L04a物质演变matter's evolution


                                               L04a  物质演变matter's evolution



提   要   从基本粒子到恒星,物质在空间的演变存在基本动力和倾向,本文讨论这种动力和演变, 找出了演变机理,根据聚合效应、聚合实质回答了原子能的来源、宇称到底守不守恒、恒星是如何点燃的、为什么不可能发生宇宙大爆炸等等问题)

关键词 宇宙  宇宙规模 行星 恒星 超新星爆发 物质演变  核能 力线 力 引力线 斥力 斥力线 引力子 斥力子 剩余力线  代数聚合  蓄能聚合 聚合效应  微涡旋星系 一级聚合 二级聚合 三级聚合  聚散循环 “H”法

(the text in English see the rear) 

一  力线   力  引力子 斥力子  













  可以看出,本文的“引力子”与以往的“引力子”相比有一定新意,它发出引力线,形成引力(不是“介力”),是两种基本粒子之一。应当用 “attracton"一词,但考虑继承性,可以依然使用“graviton”.

二  物质聚合  宇宙射线  原子能  物体  代数聚合  蓄能聚合  聚合效应  微涡旋星系  质子、 中子 



  这种聚合方式可称为“代数聚合”,相当于1+1=2 。可以设想,并不局限于1+1 ,1+2、1+3 … 1+N 均有可能。





  “二粒小组”只是聚合的开始,在同样的机理下,成员会逐渐增加,在此有一个“聚合效应”的问题,从磁力线和电力线图得到的启示是:一枚单独的引力子向空间均匀地发出引力线,设总量为1,两枚引力子相对时,双方各有1/2引力线参加作用,1/2剩余力线伸向空间。设有字母H,将这两枚引力子分别置于H 的两个横竖线交点处,两条竖线内的各1/2引力线为作用力线,竖线外侧双方的1/2力线为剩余力线,依然伸向空间(这一描述符合电磁学的磁极力线分布图)。区分“作用、剩余”力线的这一H字母法以下称为“H”法或“H”。若有三枚引力子A、B、C 成三角形分布,对AB、BC、CA 分别“H”三次,结果是,每枚引力子的剩余力线为1/3;当引力子数量改变为4、5、6…N时,((结果))便是1/4、1/5、1/6……1/N,对于每一枚引力子,聚合使剩余引力线的比例减少而“组群”对外的引力线总量保持为1。 

  这意味着,“组群”越大,对外的引力线密度越低,这便是“聚合效应”。于是,随着聚合度增大,其“吸引能力”减少,少到一定“程度”,就不能再吸引从身边飞过的引力子,此时,这个“组群”就稳定下来。当前,由于缺少基础数据,不能用方程描述这个“程度”,但实验积累了大量可信数据,说明了此“程度”乃是质子规模。质子是力平衡的结果, 质量不能更大也不能更小,质子对外发出的引力线约等于一枚引力子的力线总量,就是说,质子这个”微涡旋星系”,它对外的力线密度是单枚引力子的10-12 (万亿分之一),它发出的力线是引力线,这是事情的本质。当称它为“带正电荷”时,需要对质子与质子互吸有所理解而不为“同性相斥”的成见所囿。








  (4)质子和那些“粒子”的能量是动能1/2mv2,(平方)m为质量,v为速度,因为“涡旋”速度v具有光速量级,因此此能量E约为mc2, c为光速,可见,能量方程的秘密在于质子本身就具有那么大的动能,“质量变能量”乃是一种误会,物质自身蕴含“原子能”,只是,通常不外露而已。





  若问:“宇称守恒定律”和“宇称不守恒”哪一个正确?这里不是一个割裂的物理问题或是一个数学方程推导的问题,只有清晰地理解了基本粒子如何形成质子、中子、原子和任何规模的物质对外都有一定密度的力线,才能据理正确估计基本粒子、质子、中子、原子、物体受到不同规模物质冲击可能出现的后果,以及在某种情况下“守恒”与“不守恒”的实质。在“粒子”的冲击实验中,需要明确,只有两种基本粒子才是真正的粒子,名目繁多的其它“粒子”有“微涡旋星系”与“宇宙射线粒子”两种,不能期望“微涡旋星系”在 冲击下会遵守“宇称守恒”,以上同时回答了方程E=mc2的能量来源,使我们不需违反物质不灭和能量不灭两条基础规律去相信“质量可变”、“质量变能量”等不正确理论。







