L12a 关于物质不灭与能量不灭规律about the la


                              L12a    关于物质不灭与能量不灭规律 


(this in English see the rear)

提要 现代物理学自1905年开始离开了“两个不灭”规律,虽然回答了几道难题,但也基础使理论陷入误域,于是出现了新的难题,当今,亟宜在尊重自然规律和认真分析的基础上“重归正道”,恢复这两条自然规律的应有地位。

关键词 物质不灭   能量不灭   物理学

     1 对于质量可变的检查讨论








此方程为m= (注:此方程因故暂不能显示出)    , m0是“静止质量”,m 是速度为v 时的质量,用方程(v=0时,m 为无穷大)来解释为什么加速器不能将粒子加速到光速。





















 (3)斥力线与引力线相互作用也生成引力,记为F3, F3 <F1

  显然,斥力子就是电子因为它们倾向于自相排斥,易于显示其存在。但是,“此电子非彼电子”,它的质量只有10的负36 次方(克),参见L01 文。





  另一种情况就是,在“拴住”之前,双发速度矢量夹角≈ ,在相互“拴住”的同时,原先的动量mv依然存在而V≈C,因此,它两聚合之后,只能相互回旋,回旋的切线速度≈C,离心力被引力克服,小组的群速相对很小,这个聚合小组将双方的动能转化为回旋运动的相应能量,此能量已不再对外作用——除非聚合解散,因此,这种聚合可称为“蓄能聚合”。





  这里有一个反问,是否进入威尔逊云室或乳胶片的每粒粒子都能毫不遗漏地显示出它们的踪迹呢?如果是,踪迹中断方可考虑为质量湮灭,但实际上,只有部分粒子被显示踪迹,所以,能否显示,并不代表质量的有无,多半只是能量的不同。既如此,不能将“迹湮”称作“质湮”,如果质量可以湮灭,如果质量湮灭会转变出mc2(平方)能量,总会在“湮没”处产生一点蛛丝马迹。对迹湮的判断,应倾向于粒子在运动中动能减少,在该点已达显示阈值,由可显现转变为不可显现,如此而已。在今天,我们已看出,当年对于质量可变的观点属于误会,近来物理理论中的漫无边际的“变”更是难以置信,例如,“在宇宙大爆炸之前,现有宇宙中全部质量压缩在奇点之内”,这里所涉及的体积变化范围达到1060以上。在大自然的实验室里,物质并未表现出可以大幅度压缩,以地心为例,3600亿帕的压强并未能使物质显著压缩,千万大气压量级的压强亦未能使太阳芯部物质戏剧性的缩小尺寸,试问,如何证明“宇宙间所有物质可压缩成一个奇点”呢?这种1060(10的60 次方)的体积压缩诚然属于戏剧性的,设想,“孙悟空拔出一把毫毛吹变成一群猴子”,其体积的变化仅为1015(10的15次方)!

     2 对于“质量不可变”否定之否定





  物质可变理论原先是为了解决难题和困惑而提出来的,如果合于自然真实,在难题解决之后,不致发生新的难题与困惑。但事实正好相反,物质可变是在误会基础上产生的观点, 至今并未见到真正显示物质可变的事例,同时,也未真正解决难题,”物质可变”不但使我们丢失了判断理论正误的重要准则,而且还模糊了这方面的理论,试看:“什么是物质”现在居然已经成为物理学的最大难题之一,这不充分说明当前关于物质的理论存在问题吗?





  物理规律乃是自然界客观存在的法则, 物质的存在与时间无关,“物质不灭”当然也与时间无关,因此,这两项自然规律“永存”而不以时间、地点为转移,无所谓“过时”之类的问题。




  有经典物理学的基础理论参考,有对于所有“质量可变”和“质量变能量”“例证”的上述分析,在物理学领域内否定“质量可变”、确信质量不可变、恢复对于两项基础规律——物质不灭与能量不灭——的尊重在理论上应当“轻而易举”。但是, 在“质量可变”取得了主导地位100年之后,人们从初等物理开始,就接受到了“质量可变”的灌输,一直相信“质量可变”,现在通过分析从理论上作出改变虽然可能 ,而克服感性上的惯性并不容易,许多以质量可变为支撑的“理论”在相当时间内还会不断出现。此类理论的特点是“缺理”和违反规律,以机理和物理规律衡量物理理论,才能分清正误、判断是非。

2019.3.22加注: 本文2008/6/29 登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月现在的新架构投入使用后未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以保持原貌。

L l2a    about the law of conservation of matter and law of energy conservation

                                         S. G. Chinese

Abstract since 1905 modern physics began leave the law of “two indestructibility”, though it can be reply seem puzzle, but let basic theory sink into error region yet, hence arise new puzzle, now urgently base on respect to natural law and serious analysis “return to the right way”, to recover proper position of these two natural laws.

