子的数量关系为1+1≈1,

聚合成员增加为A、B、C 三粒时,分别对AB、AC、BC“H”三次,剩余力线总量依然为1,粒子由4,5逐进到n个,相应增加“H”次数,可见,每枚引力子的作用力线比例为(n-1)/ n ,剩余力线比例为1/n,就是说,随着聚合度增大,剩余力线(对于每枚引力子所占比例)越来越少,这便是“聚合效应”。


  根据上述,n枚引力子的剩余力线总量相近于1,密度为1/n,n 是“小组”包含的引力子数量,当成员增加到一万亿,(即10的12次方),达到质子规模,已经是一个“微涡旋星系”。









⒉4电磁力 自然界的力究竟有几种












⒉6 工程力


⒉⒍1拉应力 将材料受到的拉力分解到每个原子之上,此力使原子倾向于“远离”,一当材料失效,“远离”实现。外加拉力所起的作用是改变原来原子间力的平衡,原先,电子层间的斥力抵制原子核的引力,外加拉力帮电子层的忙,促使原子间距离增大,使材料伸长。机械元件通过自身原子“受力”,对外给出“拉力”,“受力”使其原子间的作用力有所改变,这类原子间的力,当然由力线所产生。

⒉⒍2 压应力 原子被迫靠近,电子层距离减少,这意味着斥力增加。原子间距离改变为什么作用力随着改变?其物理机制是“作用力线数量同距离平方成反比”。因此,压应力同F2力密不可分。

⒉⒍3弯曲应力 受到弯曲应力作用的材料其受力横截面中分为两个区域,一个区域内为拉应力,另一个区域为压应力,故毋需再叙。

⒉⒍4 摩擦力 滚动摩擦克服的是“爬坡力”(即重力),滑动摩擦力是固、液、气三态物质,分子间的力,随着应用实例的不同,最终均以拉力或压力作用于承受摩擦的材料分子原子。分子凝聚力固体最大,气体最小,这一物理特点指示了工程中减小摩擦的途径。


⒉⒍5其它工程力 其它工程力有冲击力、剪切力、扭力等,它们同以上列举的力一样,最终都可以分解到原子、分子的作用力线数量改变上来,所以,工程力都是由引力线与斥力线作用生成的力。

2.6.6 斥力答疑 引力子与斥力子同样向空间发出力线,为什么只有“万有引力”而就没有“万有斥力”呢?这显然与斥力子的分散性质有关,这使斥力线既相互排斥也相互封闭,形不成有适当密度远距离作用的斥力线束。









  斥力存在于电子之间,电子的聚散和运动,理论上也会发生斥力波动。如上已述,自然界引力占优势,斥力只在较小尺寸的空间内显现,人造的最大的工程“磁斥力 ”,可以达到吨的量级,但与引力相比,并不算大。在物理领域,斥力波尚未受到重视。

3 附识

  现代物理学存在许多“问题”和“困难”,由本文的例子可以看出,机理的追寻、基础理论的改进有可能从根本上消解它们。现代物理学似乎“偏”重视于数学,“偏”在哪里?偏在对于“理”的追寻降到了次要甚至不要的程度,如:根据E=mc2 (C平方)方程在实验中大体获得验证,于是认为“质量转变为能量”,其理何在?任何变化必定存在因果关系即机理,缺了理,还能成为正式理论吗?还能信任这样的“理论”吗?



2019.3.22 加注(位于中文之后): 本文2008/7/20 登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月现在的新架构投入使用后未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以保持原貌。

L18a  the “unification” of strong forces、weak force、electromagnetic force、gravitation 


Abstract Base on the mechanism analysis, article find the force of the nature only have the difference of attracting and repulsion, and not the difference of “four kinds”, this make the boundary of “four kinds of attracting force” naturally disappear and “normalizing”.

Key words   polymerizing effect   strong acting force  weak acting force   electromagnetic force   electromagnetic force  universal gravitation  four kinds of force  “Unification”of four kinds of the force 

Preface ancestors ever pay the long-time effort for “unification” of gravitation and electromagnetic force, now human face “four kinds of force”, about “unification” may say “very different in theory”.Wherein the problem? Basic theory can not to supply support! If put the inspect further, start from the force-line, to add the realization of “polymerizing effect”, “unification” of “four kind of force” then be solved neatly.

1 Different force 

Lever principle grow out about more than 3000 years ago, Newtonian success make human’s cognition for the force get on a new high, become mechanics classic.For near a century, when atomic physics leap develop, find Newton’s law seem discomfort the quantum scope. 

