

L17a 现代物理基础理论的系统性“问题”




 提     要 列出了基础理论的14个方面逐一加以分析,发现其中出现的不妥和问题 


关键词 物理基础理论  物理  物理学 


(text in English see rear)

         1 现代物理基础理论概廓

















2 “推敲”

  以上作为 “基础认识”几乎概括了大自然基本面貌的主要方面,





  物质不灭与能量不灭是经典物理学的重要遗产,是人类发现的自然规律,上世纪初,面对几则难题,将其搁置,转而相信“质量可变”并进一步有了“质量变能量”的“理论”,使物理基础理论的这一方面失之于误。当今,“五维空间中的隐宇宙同我们的宇宙相撞…”、“大爆炸之前,现在宇宙的全部物质都压缩在一个理论的点里…”之类“理论”人们看来并无异议,说明了“质量可变”已经“弄假成真”,受到信任而进入理论。对此的论证参见《L04 物质演变》。






3 辨理



  一、 远星光谱出现“红移”

  二、 各向均匀的微波背景辐射

  三、 “初始物质”存在








  在此,基础性问题是对于质量的认识。质量是否客观存在?宏观物质毫无例外地由原子、分子组成、发出力线,这是可以使用“尺度、声、电、力、温度”等物理手段探测到的背景。 因此,即使空间存在许多看不见的“隐形物体”,它们只是难以用电波探测到而已,并不是存在一个“隐宇宙”,它们的质量、位置、速度都可以用物理方法探测到。 





(3b) 空间维数为3,这是经过严格物理、数学论证得到的结论,一向重视数学的物理界,当然要信守这一原则。物体在宇宙中的任何位置都可以由三坐标唯一地确定,那些超过了3的维度,对于物理学来说,都是“虚幻维度”。只要是“物质”,都只能存在于三维空间中。


现在有些文章对于“维”的上述分寸似乎很不在乎,轻而易举的增加维度。也许认为《相对论》中曾经出现了“四维空间”这一名词可以作为依据。细看之下,可以发现《相对论》指的是“数学空间”,因为相对论特别指出三维空间同“时间”相关,在正确物理理论中,空间维度=3,应当明确排斥 >3或<3的任何其它维度。没有任何理论能够证明空间维度可以不等于3。现在那些空间维度..>3 的文章显然混淆了物理空间和数学空间的界限,那些超过3维中的实体,也只能“存在于”三维空间之中,还有超过3 的“独立”维度吗?需要确信,当事情涉及到空间,其维度必定等于3,没有通融余地。在理论中如果出现空间大于3维的描述,只能是抽象空间、数学空间。

(4b)“质量不是不可变”是《相对论》提出来的观点。那时,物理上出现的难题似乎显示质量、能量“不守恒”,爱因斯坦提出了这一理论可算情非得已。当年,非但没有人据理提出质疑,而且此理论使大多数人感到钦佩,为物理界破解了难题。并且,100年来,也没有人提得出此理论的不妥。但是,事隔100年后,今天方才可以清晰的看到那些“难题”的真像,《L05 E=mc2方程的能量何来?》一文对以往作为“质量可变”证据的实例加以分析,发现其实不是质量可变而是认识有偏。当今,已经举不出一个真正能够说明“质量可变”的实例。质量不变乃是经典物理学的重要规律,“质量可变”不踏实,明智的判断应当是进行 “否定之否定”,回到质量不可变的规律上来,这对于物理基础理论,乃是头等大事。物质到底“能变”还是“不能变”?对此作出正确判断其实非常重要。





  判断基本粒子种类需要从力线和作用力的角度。力的“引、斥”乃是“性质之别”,由此,有两种基本粒子就可以形成现在已经观察到的“各种”作用力。从“聚合效应”可以相信,力的大小是一种“量别”。基本粒子只需要引力子、斥力子两种就“充分与必要”了(参见《L04 物质演变》),各种“夸克”乃是基本粒子——引力子——聚合形成的“微涡旋星系”,由于“聚合效应”质子是最大的“微涡旋星系”,引力使全部成员既高速回旋又不能离去。所以,“夸克”并非真正粒子,乃是基本粒子的“微涡旋星系”,是“复数”粒子,引力使这个“复数”难以成为“单身”。现有手段又不能分辨它们是“复数”而以“单身”视之,由此出来了形形色色的“粒子”。有一种电子伏便命名一种“粒子”,于是,“发现了”成千上万“不同粒子”,这些“粒子”为什么都“带正电荷”?