Key words conservation of matter  conservation ofenergy  physics   


    1 inspecting and discussing to mass variable 

Not long before 1756 at Lomonosov prove law of matter indestructibility, physical society ever discover “matter-movement conservation”, it is energy indestructibility in practice.Two law of indestructibility of matter and energy as guide rule also become acceptance standard.Until 1905《special relativity》got publish, these two laws have not suffer carry authority query.Today to see, any had cognized energy are all come down to kinetic of “matter’s movement”, there fore, indestructibility of matter and energy is synonymy with “immortalization” of matter and energy. 

Modern physics begin with quantum theory and《relativity》before centenary, to alter law of two “indestructibility” lie in at that time find some phenomenon seem cannot keep to this two law, as:

1、charged particle does not follow accelerating voltage pro rata raise speed in the accelerator, no matter how raise the voltage, particle cannot reach light velocity yet, as if like “sound barrier”, there it is “light barrier”.

2、radio activity matter constantly radiate huge energy, where come from this energy?

3、sometimes motion trail of particle does break off in spike process, this seems belong to “quality annihilating” 

Above phenomenon cause people at fault in that time. 

《relativity》explain in theory is:

1a、mass of matter “does not unchanging but is changing follow energy changing”,quant. keep to equation which Lorenz given.

This equation was m= ,(for reason this equation cannot be show temporarily ) m0 is rest mass, m is the mass when in speed v, to use the equation ( when v=0, m act as infinity) to explain why the accelerator cannot accelerate particle to velocity of light. 

2a、mass and energy are the different expression of the same thing, with equation E=mc2 (square) describe energy of mass m , c is light velocity.

Can mage out explain of《relativity》for mass and energy, since stand on new angle, daringly raise “mass does not cannot changing”, will be also to have fixed proper limits.Mass cannot changing at will, have principle’s unlike with that magic change which explain from modern times scholars:“at eve of big bang, whole matter of existing are all compress in a singular point”.

To the mass changing, premise of《relativity》is energy changing, moreover, energy cannot divided with mass, “they are different expression of the same thing”.By this token, the explanation of《relativity》was very outstanding and sagacious.Go so far as to if it is right will remark rear. 

Since then,《relativity》suffer folk admire all the time, fore its feat, no matter what they say as well no overly, but, physics is a branch of learning of continuous explore、advance、improve and to honor mechanism, objectively to say, the explanation 1a、2a needs mechanism act as support and supplement. 

Equation may cause mechanism get simple and clear and quantification, but can’t in stead of mechanism, without mechanism, the equation be like a tree without roots.

At the side of “why mass can change follow energy changing”、“how to change follow energy changing”、“why mass can put up huge energy” etc are all need clearing a “reason”, not only 《relativity》can not talk out this reason, but also cannot do this in a hundred years.If there is exist a changing in cosmos objectively, it should be exist a reason of this changing, research of physics just for this reason, if none of reason for mass change to energy, it would become a problem for whether mass can truly change, owing to if only can explain it does not exist mechanism in that event 1-3, important law of classical physics can but inherit and cannot alter.Through below narrate can see, now just can to do this: 

1b、particle accelerator use force between electrons drive electrified particle get acceleration, driving ability of motion electron should be inferior to static electron, the action between motion electron and accelerated electron was similar to wind and sail, due to the CT velocity in circuit is velocity of light, velocity of accelerated charged particle after all rather less then velocity of light.Accelerated particle suffer conditioning of “wind-sail effect”, velocity fail of light speed even not exceed light speed.Here, does not exist any mechanism of mass changing, in those years to use “mass happen changing” serve as explanation for velocity of charged particle does not follow voltage build up was as well as bold also preeminent, but after find “wind-sail effect”, should to make altering, for the latter has clear mechanization, easy believe, and “mass variable” then face two problems:

The first is, after velocity get raise, why mass should change? Any velocity was relatively, some matter relate to other space matters there may be abound many different velocity, even “static” is relative too, and how to demarcate its “static mass”?

