L11a力线力学概要The summary of the


                                 L11a 力线力学概要 



提要 发出力线是基本粒子的特性,力线相互作用生成力,密切联系这一基本原理研究力便是力线力学

关键词  力是什么  力线  力线力学  引力线  斥力线  引力波  作用力线   剩余力线   聚合效应

( this text in English see the rear)

1 力线

1.1 序



1.2 力线种类







  牛顿引力方程反映了力只在物质之间作用,至今并未发现真空可以作为作用力“载体”的实例,这表明,力线只能由物质发出,但是,既然物体间总有距离,力线自然可以在真空中“穿过”。“力线源于物质,在真空中穿过”表述了力线、物质、真空之间的关系。作为物理模型, 力线的性质是:











  因此,力线和力同样既不是物质而又依存于物质,这是它们同真空的重要区别。力线一词表达了它是一个物理模型而不是真实的“线”,因此,“力线数量”只能是相对的而不是绝对的,可以设引力子发出的力线总量为1,这是一个相对的数值,不应具体到“一根”、“两根”,由1根改变到2根便具有跃变性质,同连续性不能相容。两物体距离改变而导致的作用力线数量随之改变是一种连续改变。 反之,如果力线可以论“根”,作用力的改变就是非连续的,迄今,并未测出作用力发生“断续性”改变,“线”作为一个物理模型是经过优选而来的但它不具有真实的线的所有性质。








每一力线源发出的力线总量恒定,设想用一理论封闭曲面(无限薄)将力线源包围,从曲面上对力线求和,其结果与曲面到力线源的距离无关,这有点类似司铎克斯的积分定律。 至此,可以想信,力线必须由物质发出,力,只能由力线作用产生。 


1.5基本粒子的力线 电荷 作用力线 剩余力线 


  如上所述,从性质看,力只有两种:引力与斥力,因此,力线也只有两种:引力线与斥力线。引力线与引力线作用生成引力(用F1表示)、斥力线与斥力线作用生成斥力(用F2表示).但是,引力线与斥力线作用生成什么力?原子结构显示,生成的也是引力 (用F3表示, F3< F1)。





  两枚引力子相遇,如果它们“没有速度”,当然要紧紧相吸不再分离。但是,空间没有静止的引力子,它们是“永恒量子”,参见《L32 量子》,引力子恒以光速量级的速度“前进”,一旦近距离相遇,它们虽然被“拴住”不能离去,但是动能依然存在,于是形成了相互高速回旋的“微双星”,假设有一个随之回旋的坐标系,站在它上面看到的两枚引力子犹如两个磁极,它们向空间发出的引力线有1/2 相互作用形成封闭曲线,各有1/2 的力线依然伸向空间,类似于两个磁极的引力线图。



2 力与力线 


2.1 引力与斥力  

  两种力线相互作用有三种排列:(1)引力线同引力线相互作用; (2)斥力线同斥力线相互作用; (3)引力线与斥力线相互作用.

  可信的是(1)产生引力,记为F1 ;(2)产生斥力,记为F2 ; 但是(3)产生何种力?

根据原子结构分析,电子受到吸引才能绕核回旋,电子速度远小于光速,它们对于原子核的离心力(等于引力)也远小于“微涡旋星系”中引力子的离心力,因此,(3)产生引力F3 但F3<F1 。

2.1.1 引力 聚合效应

  引力是迫使两个物体相互靠近的作用量,由2.1 的(1)推知,它必定同时存在于物体双方之间,而且“大小相等、方向相反”,其背景就在双方参与作用的力线数量“相等“,此”相等”达到了“绝对”的程度,所以,力,可以作为自然界“对称事物”的代表,力不单方面存在,在任何精确程度之下双方“相等”。当然,也要防止将其“开拓”到“对称具有普遍性”,因为自然界既存在对称事物,也存在不对称事物,是否存在对称机制决定事物是否对称,不能随意使用“普遍性”一词。


  从力线相互作用的角度则比较容易达到同样目的,《L04 物质演变》一文叙述了力线密度改变的机理, 对于每一枚引力子,在形成“小组”后“作用力线”比例随组员数N增加,为(N-1)/N ;“剩余力线”比例为1/N 。显然,作用力线即为“小组”的“内部力线”,剩余力线是它对外的力线。这表明,N越大(聚合在一起的粒子越多),内部力线(作用力线)总量、比例均增多,剩余力线总量不变,比例线性下降。设想,一个亿万粒子的群体,它对外的力线总量同一枚粒子相同,情况怎样?必定是对外力线密度——对外吸引能力——大大的低,到了一定程度,它已不可能再吸引高速经过的新成员从而使“组群”规模达到稳定。这种机制便是“聚合效应”。



从引力子到质子,剩余力线总体不变,力线不随质量同步改变的“跨距”达到1012 ,如果没有发现“聚合效应”,将力在数量上的巨大差异误以为遇到了“两种力”——强和弱作用力——便完全可以理解。以上叙述看出,“强作用力”、“弱作用力”并非两种力,是“聚合效应”暗中扮演了自然界的魔术师,以至人们认为“这是两种力”。


