

L14a "宇宙膨胀" 的根据牢不牢?


提要 本文对宇宙膨胀理论进行分析后认为,将星体“红移”判断为快速离去理由不足,“宇宙大爆炸”结论难以成立,宇宙并未“膨胀”,更未“加速膨胀”

关键词 宇宙膨胀 宇宙大爆炸 红移 兰移  宇宙间最大的爆炸

(The text in English see rear)






  在“宇宙大爆炸”业已深入人心的今天,提出这样的问题是否多余?事实上,自然科学一向欢迎质疑。正是由于质疑,地心说才逐渐演变到“日心说”、“黑洞中心说”且难停留不变。认识渐渐深入,改变原先观点的事例不胜枚举。今天,为什么对“宇宙膨胀”提出质疑呢?这是因为, 存在“有利于”作出远星高速离去判断的事例的同时,也存在一些对此“不利”的事理,以“理”为主要特点的物理学,当然需要全面的观察分析,使理论趋于完善。如果“大爆炸”确实发生过,肯定能够经得住理论推敲,推敲的结果能够更加完善其理论,如果发现理论存在“问题”或破绽,就需要改进、完善。使理论扎实,才能立于不败之地。



  2、 关于大爆炸发生的年代,目前已定为146亿年前,此数由于是哈勃望远镜测定后得出的,似乎更具权威性。








  3a、空间介电常数非均匀的影响。麦克斯韦方程中的介电常数实际上不仅随介质种类而改变,即使同一介质,其介电性也可能并不均匀。空间电场的电子供应者是众多恒星,在两种情况下这种不均可能明显,一是距离恒星很近,此时,电场出现梯度, 电子密度随“距离”而变。若有一个将恒星包围在内的空间封闭曲面,沿这个曲面对恒星发射的电子取和,其结果同“距离”无关,这一结果的物理背景是电子的发射总量既定,在任何大小的封闭曲面上穿过的电子总数相同,所以,随着“距离”增加,密度必然趋稀,表现为电位梯度;二是两处相距很远的空间,维持该两空间电场强度的恒星辐射总量可能存在一定差异,从而使这两处空间电场强度不能相同。










  所以,“宇宙膨胀”并不扎实,看来人们将不得不接受这种观点: “宇宙大爆炸”只是“事出有因,查无实据”。从已知爆炸规模看,宇宙间最大的爆炸是超新星爆发,它是物质聚合到了极限而发生的“合极则分”,恒星都存在核反应,同时又继续吸引陨落物质,这将使其不断“发胖”。(见《L04物质演变》),体积增大到一定程度是恒星的心部发生核反应的原因。

  如果恒星进一步增大,自然会使核反应区域随之扩大,使外部未发生核反应的物质受到更多核冲击,温度更高,这一过程的极限便是恒星所有物质都在核反应中彻底分散高速离去,亦即,形成“超新星爆发”。星体演变过程的最终是“物极必反”,由“最大”分散成为“最小”的基本粒子,整个过程是在引力作用下进行的。如果粒子间没有此力,宇宙间无所谓聚合,不会生成元素和物体。但是引力在粒子间的作用并非简单的“正比于质量”,那样会使宇宙间“全部”物质聚合成为一个”大球”。 引力的性质适合于使用力线物理模型,在《L18a强作用力弱作用力电磁力万有引力的统一 》一文中,阐述了引力线随物质聚合程度而发生改变的机理。

  如前所述,宇宙间由引力所决定的最大规模的爆炸是“超新星爆发”,不存在比这更大的爆炸。若说:“宇宙大爆炸前现存的全部质量都聚合在一个奇点之中”,这样的理论,同”宇宙起源于混沌,混沌演变为气之轻清上浮者为天;气之重浊下凝者为地”之类理论在 缺乏机理方面是类似的。所以,又回归到对于以往宇宙的认识,宇宙并未发生过“大爆炸”,远星“红移”,乃是空间的光学效验。同理,“兰移”也不表示宇宙“大塌缩”,没有必要担心宇宙会由于膨胀或塌缩而趋于“毁灭”,对于空间比较均匀的存在2.7°K的微波背景辐射应作如何解释?


