L16 光速神奇否The view of the mirac


陈理士 (S. G. Chinese)

提要 现代物理基础理论有意地赋予光速神奇性质,需要从机理方面分析光速是否真的具备这些性质。将不正确成分加以去除,物理基础理论才能圆满牢靠

Abstract the basic theory of modern physics give light velocity have the miraculous property, it need to analyze if the velocity of light possess these property from the side of mechanism.Wipe off the incorrect composition, the physical basic theory can be just perfect and reliable

关键词 光速

Key word light velocity

(text in english see rear) 




“过”在何处 ?(1)“光速不变”,而且是“相对论的原理之一”;(2)“光速”是极限速度,任何物体的速度不能大于光速;(3)在“质量转变为能量”中,能量E=mc2(质量×光速的平方),光速俨然成了“质量、能量转变系数”;(4)“质量不是不可变”而且随速度而改变——依据“洛伦兹变换”方程。


1 “光速不变”吗?

1 1“光速”是什么?

  关于“光”的本质,已在(《L07 光与真空中光速》)讨论,这里不再论述,在讨论光速命题时,“光速”其实都是指在电场中传递的电波的波速。因此,本文所涉及的光速,乃是电场中传播的电波的波速。

1.2 光为什么具有速度



  由上所述,光具有速度是正常的,电子是两种基本粒子中的一种,是两种“质量最小”的物质之一,电子散布于空间形成空间电场,成为电波传播的介质,任何电子震动一旦发生,便要通过电子间的斥力引起相邻电子的震动,于是成为传播的电波,斥力引起原来静止的电子发生运动有一个“加速”的过程,需要一定时间,这就是“速度”,用方程表示,速度v=ds/dt。可以看出,任何一种物理的运动,都存在速度。因为,都存在位移s和时间t ,所以v不等于零。

1.3 光的“不同速度”












1.5 对“光速”的分析结果






2 光速是否“极限速度”





 (2)空间两枚电子之间的作用力并非简单的“电磁力”而是“强作用力”,其理参见《L18a 力》。








3 能量方程E=mc2 (c平方)中的光速


  按说这里首先需要提出机理,使人信服从理论上质量可以改变,数学方程只能是机理的定量描述,如果没有机理,理论的正确性便成为问题,一百多年来,没有发现质量可以改变的机理,也没有人能够从理论上证明质量确实可以“变”,当年“质量可变”之所以令人信服,因为它解释了当时一些难以解释的现象,但是,今天看来,这些现象都可以得到解释,都与“质量可变”不相干,在《L05 能量方程的能量何来》一文中论证了核能并非质量转变为能量而是原子内部基本粒子的回旋动能,此能量在正常原子里不“对外”显示,一旦在冲击下质子、中子解体,回旋运动转变为直线运动,基本粒子向外辐射,方才显示它们的动能,显然,此能量E为1/2mv2 (v平方),可以看出,只要机理明确,经典物理学在计算核能方面没有困难。至于基本粒子在质子、中子内部的回转速度v到底是多少?这是一个测量问题而不是原理问题,用方程E=1/2mv2 (v平方)描述物体m 含有的能量是合适的,只是需要确知v 的数值到底是多少,从核能的巨大可以相信,v 值很大,其具体值只能通过测量获知。有资料说,方程E=mc2 (c平方)已经“准确地”得到验证,如果能够准确到多于2位有效数,便说明引力子的速度是大于光速的(参见以下5)。今天回顾,100多年前提出的这一方程贡献很大,至今依然具有应用价值,现在从机理角度进行讨论,是继承和继续发展前人成果的步骤。

  显然,现在没有理由认为E=mc2 是一个准确的等式,但是,应当近似,此式客观上反映了原子内部蕴含了巨大核能。在精确的数字获得后,此方程在m前可以增加一个常数作为系数。

4 关于“洛伦兹变换”