2.1.2 斥力 


2.2 内力与外力

   一枚基本粒子不存在内力线与内力,它的所有力线都可对外形成作用力。但任何一个比一枚基本粒子“多”的“对象”,都存在力线和力的内外问题,“内部力线”即作用力线,“外部力线”即剩余力线。已叙述过,外部力线同内部力线的分配受“聚合度”影响,聚合在一起的物质越多,内部力线 ——作用力线——比例越大,于是,物体越大,剩余力线密度越低,但是,这一关系,如上所述,并非线性关系,而是曲线关系。

2.3 物体间的作用力

  “物体”,指的当然是“大东西 ”,宏观领域,两物体间作用力由牛顿方程表示,亦即,正比于双方质量,反比于二者距离的平方。为了反映力线受“聚合效应”影响,理论上正确的牛顿方程需要将原先那个处理成1的常数改为(1+q),q 是负数,它同双方的质量相关,但对1 的影响约小于1% 。


2.4 惯性质量与引力质量

  方程 f=ma 确定了力、质量、加速度三者的关系,已知了其中二者,便可推算出第三者,由此得到的质量,为惯性质量。在确定惯性质量过程中,影响“精度”的只有仪器和测量方法,因而,结果是可靠的。




2.5 电力与磁力

   在1.5中已叙述过电荷的实质,“带负电荷”的原子外层电子偏多,其斥力线也偏密,向空间发出斥力线;“带正电荷”的原子,因外层电子不足,核内引力线外泄,成为“电引力”的力线来源之一方,它可能同另一方的力线作用,形成的不论是F1力还是F3力都是引力,就是说,正电荷只形成“电引力”,同理,负电荷的斥力线可能形成引力F3,也可能形成斥力F2,所有的F1、F2、F3 力都由力线相互作用生成。


2.6 力的结论





3 力线与物体的运动






4 拉力与压力 




  现在,出现了外加拉力,试棒受到拉伸而适度伸长,这意味着原子核之间的距离人为地获得增大,原先相互压紧的电子层压力有所下降,其间距有所增加,于是,原子核距离增大,结果是,部分形成F3 的引力线转而加入形成F1引力线的行列,这便是,拉伸距离增加使拉力随之增加,弹簧、橡皮筋一类物体“越拉越紧”的物理背景正在这里。

  这类材料的受压情况是,电子层之间的“斥力” 与外力平衡, 电子发出的斥力线也分为两部分,一是如上所述形成F3力,二是相邻原子间形成斥力F2,表现为材料具有“抗压强度”。外加压力使原子间距离变小,于是,产生F2的斥力线比例有所增加,表现为压力随“应变”线性增加。

5 力的连续性与脉冲性 力线波 引力波


合理的推测是,存在作用力的两物体之中,有一方“突然离散”,对于依然存在的那个物体,突然有部分引力线”改变作用”而产生引力的波动,这自然就是“引力波”。太空中“物体突然离散”乃是“超新星爆发”,这种爆发产生的原因已叙述在论文《L04物质演变》及《L27 超新星爆发》文中。大量物质短时间离去,当然引起力线作用的强烈变化,从引力测量中发现这种变化时,便有了“引力波”一词。




6 力线与化学

  为什么会发生化合反应?化合物AB+CD为什么会发生离子互换反应变为AC+BD? 为什么一个元素可以置换另一元素?是什么决定了元素的活跃与不活跃?为什么温度升高化学活性增加…。



7 力线与宇宙演变




  至于质子、中子、原子如何聚合形成,行星如何演变成为恒星,恒星为何发展成为“超新星爆发”,其机理已经在《L04 物质演变》、《L27 超新星爆发》等文中叙述过。


8   关于力的问答












  一. 引力线与引力线相互作用产生引力,代号为F1

  二. 斥力线与斥力线相互作用产生斥力,代号为F2

  三. 引力线与斥力线相互作用也产生引力,代号为F3,但F3 < F1。

6. 力的大、小(强、弱)由什么因素决定?



答. 电磁力是物质电子层处于密度偏高(斥力线偏多)或偏低(引力线外泄)状态下产生斥力或引力,产力方式与力的性质无特异。












答: 两种基本粒子——引力子、斥力子——分别发出引力线与斥力线,引力子在聚合至质



答: 基本粒子发出力线是一个基本法则,离开力线谈不上力。质量的基础是“基本粒子具有质量”,因此,力线可以在“真空”中传播但力不能离开物质、质量。 


答: 力只能存在于作用双方之间。







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The summary of the force-line mechanics

S. G. Chinese

Abstract to sent out force line is the property of basic particle, the force to be forming by force-line reciprocity, tie up this fundamental principle to research force just the force-line mechanics, 

Keywords force-line   force-ling mechanics   attractive line  repulsion force line   attracting force-line   repulsion force-line  gravitational wave   acting force-line   residual force-line  polymerization effect 

1 force line

1.1 preface

 What is the force? The force is the actuating quantity of make matter change motion situation, define it does not difficult. The force and the force line have been acquainted, the mechanism then needs get to the bottom, if to ask, how many kind of force of nature finally? Can the theory of “4 kind of force” to reply to clear? Is the one thing of magnetic line of force and power line? if not through closer analysis, perhaps difficult to answer to right.force is related to force line and does no the same thing.Force line was send out from matter, force line act each other to cause force.