三   行星   恒星   超新星爆发 












  现代物理学对此有一个理解不到位的问题,认为核反应分为“裂变”与“聚变”两种,特别是,以为恒星上发生的是氢原子合并为氦的“核聚变”,似乎已成为“常识”,其实乃是误会。试问,是甚么机制让恒星中最轻的元素一定要钻到压强最大的心部呢?所需的力来自何方? 质子、中子对撞才是“解体”的原因,也是核反应的机理所在。任何元素均蕴含原子能,原子外层电子速度较低,质量较少,所含能量远少于质子、中子。原子的“能量”就是这些“粒子”的动能1/2MC2(平方)。能量方程之所以能反映原子的能量是由于质子、中子里回旋的基本粒子具有“光速”那么大的线速度。这里可看出,方程合用同理论正确——“质量变能量”——不一回事。




  如上所述,恒星向外发出的力线依然是引力线,于是,它在“散”出基本粒子的同时,还从空间引来陨落物,继续“长大”。这使心部核反应区域加大。于是,个头越来越大,温度也越来越高,总有一天,该恒星的全部质量在核冲击下彻底分数,成为基本粒子、原子、分子“散”入空间。此时,该恒星作为星体已从空间消失,宇宙中少了一颗恒星,也并未马上产生“新的”星体,“super nova” 乃是“恒星爆发”。





四   空间物质场   宇宙来由


  引力子有两种运动状态:(一)直线运动态,(二)圆运动态。前者聚合为“高能粒子”、“宇宙射线”, 后者聚合为“夸克”、“介子”等等“粒子”(实为“微涡旋星系”),基于“聚合效应”,两者都以质子的规模为极限,前者直线运动能量外露,使观察者易于测出;后者涡旋运动具有同样大的能量蕴含于内,只要聚合不解体,能量不会对外显示。(二)态虽然同样只能到中子、质子规模,但可以进一步形成原子、分子以及空间场中其他物质,参见《L02a 空间概论》。

   质量最大的物体是恒星,直径在百万公里量级。从这一自然现象中分析、判断的是:“宇宙大爆炸”属于子虚乌有,那些“大爆炸证据”并不牢靠,当质量聚集到恒星规模时,心部压力已使质子、中子解体因而恒星开始出现“质量分散”现象。再大,恒星便向“超新星爆发”迈步,质量达到10 倍左右时这颗恒星便要“彻底爆炸”化为“微粒”分散离去,所以,空间不可能存在比恒星更大的质量,质量不能更多地聚集到一起,“宇宙大爆炸”还能发生吗?




  但数学的无穷概念有助于理解某些事物的无穷性质,除了时间以外,空间也是无穷的,而物质在空间的存在则是一种“客观存在”,不存在“理由”或“机理”,也不存在“多长时间”的问题,人们只能理性的承认,“运动的物质,客观地存在”是同认识无关的独立事件,因此,“宇宙从何而来”是一个“不成问题”的“问题”,其回答有些类似禅语,可以用“宇宙从来处来”“向去处去”作答。宇宙的存在,既无起点,也无终点,这是物质存在无起点、终点的另一方面,我们应当承认这一自然现象,其中不存在机理。除此之外,任何物质的演变,都存在机理,都遵守自然规律。因此物理学只能承认客观存在,不追问“物质为什么存在”、“ 宇宙为什么存在”。研究“宇宙起点、终点”“时间起点、终点”最终只能得到镜花水月。物理学研究的是“物”的“理”,理在物质的演变与运动之中。