 (1)据现有理论, “大爆炸”后生成的物质不能马上达到或是永远达不到光速,因此,必定是微波领先于物质,而且越来领先距离越远,最终淹没于无际太空,不会有任何“反射波”再朝向“爆炸中心”折回。

 (2) “大爆炸”之前,“宇宙空间为真空”,这种不含任何物质的真空不能传递任何能量,光和电波也不能传播,因此,“大爆炸”瞬间没有微波向空间发出,也就不会有微波返回。



大自然显示的“另外”例证是“超新星爆发”,每一个“爆发”的“超新星”,其质量相当一致,约为太阳的10倍,为什么从来没有比这更小或更大的?这说明“爆发”不是随机发生而是有演变机制,《L04 物质演变》和《L27 超新星爆发》阐述了这一机理,根据此理,





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does the basis of"Cosmic expansion" is stable or unstable?

S. G. Chinese

Abstract this text after analysis to the theory of cosmic expansion to think, it is lacking of reason for judge “red shift” to be star rapid leave, cosmic does not “expansion”, more does not “speed up expansion”

Key words cosmic expansion big bang red shift blue shift  cosmic largest explosion

  Beginning of the last century, find out star’s spectrum of light-line compare with spectral line of the same element in the earth does shift towards red direction mean“red shift”.If Doppler effect also be apt for aster, this seem means asters universal far away with we, and more far aster more large the red shift, convert according to the Doppler effect on the earth, “leaving velocity” may reach to million KM/Sec and over, bigger ten thousand times compare to the burst velocity of powder! So give rise to the theory of cosmic expansion is that make sense, arise a word of “big bang” is also not begin to overstate. 

   But, at the outset the judging of cosmic expansion does not no-difference, such as Einstein at then time raise theory of “gravitational red shift”, be consider the reason of light spectrum lie in suffer gravitational acting, he lay extra emphasis on the gravitation to light, the phenomenon of light through star nearby happen bend also be know as “gravitational deflection”. No long after, he give up this viewpoint, believe in that is galaxy’s expansion.

  Human press for know cosmic yesterday, today and speculate its tomorrow, it is understand able for they think highly of this phenomenon of “red shift” it seems the information which nature divulge to human.Doppler effect at least is a rule of stand up with repeatedly proving on the earth.So, from “red shift” to cosmic expansion and big bang is very nature.

  After this, find out the phenomenon of total space was permeate etc which also be deemed to be the proving of cosmos ever happen big bang.

For there after arisen the theory of multi dimensions of exceed 3 dimensions、string theory、theory of dark energy and many doctrines of cosmos accelerate expansion、black hole theory etc

  Are all invariably relate to “cosmic expansion” and “big bang”.Visible, the whole trick is, after all is or isn’t “red shift” show aster is leave with high velocity, i.e. if Doppler effect also suit in space as on the earth? 

  Today, “big bang theory” has been around, if raise this problem is unnecessary? Infect, natural science greet call in question all along.Just due to query, “geocentric theory” gradually change to “heliocentric theory”、“black hole centric theory” moreover hardly stop and never changing.The example of Understanding gradually get deep and alter former viewpoint was one by one.

  now, why raise the query for “cosmic expansion”? Because of, in the same time of exist the example for to make favor of to make judge of far star is leave with high speed, also exist the “unfavorable example” and mechanism, physics take mechanism act as main feature, certainly need all around watch and analysis, make theory go perfect.If “bag bang ”really happened, affirm be passable theoretical weigh, and weigh result can all the more perfect the theory, if find the theory exist “problem” or fracture, as soon as needs improvement、perfecting.Make theory sturdy, then can stand remain invincible.