  洛伦兹变换是为了解释迈克尔逊1886年的那次“以太漂移实验”而提出的,当时相信作为光媒质的以太相对于地球漂移,实验结果发现,预料中的干涉带变化不存在。今天看,实验场地的光媒质是静态空气,不存在“媒质漂移”,因此干涉带不变。但当时人们相信“以太漂移”,却认为干涉带不变属于异常,为此,洛伦兹提出了“运动方向物体长度缩短”,将原来预期的干涉带改变全部交给 “长度缩短”来抵消,于是有了这一方程。与上述相似,此方程不能说明“运动方向物体长度改变”的机理,而人们并不因此拒绝此观点,可以看出那时对于数学的重视,一个方程能够用于解释问题便不再追寻机理其实,问题的实质不在物体长度随运动速度改变,而在于未能对光在实验环境中的传播作出正确估计,实验空间的光介质乃是比较静止的大气,在仪器的两个光路中,空气更加平静,不论它们如何对调方向,“光程”都不会改变,这是干涉带图形不变的原因,前人认为以太相对于地球漂移,于是出来了“洛伦兹变换”,此方程用于表示“运动方向物体长度缩短”的定量描述,可是,方程应当是机理的精确描述,没有机理,方程便先天不足。《相对论》利用洛伦兹方程来解释“加速器中粒子为何不能达到光速”同样缺乏机理,不能回答质量为什么能够变化?质量如何变化等问题。所以,只能考虑,此质量随速度改变的方程客观上根本不存在,只是意识形态的产物。于是,光速c 同质量是两码事,它们不相干。 

5 能否超过光速?


5.1 肯定远远快于光速的事物:引力波。以往认为引力波的速度等于光速,最近以来,有些文章说引力波的速度大于光速,但是没有提出有何根据。



   两枚距离较大的S—N极,它们的力线分布,在垂直于轴心的平面上,呈现均匀辐射形式,当两极渐渐靠近,它们所面对的1/2 面积上的引力线逐渐发生作用,形成人们已经熟悉的作用曲线图,可见,距离改变能够引起作用力线数量改变。如此说来,对于地球来说,引力波时时刻刻在发生着,只不过,发生得非常“和缓”没有被觉察而已。



5.2 可能超过光速的事物:

5.2.1 基本粒子在质子中的线速度 

质子的动能E显然应当等于1/2mv2 (v 的平方), m是质量,v 是质子内部基本粒子的线速度,如果真的象有的文章所说方程E=mc2 (c的平方)已经获得精确验证,将这两个方程的E 相等,得到,v=1,414c 即大于光速。

5.2.2 契伦科夫辐射这是物质受到核反应冲击发出蓝光的现象,其实可见的蓝光本身并非“超光速”而只能是光速,可能超过光速的是“激发蓝光的粒子”的速度(参见5.2.3)。

5.2.3 “宇宙射线粒子”的速度




6 结论


   一开始提到的“果真如此”其实是“并非如此”,“光速”不具有(1)—(4)那四点性质, 所以,光速并不神奇。


2019.3.20加注: 本文2008/6/29 登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月现在的新架构投入使用后未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以保持原貌。


whether the light velocity possess the miraculous property 

S. G.. Chinese

Abstract the basic theory of modern physics give light velocity have the miraculous property, it need to analyze if the velocity of light possess these property from the side of mechanism.Wipe off the incorrect composition, the physical basic theory can be just perfect and reliable

Key word light velocity

  In history, light velocity ever bestow on infinity by classical physics unconsciously, this make people of the time in mistake for the light of starriness just “now” sending.

  For more than a century, “the light possess velocity” is well known, and the measurement of the light velocity also accurate arrive micron to the power of minus several times. 

Space star’s light is “before” send out, according to the different of distance, “before”, perhaps some minute or some hundred million years! To this does not cognitional difference.But is there find also have any “inappropriate” in the present know of light velocity? 

  Where is the “inappropriate”? (1) constancy of the light velocity, and that is the “one of basic principle of relativity”;(2) “the light velocity is the limited velocity”, any matter’s velocity cannot greater than the light velocity;(3) in the “quality change to energy”, energy E=mc2 (square), the light velocity just like the “transition coefficient of quality to energy”;(4) “quality does not immutable” and is changing follow “ the equation of the Lorentz transformation”.

  “ If indeed”, the light velocity as soon as very miraculous, miracle lie in nobody can get out the mechanism of above four items.Therefore, be necessary for the theory analysis from the angle of basic theory of physics, to look if light velocity possess this miraculous property, now separately talk over as following : 

1 if “the light velocity is constancy”?