  Basic particle is the min unit of send out force line, when they get polymerizing together, matter to increase, does the density of force line would following changing? “to suck in” and “repel each other” to be caused by force action, does “repel each other of homosexual、opposites attract” is natural rule? Should be a core for aster to run in the space? It is clear, from force line to force, from force to matter polymerization and movement, need new systemic analysis.

1.2 kind of force line 

  Force is existed between two objects, this possess universality, but, in the electromagnetic domain, not necessarily exist force between two objects, above two situation seems incompatible, thus, in the past make with the judgment of “gravitation and electromagnetic force are two kind of force”.At same time the force between particle also confusing, its “quantity difference ” is very huge, so that modern physics to believe “nature exist 4 kind of force”.

  Turn aside “there are 4 kind of force” prior, from phenomenon get revelation is, action of any force only two kind:attract or repulse.From this, according to nature to divide, force line only two kind:attracting force-line and repulsion force-line.As regards how many kind of force actually, might just as well to see a problem of needs further studies on, because of, “quantity difference ” ought not to regard as the foundation for to divide “kind”.

  Kind of force line may be espy from its action, namely, it divided to tow kind of attracting force-line and repulsion force-line.

1.3 nature of force line 

 Equation of gravitation of Newton to reflect force only acting among mass, until now not find the example of vacuum can act as force “carrier”, this make clear, force line only be sent out from mass, but, since distance always between mass, force line may “pass through” vacuum naturally.

 “force line derive from mass, through out in vacuum” have represent relation among force line、mass、vacuum.Act as physical model, the nature of force line is: 

(1) Without mass——but send out from mass

(2) With volume——the across-sectional area is equal to zero 

(3) To have to kind of attracting force-line and repulsion force-line

(4) To act each other to form force

(5) To have relatively “much、few” and not absolute “radical number”、“count”

(6) To have flexibility and elasticity

(7) The acting object and acting quantity is unset and play the field

(8) With the basic particle act as center, radiate well-distributed to space

(9) When to form acting force, the force –line quantity of to join acting of both matters should be equal 

(10) To enter action or to withdraw action with continuous mode

 There fore, both force line 、force does not mass and depend on mass, this is their major difference to the vacuum.The word of force line to express it is a physical modern and does not true “thread”, so “force-line quantity” only to be relative and not absolute, may be to set up the sum of attracting force-line of the graviton send out is 1, this is the relative numerical value, should specific to “one thread”、“two thread”, from one thread change to two thread thus possess jump nature, it is not compatible with continuity.    

  It is continue changing of two object’s distance changing to cause quantity changing of acting force line, conversely, if force line may be to say by added an attribute of “a piece of”、“a stick of” etc. the changing of acting force would be interrupted, until now, does not find the acting force ever to happen “interrupting” changing, “the thread” act as a physical modern has been through preference, but it does not possess hole nature of true thread.

 The reason of force cannot “independent” existing just lie in “ force line act each other generative power”, this the physical back ground of “acting force is equal to reacting force”, among two matter, if only to send out force line by unilateral, force cannot to cause, it is common in the electromagnetic area. 

1.4 The source of force line 

 Do away with two kind of basic particle namely graviton and repulton, all “matter” are polymerizing phase, neutron 、proton are the “micro vortex galaxy” of two kind of basic particle which is polymerized by “energy storage polymerization”, neutron、proton、electron polymerized to every kind of atom.

  In the past has not find this polymerization does not “fold together” but similar a “vortex galaxy”, not only neutron、proton are the “micro vortex galaxy” of basic particle, but also in the inner of atom neutron and proton are whirl endlessly, the problem is, since 1905 after, “conservation of matter” and “conservation of energy” had been brush aside and depart from, so to leave with basic rule of objective existing, can’t to have true judgment certainly.

 To analysis the “force-line source” needs begin from the least unit of basic particle, a particle to send out force-line to all around is like the sun send out light, but when force-line get meet, the condition then make a difference, the scatter gram of force-line of two magnetic poles of S-N is well known, when polymerizing particle get more, the sum of force line does not in proportion to matter, its mechanism see the rear “polymerization effect”.

 Every individual matter is a external force line source, as to the sum of emanatory force line, “the mass bigger the line more”, but to the density of force line, “the matter little the density higher”, this is the result of “polymerization effect”. 