The disadvantageous matter and reason for “big bang” have:

 1、if to sea aster’s “red shift” delegate cosmos ever happen once “big bang”, like that, whole asters ought radial fly away nearly with the same velocity, they ought distribute on a sphere of gradual “expansion”;at the same time, the inner of sphere ought be vacuum, but our earth、solar system、milk way galaxy yet lie in this “blast center” of ought be vacuum, why? 

 2、for the age of “big bang” ever happened, now already classified at 146 hundred million years ago, this data due to got from determine by Hubble space telescope , seems even more authority. 

But far star ever “near” yet, why they through some hundred million years seem never suffer acting of gravitation but “scattered and go away”? Conversely, in the 8 ten thousand light year of milk way galaxy all aster are show they suffer acting of gravitation, those far stars “red shift”, when they lie in 80 thousands years internal, why gravitation did not least action to them?to imagine there is an aster move with light velocity, only suffer effect of 0.1 acceleration of gravity, its velocity would dropped to zero after 3×10 to the power of 9 seconds mean 300 years, why far stars sit by when in the 80 thousands light years?

Why the matter of far star seems no suffer action of gravitation? Therewith relative is, not only spectrum show far stars have not difference with nearby stars in chemical composition but also far star act as a star itself does explain they suffer gravitation in the same, if leave gravitation, “disunity”, far from aster.Ought to believe in far star was suffer gravitation action. 

 3、“cosmic expansion” is inferred according to “red shift”, but also exist “blue aster” in cosmos, withal, can you to say the “part cosmic is lie in big shrink”? if don’t make analysis for the mechanism of “blue shift” but just consider “red shift”, such theory rather biased. 

 4、if “big ban” ever happened, when explosion time aster will not existing certainly, bulky aster cannot bear large accelerated speed.So asters are issued after this many years, after explosion, the “happened matter” should be even send out to every direction, the matter distribution along “radius direction” will not even and dynamic, it is disagreement with now observed “flat space”, “flat” is equivalently negate the theory of mass come from a explosion center.

  5、many double star and vortex galaxy of far away space also show us the gravitation still dominate aster move there, it is no different with space of earth by.

  From other angle to see, if “red shift” should be delegate remote star is far away with high aped? If the Doppler efficacy can moved to space? Can to see from below analysis idea, it does not. .   1a、Doppler efficacy is the influence of the frequency of electric wave by motion object in the calm electric field.The condition of space electric fields does complexity, since the diffusion electrons to form the quite electric field in it, also numerous stars act as radiation source and ceaseless send out electron’s ray, so difficult to boil down to “Doppler efficacy to cause red shift”.

 2a、Wave theory of light think of electric wave in diffusion process, amplitude of vibration gradually decay and frequency would not change, this is correct on the theory.But this “frequency conservation” postulate medium possess “ideal” nature.In practice any physical thing cannot whole “ideal”, only near “ideal” in a way nothing more.Such as, according to Hook’s law, proportion of stress to strain was conservation, actually, metal material can reach to conservation level does not high, even if “within limits of elasticity”, “conservation level” only hundredth to thousandth, 

  After light wave through some path of light year, its light intensity already under quondam 10-12 (10 to the power of -12), how can space electric field be “frequency decay not in the least” in such large span change? frequency decay mean wave length increase, just “red shift”.Therefore, in the far star’s spectrum likely appear “red shift” is a problem of actual decay in electric wave remote spread, “no decay” for the theory does not repel exist decay of certain degree infect.Does not ”more far the distance more big the red shift” just hint to people contain “decay” nature? In the time domain, to persist “frequency conservation” on the theory ought no repel deviate to the theory infect and guide to fixed changing, if not, any structural chronometer are all ought no error. 

 3a、influence of space heterogeneous permittivity.Permittivity in Maxwell equation in effect not only to change follow the kind of medium but also even in the same medium the dielectric may not uniform.Electron donors for space electric field are numerous stars, this uneven may clear under two conditions, the first is apart from star very near, now electric field appear gradient, electron density change follow “distance”. 