   引力子从进入“涡旋”起,发生的改变是运动方式由直线运动改变为圆运动,作用力线的变化是其引力线原来大多伸向空间,现在绝大多数在“微涡旋星系”内相互作用,以至此引力大到 使它不能离去只能形成圆运动,将这一过程的“暂态”称为引力子(不是夸克)“渐进束缚”也许可以,但并不存在“渐进自由”的机制,在切向,它始终自由。质子的形成过程(参见《L04》)是引力子在引力作用下由少到多以“涡旋”方式聚合的过程,任何物体,它们向空间发出的力线总量并不改变,但是随着它周围物体因为运动发生的分布情况改变,力线的作用情况也随之改变,牛顿力学已经对两物体作出了引力的定量描述,进一步考虑“周遭全部运动物体”,引力在宏观物体间连续改变的机理便可以理解。



  此理论的立论含糊在于“暗”的定义不清,暗如果只是指“看不见”、“隐形”,空间尺度< 10-5(负5次方)厘米的物质都看不见,数量比看得见的物质多得多,但是,总质量却很少很少,同“暗物质理论”认为的比例大相径庭。




  暗能量的提出更加离谱,理论上的问题在于将能量游离于质量之外,背离了能量与质量的不可分离性。质量用m 表示,速度用v表示,任何能量都可以归结为mv (v 表示能量量纲中与质量不同的部分),暗能量理论需要哪怕举出一种可以离开mv的能量来,否则不能将它同物质并立,并且划分各占多少比例。









  时间为什么不能离开物质而独立呢?归根到底,时间客观上乃是物体的运动过程,人类的“能力”使这种过程能够加以比较,人类可以找到一种稳定的运动过程作为“时间标准”用于比较,人类能够 “感觉”、记忆这些过程,加入了主观因素。




   但是,“大小”属于“量差”不能是划分“种类”的主要依据,此原则要不要遵守?在此原则指引下,《L18a 强作用力弱作用力电磁力万有引力的统一 》找到了“聚合效应”是使力在不同规模物质间出现“大小”区别的原因;分析力线相互作用形成力、不同聚合度之下力线分配的改变机理,于是确信,力只有引力、斥力两种,力的大小在于作用力线的多少,电磁状态下的力与普通力的不同是由于原子外层部分电子运动轨道“被有序”所致。







(12b)对于光速,《相对论》有“原理”的提法。今天看,已认识到空间除了宏观物质外,还充满了尺度在10-8(负8次方)厘米上下的微观粒子与引力子的“微涡旋星系”,其中,电子之间的间隔约为10-5厘米,所以空间并不存在哪怕1 立方厘米那么大的真空。没有宏观真空,“真空中光速不变”这一命题还能够成立吗?










   概念混淆在于将质量同能量并立,还分别计算百分比,两者的共同点是都存在质量m,不同在于能量既存在m, 又存在运动速度v, 即,一个可用m表示,另一个可用mv表示,它们的量纲不同,不能放在一起算百分比。



4 结论




“正负电子对撞”似乎已经成为常见术语,试问,“正电子”真的存在吗?“正电荷”中存在“正电子”吗? “正电子同电子聚合转变成为一对没有质量的光子”吗?




注: 本文2008/6/29 登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月现在的新架构投入使用后未设计加入时间、阅读次数,故加注以保持原貌。


L17a Systematic “problem” of basic theories of modern physics

                                  S. G. Chinese

Abstract to list 14 side of physical basic theory and handle analysis one by one, to find not proper and problem in it 

Key words physical basic theory  physics

1 outline of basic theory of modern physics

  For the reason of matter and matter’s developing of nature mainly come from basic theory of physics, currently existing physical basic theory let we know:

(1) “our cosmos to born on once big bang before 146 hundred million years”;

(2)"besides the eye able cosmos, to have an unseen cosmos (cryptozoic) yet";

(3) “our space is multi-dimensions:4dimensions、5 dimensions、7 dimensions、11 dimensions、22 dimensions ……”;

(4) “mass is variable、it may be change to energy”, and covers “energy may be change to mass”;

(5) “there are 12 kinds of basic particles:6kinds of quakes、3kinds of neutrinos、2kinds of mesons and electron”, to exist “zero-quality particles”;already named particles exceed 1000 kinds,for them, can but to say “have little knowledge and no comprehension”;