1.1 What is the “light velocity”?

  For the nature of the light, it has been discussed in《Light and light velocity in vacuum》, here discuss no more, when discuss the proposition of the light velocity, in fact the “light velocity” are all point the wave velocity of transitive electric wave in the electric field.Therefore, light velocity of this text involve, is the wave velocity of the electric wave which transmit in the electric field.

1.2 Why the light possessed velocity? 

  Since the light wave is the wave, only get by medium can transmit.In the space, the medium of transmit light is space distributing field of electrons, namely “space electric field”;in the “transparent medium”——gas、liquid、solid, “plurality” by outer electron of atom.

  After electric wave enter into the medium,“field electron” suffer driving happen movement, due to electron would repulse each other, any movement of electron correspond to the spring transform, the alternate motion of field electron, cause “neighbor” to do alternate motion, the sports man is electron of possess quality, the drive force is the repulsion force between electrons, this motion belong to the elasticity motion, from force lead to acceleration need time, so cause and spread motion also need time, it beseem describe by second order differential equation, this is the place of the physical back ground of Maxwell equation. 

  From above stating, the light possess velocity is regular, electron is one of two kind of basic particle, and is one of two kind of “least quality matter”, the electrons intersperse among space form space electric field, become the medium of electric wave disseminated, any electron’s quake once happened, it would be through inter-electron repulsion force cause the quake of adjacent electron, hence become propagating electric wave, the repulsion force cause former static electron happen motion distance s exist a “accelerating” process, need a period of time t, q.e.velocity, to show use equation, velocity v=ds/dt (d express differential).It is observed that any kind of motion are all exist velocity, because, that are all exist displacement and time t , so v unequal to zero. 

1.3 “different velocity” of the light

   In the “even” “freedom” electric field, to the electric wave of every frequency, the velocity is equal.It is the expression of when the light spread in the part space.But , the space does not vacuum, and distributed mixed particles and matters, the space electric field is the distributing field of electrons, count by the hundred million stars constantly radiate two kind of basic particles ——graviton and repulton(electron)——to space, among them, electrons gradually slow down in the space, final become “field electron” of space electric field, the repulsion force between electrons to make space electric field “ tend to equality”, but, due to space scale is huge, “tend to equality” need a period of time, so space electric field cannot every time or every where keep equality. 

   At the nearby star or the electric field formed by “supernova”, the result of uneven is “the light velocity non-conservation”.since the light is the wave spread in the electric field, in the electric field of different density, the velocity of light should be different.How to unscramble the phenomenon of “the star light through nearby star happen bend”? Predecessor famous explaining is “gravitational deflection”, this gravitation is point gravity, can this force able “make the light get bend”? can the force of “electromagnetic force”、 “strong force” 、“weak force”、 of more large than “gravity” able “make the light get bend”? No! therefore, according to the mechanism “gravitational deflection” is hardly set up, only can analysis from the side of the medium of the electric wave.Fixed star is the radiation source of electrons, it nigh electric field gradient comparatively large naturally, the wave velocity happen changing in this area is conform to the inference. 

   Therefore, space electric field may relatively even in the locate of far away fixed star, the light velocity relatively conservation there, in fact “gravitational deflection” is the example of the light velocity of space part area be out of common.For the nature supplied example, need through analysis、understanding and correct interpretation, in order to know natural phenomenon.

   Propagation of light is propagation of wave, directly suffer influence of medium property, not tremendous relation to the gravity, when analyze the reason of light velocity、chromatic dispersion、refraction etc. shut out the influence of gravity is reasonable. 

   In the transparent matter, nuclear influence is hardly to avoid, not only the outer electrons of atom have itself whirl frequency, but also nuclear was near at hand, this make light spread speed would descend, and have different influence to the different frequency light-wave, this is the reason of the transparent matter possess chromatic dispersion and happen refraction.

1.4 factor of affect the light velocity 

  On the average, conservation of wave speed correspond to conservation of medium’s physical condition.For the sonic wave, when gas temperature 、pressure、density、composition etc. is invariant, it can be conservation;to the light wave, premise of conservation is invariant of the condition of space electric field, in a word, conservation is a result and not unconditional objective reality.