 The sum of every force-line send out does invariableness, assume to use a theoretic close curved surface to surround the force-line source, do get the summation of force line on the force-line source, the result would not relative with the distance between force-line source and curved face, it rather similar with the established law of integral of"stocks”.

 Thus able to believe force line should be sent out by mass, the force only to cause by action each ether of force line.

  Space and vacuum cannot ether to send out force line or to cause force.This not only the proper understanding to nature but also the physical conviction need to persist.

1.5 force line of the basic particle charge acting force line remaining force line

  How many kind of basic particle to send out force line? to this modern physics is hardly to answer, because of already get the “final conclusion” of “12 kind of basic particle” and more “particle” is difficult to shut out from basic particle, but almost not link force line and force to they, only take note of their charge, and the charge theory until now also does not be aware of why two protons cannot “The different sex attract each other”. 

 As stated above, from nature to see, only two kind of force:attracting force and repulsion force, there fore, also only two kind of force line:attracting force line and repulsion force line.

Attracting force line and attracting force line act each other be produced attracting force (to use F1 showing)、repulsion force line and repulsion force line act each other be produced repulsion force (to use F2 showing).But, what force be produced about act each other of attracting force line and repulsion force line? the atom structure display, also been produced attracting force (to show with F3, F3 < F1) .

 Overcome the humanization description, the substance of charge is:to send out attracting force line to external to be “set” act as “positive charge”;to send out repulsion force line to external to be “set” act as “negative charge”.

 There out the reasoning is, the force between protons is attracting force, so not only it would not “The different sex attract each other” but also “loath to part from each other”.

 Here may espy, until now the symbol of “The different sex attract each other” and “the same sex repel in the contrary” to make very easy to accept and never to forget in one’s life but it does not correct, only do analysis from angle of force line and force can press close to true, got satisfactory theory. 

  Among electron and proton to cause force F3 , to use “The different sex attract each other” to describe this “individual cases” nothing wrong, but if believe the charge should conform to the rule of sexual “attracting and repulsion” then drift of the rule of force-line acting.(2009.11.25)

Two graviton encounter, if they are “without velocity”, should close attracting and no more separate certainly.However, it has not immobile graviton in the space, they are “eternal quantum”, see also in 《L32 quantum》,graviton always “to advance” with the velocity of order of magnitude of light-velocity, once get meet by close quarters, although they would “tied down” and can not go away, but the kinetic energy still existing, and then to form the “micro double star” of whirl each other of high speed, suppose if to have a frame of axes whirl fellow them, to stand no it get a view of two gravitons like two magnetic poles, 1/2 of attracting force line of they send out to be act each other to form closed curve, each has 1/2 attracting force line as before run out to space, 

Similar with the attracting force-line drawing of two magnetic poles.

 The former force-line to form the acting force, is the “acting force-line”, the latter have neither part the acting each other of both, is the “residual force line”.two gravitons to have the total content of attracting force-line is 2, the acting force-line and the residual force-line each to be 1, namely each divine 1/2.

 Existing of the residual attracting force-line to make “micro double star” attract more member to add in, gradually “to expand” to become “micro vortex galaxy”.But, to raise each member, the proportion of the acting force-line and the residual force-line would to carry one setting, the reason see rear. 

2 force and force line 

  Force line act each other to generate force to be the answer for the problem of “how get generate of force”, this answer right or wrong is rest with can or not to appear exception, can or can not to depart of act each other of force line yet to form force? In the electromagnetic domain,if the one side of “induction” does not changing., namely to have a certain quantity of acting force line, the different “sufferer” to show different situation:the generated force may change in very the extensiveness, the least may be zero.This shows, force line of one side is can not to decide the magnitude of the formed force, when force line of other side is seldom, only this “seldom” force line to participate in act each other, the otiose force line of “induction” side to be the remain force line.

2.1 Attracting force and repulsion force 

 Two kind of force line act each other to have three kind of array:(1)attracting force line act each other with attracting force line, (2) repulsion force-line act each other with repulsion force-line (3) attracting force line act each other with repulsion force-line.

 The believable is, (1) to cause attracting force, to note it as F1;(2) to cause repulsion force, to note it as F2;but, what kind of force the (3) would cause for?

  According the atomic structure to analyze, electrons can whirl around nuclear only suffer attracting force, the velocity of electron is far less then light-velocity, the centrifugal force (is equal to attracting force) of they also far less then the centrifugal force between gravitons of “micro vortex galaxy”, there fore, F3<F1 . 

2.1.1 Attracting force  polymerizing efect

 Attracting force is the acting quantity of force two matters close each other, from (1) of 2.1 get infer, it should be coexist between two matters, moreover “equal in magnitude and opposite in direction” that background just at the act force line of both side to participate in action to be “equal” in quantity, this “equal” to reach “absolute” degree, there fore, the force may action as representative of “symmetry things” of the nature world, force does not exist of simple side, both side be “equal” under any precise degree.Certainly, also need to prevent to get this “bring forth” to “symmetry possess universality”, because of the nature world both to exist symmetry things and not symmetry things, whether to exist symmetry mechanism to decide whether to exist symmetry things, would not as one wishes to use a word of “universality”.