This is a repetition of recognizing, in fact, after Newton’s law, be necessary further probing, why attracting force was direct ratio with quality and inverse ratio with square of distance? If find out the mechanism of generate force and change force, from quantum field to macro cosmos, the changing of attracting force appeared then look like reasonable and not unexpected.

Here and now, though inspect from this angle was more late for the time, but still necessary.

First, need to analyze why “different” of every kinds of “different force”, is or not truly different, find out the reason or mechanism of “different”, so can but get correct reply:“how many kinds of force on earth?”.It is self-evident, now physical field approbatory “natural world exist 4 kind of force” ought not see as last word.Why? “4 kind of force” was divided according to the quantity difference, from angle of reason to see, “quantity difference” often hardly act as important foundation of “different kind”, only the different kind form of different property then relatively reliable.If find out mechanism of quantity different among “4 kind of force”, at that time, the limit of “4 kind” may be disappear, they perhaps only the same force due to some kind of mechanism so arisen quantity difference nothing more. 

Later will relate, between “4 kind of fore” just exist the physical reason of happen this “quantity different”! from the angle of distance, force may divided to 2 type of long-distance and short range, among this every one contain several sides of force:

1.1 Long-distance force:act between the long-distance matters

1.1.Gravitation: attracting force

1.1.2 Gravity: attracting force

1.2 Short range force:act between the short range matters

1.2.1 Acting force between quantum: divided to two kind of attracting force and repulsion force

1.2.2 Acting force between atoms and molecules:attracting force

1.2.3Electromagnetic force:divided to two kind of attracting force and repulsion force

1.2.4 Engineering force:material generated stress、friction force etc when suffer pulling、pressing、turning、bending、scissoring、shocking etc,come down to molecule’s attracting force or repulsion force.

Above illustrated force, all cannot leave of attracting force or repulsion force, it seems to be an inspiration, the true force of different property may be only two kind of attracting force and repulsion force.

Modern physics think of “have 4 kind of force” in fact is point to attracting force, because of up to now repulsion force never appear like that large difference, it is clear; theory of “4 kind of force ”exist limitations from beginning. 

Gravity is gravitation among two specific matters, strong force、weak force are the inner acting force of particles of molecules、atoms、protons、neutrons、mesons etc, it exist more quality span of electromagnetic force, it may be know from principle of later relate, all force is generated by acting each other with two kind of the same force-line——attracting force-line and repulsion force-line, the difference of force scale lie on the quantity number of force-line.

2 Matter and force 

2.1 Source of force

Dose force was send out from matter? Gravitation seem like that, in whole field of force appearing, does not find force form from vacuum.

Therefore, seem to affirm, “force born of matter”.There out, see from the angle of “least” locate, force surely born of basic particle of matter.

Correspond to two kind of different force, should exist two kind of basic particles:graviton and repulton.After analysis acting of force, obtain cognition is, basic particle send out of force line, can but generate force by force-line act each other.

What particle is repulton? Answer is clear, it is electron, its property of “repulsion each other with idem genus” has been know very well by persons, but its quality would much small than 10-28 (10 to the power of -28) gram which was defined by chemical methods, order of 10-36gram (see《L04 Development of matter》). 

What particle is graviton? This problem still hardly to reply now.because of, they attract each other with idem genus, separate they is very difficult, even there is a solely exist graviton, also cannot be identified.So the details of graviton for future study, but for its property、effect may make estimate in general. 

Graviton is least “bachelordom” particle of able to send out attracting force=line, cannot subdivide to it.Graviton and repulton are two kind of “ingredient” of make up atom, they how get together become neutron、proton and other matter will discuss on later.

From the angle of force to see, inexistent the third basic particle.it does not find any force besides attracting force and repulsion force,what relation of graviton with “basic particle” of neutrino、quark、meson etc and other has been find “particles”? Now among flied plasmid from nuclear fission with bombard method may be exists “bachelordom” graviton.But due to graviton tend to polymerization, more ejected particles was much more likely “group” of graviton, quality would larger than single graviton, there fore, among named lepton, “may be” the quality least one is graviton.

Existing means of cognition distinguish particle with electron volt, herein contain two factors of speed and quality, so bachelordom particle only the speed same, quality then pro rata with electron volt.Now these two condition are all cannot promise, this is the reason of “may be”.It is clear, further distinguish needs improve test method. 