   If to has a closed surface be going to surround star in it, along this surfaces take sum of electrons of star’s ballistic, as a result is unrelated with the :distance, the physical background of this result is emission amounts of electron does fixed, the sum of electrons which pass through any closed surface is equal, so follow the “distance” to raise, the density should go to sparse, assume the potential gradient;the second is , the two space of apart far, the star’s total radiation of to keep electric field strength of these two space may be have fixed difference, thus make the electric field strength of these two space cannot in equal.

  The result of light traverse space electric field of dilution partial or thick partial is happen “red shift” or “blue shift”.

Those far star with distance of “ten thousand light year”、“hundred million light year”, when their light wave reach to earth, have been pass through remote space, should not suppose whole electric field are even, contrary, it is reputed the space electric field have fixed uneven, hard to avoid cause some “red shift” or “blue shift”. 

 4a、the effect of sun radiation 

  Tellurian observers obvious suffer influence from solar radiation, when watch remote star from night sky, direction of effect of sun rise was push away to star light of come from zenith, this is correspond “red shift”, but the effect of sun ought evenly befall whole remote star, no relative with difference.

   Can see, because of lack uniqueness, since should not regard as “red shift” was the remote star in speed leave, also should not regard as “blue shift” was remote star in high speed flying near.When think about the cosmos if lie in “expanding” or in “shrinking”, need carefully inspect all kinds of natural phenomenon and give analysis, cannot only select some of them serve as basis of speculate, if a certain of theory cannot include in whole relative conditions and does not exist discords , its degree of confidence then would largely discount.

   The space of far away star, uniformity of electric field may above normal, velocity of propagation of light may compare “conservation”, but, space surely cannot ever time and every where keep conservation of velocity of light, because of, velocity of light is wave velocity of electric wave which spread in space electric field, since space electric field cannot absolute even, the density ——or intension——of space electric field then cannot enduring, i.e. velocity of light and index of refraction in comic space cannot invariable or immutable. 

  “velocity of light was invariant in vacuum” does take optical property of cosmic space idealize, in those years, make this infer is a excellent creating thing.Now it seems there are not “empty” vacuum in the cosmic space, due to star’s radiation, space exist basic particle and every kinds of “particles”、atom and interstellar matter all kinds of geometry size which continuous generate by polymerization from attracting force acting.Any place of space cannot “to reject” high-speed basic particles inter, graviton (“neutrino”) can easily penetrating material.So in theory, vacuum is hardly keep even in very small space.Space act as medium of light in fact was the space field which spread particles、matter, may as well think “velocity of light near conservation in the space”, but cannot to say space is vacuum, also not think velocity of light absolute conservation.

   Above analysis shows, the reason is not enough of look upon as “cosmic expansion” for “red shift”, it exist many defects, need but cannot explain the query of “blue shift” and why gravitation does not come in at the beginning etc.If regard “red shift” as a space optical phenomenon, be due to the medium influence i.e. density of electric field cause velocity of light changing be appear reasonable, as to several kinds of factor of impact on “red shift” occupy drifts be a task it remains to research, such as, from solar spectrum a little unlike spectrum of earth can see, in “red shift” of remote star, sun’s electric field occupy drifts does not big. 

  Therefore, “cosmic expansion” does not sturdy, folk seems cannot but take in this point of view:“cosmic expansion”only “there is good reason for it” and “investigation reveals no evidence”.

   From known explosion scale to see, the maximal explosion in the cosmos is supernova, that is when matter get to gather reach to limit and happen “combine to limit then divide”, stars are all exist nuclear reaction, at the same time also continuous attract matter which fall from the sky, this would make it continuous “gain flesh” (see 《L04 Development of matter》). Volume magnify to fixed degree is the reason of the center of star happen nuclear reaction.

   If star more magnify, of cause be able to make the nuclear area magnify with in, it make external matter of no happen nuclear reaction suffer more nuclear impact, temperature higher, the limit of this procedural end is in this nuclear reaction whole matters of star thoroughly scatter and leave with high speed,i.e. form "supernova".The end of aster developing is “it reverses its course”, from “largest” disperse to basic particle of “least”, all process is ongoing under attracting force acting.If none this force between particles, it would not together in the cosmos, will not happen element and objects.