(6) “6 kinds of quakes” serve as basic particles, they exist the mechanism of “progress step by step to free“and “progress step by step to tie” in proton;

(7) The behavior description from basic particles to macro matters are specialization and cooperation by Newtonian mechanics、electrodynamics、QFD、QCD;

(8) “to exist the ‘symmetry principle’, particles to have their ‘mirror particle’ or ‘anti-particle’;mass exist ‘anti-mass’;

(9) the origin of time is the “big bang”, “time may be get over and variable、reversible”, may be make “time machine” to reach “time changing”、”time step over”;

(10) “force is divided to four kinds of gravitation、electromagnetic force、weak force and strong force”;

(11)electricity and magnetism are all exist “amphotericity” , and “homophobia”、“opposites attract”; 

(12) velocity of light is the limit of velocity, “light velocity was conservation in vacuum”;(2010.3.30)

(13) among cosmos, “dark matter” to divine 23%, “dark energy” to divine 73%, mass existed “black hole”、“neutron star” and visible galaxy matter to divine 4% only;

(14)“dual property” not only existing in the “wave、particle”, but also possess universal meaning


2 threshing

  The above mentioned act as the “basic knowledge nearly epitomized main side of natural basic visage, is it right? Is it wrong? A simple judging is:

If above know is true, those theory ought the thorough theory, not only harmonious in one self, but also may mutual corroboration, absent discord;should not find opposite physical phenomenon from them..

  The condition just the reverse, above all item, some was partly reasonable, some was paradox , have not any item no “problem” or “difficulty”.

Such summarize does not overstep, it explained the secular、repeatability and complexity for process of cognition, through the way of right know nature, at the same time of get great achievement formerly, yet to do the un-true judgment, raised and “established” some theory of not enough true or no true, "moreover” yet ever give up the right theory of already in hands, thus into the wrong domain.

  Here only illustrate for “moreover”:

Conservation of matter and conservation of energy are the important heritage of classical physics, are the natural rule of human finding, at beginning of last century, face some problem, lay up with them, turn to believe in “quality variable” and more have the theory of “quality change to energy”, let this side of physics get loss and into mistake.Nowadays, the theory” of “the cryptozoic of five-dimensions space collide with our cosmos....”、“before big bang whole matter of present cosmos are all compressed in a theoretical point....” etc seems unanimity for people, this explain “quality variable” already “what was made believe has become reality”, suffer trust and enter the theory.Proof to this see also in 《L04 Development of matter》.

How to make out right or un-right of theory? Here raise 3 items:

First:always can go through experimental tests and proof by facts

Second:according to reason

Third:possess stability and concordance 

  The right theory of course may fully satisfied with (1a)——(3a), in specific examples often hard to have the possibility of measure from above three sides.To look from another angle, any theory of inconformity one of above three items may treat as un-right theory.

3 distinguish for reasons

According to above 3 items to hammer out one by one for every item of “1”:

(1b)current theory of big bang have 3 “foundation”: 

  1、the light spectrum of remote star appears “red shift”

  2、microwave background radiation of every direction

  3、exist the “parent material”

  Clearly, “3” is hardly put to the proof, because of if “big bang” unable to establish, “3” then cannot to explain any problem.

  As to the “red shift” of “1”, also cannot prove “big bang” ever happened, one of the reason is, also have the “blue shift” in space, cannot only explain “red shift” and not explain “blue shift”.

about “2”, “big bang” ought make all material “radiation with high speed”, “electromagnetic wave” always spread with light velocity, all other materials would “all along” not reach to light velocity, there fore, might be “electromagnetic wave” have a long lead on, the “other” can but run after “electromagnetic wave”, more and more “fall behind”, then, what thing to make “the electromagnetic wave of big bang generated” endless “reflex” return? For this reason, “microwave background radiation” cannot serve as a proof for “big bang” ever happened.

  In addition, explosion center already become vacuum, where come from milky way galaxy?

  The biggest observed “explosion” in cosmos was “supernova explosion ”, now the collective mass about 10 times sun, if mass been large reach to “supernova” scale, no aster can un-explosion.and never find any explosion large than this, so there is impossible stably gather together further masses prepare for more large-scale “explosion”.

  Visible, the theory of big bang is very rickety, if ever happened is a problem.Up to now no one thing can solidly prove cosmos ever happened “big bang”. 