五   推论 



  1 宇宙间不存在比“恒星爆发”更大规模的物质积聚和爆发,理由已如上述。因此,一颗恒星所在的空间——大约一百光年——乃是空间的一个演变单元。

  2 物质所在的整个太空中都弥漫着空间电场。

  3 宇宙不存在“始、终”。既是循环,便无始终; 既然效率=1,就永远不会停止。于是,时间也没有起点与终点。

  4 以高倍望远镜观察到的遥远星空,恒星分布依然均匀,因此需要在两种认识中选取一种:(1)地球位于宇宙中心;(2)宇宙规模比观察到的大得多。


  5 对与遥远星体的“红移”,需要系统的分析判断,得到稳重圆满的结论。星体越远,红移越大的现象暗示了红移的发生原因是光波极度衰减,否则,如果将“红移”判断为“远星高速离去”,“宇宙发生过大爆炸”,这种理论将在“蓝移”星体面前发生“困难”而成为“偏论”(或“意论”)。当前,“宇宙大爆炸”理论方兴未艾,是否需要推敲一下这一理论的合理性、圆满性?

  6  如果“大爆炸”理论不牢靠,现行的“暗能量”、“暗物质”理论还可信吗?


2019.3.20加注: 本文2008/6/2登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月现在的新架构投入使用后未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以说明原貌。

                                           L 04    matter's evolution

                                                  (S. G. Chinese)

Abstract  from elementary (basic) particle up until star, development of mater in the space does exist the basic power and trend, this paper will to discuss this power and development,has been find out the developing mechanism, according the polymerization effect and substance to reply the problems of the source atomic energy、if the parity is conservation or not、how the star get light、why the big bang does not happen etc.

Key words  cosmos  comic scope  planet  star  super nova matter evolution  nuclear energy  force line  force  attracting force-line  repulsion force  repulsion force-line  surplus force-line  attracton (or graviton) repulton algebra polymerization  storing-energy polymerization  polymerizing effect (poly effect)  micro vortex galaxy  first-degree polymerization  second-degree polymerization  third-degree polymerization  circulation of poly and scatter   method "H" 


1 force line   force     attracton(or graviton)    repulton 

  What is the total trend of the cosmic developing? What is the mechanism of ignite the fire of nuclear reaction of stars? This kind of problems is desire get solution, but for this reason, need to lay up the prejudice and proof according to the reason..Namely, it is hardly to answer if depend on current theory.

  The first is needs to lay up current theory of the basic particle.Normally, it had two kinds of the basic particle is “sufficiency and necessity”, it is:graviton and repulton.

  Repulton is electron, but its quality compare with modern electron of 10-28 gram of quality is vary little.The reason is, if the out side of hydrogen atom only one electron, it can not be possess neutral of electricity and magnetism and to carry on Brown movement.Therefore, it must be “a share of” and does not only one.How much of this “a share of”? It should be much enough,“a thousand or eight hundred” is not enough to shield the out side space of hydrogen atom;the electron in this text just such electron;The graviton is the basic particle of send out attractive force-line, it may be the electric neutrino and it also may be more small.

  Later will reckon out its mass is about < 10-36 (10 to the power of -36) gram.

  The repulton is the basic particle of to send out repulsion force-line.Naturally, one side force line cannot be form force, it just to form the force by the force line act each other, this already over and over have proofed in the electromagnetic induction.Of course, the reciprocity of attractive line to form gravitation, mark it as F1, it is the root cause of atomic nucleus is hardly get separate and between the matters exist attracting force.Withal the misunderstanding is, both have not understand the mechanism of the proton to suck in each other and be limited to human’s “exclude each other by homosexual”, to believe it is cause of the action of gluon, but does not find it among the “chip”of when particle bombarding to proton. If to depart of human “male-female、plus-minus”, only to pay close attention to the substance of the proton “carry positive electricity” is it send off the attractive line, it’s only right and proper for the proton is attracting each other in the atomic nucleus and does not exclude each other.

  The repulsion force-line act each other to cause repulsion, mark it as F2, the proof was, electrons does exclude each other.What is the result of the attractive line act to the repulsion force-line? From atomic structure we can know, to cause the gravitation but less a litter then F1, mark it as F3, F! >F3.

  All cosmic developing is driven by the force.Therefore, it is important of correct to know of the force.From kind to see, it have two kinds of force only, namely attracting force and repulsion force;from the angle of force-line acting to see, the attracting force has two kind (F1andF3) of generating mode, the repulsion only can be generate by act each other of repulsion force-line.As to the magnitude of force, merely at how much of the acting force-line, this is belong to the difference of “quantity”.The theory of force need to change the opinion of “the force divided to 4 kinds” in order to joint reality.