Graviton is the headstream of attracting force;repulton is the headstream of repulsion force, due to it tend to repulsion, as above related, its quality would far small than now recognizant, because of, it is unpractical of “only one electron” lie on the outer space of hydrogen atom, one electron cannot be seal off the attracting force-line sent from hydrogen nuclear and to make hydrogen atom present electric neutrality、magnetic neutrality.Above relating imply a viewpoint:the force take its source at matter. 

How look on the “neutral particle” of neutron、neutrino etc? 

Between particle the relation of force will relate in next section, here want to say, the particle of absolute “neutral” and un-suffer force was not exist.although neutron appears short of attraction to electron, but inter-attraction with proton in nuclear.As for neutrino, they fly in sky with high speed, this show they former rotate with high speed in neutron、proton, can but strong attracting force “plug” them firmly.This make clear neutrino does not un-suffer force.

2.2 Force-line model

As for atom,, why outer electron rotate with high speed but it shows “electric neutrality”? Why never find “the particle” of quality large than proton? Many natural phenomenon appear, not only electromagnetism need force-line model, from below relation can see, use this model for particle can promulgate the rule of force and clear up puzzle yet.

Nuts and bolts of force-line model as follows:

Graviton is the basic particle of sent out attracting force-line, it sent out attracting force-line towards space equably, the sum take relative numerical value 1;repulton is the basic particle of sent out repulsion force-line, it sent out repulsion force-line towards space equably, the sum take relative numerical value 1.Force-line itself have not volume or quality, cross sectional area is zero,force-line act with force-line generate the force:

(1) attracting force-line act with attracting force-line generate attracting force F1;

(2) repulsion force-line act with repulsion force-line generate repulsion force F2;

(3) attracting force-line act with repulsion force-line generate attracting force F3, F3<F1

The acting of force-line possess instantaneity, from act of force-line to generate force, the time is zero, because of need not deliver with medium. 

⒉3 matter polymerization and force polymerizing effect and force neutron star

Polymerizing effect is the mechanism of force appear difference of “strong、weak” in micro field, underside will state the reason of generate Polymerizing effect use “H deciding” of diagram of magnetic line of force.Only meted this reason, can of course put forward, natural world only exist two kind of attracting force and repulsion force and does not “four kind of force”. 

Matter developing in space is begin from basic particle, the force is power of drive developing.Therefore, among developing process, condition of force line is very important, such raise problem perhaps march to a different drummer, but really be reasonable.Star’s radiation let space ceaseless fly basic particles with high speed, they are inertia flight in space, their force-line run out to all directions.Now inspect a graviton, when another one flying from a distance, following distance reduce,the act force line between them constantly magnify.When reach to the least distance, upon occurrence, may be appear three kind of situations: 

(1)the least distance large then 10-8 CM, formed attracting force insufficient “tie up” both side, the flying graviton would continue fly away.

(2)the least distance =0 , occur collide, in a flash, change motion direction, from near each other change to away each other.

(3)the least distance < 10-8 CM >0 , the attracting force of both get strong be sufficient to tie up them, due to both side exist relative momentum, the result of “tie up” is both the quality equal to m become a pair of “double star” of circle round with tangential velocity v.the large centrifugal force is balanced by the attracting force.

Estimate according to the probability, the general condition in space is (1), the least probability is (2), a graviton fly out from star, after fly through some time, after all once appeared condition (3), thence it cannot all alone travel in space, but polymerized to a “group” of circle round.Now if a displayer place in nearby, it can be received the energy of flying particle before polymerization, but cannot received information of “group” of circle round, because of the later possess little group velocity.As if space has decreased two gravitons unconsciously, the reason of this magic change was electron volt only can appear the energy of particle fly with straight line, after that two gravitons form the “group of circle round” they already from former can display electron volt change into not display electron volt. 

Particle of “Bachelordom”, its 100% attracting force-line run out to space, after two gravitons get together, distribution of lines of force is similar two pole of U shaped, 50% attracting force-line run act each other, to form attracting force among both, every surplus force-line is 50%, run out to space, this condition may use “H deciding” yet, set two gravitons at two point of intersection of across perpendicular line of character H, two perpendicular lines inner was acting force-line, outer was surplus force-line, in “adding”, the relation of surplus force-line with the quantity of particles is, 1+1≈1, when the member of polymerization add to tree of A、B、C, partly do “H” tree times for “AB”、“AC”、“BC”, the sum of surplus line still 1, when the quantity of particle from 4、5 gradually added to n, relevantly adding number of times of “H”, visible, every graviton’s ratio was (n-1)/n , the ratio of surplus was 1/n, namely, follow degree of polymerization gat magnify, surplus force-line (the ratio relate to every graviton) less and less, this is “Polymerizing effect”.