“attracting force” to appear different lever of “intensity” to make physics under the circumstances of couldn’t find mechanism but to do the deciding of “ there are 4 kind of force”, this deciding still get keep up until now.but from theory to say, different “intensity” is belong to “ration”field, hardly act as major basis of deciding “kind”, that is why to need dig of this.A great scholar ever to carry on great effort for “to unify” gravitation and electromagnetic force, but does not mashes his washes, it is a pity. 

From the angle of force line acting each other is rather easy to reach the same aim, the text 《L04 Development of matter》talk about the mechanism of the changing of force line, for every graviton, after the “a group” forming the proportion of acting force line get raise follow the count of group member N, to be (N-1)/N;the proportion of “remaining force line” to be 1/N.clearly, acting force line namely “inner line” of “a group”, remaining force line is the external force line of them.This make known, large of N (aggrandize the particle count of polymerize together), the gross and proportion of inner force line (acting force line) are all to increase, the gross of remaining force line does not changing, its proportion get fall off.Imagine, a colony of 1012 (a billion) particles, its gross of external force line but equal to one particle, how about this situation? Be sure the density of external force line——the ability of external attracting—— greatly to reduce, to reach a certain degree, it already can not again to attract the new member which passing with high speed thus the scale of “colony” get stable.This mechanism is “polymerization effect”.

If put two bar magnet opposite with hetero pole, they actuation together, distribution of force lines should be greatly changing, most of external force line change to internal acting force line, remain force line of send out to space to be greatly reduce, can see, the polymerization to cause the proportion of acting force-line and remaining force-line get changing. 

The “polymerization effect” to show, although proton does polymerized from gravitons, but when this “group’s” mass to reach to 1.67248gram, the density of attracting force-line already very weak, cannot again to add member amount.By estimate (see also in thesis 《L04 Development of matter 》),now there are about 10 12 (a trillion) gravitons polymerize together with the mode of “micro vortex galaxy”.

From graviton up to proton, the remaining force-line aggregate not changing, the “span” of the force-line not changing follow mass synchronous changing reach to 1012 (a trillion), if does not find “polymerization effect”, to see the huge difference in quantity of force take for to meet two kind of force——strong force and weak force—— whole that makes sense, it is “polymerization effect” play the part of natural magician in the dark, it is believed “that is two kind of force”. 

From proton、neutron to atom and atom further polymerization build up, the distance between particles is to raise greatly, moreover, under this condition, need to consider the acting object of remaining force-line is whole matters of all around, therefore, the influence of polymerization effect would to reduce, at macroscopic field, to have Newtonian gravitation equation.But the weak influence of polymerization effect still existing, for example, the inertial mass is not equal to the gravitational mass, the former does not suffer influence of polymerization effect, to be bigger then latter about 1%;for another instance, when solar eclipse due to the moon step in does influent the distribution of force-line, few attracting force-line among the sun and the earth get shield, up to the measuring instrument have discover. 

This to explanation, the acting force is correlation of mass of two matters A and B but not well and truly direct proportion, it suffer the modulation of polymerization, also of “outer matter distribution”.Namely, excluding A and B, the other matter of surrounding also have influence to this acting force。

  So the Newton’s equation is the applying mathematic model and does not accurate mathematic model.  

2.1.2 repulsion force

Repulsion is to cause by repulsion force-line act each other between repulton, because of repulton——electron_——be inclined to “divide”, the repulsion itself be the “disperse” force, therefore, the size of repulsion be in direct proportion to the quantity of “negative charge”, to no have such as that machine processed of “polymerization effect”.

2.2 Internal force and external force

One basic particle does not exist the internal force and the internal force-line, its all force-line may be pertaining to external and to cause acting force,.But any object of more than one particle are all exist the problem of internal or outer of force-line, “internal force-line” namely acting force-line, “outer force-line” namely remaining force-line.it has tell, the distribution of internal force-line and outer force-line be suffer the influence of “polymerization degree”, the together mass more much, the proportion of inner force-line——acting force-line—— more large, and then, the matter more big, the density of remaining force-line more low, but ,this relation, as above mentioned, does not the linear relation but rather the relation of curve linear.

2.3 The acting force between matters

This “matter” certainly to point big stuff, in the macro domain, the acting force between two matters to show with Newton’s equation.Namely, be in direct proportion to bilateral mass and be in the inverse ratio of the square of both distance.In order to reflect the force-line suffer the influence from “polymerization effect”, the Newton’s equation of correct in theory need to use the former constant 1 change to (1+q), q is negative number, it relate to both mass, but the influence to 1 about less than 1%.