  Cannot to explain problem from the side of force-line act each other to form force but intent to adopt equation derivation it may well be that is the primary cause of Einstein cannot carry one’s point of “unify Newton’s force and electromagnetic force ”. 

  Matter developing does under the action of attracting force and to be beginning from basic particle, where come from the two kinds of basic particle? There have two source:star’s nuclear reaction and supernova, this two kinds of reaction are all “distributing” reaction, to cause atom、molecule、proton、neutron got complete distribution,graviton and electron got break away.

  Where come from the stars? Star is form from “ignite” of jumbo planet (the mechanism see rear).Where come from the planets? The first is at the later of “super nova” form from cohesion of hyperthermia air mass, the other is gradually polymerization of the basic particles.How to polymerize by the basic particle? It have two kinds of the basic particles which leave the heart of star and supernova, according the equation of E=mc2 is suitable then to decide, the velocity of graviton is at the order of magnitude of light velocity;reckon from the frequency of the light wave, the electronic velocity is sub-light velocity.

  The graviton fly in space with light velocity, it send out the gravity-line, can be produced two kinds of attracting force F1and F3 only, it did not bear the repulsion force, so can to keep its velocity in the cosmos.Would it fly out of the cosmos? If it leaves the matter cosmos, the gravity just let it get reverse.Upon that, the space is full of fly gravity with light-velocity and different direction but cannot come loose enter vast space, the reason lie in they send out attracting force-line and generate acting force.

;it is observed, in this paper“graviton(attracton)”compare with the past graviton have some new idea, it issued attracting force-line (does not “interface force”), it is the one of two kinds of basic (elemental)particle. Should use the word "attracton", but considering the inheritance, can be still to use the word graviton. 

2   matter polymerization    cosmic rays   atomic energy   object   algebra polymerization   storing energy polymerization   micro vortex galaxy  proton  neutron

  From the mode to see, the graviton to appear two kinds of polymerization:t

  The fist is, if two graviton have same or similar direction and there distance is less then “A” (10-8CM), the attractive line of the two graviton to form the attracting force, it should be to form a “group” , the “group” keep former direction and speed and continue to go forward. But the current technology can not distinguish out they are two and did not one, in such a case, generally believe this is a “new particle” of the mass large 1 times then the graviton.

  This polymerization mode may be called “algebra polymerization”, it is equal to 1+1=2. able to imagine it dose not limited to 1+1, it’s possible of 1+2, 1+3……1+N

  The result of “algebra polymerization” just be the “cosmic rays”, that polymerizing together from 1 to N small object and they hold light velocity.Because of we cannot be to distinguish how much particles of this “particle” and to consider it is one, according to “electron volt” then we obtain acknowledge of “there are over than 600 kinds of particles in the cosmic rays”. 

  If N can be increase unlimited, the cosmos would depart with attracting and repulsion, repultons loosen into space, whole gravitons would tight polymerized as a big ball of super-high density.Be based on the “polymerization effect” of rear telling, the graviton can be polymerized to the scope of proton only, the total quality at about 10-24 (10 to the power of -24) gram, to reckon according to measuring the energy “step distance” (really is quality step distance) at 1012 (10 to the power of 12), the quality of graviton < 10-36 (10 to the power of -36) gram. Here use “<” and not “=”, because of until now the “minimum value” it have measured perhaps dose not minimum.(incidentally, the force between graviton and electron is attracting force and did not find the graviton revolving around electron so reckon, the quality of repulton——electron——is near graviton).the particle of cosmic rays continuous generating, this is “product”, they do away intrude atom of matter, form the isotope and isotope of radioactivity, this is the “selling”.

  The second polymerization is, when two graviton meet in the space, the direction is opposite and with distance of <“A”,(10-8CM), at this moment, the attracting force line of both side would to form the attraction so tie up both and can not to separate, but the kinetic energy still existing, the result should be form a “whirl group”, the whirl linear-speed is equal to the linear speed of former straight-line movement, the “group velocity” of the group is near zero ( but not equal to zero, see rear), their kinetic energy mc2 (square ) had been becomes the inner energy of “whirl”, so long as the group dose not disjoint, this energy would not to show external, m express the quality of graviton, c express its linear speed, it has been stated, about equal to light velocity.