The second is:what is the expression of changing? Is the changing of much and few、 weight and light、or synthesize changing? 

Is it absolutely change still relatively change? what is the mechanism of this changing of number、density or other any changing? Any changing if have not mechanization in incredible.

By now cant help come down to many disintegration、fission in particle test。

a certain kind of “particle” may fission or disintegration and become other “particle” and “ray”.Here, those observed “trace” in the test and its energy from computation is need not query, buy people’s analysis and understanding and theory of useful but be worth self-examination.

“a” meson may to separate to other “particle” and “ray”, it really make clear, meson does not true “a”, only a particle cannot scatter just true “a particle”, for this, still relate in discuss neutron and proton.

2b、where come from atomic energy? For example of radium, it ceaseless radiate three kind of ray of α、β、γto space, the source of these energy cause people at fault, therefore, to raise “mass does not invariant” and equation E=mc2 (square) not only make conviction, but also still more make admire.But more than respect and admire, lose sight of a problem of further to probing, where come from energy of mc2 (square) at all? According to《relativity》, mass and energy is the different express of “ same thing” , what circumstances to make mass can be indicate energy mc2? How is the mechanism? Thereafter, scholars then go out of appoint of “same thing”, directly assert mass “change” to energy, 

Namely mass die out, does not exist, and transform to that large energy of mc2.This theory though replied “where come from the energy”, but not accord with《relativity》,and derived new puzzle:(1) if mass and energy can dissociate each other? (2) what does the mechanism to make mass change into energy? 

Still for example of radium, known three kind of rays of α、β、γare all radial of particle, particle possess mass m and velocity v, surely exist energy ( kinetic energy ) 1/2mv2.In fact, the very same become energy of temperature、radioactivity etc.depart from mass m and its velocity v of “released” particle is far from its “radioactivity”.

Situation of atomic nuclear reaction is likeness, atom disassemble to make neutron、proton、electron off wards one after another, it is stated that particle’s velocity possess order of magnitude of light-velocity c, therefore, nuclear energy may be reckon with mc2.This formula estimate star is rather oncoming, because there neutron and proton had thoroughly “KD”, all basic particles are fly off in high speed, but to atomic blast rather on the high side, in atomic blast, there have not a few of neutrons、protons do not disassemble, the velocity is far less light-velocity c.

Above had talk over the substance of energy which give out from nuclear reaction.More to ask:Where come from nuclear energy of neutron and proton? The first needs expect the reality to correspond to the name, is a entity particle for neutron and proton? If yes, where come from his energy? If no, it does not “one particle”, what about its structure? 

Under shock proton may “fission” to “particle” as “quark” and so on, current theory grow up 3 “house hold” of “particle” of less than proton, think of they (12 kinds) are “basic particle”,from every “house hold” to send one for make up proton or neutron.

This current theory may explain why can “collide” out such many kind of “basic particle” from proton, but exit problem also clearly, such as, how can possess same quality of proton or neutron when they integral from 12 kinds different particle of 3 household? Known quality of proton and neutron are match coincident, include measure error, lever of don’t uniform was less than 10-5.Also as, some “basic particle” from these 3 household still may be divide, can they are “basic particle” at last? 

For the present lay up current theory of basic particle, reconsider to the end how many kinds of basic particle, it is the needs for make clear the souse of nuclear and don’t exist above problem, but clearly, the reasonable composition should be accept. 

In view of any develop can’t do without force, consider basic particle start with force even more reasonable.Here quote partial content from the text 《L01 modern opinion about particle》。

Basic particle is the original sender of force line, the formation of act force explain, there have two kind of force line:first is attracting force-line, second is repulsion force-line.thus to see, only have two kind of basic particle, the one is send out of attracting force-line, may be named graviton;the another is send out repulsion force-line, may be named repulton.Two kind of basic particle send out two kind of force line, constitute three kind of situation: 

2b.1 attracting force-line act each other with attracting force-line generate attracting force, mark it as F1

2b.2 repulsion force-line act each other with repulsion force-line generate repulsion force, make it with F2

2b.3 repulsion force-line act each other with attracting force-line also generate attracting force, make it with F3, F3<FI

Clearly, repulton is electron exactly, due to they tend to repel each other, easily to show its existing.But, “this electron is not that electron”, its quality only 10-36 gram, see also in text L01. Who is graviton? Due to it be inclined to attract, hardly to observed it alone existing, there fore, need definition use condition of “can’t fractionize”、“mass does least” etc.currently, only “electron neutrino” possible was graviton, other “basic particle” are inconformity to the condition of “mass does least” or may be fission under bombardment.Moreover electron neutrino also possible polymer of graviton, but under the condition of lack proof, might as well provisional suppose it is graviton. 