(2b) have quality of “unseen cosmos”? if not, it does the same as vacuum;if have, no matter can or can’t seen, since it have quality and volume , it should be exist in 3-dimensions space, should be send out of force-line, so it is really exist——only invisible——may find through “act” and “acting force”, like nowadays “stealth aircraft”, are all entities in real space, therefore, not to matter for “unseen cosmos (cryptozoic)”.

Here the basic problem is the cognition for quality.Whether quality is objective existing? Macro mass are all make up by atom、molecular、and send out force-line without exception, this is the background of maybe spotting they with physical method of “scale、sound、electricity、force、temperature” etc. therefore, even if many unseen “cloak objects” been exist in space, they only hardly find by electric wave nothing more, and does not exist an “unseen cosmos”, their mass、position、velocity are all may be spotting with physical method.

  As for micro mass, as it were be full of matter cosmic space, their overall quality is afar less than macro mass, but quantity is afar more than macro mass.The sum of explored quantity of stars of cosmos come to “hundred billion billions ” (10 to the power of 20), but, quality of a star about 10 to the power of 33 grams, about 10 to the power of 55 atoms! Quality of Graviton and repulton again the part per billion of proton. 

  The developing of these particles, see also in 《L04 Development of matter》.Here want to say their scale at 10-8(10 to the power of minus 8) CM level, matter’s scale greater than 10-4CM can “visible” only, so they are all invisible, to search them really difficulty, but they exist in the space of 3 dimension, and is a link of circulating chain of matter development.They have mass, have volume and send out force-line, only due to the scale is too small so hard to search, do we put them include in “unseen cosmos” whether or serve as the real research topic? 

  That “unseen cosmos” make up of “hidden matter” of can’t find、none mass、un-issue force-line (can’t form force)、none scale seem can’t exist in theory.

  A statement of “unseen cosmos” existing is:it exist in the “ hyper space”, can’t be measured with the theory of 3 dimension.Though this statement was “strong in manner of speaking” but does not “straight in reason”, because of, first should to prove the space more than 3 dimension can really exist.

  If not this premise, unable let more than 3 dimension space present in the physical text.Therefore, existing of “unseen cosmos” become “problem”. 

(3b) space dimension just 3 it is the conclusion of after through strict physical and mathematic demonstrating, physics field of all along attach importance to mathematics, certainly should stand by this principle.Any position of matter in the cosmos all can uniquely confirm from 3-dimensional, those dimensions of exceed 3 are all “unreal dimensions” for physics.So long as matter all should be exist in 3-dimension space.

  Of cause, “mathematic space” to not be limit of 3, how many independent variable there as soon as how many dimension for “mathematics space”.But, this two “space” can’t to mix up, once happen mix up, is equivalent to “take empty as reality”, take abstract as true.

  Now some article seems very disapprovingly for above proper limits of “dimension”, easy to do add dimension.May it be think the noun of “4-dimension” ever appear in《relativity》seem may be act as foundation.Under scrutiny, may be find 《relativity》refer to “mathematics space”, be cause of relativity special point out 3-dimension space relate with “time”, in the correct physical theory, space dimension equal to 3, ought clear and definite to repel any other dimension of >3or <3. 

  There is not any theory can prove space dimension may unequal to 3.Today those essay of dimension >3 surely mixed up bounds of physical space and mathematic space, the substance of those in the exceed 3-dimension space, can but “existing” in the 3- dimension space yet, have the “independent” dimension of exceed 3 still? To need confident, when any matter refer to space, its dimension should be equal to 3, be without margin of tolerance.If appear description of dimension exceed 3, can not be any thing but abstract space、mathematic space

(4b)"quality does not invariable” is viewpoint of relativity raise, at that time, physics field appear problems, those seem show quality、energy un-conservation, Einstein raise this theory may consider the last resort.In those years, not only none dependent on reason raise doubt, but also this theory let most people feel admiring, break puzzle for physical field.More over, through 100 years, yet none raise any improper of this theory.But, after 100 years, today can clearly see the true image of those “problems” only, text 《Where come from energy of equation E=mc2?》To former serve as examples of “quality variable” do analysis, discover that is not quality variable but cognition have move to one side actually.Present, already cannot raise an example of can really explain “quality variable”.Quality invariable to be the important rule of classical physics, “quality variable” does not steadiness, the wise judge ought be take place the “negation of negation”, return to rule of quality immutable, this is a cardinal task of physical basic theory. 

  Whether quality “variable” or “un-variable” at all? To this make a correct judging is very important.