The reason of acting force between matters suffer the influence of other matters is polymerization effect, polymerization effect had clarified the mechanism of the influence, namely, the positional changing between matters to lead to the distributive changing, upon that, no only may determination on the nature but also quantificational to analysis this influence.For example, should to happen the calamitous influence to the earth from “planet in line”? to this it had to caused many people’s dread, to worry every major planet arrange in line , the overlay of gravitation can to cause the earth disaster.If to analysis begin from the density of force line, be able to find, this influence is possessed in theory but to reflect to the force and force-line between planets, it is jolly small, can regard make no difference, people need not to worry for this.

2.4 inertial mass and gravitational mass 

The equation f=ma fixed three relation of force、mass and acceleration, if known the two ,able to project the third, from this got the mass is the inertial mass.In the process of to fix inertial mass, only the instrument and the method of measurement can influent “precision”, thus the result is reliable.

  The “mass” fixed from gravitation would suffer the influence of “polymerization effect”, this influence though is wee at the domain of macro scope, but have to consider in theory, if not, some natural phenomenon then not have the explanation.

The mass of neutron、proton and electron have been come out by correct measurement, normally, the mass of one electron “add” one proton is the hydrogenous atomic weight, but, dui to the “polymerization effect”, it exist the difference of inertial mass and gravitational mass, above -mentioned “add” to get the inertial mass;the “atomic weight” provide from the periodic table of elements to use electrolysis weight method, so it is the gravitational mass.Through contrast of the given data can see, the gravitational mass of elements are general less than the inertial mass, the least relative different quantity is hydrogen, to be 0.01%, the maximal is potassium, to be 1.03%, the rest much in 0.9% up and down.The mass reflective by the inertial mass because of not suffer influence of polymerization effect, more near true.

2.5 electrical force and magnetic force

It has been tell the substance of the charge, the external shell electron been lean more for the atom of “carry negative charge”, the density of its repulsion force-line also been lean thick, to send out repulsion force-line to space;atom of“carry positive charge” due to outer electron deficiency, attracting force-line got leak from atomic nucleus, become one side of source of “electric attracting force”, it may act with force-line from another side, formative force whether F1 or F3 are all attracting force, that is, positive charge only to form “electric attracting force”, in a similar way, repulsion force-line of negative charge may to form attracting force F3,also may to form repulsion force F2, all F1、F2、F3 are all produced from force-line act each other. 

The electromagnetic action of magnet to show, when the current whirl on the outside of conductor, the part electronic orbit conductor atoms get ordering, this to cause changing of the mode of the acting force-line of the atom inner, the part of attracting force-line was leak, become the force-line source of magnetic attraction;when two magnetic opposite by like pole, between both sides to form two kind of force, the first is the attracting force-line which send out from center and would to act each other become attraction, the second is both current dose opposite in direction, are all to force opposite sides reverse, to form repulsion, this force is larger then attraction, so form magnetic repulsion.

It is clear, magnetic attraction and magnetic repulsion are all produced from act of both force line, this force line is the same with the force line of to form gravitation。 

2.6 The conclusion of force 

(1) Only two kind of force namely attraction and repulsion in the nature world 

(2) The force be produced by the force-line act each other

(3)Only two kind of force-line namely attracting force-line and repulsion force-line in the nature

(4)the force-line to send out from basic particle, the density of it suffer conditioning by polymerization effect 

3 Force-line and object’s movement

  In the space the object’s able to have rectilinear motion and curvilinear motion theoretically, under the acting of inertia, “object if not suffer external force” then to make rectilinear motion, but this is equal to object does not send out external force-line, or have not other object in the space.These two points are all not practical, so big and small objects of space can only profiled curvilinear path.

  Acting of force to object is to cause acceleration, the locus of object with accelerate movement is conic, there fore, the object’s locus is space conic of ternary.Among this, the circular motion and spiral movement is possess fixed representation.In the space, if two gravitons near each other once tie up by attracting force to become “micro double star” and to do mutual cyclotron motion, the locus is circle of conic, now the radial acting force is attracting force, none of acting force at tangential effort and due to inertial to do uniform movement forward.

  Electron movement on the outer of atom is close to this, when to enter atomic orbit, the linear velocity and “position” of an electron does divide its orbit is circle or other conic, if the“micro double star” of to carry on circle movement to exist axial velocity, movement locus is space helix. 

  All matters are send out force line, there fore all matters are suffer the acting of force, and are all in the relative movement.Movement to make change of matter’s position, position changing and to cause the acting force-line to do distribution adjustment of the acting force-line, this make among matters the acting force gradually to change size and orientation.

  Thus clear, every matter, regardless of size, at any time and any place are all place oneself in the gradual changing force-field, force line is present with matter, would changing acting object and the quantity of acting force-line cause from the changing of matter’s position and distance.

  At the same time of recognize entity matter is objective reality, also needs to admit the force of non-entity was same objective reality.