Of course, after the member of polymerization more then 3, they distribute in space, but in order to conciseness, still analysis with plane model, the relation of quantity is approximate.

From the above explanation, the sum of n gravitons near 1, density of force-line is 1/n, n is the member quantity of “group” contained, when the member quantity added to a trillion (10 to the power of 12), reach to scale of proton, already to be a “micro vortex galaxy”.

Why quality of neutron 、proton get in line and uniform to 6 effective value? The answer lie in force exact balance under the influence of “polymerizing effect”.In defiance of “polymerizing effect” would make theory happen puzzle, make the problems can get reply too.

Why they are radioactive element when atomic-number surpassed 83? Why the strong force was strongest and gravitation was weakest? How many kind of force in natural field at all? The reply of this kind of problems all relate with “polymerizing effect”. 

What different about neutron and proton? According to “show” of this two, may be surmise, the inner of neutron except graviton, also have significant repulton namely electrons;proton relatively lack this share.Why electron can enter proton? Owing to force F3 been existing.Present, when find a “particle” possess electron volt not ditto then think of it is a new particle, among this implicate not proper, because of don’t clear this “particle” was actually one or a “group”, it is reputed, besides two kind of particle, other “particles” are all true one actually, especially those “particle” of carry “electric charge” of “transmutability”、can generate “splinter”.

Under effect of surplus force-line, polymerization may be happen between:neutron with neutron, neutron with proton, proton with proton, the rear two owing to between proton and electron generate attracting force F3 thus form outer shell, hence form atom.The randomness of this event affect “degree” of generated atom.If say “in the process of generating atom, first generated light atom, heavy atom generated at rear” it doesn’t reasonable, “heavy atom was generated from light atom by nuclear fusion” more unreasonable, because of ignored randomness.

Neutron to combine with neutron, if surrounding hasn’t proton, whether final will become “neutron star”? if without regard to “polymerizing effect”, the probability of unlimited together of neutron and proton was hardly fully shut out, but, due to the “polymerizing effect” ,neutron and proton can but limited polymerizing, what scale of this limits? It ought to a little bigger than the heaviest nucleus! namely, the biggest “neutron star” can contain 270 neutrons only.There are two innateness problems for the “neutron star” theory, the first was cannot find the influence of the “polymerizing effect”, the other was unconsciously suppose neutrons been motionless in space.Similarly due to the “polymerizing effect”, the attracting force between two neutrons only correspond to the attracting force between two gravitons.

After atom get forming, force-line of outer electrons mostly act with proton of nucleus, as a whole atom also surplus few attracting force-line run out to outer, atom tend to continues “polymerization” with other atom, after “polymerization” still surplus lesser attracting force-line become the source of “gravitation”. 

Matter, from basic particle until star, are all exist force-line and acting force in every moment, any scale of matter, should not drift away with force-line and force, the changing of somewhat only the distribution of acting force-line.There fore, “strong force、weak force、gravitation” really only exist “difference of quantity”, the reason been in the mechanism of polymerization, “three kind of” force really does not “three kind”, they are all force of F1 (see 2.2 ), only the quantity different of acting force-line and appear the scale different of force, so not have the different in nature. 

How much the discrepancy fore strong force and weak force? To be 1012 (10 to the power of 12) estimated in 《L04 matter evolution》。Above has been expounded “three kind of force” does not three kind, underside will inspect the “fourth force”.

2.4 Electron magnetic force how many kind of force on earth

Electron magnetic force was the “fourth force” believed by modern physics, appeared in electron magnetic field, to be divided repulsion force and attracting force.Where come from the repulsion force and attracting force of static electricity? For example of “charging by friction”, when two insulation material rub one another, certainly lead to density of electronic shell of atom of material not normal, arise the phenomenon of prejudiced “thick” and prejudiced “sparse”, namely “carry negative charge” and “carry positive charge”, due to not other electron source, “thick” and “sparse” is equal in numerical value, (positive charge and negative charge of fricative to be equal in numerical value).When opposite the particle of carry negative electric charge, appear repulsion force is has reason for, to this whether become the rule of “homophobia”? Until then it seems so think.But, two “particles” of carry positive charge may not repulsion.For example of proton, they not only don’t repulsion in nuclear, but also hardly separated! What is the reason? “repulsion” and “attracting” correlated with sex, to be infiltration by humanity factor, but, to reply physical problems, mechanism is most important, means, why repulsion or attracting?