  If quality it “variable”, theory of “before big bang, whole mass of nowadays cosmos are all compress in a theoretic point” and so on “theory” that is have not problem;conversely, that is mystical “theory of anti-classics”.The judging is polarity, can don’t careful with it?

Classic physics ever prove many years for “mass conservation”, have not find opposite condition;basic particle was objectivity existing, can’t “get perish”, it is the natural phenomenon of need admit, matching with “energy conservation” become basic physical rule.

  From other angle to see, “quality variable” theory apart from offer even “one” dependable case in point, still need to raise the mechanics of “quality variable”, no one “changing” of nature field does have not mechanism.If a certain “changing” all the time can not to raise mechanism, to be equivalent to negate the probability of it existing.As will be readily see, some lurid theory, mostly rely on “quality variable”, their ideality are admirable, but yet need first prove “quality true variable” in theory.

(5b) from the day of raise quark go on, all the time was equivocation, merely “sure” quark to be basic (elementary) particle, although thesis not a few, but can not reply problem of quark’s materiality, as: “different quark” except different in electron volt, what else in different? Why whole quarks all bring positive charge? Why their charge is in inverse proportion to quality (electron volt)? How much energy of quark? Can quark’s quality change to energy? How to change?

   To judge kind of basic particle need from angle of force-line and acting force, “attracting、repulsion” of force to be “different of property”, there out, have two kind of basic particle as soon as can form “every kind of force” of now has been observed acting force. 

  From “polymerization effect” can rest assured that big or small of force is “difference of quantity”.Only need two kind of basic particle that is “full and necessity” (see also in 《L04Development of matter》) ,every kind of quarks to be “micro vortex galaxy” of basic particle——graviton, due to “polymerization effect”, proton to be the biggest “micro vortex galaxy”, attracting force make whole member since circle round in high speed and can leave.

   There fore, “quark” does not real particle, but which is “micro vortex galaxy” of basic particle, and is “plural” particle, attracting force make this “plural” hardly become “bachelordom”, existing method cannot make out they are “plural” and look they as “bachelordom”, so come out all types of “particles”.There is a kind of electron volt then mane a kind of “particle”, upon that, “find” thousands upon thousands “different kind of particles”, why these “particles” all carry positive charge?

Can not find and have not awake “bachelordom” and “plural” is important reason of raise numerous “kind” in particle theory.

   Nowadays 12 kind of “basic particle”, but electron is basic particle (its quality only 10-36gram), only “electron neutrino” may be graviton, rest “basic particle” are all “micro vortex galaxy” of different member of gravitons, is the “plural” of graviton.

(6b) in “micro vortex galaxy”, is graviton in “freedom” or “un-freedom”? in proton, is “quark” exist “progress step by step to free” and “progress step by step to bind”?

   As state in (5b), every kind of quark to be “micro vortex galaxy” form by graviton gat together, the different of quality to be the different of member’s quantity of “galaxy”, they do not true “bachelordom particle”.Attracting force makes all member of “micro vortex galaxy” since circle round in high speed and can not leave. 

   Under this condition, their radial suffer force and ”tie up” cannot leave, tangential not suffer force at all, so with inertial motion, named “free” with difficulty.Graviton occurred changing is motion mode from liner motion turn to circular motion begin from into “vortex”, changing of acting force-line is originally its attracting force-line all send out to space, now most of them was act each other in “micro vortex galaxy”, so large the attracting force up to it cannot leave and can form circular motion only, perhaps may be call this process of “transient state for “progress step by step to bind” of graviton (does not of quark), but do not exist the mechanism of “progress step by step to free”, at tangential, it is free all along.     Process of proton forming (see also in 《L04》) is the polymeric process of graviton under acting of attracting force and from few to many with the mode of “vortex”, any matter, the sum of force-line of they sand out does not change, but follow surrounding matter’s disposition changing cause from motion, acting condition of force-line also changing with it, Newtonian mechanics already make out gravitational quantify describing between tow matters, more to take “all around matters” into account, the reason of attracting force continuous changing between macro object may understand.

   It is visible from above stating, the first, statement of “6 kind of quark” can’t set up, they are all not true particle, in proton, only one kind of particle which is graviton, when proton begin from two graviton get together and become “micro vortex double star”, the members gradually added, final reach to “proton scale”, every graviton is on the state of “binding in radial” and “freedom in circumferential”. 

  “Binding” is the result of the distance get near of gravitons and acting force-line get adding, the “freedom” of tangential direction then “such all along”, because of graviton can’t form repulsion force, to it be not exist “brake”.The description of “progress step by step to free” and “progress step by step to bind” from proposition to mechanism are all no proper.