  But between particles the attracting force does not simple “.direct ratio” to quality, like that be able to make all the cosmos matter get together and become a “large ball”.

Gravitational properties be fit for force-line physical model, in above text of 《L18a force》had expounded mechanism of attracting force-line be changing follow polymerization degree.

  As has been stated, in the cosmos, the explosion of biggest scale which settled by attracting force is “supernova”, absent even bigger then this.As if say “before big bang whole existing matter are all get together in a singular point”, in the side of lack reason, such theory is similar with the theory of “the cosmos come of chaos, chaos develop to light gas come up become sky, weight and muddy gas come down and congealing become earth”.So give the recurrence of the knowing of the before cosmos, the cosmos does not happened “big bang”, “red shift” of remote star , to be space optical effect.In a similar way, “blue shift” also does not show comic “big collapse”, no need for the cosmos would “perish” due to expansion or collapse, what is the explanation for space microwave background radiation of even existing of 2.7degree c ?

  If when “big bang” send out microwave, be sure to spread to all around with light velocity, here have two conditions may think over:

(1)according to existing theory, “big ban” inborn matter cannot immediately or ever reach to light velocity, therefore, be bound to the microwave ahead of matter, and more come the ahead distance more far, at last the microwave will flooding in boundless outer space, will not any   “reflected wave” retrace toward “explosion center”.      (2) before the “big bang”, outer space was vacuum, the vacuum of matter free is cannot transfer any energy, light and electric wave also cannot transferred, therefore, at “big bang” moment, it has not microwave send out to space, and also does not microwave come back.

  So micro wave background radiation is hardly use to prove ever happened “big bang”, its reason hardly set up.In that way, where come from the microwave background radiation? For this reason, ought turn the attention to the space of the stars quite even spread, they are the source of radiation.If none any source of radiation, not only microwave background radiation just zero, but also the temperature of space just zero degree k.it exist continuous radiation of some ten thousand billion stars, they become the source of electric wave and rays.Fixed star send out basic particles to space, supply reduced electrons and gravitons in space field because of form chemical element.Therefore, space exist microwave background radiation and the temperature is little more then 0 degree k is start from the same reason.

  Can the “primary hydrogen abundance” prove “big bang” ever happened? What is “primary hydrogen”? This wording is set up on the assumption of hardly take the evidence , use it act as “powerful prove” is difficult possess persuasion. 

  Nature show the another example illustration is “supernova explosion”, the mass of every “supernova” of “exploding” was quite in line, about 10 times of the sun , why none bigger or smaller then these never before? It shows “explosion” does not random happened but exist developing mechanism, 《L04 Development of matter》 and《L27 Development of matter》has expounded this reason, according to this reason, expansion of big then “supernova” be not happen in the cosmos.Why? Because of unable make further matter get together and live in peace with each other to concentrate “matter” for “even big expansion”, also have not a mechanism can amazingly make matter reduce size in a singular point inner.

  Therefore, the biggest scale expansion exist in the cosmos is “supernova expansion”.

  asters only to move with “cosmic speed” in the cosmos, red-shift or blue-shift of optical spectrum of remote stars ought look upon as a space optical phenomenon, cannot regard as remote stars are going away or flying near with high speed.

  And then, the theory of “cosmic expansion”、“the expansion of the universe to speed up” etc. to be set up on the insecure “foundation”.Can make a reasonable reply to above query? If cannot, how can be satisfied of “ before more of thirteen billion years the cosmos happened a big bang”、“ the expansion of the universe to speed up” etc. such theory of paradoxical and lack degree of confidence?

 The conclusionis , in the past the“big bang” be not happened, it also would not happen from now on.

  Aster of cosmos under acting of the gravitation and inertia moving nonstop with “cosmic speed”, cause of gravitation, asters will not “scatter” in to boundless space, therefore, the cosmos did not “ expansion”, more not “ accelerating expansion”.