   As stated above, space electric field is “feed into” from constantly radiation of fixed stars, in the space electric field constantly happen “supernova explosion”;in the space electric field also have the “polymerization action” of create “all kind of particle”, this polymerization would “take” electrons from space electric field (see also in 《L04 Development of matter 》), therefore, theoretically speaking, space electric field is a dynamic field, impossible calm or even.But, among electrons create repulsion force, this force make electric field tend to even, so the space of far away with star or “supernova”, “part” space electric field may be “momentarily” relatively compare equality.

   Due to the “airspace” of fixed star does surpass “light year”, the frequency of supernova is great then “hour”, “part” and “moment” also not insignificant, besides of fixed star, generally may be approximately think the light velocity is conservation in space. 

  The space range measuring precision been short of the measuring precision in stable environment on ground with 2 order of magnitude, the cause ought belong to “medium” side, people no need feel sorry for this, it does not human factor.When the range-finding through atmosphere, its influence to the light, would large than space of none gas.

1.5 analysis result of the “light velocity”

   The answer of “if the light velocity does conservation” depend on if have the mechanism or factor to make it be conservation or not.For the above reasons, in theory, due to the space field does not vacuum but was the field of electros spreading, cannot every time and every where keep even, so cannot think “the light velocity is conservation in the space”, but, if leave fixed star fixed distance, the space light velocity “near” conservation.

   Compared to other conservation in the physical domain, this “near” is not mean “level” very low, the numerical value of light velocity can be get 8 significant figure;under the Hook’s law, the “ratio of stress and strain” can keep 4 significant figure is very good! The frequency and period of “shock” also should conservation in theory, in fact, only under constant temperature electric oscillation of the special materials can offer 12 significant figure, the general period of oscillation its conservation level reach 5 significant figure is not bad.

   Therefore, “conservation” of physical domain has the difference of conservation in theory and near conservation, but the difference is if exist the mechanism of conservation. 

   From above can see, “space light near conservation” does not point the precision bad, but point “light was conservation” in theory.Un-conservation in theory, as a matter in most of the space, light velocity quite “unanimous”, near conservation, it is the result of analyze and discuss for this proposition.

   It can be seen, find out light velocity variable and light velocity suffer the influence of electric-field density is theory draw near true.

2 whether light velocity is “limiting velocity”

   Have the limit of velocity? The answer is:yes! As if asking does light velocity is the limit of velocity? To answer:not necessarily.Wherein the reason? Even though light velocity is a greatest velocity of every kind of velocity of now has been find,but hardly remove the probability of appear more great velocity than this.At least, need to find the “mechanism of it become limit velocity”, not have mechanism, this theory hardly set up.

   Since there are the different wave, as well as the different wave-velocity.Need to admit, light velocity is the maximum of every kind of “wave-velocity”, why? Due to the wave velocity is decided by medium property, what kind of medium can get greatest wave velocity in? “the particle of forming medium is least, the force between particle is biggest”, in this medium wave velocity is greatest.The space electric field just live up to this condition, because of:

(1)electron is one of two kind of basic particles——graviton、repulton (electron), there never have any particle less than it, its quality only 10-36 ( 10 to the power of -36) gram, speed up this particle need relative lesser time.

(2) in the space the acting force between two electrons really not simple “electromagnetic force” but “strong force”, the reason see 《L18a force》.

(3) the other basic particle——graviton——cannot arrange become “matrix”, so can’t become the medium for deliver wave.

  It have above 3 reasons, “ light velocity is space biggest wave-velocity” then be no problem at all.But, if the light velocity to be “limit velocity” is another problem, that is to say, can the velocity of an object exceed light velocity? 

  The similar problem has been appear in “sound barrier” age, at the time physics field ever think “velocity of sound” is “limit velocity”, to the airplane of use aircrew driving, “velocity of sound” ever be the brick wall.New propulsion principle is use the reacting force of jet, this principle not only make modern aircraft reach to several velocity of sound, but also have not the limited velocity in theory.

  “Acting force is equal to reciprocal force and the direction is opposite”, this rule does not suffer condition by relative velocity, so no matter how large of velocity of the object, if only to use this propulsion method, the velocity still can be raise. 