(7b) dark matter、dark energy、dark cosmos are all consanguinity with the theory of “big bang”, they are all stem from the explaining of “red shift”, yet related, these theory ignore with “blue shift”, sink into one-side, difficult to satisfactory and correct.

  Make point does ambiguous of this theory lie in definition is unclear of “dark”, if dark only indicate “invisible”、“invisibility”, space matter of scale less than 10-5 cm are all invisible, the quantity was much more than visible matter, but, the sum of quality yet very seldom, to stand in contrast to the ratio of “dark matter theory” consider.

   Therefore, “dark matter” of “theory of dark matter” obviously not only “invisible”, still need to raise property of dark matter.

   Modern physics in order to explain “red shift”, crossover “remote star away with high speed——reach to 1/10 of light velocity”, in order to explain “more far of star, more large of red shift”, raise “cosmos speed up expansion”, hence, let the task of to reply “why cosmos speed up expansion?” leave to “dark matter”, (1b) ever related, the theory of “big bang” is indefensible, therefore, the theory of “dark matter” also difficult to sturdy.

Light wavelength is conservation in theory, yet much physical quantity was conservative, but not any conservative physical quantity may be absolute conservation in reality, because of , the environment of generate these physical quantity can’t absolute accord with theory require, generally, can possess 4 effective numerical that’s think for “conservation”, such as “coefficient of elasticity”、“Boyle constant” etc.before reach to earth, the remote’s light-wave ever “walked” some hundred million years in the space, it’s luminance has been dropped by 0.999…… exceed nineteen 9, under this condition, the wavelength happen reality changing of 10-1 is very much so, it not affect conservation in theory, “more far star more large red shift” isn’t not just show the “attenuation property ” towards we? 

   Raise of dark energy even more overstep, the problem in theory lie in be going to energy free with quality, fall away inseparability of energy and quality.Show quality with m, show energy with mv(v show the different with quality part of energy dimension), the dark theory need hold up even one kind of energy can leave mv , otherwise cannot carry energy collateral with quality, and divide scale for every one.

   Before “dark matter、dark energy” practicable, “dark cosmos”、“hidden cosmos” also empty.

(8b) it really exist symmetry“” in the cosmos and academic, be split into absolute symmetry and opposite symmetry.The former as:acting force is equal to reacting force、borrow is equal to loan etc.The latter as:the shape of living beings、the pattern of snowflake etc. 

   Absolute symmetry not only symmetry in theory, but also “strict” keep symmetry in fact, “strict” until the “quantity” equal under any scale, any error is nonentity;opposite symmetry also exist the mechanism of happen symmetry phenomenon, but does not strict mechanism, necessary being exist fixed error, possess the properties of “look as if” symmetry but may find don’t strict symmetry after careful measure.

  But, in the cosmos and science in the same time also exist asymmetric mechanism, such as:time course、matter develop course .specific to some one matter, whether symmetry or not is depend on if exists symmetry mechanism.

Does not find basic particle or other “particle”——in fact they are all “micro vortex galaxy ” of gravitons by polymerization ——exist symmetry mechanism.Now to see, those “particles” understand by “symmetry principle” such as “positron”、“antiproton” and so on “mirror-image particles” are can’t truly put all in to effect.Be cause of absent the mechanism of this way, actually to have not a few misunderstand.

   If put the symmetry phenomenon which existing in part thing “open up” to “symmetry principle”, and from “symmetry principle” obtain “antiparticle”、“antimatter”, it is clearly fault.Have article feel interest for “antimatter”, imagine make object with “antimatter” may be exist repulsion force with the earth, may be leave earth without energy , if really have such matter, it should exist repulsion force with all aster, can it still traffic between asters? 

   If be convinced of only two kind of basic particle and structure of proton、form process of atom, of course would see clearly, those mixed hundreds of “particles” actually are all true “a grain of”, therefore, they ability “cleavage”、“transform”, it is not exist this symmetry of matter’s.

(9b) the time beyond understanding now as before, actually its real content have two sides of “time course”(include time lag) and “time feelings”, mean twp sides of objectivity and subjectivity, the latter is relate with people’s subjective consciousness, the material is its objective part, only can “flow” with single-track、even、cannot stop、irreversible, that is why “the time machine” not feasible.