  This polymerization mode may named as “storing-energy polymerization”, before polymerization the kinetic energy of particle always to show to the strike object, after polymerization the energy inclusion to the inner of “group”.

  “group of two particle” only the beginning of polymerization.In the same mechanism, its member would gradually get raise, there have a problem of “polymerization effect”, the revelation of the drawing of electric line and magnetic line is:a alone graviton to sand out the attracting force-line equably, to set up the total quantity is equal to 1, when two gravitons get opposite, both 1/2 attracting force-line to join effect, 1/2 remain force-line been extend to the space.To establish a letter H, to place this two gravitons separately at two point of intersection of the level and vertical line, it have 1/2 attracting force-line inner of the vertical lines act as acting force-line, the other 1/2 force-line offside the vertical lines act as remain force-line, to extend towards space as before (this describe is agree with scatter-drawing of magnetic pole of electromagnetism).This method of letter H of to distinguish “act、remain” force line be call as “H” at rear.If to have 3 gravitons A 、B、C and distributed like triangle, separately three times with “H” for AB、BC、CA , the result is, every graviton has 1/3 remain force-line;when the quantity change to 4、5、6……N, the result is 1/4、1/5、1/6、1/N, for every graviton, the polymerization would cause the proportion of remain attract force-line to lessen and the total external attractive-line of “group” is keep act as 1.

  It means, the more large the “group” the more low the density of attracting force-line, so is the “polymerize effect”. Upon that, follow the degree of polymerization get augmenting, its “attracting ability” would to lower, as the litter to a certain “level”, then should not re-attract the graviton which fly from its side, this moment, the “group” get stable.Today, due to lack of basic data, cannot to describe this “level” with mathematical equation, but the experiments has been accumulated numerous credibility data, it explain this “level” is the scope of proton.So the proton is the result of force balance, under common condition its quality cannot be more big or more little, the attracting force-line which sent out of proton is about equal to the gross of one graviton’s, even to say, the external density of attracting force-line of proton——“micro vortex galaxy”——is equal to one graviton’s 1/1012 (1/10 to the power of 12), it was attracting force-line.When to say it “carry positive charge”, need to understand why the proton does mutual attracting, and do not be limited to the prejudice of “reprove each other for homosexual”.

  Here the “polymerization effect” exposing the mechanism and substance of the “strong action force” how gradually lessening until becomes the order of magnitude of electromagnetic force, can see, they only the quantity changing and does not “two kind of force”, there fore also can see, the density of external force-line is inverse ratio with the degree of polymerization of matter, so the force of nature divide to 4 kinds is the misunderstanding.

  It is to set, the atom delete part surrounding electro is called “carry positive charge”, the substance is the attractive-line of nuclear get let out;”carry negative charge” is the surrounding electron been more , so to give out the repulsion force-line get escape, therefore, according to the mechanism, the group less then atom does not exist the problem of “carry negative charge”, the existing problem is, what kind of force-line does “they”(group)sent.

  Here has a word “they”, because of besides the basic particle, all other “particle” are not simple and was “plural”.But current method cannot distinguish to them, to think they are but one only.This misunderstanding let the theory go to awkward, such as, until now can not to explain the mechanism of why atomic energy get inclusion and liberation but to return the “quality change to energy”. Whichever “changing” would have the mechanism, may ask what is the mechanism for quality change to energy? Again as, bombard the proton、neutron may get much “particle”, if proton、neutron dos not “plural particle”, how could its “splinter” so standard? The quality of proton is 1.67248 × 10-24 (10 to the power of -24)gram, this data has 6 effective value, it inspect and verify the reasoning ,the dimension of proton is definite by the density of force-line, it has strict mechanism of force balance, if not, why can the consistency of quality to reach 6 effective value?