  Of cause, it is “in theory”, the actual matter’s flying in the space its resistance would add follow velocity, why? Because of the space does not vacuum, but is spread mixed particles, to the matter flying near velocity of sound, density of space matter was very small, though they formative resistance may be detect but is not big, if velocity greatly raise, this resistance also greatly raise, the result is, hardly reach and keep that large velocity in space!

  So in theory, a object of near light velocity, use spurt method can be exceed light velocity.Actually use spurt method of molecule、atom also can not reach to light velocity even whole take off mass all fuel, only use “nuclear emission” act as power able make matter near light velocity, here the barrier exist in technical and does not in theory.

3 light velocity in energy equation E=mc2 (square)

  This equation is one of most common use equation of《relativity》, “1 gram U can give off the coaly heat of many tons” just work out with this equation, indeed, the more of sent energy of nuclear reaction, greatly exceed anticipation, really make every one not understand, 

Relativity raised explain is:“mass is similar with energy substantially, they are the different showing of the same thing”, hereby, raised the equation of the mass changing follow energy.

  Normally first of all here need raise mechanism, to make people persuasive mass can changing in theory, mathematics equation only been the quantitative describing of mechanism, if not mechanism, theory’s correctness then be in question, over the hundred years, not found the mechanism of mass variable, also not people can prove mass true can “changing” in theory, in those years the reason of “mass variable” carry conviction, because of it explained some phenomenon of hardly explain, but, at present, these phenomenon are all may get explain, are all not relative to “mass variable”, in text 《L05 Where come from the energy of equation E=mc2? 》proofed nuclear energy does not changing from mass but been the circle round kinetic energy of basic particle of atom inner, this energy was not to show external for normal atom, once under shock proton 、neutron got disassemble, circle round motion change to rectilinear motion, basic particle then out toward radiation, just now to show their kinetic energy, clearly, this energy E is 1/2mv2 (square of v) , it can be seen as long as if the mechanism is clear-cut, classical physics is no difficulty in the side of calculate nuclear energy.As for how much of round speed v of basic particle in proton、neutron ?this a problem of measurement and not a problem of principle, to use equation E=1/2mv2 describe the energy of object contained is suitable, only need be positive of numerical value of v, may believe in from huge nuclear energy, the value of v is very large, its occurrence only can understand through measuring. 

   Have the data to show, equation E-1/2mc2 already got “well and true” verification,if the accuracy can reach to 10-2(1%),then explain graviton’s velocity is greater than light velocity (see also in blow 5 ) .Today to look back, before more than 100 years raised this equation its contribution very large, up to now still have application value, at present discuss it from the angle of mechanism is the step of inherit and develop predecessor achievement.

   Clearly, the present has no reason to think the equation E=1/2mc2 (square) is an accuracy equality in theory, but it ought approximate, this equation reflect atom inner contain huge energy objectively.When after get accuracy value, this equation may be added a constant serve as coefficient before m.

4 about “Lorentz transform”

   Lorentz transform is raised for explain that “ether drift test” by Michelson in 1886, at that time believe in ether act as light medium would drift relate the earth, through test well it turns out, out and dried the fringe changing does not existing.Today to see, light medium of test field is static air, inexistent “medium drift”, so the fringe was invariable.But at that time people believe in “ether drift”, then to think the fringe invariant belong to exception, for this reason, Lorentz raise “matter length world shorten in motion direction ”, put the fringe changing of original prospect all give “length world shorten” to offset, hence have this transforming equation.Be similar with above, this transforming equation cannot explain the mechanism of “the length would changing in motion direction”, but people refuse this viewpoint for this, it can be seen that time how pay attention to mathematics, an equation can explain problem then no longer seek mechanism.In fact, the substance of problem does not in the matter length changing follow motion speed, but lie in cannot to do correct appraisal for light spread in the test field, the light medium of test space to be the resting atmosphere, in the two light path of the instrument, the air is still all the more, no matter how they to change direction, “optical length” will would not change a thing, this is reason of fringe graph no changing, predecessors think ether drift relate the earth, and then raise “Lorentz transform”, to use this equation to show “matter length world shorten in motion direction ” quantitatively, however, equation ought to be the accurate description of mechanism, not have mechanism, equation then be congenitally deficient.