   Can the time leave matter and independently existing? 《relativity》clear deny this probability, but, misunderstanding of wording of “four-dimensional space-time ”、“ four-dimensional space” for《relativity》, make people think, true space seem can greater than three-dimension.

   Why time can’t be leave matter and independent? After all, time to be matter’s motor process objectively, human’s “ability” make this process can be compare, human can be find a steady motor process serve as “time standard” for comparing and can feeling、memory these processes, put in the subjective factor.

   Settled form objective substance time can but “flow” with single-track、even、cannot stop、irreversible. 

(10b) from nature to say ,nuclear force、electromagnetic force、engineering force、celestial body force only two kind of attracting force and repulsion force, already can explain, they are all come out from act each other of two kind of force-line which send out from basic particle :graviton and repulton.Magnitude of fore is due to the quantity of acting force-line, from nature to classify, only two kind of force.

   Modern physics put force into four kinds have the part of act against one’s will, because of, unaccountability why the force between microscopic particle was much bigger than macro matter? Why electromagnetic force seem note alike with common force? Why the force between protons was different greatly than the inner of proton? Divide into four, these problems no longer exist naturally.

   But, “magnitude” belong to “variance in quantity” can not serve as primary foundation, whether or not observe this principle? Guiding under this principle, 《L18a 》has find “polymerization effect” , this is the reason of the force appear difference of “magnitude” among matter of different scale;analysis force-line act each other to form force、the changing mechanism of force line distributive of different degree of polymerization, as a result be sure of force only have two kind of attracting force and repulsion force, the magnitude of force lie in number of acting force-line, the different of common force and force under electromagnetic status be caused by the part electron orbit of atom outer sphere “suffer order”. 

(11b)if exist two kind of “amphoterism” of electricity and magnetism? Answer this problem need to understand physical substance of electricity and magnetism, there are two reason of cause “amphoterism”:the first is the force of electricity and magnetism possess different way of attracting and repulsion;the second is they “often” abide idiom of “homophobia” and “opposites attract”.Under the condition of deeply find mechanism of physical substance of electricity and magnetism, this humanity description not only appears conciseness, but also be deemed as physical rule.

   What is “electricity”? in electromagnetics, electron is the headstream of electricity, it be defined as “carry negative electricity”, two electrons are all carry negative electricity similarly, it seems may be use “homophobia” to explain why happen repulsion force among two electrons.Use above theory to explain electron ‘s behavior does not problem, but, if further study origin of repulsion force, need begin from force-line, electron sand out repulsion force-line, repulsion force-line act with repulsion force-line generate repulsion force, this is the reason of repulsion among electrons, for search physical substance, first here lay up the concept of “sex”.

  What is “carry positive charge ”?(6a)ever refer to “micro vortex galaxy”, proton to be the biggest “micro vortex galaxy” of polymerization forming of gravitons, it surely sand out attracting force-line outward, be able to form attracting force with other “particle”;two insulator rub each other, outer shell of atom drive each other, should be have the changing of the density leaning much or few of both outer shell.Leaning much to be “carry negative electricity”, sand out repulsion force-line;leaning few, inner attracting force-line of nucleus should partly escape, this is the physical substance of we define “carry positive charge”. 

   Therefore, between atom、proton、matter of “carry positive charge” certainly cannot “homophobia”, the inner of atom, not only proton attract each other, but also attract in hardly leaved, can disassembly but through nuclear reaction.

  Above analysis shows, when make a distinction between electricity and magnetism with “distinguishing between the sexes” cannot stop here, more cannot put human sex concept serve as law, need to further understand physical significance.

  It is not should not describe electricity and magnetism with “positive electricity、negative electricity” “south pole、north pole”, but, their “repulsion” or “mutually” ought to analyze from angle of force-line act each other.

(12b) towards light velocity, 《relativity》have formulation of “principle”.But now is realized, space except macro matter yet be full of micro particles and “micro vortex galaxy” of gravitons of scale in 10-8CM, among these, interval of electrons about 10-5CM, so space did not exist vacuum of scale even in 1 cubic CM.not have macro vacuum, can yet establish the proposition of “the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant”?

Now faced light speed, are all the spread speed of light wave in the “medium”, here of course ask for:what is this medium? The answer:electrons. 

   Space disseminated electrons matrix——space electric field.It root in star’s nuclear reaction and “supernova explosion”, need be convinced of now suppose “there is one electron lie on the outer of hydrogen atom” and thereby affirm the quality of hydrogen is 10-28 gram possess very large deviation, through the thinking of repulton’s quality does similar with graviton what we get electron’s quality about 10-36gram, namely, it about a trillion electrons lie on the outer sphere and does not one.