Needs from the angle of cosmic developing to see particles which fly uninterrupted through space.Star’s nuclear reaction to make atom KD become basic particle and fly into space.After repulton to enter space, suffer “boycott” from inhere electrons of space electric-field, its kinetic energy would gradually to lessen and final blend into this field.Now had measured “space background radiation” and consider it is the trace of the “big bang”, but, if truly had to happen “big bang”, the velocity of electric wave should greater than the velocity of matter kinetic, space stars will far lag with electric wave which to go forward with light speed, impossible has such electric wave “reflex” from space.The source of now measured might to be two side, the one is the radiation of many stars;the other is the kinetic energy send out from above electron’s speed-down.

Graviton to into space then to go forward keep high speed, none any force can apply the brake to it. 

If a other graviton show up nearby moreover the minimum distance reach to the size of , how does the condition? The answer is, among both generate strong attracting force, so that “tie down” them become “a group” and can’t leave.If the included angle of both velocity vector very small, the result of “tie” was united as one, they get together to a “particle” of mass and energy big one times, continuous the process of this “algebra polymerization”, may produce high speed、high energy “particle” of “mass even bigger” and “energy even bigger”, clearly, they are all “plural particle”. 

The another condition is, before “tie up”, the included angle of both velocity vector ≈ , at the same time of “tie up each other”, the former kinetic energy still exist while V≈C,therefore, after get together, can but circle round each other, the tangential velocity of whirl ≈C,centrifugal force get over by attracting force, group velocity of the group relatively very small, this together group take both kinetic energy change to corresponding energy of cyclotron motion, this energy already on more external action——unless together suffer dismiss, therefore, this together may call “storing-energy polymerization”.

Thus already able to reply two problems:“where come from cosmic rays?” 、 “where come from nuclear energy?” answer is, the cosmic rays does come from “algebra polymerization” and nuclear energy does come from “storing-energy polymerization”.The upper limit of polymerization is proton and neutron, it is owing to “polymerizing effect”, the more of graviton of polymerizing, the few of the density of external attract force-ling of polymerizing group (see also in text《L04 Development of matter》),few to a certain level then cannot continue to attract other flying graviton at its side.So the size of proton、neutron is the result of balance of attracting force, to be this reason, their mass should be uniformity and not vast scale irregular. 

In the process of graviton polymerizing and momentum “merging”, “velocity of group” is less but not zero, proton and neutron process about star’s “cosmic velocity”, the condition of they attract each other in the space to be like “storing-energy polymerization”, exist the movement of whirl each other, until force F3 to make electrons become “package”, atom thus to form. 

There out , it have not resting particle in atom, proton 、neutron are the “micro vortex galaxy” of basic particle, then atom is “vortex galaxy” of proton 、neutron. 

Atom’s nuclear energy be exist the inner of proton、neutron, when atom create it already “innateness” store up, they store up kinetic energy of basic particle, outer electrons whirl in high speed also possess corresponding kinetic energy.In brief, store or release nuclear energy are all have certain changing mechanism, all observe to two law of mass conservation and energy conservation, not relate to and with no need for seek help to “mass change to energy”

3b how look on the “path break off” of photo plate and Wilson chamber etc? until now, this kind of break off went by the name of “mss annihilate”, it seem get use to prove mass of particle happen “annihilate” at the place of “path break off”, is it true? 

Here have a ask in reply, if all particles inter Wilson chamber or photo plate all can be show their path and not omit? 

If it is, the path break off may regard act as mss annihilate, but in reality, only partial particle got showed path, so can or can’t to show, does not delegate have or have not mass, mostly only different of energy.As in this way, can’t to use “path annihilate” go by the name of “mass annihilate”, if mass can be annihilate, if mass annihilate be able change to energy mc2, always produce some spider in the locate of “annihilate”.The judging for path annihilate, ought tend to particle’s kinetic energy get reduce in movement, at this point already reach to showing threshold value, from showing able change to can’t showing, just think about it.