Where come from the attracting force of the carry positive charge matter? Come from the electrons density of outer of atom prejudiced “sparse”.The attracting force-line of nuclear former get well “seal up” by electronic shell now escape from the locate of electrons prejudiced “sparse”, this is the reason of form attracting force, if insistence with “positive charge appear exist of positron”, above reasoning would credible, because of, “friction” is the common movement, if say this can “rub out ” “positron” then fantastic.Therefore, “attracting” and “repulsion” of charge come from force F1 and F2 , not a “new kind of force”. 

When exert electric current of same direction towards two electromagnet coil of electromagnet which string in series, the electromagnet to happen “attracting each other”; When exert electric current of different direction, appear repulsion each other.Physical basic theory not only should reply “according to Lenz’s law”, but also should to reply: what is the mechanism?

The influence of coil current to the atom of electromagnet is, drive tuning direction of outer electrons of atom get “order”, the distribution of outer-shell electron of atom lose even, this make the attracting force-line of nucleus from sparse direction——axial——send out, so cause attracting force in the axial direction, it is the physical background of “right hand rule”. 

When the direction of current of this two coils was on the contrary, the force-ling of cause above attracting force still exist, but both current are all have the trend of drive opposite side reversal, this current resist form more repulsion force, the result is appear “repulsion”.

Anthropogenic factor not only write out “homophobia” “opposites attract” yet further from “positron” run to every kind of “antiparticle” “antimatter” “anti-cosmos”. 

But from above relation can see, the natural would only exists two kinds of basic force of attracting repulsion, the mechanization of “quantity difference” of “four kind of force” has been related as above.The reason of make with the judge of four kind of force was can not find out “polymerization effect” and the mechanization of happen electromagnetic force.

Also can see, the reasons for “positron”——symmetry of electron—— existing does inexistence, “homophobia”、“opposites attract” only in commission under the specific condition, ought not to treat as a law.

2.5 Regard to Newton law of gravitation

Physical law often exist in fixed suit domain, such as:Hook’s law, be the same with “in the elastic limit of material”;the force between microcosmic matters、basic particles would suffer influence of “polymerization effect”, a large number of microcosmic matters get together, “H” be not applicable, this is the application field of Newtonian mechanics, among this field, “polymerization effect” still existing, but influence very small, it appears in the difference of gravitational mass and inertial-mass, “influence” at the order of 10-3 (10 to the power of -3).

Why influence of “polymerization effect” relatively very small in macro domain? Because of the ratio of surplus force-line was very small, “polymerization effect” can influent a part from this “very small”, such as, it can be measured gravitation between sun and earth arise change when solar eclipse, if without regard to this change, error of measure yet < 1%, so would not find problem of apply Newton equation,however, still consider the influence of “polymerization effect” from principle. 

2.6 Engineering force

Whether every kinds of engineering force also root from above attraction force and pulling force?

2,6,1 Tensile stress prepared the pulling force of material suffered break down to every atom, this force to make atom be inclined to “removed from”, when the material to fail, “removed from” to achieve.Action of pulling force in addition was change balance of former among atoms, original, the repulsion force between electron layer boycott the attraction force of nuclear, the pulling force in addition to assist electron layer to cause distance of atom get aggrandizement, to make material protraction.

The machine elements through itself atom “accept force” give “pulling force” to external, “accept force” make act force between atoms to be changing, this kind of force between atoms, of cause to produce from act each other of force-line.

2.6.2 Compression stress atoms near due to be forced, distance of electron layer to lessen.Why acting force changing follow the distance changing between atoms? The physical mechanism was “the quantity of acting force-line is inverse ratio to the square of distance”.Therefore, compression stress is be closely and cannot to divided with force F2.

2.6.3 Bending stress when the material suffer acting of bending stress, its cross section of stress divided two regions, one region exist tensile stress, the other exist compression stress, so not need re-narrate. 

2.6.4 Fraction force rolling friction get over “climbing force” (namely gravity), the force of sliding friction is the intermolecular force , follow the different of example, the final are all with pull or pressure act on material molecular、atom of bear friction.Molecular cohesion was largest with solid body and least with gas, this physical characteristic indicated the way of minish friction.