4 pulling force and pressure 

  Showing of elastic material in pulling and compression is:“the more pulling the more tight” and “the more pressing the more tight”, what is the mechanism? Namely to ask, what is the physical meaning of the Hook’s law? 

  When a test sample has not get pull, ever atom of material lay on the balance position.Now, the attracting line sent out from atomic nucleus to be divided to two parts, the one part act with atomic nucleus of all around, to form pull (attracting) force F1, to make the material possess “tensile strength”;the other part act each other with repulton of atomic outer , to form attracting force F3, to make electrons suffer pull there and can not go off so become integrated atom.

  Now to arise the pulling force in addition, the test sample get pulling and appropriate protraction, this means the distance between atomic nucleus got augment artificially, the electronic shell impacted each other in former now the pressure would to drop, the space between atom got to raise, and then, the distance of atomic nucleus got to raise, turn out, the part attracting force-line of to form F3 in turn to join in the procession of to form pulling (attracting) force F1, here is, to raise the stretching distance to make the tensile force raise with it, the physical back ground of “the more pull the more tight” of a type of matter of spring、elastic etc just at here. 

  The situation of suffer compression of these materials is, the outer force is level up with the “repulsion force” between electronic shell, the repulsion of electron send out also divided two part, the one is to form F3 as above mentioned, the another is to form F2 between border atom, to show the material possess “compressive strength.Impressed pressure to make the distance of inter atomic does lessening, and then, proportion of repulsion force-line of cause force F2 to some extent increase, register as “strain” linear to raise follow pressure.

5 continuity and pulse proportion of force   force-line wave    gravitational wave

  Between two matter, the changing of force-line was gradually, it does not come into notice, but, quick large quantity changing then cause someone confused. 、、

  This phenomenon to be called gravitational wave, the problem is, how to cause gravitational wave? what is its nature? How much of its velocity? From the angle of force-ling mechanics to see, now that the matter among the relative movement, acting force-line always got changing is commonly seen, but, in what situations burst with great amount changing? 

  The logical surmise is, among both matters of exist acting force, one side “suddenly scatter”, to the alive and well matter, there is part of attracting force-line suddenly “change acting” to cause gravitational wave motion, this is gravitational wave naturally.“matters suddenly scatter” in the space to be “supernova outburst”, the reason of this explosion already tell in paper《L04 Development of matter》and《L27 Supernova outburst》.Numerous matters scatter suddenly, it certainly to cause strong changing of force line, when to find this changing from gravitational measure, then to have a word of “gravitational wave”.

  Word “impulse” is in common usage, but at the side of force, the back ground of “explosive force”、“wallop force” was the acting of force-line, force-line is the thread of unlimited wee, therefore, at the short-term of start-stop of “explosive force”、“wallop force”, the force changing was uninterrupted and does not intermittent, the impulsiveness of force does not “square wave”, the curvature of both end was large and is similar to straight-line turning point but does not straight-line turning point. 

  When gravitational wave take place due to force-line change acting target, this “job-hopping” need not step over space, and need not medium’s transmission, thus need not time delay, no matter how far of the distance between two matters, force-line between them was has been associative, connection or break of force-ling does to happen follow the continuous changing of distance changing, so the force changing also continuous in same time, through call it “gravitational wave”, this wave is not like electric wave:the first is does not possess waveform of rectangle can express or described with progression, the second is on exist between actor, not transmission and not spread, the third is need not spread time, “wave speed” is infinitely great.

“pulse” is a word in common use, but at the force side, the back ground of “wallop”、“acceleration” is force-line act each other, force-line is the “thread” of infinite tiny, therefore, at the start-stop moment of “wallop”、“acceleration” the variations curve is continuous and does not intermittent, the impulsiveness of force is not “rectangle” break on the theory.

 6 force-line and chemistry 

  Why able to happen combination reaction? Why compound AB+CD able to happen mutual exchange reaction of ion and change to AC+BD? Why an element can be metathesis another element? What does decided the active or inactive or an element? Why the temperature rise to cause chemical activity get raise?

  These are all ascribe to force-line, about the relation of force-line and chemistry, the physical root rest with the force between atom to be the root cause of chemical changing, so force-line act as the basis role in the chemical reaction.

  Arise from, force among atom is root cause of chemical change, so force-line take a part of base role.For example with hydrogen atom, around “an” proton(it is a“micro vortex galaxy” as above mentioned)attracted a share of electron, the amount of this “share” about 108 (hundred million ) particles and mass in 10-28 gram, attracting force line proton sent apart from act each other with peripheral electron, the rest serve as residual force line and protract, force-line density (the sum of residual force line divided by quantity of proton、neutron, here to be 1) was maximum, therefore its chemical activity is high.After two elements get chemical combination, if residual force line of their was unequal, and to meet similar compound CD, now the element of bigger residual force line would anew combine, be left the two of lesser residual force line and to combine, as a result to cause “Ion exchange reaction”. 