Today, we can see, the viewpoint of mass variable in those years belong to misunderstand , the boundless changing in lately physical theory even more beyond belief, such as, “before big bang, hole mass of existing cosmos are compressed in a singularity”, here relate to the scope of volume changing reach over 10 to the power of 60.In the lab of nature, matter does not put up may be compressed by a wide margin, for example of the earth’s core, pressure of 36×10 to the power of 10 pa does not to make matter happen marked compressing, pressure of 10 to the power of 7 atmospheric pressure also cannot the make dramatic under size of matter of sun core ,may ask, how to prove “hole matter of cosmos can compressed in a singularity”? this volume compression of 1060(10 to the power of 60) indeed belong to dramatic, to imagine,“monkey king extract some hairs blow changing to a group of monkeys”, its volume changing only 1015(10 to the power of 15)! 

     2 negation of negation for“mass un-modifiable”

So far can see, to say《relativity》does wise and farsighted was point it had replied above puzzle which have not answer by people in that time, and the reply make people’s conviction.

But today apparently, it does not correct, because of it depart from basic physical law, cannot find mechanism and support of fact, weakening people’s serious manner for natural law.

If theory depart from objective law, it natural step into error region.Thereupon weirdness continuous:time go so far as to flow backwards, space go so far as to exceed 3 dimensions, matter may be miracle pressed etc.these are all because of be gone the standard of right and wrong, and is the result of wantonly gallop fancy.What is the basis of believe there is correct In the period of classic physics, two (matter and energy) indestructibility act as physics important law have ever get proper respect.Today, if not give back this respect, continue believe in mass can be changing matches ones wishes, how can avoid theory can’t go with myth?(12.31) 

Theory of matter variable original bring up was for solve problems, if it is in accordance with objective true, after problems get solved, would not happen new problems and puzzle.But fact just the reverse, matter variable is the viewpoint base on the misunderstanding, up to now not lay eyes on the example to show matter truly variable, at the same time, also not truly solve problems, “matter variable” not only let we lose important standard for judge right and wrong of theory, but also dim theory of this side, try to see, “what is matter?” now actually become one of maximum physics problems, does it speak volume for current physics theory exist problems?

To use theory of “matter variable” and “matter change to energy” etc though can be to issue polychrome article, but after all the objective law must not depart from.If theory go against this two law, proved be the wrong theory it’s only a matter of time.   

It is far away along the road of leave this two basic laws, how far would still go? Either be gone very long——100 years——time, how long time goby can sensible of this great mistake?

Respect or not to the natural law does not the problem of large or small of courage and insight, in the time of classical physics, two (matter and energy) imperishability act as important physical law have ever get proper respect.

To day, ought to promptly give back this respect.To this, need decidedly take “negation of negation” once, ask back the important basic law——matter imperishability and energy imperishability ——which had throw aside 100 years, give admission and respect, act as judging by for judge right and wrong, in order to clear “physical space”.

Physical law to be objective existing rule of natural world, matter existing does not have relation to the time, “matter imperishability” certainly also have not relation to the time, therefore, these two natural laws are “lasting forever” and not shift with the time or place, not to matter of the problem of “old-fashioned” etc. 

The base point of matter indestructibility is basic particle indestructibility and should not changing, there out, naturally also lead to energy indestructibility.

The examining through 100 years, since did not truly touch two base physical law of “matter indestructibility” and “energy indestructibility”, To use theory of “matter variable” and “mass change to energy” though can be to issue many polychrome article, but after all the objective law can not be violate. 

Have the reference of basic theory of classical physics, have above analysis to all examples of “mass variable” and “mass change to energy”, in physics domain negate “mass variable”、certitude mass immutable、give back respect for two basic rule——matter imperishability and energy imperishability —— was “something easy done in theory.But, after “mass variable” gain predominance 100 years, people from primary begin accept instill of “mass variable”, all the time believe in “mass variable”, now through analysis make a move is possible, but surmount sensibility inertia does not easy, many “theory” which supporting by mass variable still be able to appear.The trait of these theory is “be short of mechanism” and contrary to rule, only physical theory measure with mechanism and physical rule can be distinguish or judge right and wrong.