   《Relativity》use “Lorentz equation” in explanation of “why particle in the accelerator cannot reach to light velocity” be short of mechanism similarly, can not answer the problem of why quality can vary?how quality happen changing etc.There fore, can but to think, this equation of quality alter does not exist objectively, only the product of ideology.Upon that, light velocity and quality are the different matter, they are un-relation. 

5 can be exceed light velocity?

  As if ask: have the physical thing exceed the light velocity? The answer is:yes!

5.1 the thing of certain fast afar with light velocity:the gravitational wave.

   Formerly think of gravitational velocity is equal to light velocity, in the near future, some article explain gravitational velocity is greater than light velocity, but not raise its reason.

   In need find out where come gravitation and gravitational wave? Correct answer is, gravitation is come from two matter’s attracting force line of they sand out and act each other, gravitational wave is the wave of gravitation, once acting force-line happen changing, attracting force should be change with it surely, so the gravitational wave be exist among two matter of suffer acting of attracting force.

   Since attracting force is generate from acting force-line of both sides, attracting force-line original spread in the space, interaction then form force.From acting to un-acting, neither through medium transfer, nor exist the distance need to step over, therefore, have no use for “acting time”, so the changing of attracting force is “immediate”, have no use for time, even “moment” also not required, therefore, velocity of the gravitational wave is infinitely great! 

  Two S-N magnetic poles in great distance, in the plane of perpendicular axes the force-line spread appear even radiation form, when two poles gradually near, the attracting force-line of 1/2 area of their faced gradually happen action, form acting graph which folk already conversant from magnetic force-line drawing , visible, distance change can lead to quantity change of acting force-line.So come to speak of it, to the earth, the gravitational wave is always happened, only it is very “gentle” without detected nothing more.

  but, mass matter change distance give rise to the attracting force changing still can detected, this quite right the gravitational wave of “supernova explosion” creative.

   When detected the gravitational wave happen from certain orientation, “now” there have a fixed star shift happens “explosion”, due to the light exist velocity, the image would after correspond time can observed from astronomical telescope.

5.2 thing of probable exceed light velocity

5.2.1 liner velocity of basic particle in proton

   Proton’s kinetic energy E ought equal to 1/2 mv2 (square of v) clearly, m is quality, v is velocity of basic particle at inner of proton, if really equation E=1/2mc2 (square of c) have got exactly proving as some article shows, let these two equation’s E equal, to get, v=1.414c , mean greater than light velocity.

5.2.2 Cherenkov radiation

  This is the phenomenon of send out blue light of matter suffer shock from nuclear reaction, in fact the visible blue light does not “super velocity of light” but only can be light velocity, be the velocity of “particle of arouse blue light ” may be exceed light velocity ( see also in 5.2.3). 

5.2.3 Velocity of “comic rays particle” 

   Modern physics already agreed 12 kinds of “basic particles”, still have some kinds of “transmit forces particles”, it have three kinds of neutrinos among basic particle, but Chinese physics after analysis from the angle of force line and acting force then think, basic particle only need two kinds of graviton and repulton, in-exist “transmit forces particles”.Those redundant “basic particles” actually are all “micro vortex galaxy” of high speed graviton in different quantity and tie up by attracting force, there fore, the least one among them may be “single graviton”, its quality is similar with repulton——“single electron”, equal to 10-36 (10 to the power of -36 ) gram, “electron neutrino” may be graviton, they leave with high speed into space after atom、proton、neutron disassemble cause by nuclear reacting of fixed star, and begin rejoin.

   High speed graviton of “travel in company” become “cosmic rays”, 

Velocity of cosmic rays particle is equal to the tangential velocity of graviton former circle round in proton.Velocity of this particle may be exceed light velocity, (the reason see 5.2.1)

6 the Conclusion

   The result of above discuss is, “light velocity” to be the wave velocity spread in electric field, space does not exist macroscopic “vacuum”, so the proposition of “light velocity in the space” is unable to establish;no matter in the space or the transparent body, light velocity are all suffer influence from the density of electric field, are all possible to happen “refraction”, the improvement of the principle of “light velocity is conservation in vacuum” of 《relativity》is:in the space of far away with fixed star, light velocity similar is conservation.

   At the very start refer to “If indeed” in fact is “was not the case”, “light velocity does not possess that 4 kinds of property in (1)—(4),therefore, light velocity is not miracle at all.