  The density of residual force line to be decide atom’s chemical activity, between two elements if attracting force already cause they cannot free get away then become compound, the distance between them get retain due to outer electron’s reprehend each other, so the compound is hardly “to have altogether” the outer shell, “reprehend each other” make they “stop” before reach “to have altogether”.The direction of turning of electrons of outer shell of atom is irregular, such can be keeps neutrality of electromagnetic, about hundred million electrons revolve out-of-order around atom nucleus,even the part is in order, then appear magnetism, therefore, the meaning of “electron spin” does await get clarify.

7 force line and cosmic evolution

  Any object is stand in the three dimensions, “relation” of any object rest with force-line act each other and become force.In the space, the “changing” of matter to have “velocity changing” and “structure changing”. “Changing” refer to force-line change action target, so force is the power and reason of changing. 

  Force form by the act each other of force-line, change distribution of mater’s surrounding lead to the changing of the status of acting force, it is, in turn lead to the changing of stress condition of the object, to make it acquire velocity changing. 

  Energy conservation decide these changing would carry on no rest, this quite right, cosmic develop does not exist the concept of time, it is everlasting develop, needs to break out experience influence of “carry some thing through to the end”, explore the truth of cosmic evolution.

  As for how polymerize to form proton、neutron、atom , planet how develop to star, star how develop into supernova explosion, its mechanism had related in the text of 《L04 matter evolution》、《L27 Supernova explosion 》etc. 

  In a word, these are all born of force-line change acting object.

  8  the short answer about force and force-line 

 The above description can answer the following questions about the force:

1 What is force?

A: force is the potential energy of compel object to change inertia or condition.

2 How is the force produced?

A: force was produced by both lines of force interactions.

3 How many kind of force-line separates? 

A: Force-line can be divided into attracting force-line and repulsion force-line.

4 Where come the gravity of earth?

A: It comes from the interaction of attracting force-line which send out from the earth and the related object.

5 How many kinds of force?

A: It has two kinds of attraction and repulsion:

(1) Attracting force-line interact with attracting force-line produce attraction, code-named F1

(2) Repulsive force-line interact with repulsive force-line produce repulsion, code-named F2

(3) Attracting force-line interact with repulsive force-line produce attraction also, code-named F3, but F3< F1

6 What factor decide big or little (strong and the weak) of the force?

A: Big or little of the force is decided by the quantity of acting force-line.

7 Does electromagnetic force is the other kind of force?

A: electromagnetic force is produced under the condition of the density of matter’s electronic shell on the high side (the repulsion force-line leaning more) or on the low side (the attracting force-line escape) so produced repulsion or attraction, the way of productivity and the property of force there is no specific. 

8 Why strong force is very strong?

A: Strong force is produced from the attracting force-line interact of the basic particle, the density of the force-line is highest, so it is strong.

9 Why it has the huge difference of the strong force with the weak force?

A: the polymerization of basic particles make force-line divided to parts of acting force-line (internal) and surplus force-line (external), the greater the polymerizing size, the little the density of surplus force-line, gravitons polymerize to proton, the scale increase 10 of 12power, proton’s density of surplus attracting force-line would mush smaller than graviton.

10 How about the nature of the force-line ?

A: invisible、no volume, 、massless、haven elasticity and toughness. 

11 How is the link about physical force and engineering force ?

A: engineering force be formed also by attracting force and repulsion, in this the repulsion from the interaction of the repulsion force-line which come from the outer electrons of the atoms of different objects;the attracting force come from the interaction of the attracting force line between nucleus. 

12 What kind for the friction force? 

A: sliding friction force occur in two relative motion surface, born of intermolecular attraction;force of rolling friction is due to surface deformation under contact pressure, attached to the moving object a “uphill force”. 

13 How related for the quality and the force?  

A: Two kinds of the basic particle——graviton、repulton——issued separately attracting force-line and repulsion force-line, in the process of graviton polymerized to proton, total force-line divided to two parts of acting force-line (distributed between the polymerizing members) and residual force-line (to reach out) , the ratio of this two part would change according to the polymerizing scale, that is “polymerizing effect”.Hence, the relevance of the force and quality, reflected through force-line form acting force, this is especially true in the micro filed.

14 Can force may unlink with the quality?

A: basic (fundamental) particle send out force-line is a fundamental law, leave the force-line no force.The foundation of quality is “basic particle possess quality”, hence, force-line can diffuse in the “vacuum” but can’t leave matter、quality.

15 Can the force unilaterally exist? 

A: the force can exist between the both sides only.

16 Can the force issue unilaterally? 

A: the force can not “issued” by any one party. 

17 What functor can make the acting force happen change between two objects?

A: there are two kinds of functor of internal and external: the object structure change (as:invalidation )is the internal cause;stars change relative position (as:the moon between the sun and the earth when eclipse of the sun) is the external cause.

18 What about the understanding of “force is a kind of culture”?

A: the force-line interaction form the force to be the objective reality, has nothing to do with culture, but the understanding of the human beings are influenced by culture.