These forces are lay in the range of above force, therefore does not “new force”. 

2.6.5 other engineering force the other engineering force have impact force、shearing force、twisting force etc, they are the same with above enumerative, all may resolve to the act force of molecular、atom, as a result, engineering force are all the force generated by action of attracting force-line and repulsion force-line.

2.6.6 answer question of repulsion force graviton and repulton similarly send out force line to space, why only exist gravitation and not gravitational repulsion? This is related to the dispersion properties of repulton clearly, this make repulsion force-line even if repel each other also seal off each other, can not form wiring harness of repulsion force of proper density and may be act reach to long distance.

2.7 Gravitational wave

This section plan through talk reason to analyze:“what is gravitational wave?”、“why gravitation generate wave? ” and the items relative to this.

Force-line act each other generate the force, force size changing become the “wave” of the force.On what the size of force happens changing? the reply is:the quantity of acting force-line get changing.Why the quantity of acting force-line happens changing? Answering:distribution condition of surrounding matters happen changing. 

Suppose if a matter A in the space, it sent out all its (remain) force-line, it is attracting force-line, because of after atom been forming attracting force is in the ascendant, repulsion force-line only work in the atom scale, generally does not appear to the distant place.The force-line of A if meet with the force-line which sent out from other matter B, then take effect, form attracting force between two matter A、B, the scale pro rata with the quantity of force-line.space distributed big and small matters, whole matters are all in the relative motion, therefore, the force-line of A run out to space should often change action object, and adjust the quantity of action force-line with a certain matter, this is the “soft wave” of attracting force;if there is a imminent “supernova” in A’s action objects, when freak out, the attracting force between A and it then violent changing, be distinguished as “hard wave” of gravitation only. The “soft wave” is always ongoing, the variation is vary small in the short time, not sure got feel by instrument;“hard wave” then show we, a long way off happened drastic、vast matter “scatter”. 

Be based on above related, “gravitational wave” should include above two kind of gravitational wave.Form physical angle to analyze, the property of “gravitational wave” as follows: 

(1)absent spread time:at the mention of wave, hard to avoid Maxwell equation, but gravitation is unrelated with this equation, because of its transfer not with the help of any matter, “may pass through vacuum”, when the quantity of force-line happen changing at the same time appear force changing, not exist the time lag, therefore, the wave speed of “gravitational wave” is infinity.

(2)the shape of wave is special:due to the mathematician’s make great efforts, nearly can unfold any kind of wave form become addition of sine function, although gravitational wave is called as wave, but not have this developable property, it similar digit information, may be to describe with “to have、none”、“open、off”, none width on the coordinate axis of “frequency”.

(3)does not drift away with matter:present every kind of wave, once formed can spread long time in the medium, “shut out” with matter of happen wave, “gravitational wave” cause of attracting force-line change act, so cannot “spreading in matter”.

(4)the quantity of force-line continuous changing:force-line’s “cross section area to be zero” make clear it’s “infinitesimal” nature, so the moment of its “open、off” is curve transition.

2.8 repulsion wave

Repulsion force exist between electrons, gather、scatter and motion of electrons yet cause repulsion force wave in theory.As above stated, natural world attracting force is in the ascendant, repulsion only appear in the small space, the maximal men made was “magnetic repulsion”, may be reach to the order of ton, compare with attracting force, does not large, in physical domain, repulsion wave not-yet be much accounted of. 

3 supplementary notes

Modern physics exist many “problem” and “difficulty”, from the example of this text can see, search for mechanism、to improve basic theory may be clear up them fundamentally.Modern physics seem to slant to pay attention to mathematics, wherein the “slant”? slant in the search of mechanism, to drop it to the degree of secondary even must not, such as:according to the equation of E=mc2 (square) got inspect and verify in general, and then to consider “mass transform to energy ”, wherein the mechanism? Any vary should exist causality namely mechanism, lack of mechanism, yet able become the official theory? Can trust such “theory” else?

Mathematics was the important helper of physics certainly, but “mechanism” to be the core of physical theory, should not might leave for this. 

Predecessors Spends great efforts but cannot build the equation of make two kinds of force of gravitation and electromagnetic force get uniform, now achieve make “unify the four kinds of force”, this also explain the necessity of “find mechanism”. 

 注:2019.3.17对《L18a强作用力弱作用力电磁力万有引力的统一》文 加注: 本文2008/7/20登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月现在的新架构投入使用后未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”