   Due to repulsion force-line act each other, between electrons is similar the “micro compress spring”, this is reason for light wave and elasticity shock all may be described with second order differential equation.

But, might as well see, space electric field cannot static and invariable, repulsion between electrons yet can’t absolute “linearity”, light speed may be “invariable in general” and can not reach to “absolute invariable in theory”.When people see light speed as the marker post of space scale, need see clearly, it will not “conservation” like those meter in constant temperature of IBWM, can but relatively stable nothing more.

   Ray of light go by star nearby happen bend in truth just the example of light speed can’t be absolute conservation, if think it is “bend of gravitation”, can the electromagnetic force (was more large than gravitation) were make light happen bend ?

  There fore, in theory, space light speed cannot be conservation;but in reality, at the part of far away with star, may think space light speed near conservation;and proposition of “light speed is conservation in vacuum” can’t be exist.

(13b) theory of “dark matter”、“dark energy” account for the vast majority of cosmos was extend from “cosmos accelerate expansion ”, theory of “cosmos accelerate expansion ” come from “more far star more large red shift ”

   It has discussed in (1a), treat “red shift” to be “remote star leave with high speed” was out of round in theory, so final got the chain of theory is very ricketiness.If red shift cannot express remote star leave with high speed, if “red shift” can not express remote stars are leaving in high speed, have “big bang”、“cosmos accelerate expansion ”still? 

  “dark matter”、“dark energy” theory from basic theory angle to see still exist two problems of definition not clear and concept mix up.Whether the “dark” of “dark matter” refer to cannot observed with optical method or cannot explored with all method? If it is the former, matter’s scale small than 10-5 CM also invisible, because of can’t reflex light wave, the macro invisibility matter in research yet, have no occasion of add a attribute “dark” before they;if it is the latter, that is explain “they” cannot happen effect with any matter, not different with vacuum.

  Concept mixed up at let quality exist side by side with energy, still separate calculate percent, both common point are exist quality m, different at energy existing quality m, also existing speed v, namely, the one can express with m, the other one can express with m. v, their dimension is diversity, cannot together and to calculating percent.

(14a) “duality” theory of light seem reconciled the aspect of stand up each other for long time.But, the version of “wave、particle are all the different expression of light” can but with a show of reason.“are all the different expression of light” belong to induce, correct inducing was make up after fact are all set out and reason clear.Theory of wave、particle cannot “to unify” just lie in fact unclear、cannot find mechanism of unify, under this condition, press “wave、particle” in one and the same noun “light” only factitious subjective “unity”.

   From ULF electric wave to ultraviolet wave refract from triple prism, they are all electron’s wave, electron is medium of energy, will not express particle property;ultraviolet ray、X-ray only possess particle property, electrons become carrier, this the different of property, can’t say they are “the same” thing, to be the theory of “dual property” take two kind of thing press in the same——light, therefore the correctness of this theory come under question.If two things even resemble but is different in property, certainly need to admit this different and should not difficultly say they are the same thing, so the correct way of threat the theory of “wave、particle” is, clear the true of those thing which “light” contained one by one, take the none of “light” return to visible light, admit wave and particle are two systems, to use two kind of theory serves to this two systems.

4 conclusion

  above is the major side of physical basic theory, to use mathematical language : “they made up” “physical space”.

The least bit error of basic theory may lead to huge mistake, it can see from above “deletion” and “mistake” of physical basic theory already buildup not a little, it to be the mistake and the deletion of “reason”, and is the systematic mistake, has been reach to the level of distort cosmic true and make some one cannot correctly to know nature.Try to describe “origin” of nature according to nowadays theory:“the dark cosmos of 5 dimension collide with our cosmos produced current cosmos A ” can “produce” a true cosmos from “5 dimension” of not objective existing? 

  Particles of a multitude of names already make people “can’t bear the numerous”, “new particle” yet uninterrupted appear.“electron-positron collider ”seems already become common term, may I ask, if “positron” really existing? Exist “positron” in “positive charge”? If “positron” and electron get together would change to a pair of photons of none quality? 

Can quality get “to change”? How to change? 

  Since it is the systematic mistake, in this way need instead with correct theory system.Any new basic theory system of come, need suffer the measurement of systematic-ness、satisfactory-ness、rationality.