  Above polymerization may called “first-degree polymerization”, proton was the result of force balance, its condition is:

  (1)It does not “a grain of” but to be the “micro vortex galaxy” of about trillion gravitons, it still send out attracting force-line, this make we think of it “carry positive charge”

  (2) The inner gravitons are tie down by strong attracting force, with no need fore any “gluon” act as “the particle of introduce force”, generally it will not send out graviton also not easily increase member, so it is stable, serve as a “small group” pertaining to external, make person think of it is “a grain”, according to the density of force-line to analyze, its “mechanical strength” would large more than any known material 

  (3) under intensity nuclear impact, may become some smaller groups, they are the “micro vortex galaxy ” of scale less than proton, density of attracting force then large more, there fore, after “split up” immediately be in the process of polymerizing “augment”(in fact is increase), person also think they are all “particle”, until now, already named lots and lots of “particle” of different names, also find they are all “live very short”, without except all “carry positive charge”(the essence is send out attracting force-line)

  (4) The energy of proton and those “particle” was kinetic energy 1/2 mv2 (square), m be the quality, v be the velocity, because of v possess the order of light speed, so this energy about mc2 (square), c be the light velocity, visible, the secret of energy equation lie in proton itself just possess like that great energy, “quality change to energy” to be a kind of misunderstand, mass itself contain “atomic energy”, merely, general don’t exposure nothing more.

  Since two kind of basic particle in the space, the star nearby have high speed electron and the force F3 is attraction, in the above two kinds of polymerization process, cannot shut out the electron to join.But it has fixed share of the electron to add in, why? Because of the force F2 to make the electrons be exclude each other.Following the electron added, this “proton” already got changing, it is no more attract of electron, to show neutral when in the electric-field, upon that it is named “neutron”, due to with the addition of electrons, its quality is slightly large than proton.

  Above has been described two kinds of typical mode of polymerizations, if the direction of two gravitons does other than above angle, so long as the distance to be enough small, it may be get polymerization also, but the mode does not outside of above two.

  The neutron besides cannot attract to the electron, its remain force-line is attracting force-line still, it can be form attracting force with proton and neutron;the force between protons of cause is attracting force, as so did not need to have another kind of “gluon” to give the glue actions.Then, will or will not to form the “neutron star” or “proton star”? It is related to the understanding of the atomic nucleus, also related to the “polymerization effect”.Nowadays, it has been unexpectedly to suppose the proton and neutron are closely reclined in the atomic nucleus, really so, the “neutron star” and “proton star” would more easily to form than atom, how can be to form the planet and star!

  Why to say the proton and neutron should not to stick together in the atom? They are to form of the “storing energy polymerization”, at the time of the polymerization, the graviton fly to come from every direction, their speed vector is hardly absolute equal, in addition, the star of sent out them does not stillness in the space, there fore, to the speed of graviton ——light velocity——added a star speed on the probability——cosmic velocity, this cause proton and neutron should not be stillness in the space but possess a certain speed, reckon of it about some 100km/sec, slight less than star’s speed.when the gravitons encounter in the space, the situation is similar with the encounter of graviton in the space, now it is to use “micro vortex galaxy” (proton、neutron) as a unit, to form the “vortex galaxy”(atomic nucleus), until get the electrons to “surround up” with them, so form the atom.Upon that, the inner of atom does not stillness, if atom、proton、neutron suffer outer attack, the situation is all not same with play billiards, under this physical background, the “ parity” surely cannot get conservation.

  If to ask which is correct for “parity conservation” and “parity does not conservation”? here does not a isolate physical problem or a problem of derivation of mathematical equation, only clearly understand of the basic particle how to form proton、neutron、atom and any scale of mass would have a certain density of external force-line, then ability to correctly reckon the probable result of when the basic particle 、proton、neutron、atom、matter suffer attack of matter of different scale, and the substance of “conservation” or “un-conservation” when under some kind of situation.About the experiments of “particle” attacking, need clear, only basic particle just the true particle, many varieties “other particles” to be have two kinds:“micro vortex galaxy” and “the particle of cosmic rays”, it should not expect the “micro vortex galaxy” respect to the “parity conservation” when under the attacking, in same time, above has reply the energy source of equation E=mc2 (square), so we need not to violate the law of mass conservation and energy conservation and believe the false theory of “quality variable”、“quality can change to energy” etc.

  Remain force-line of atom is still attracting force-line, therefore the atom go polymerization and does not separate.But if too near the outer electron would act each other and form repulsion force.The balance of attracting force and repulsion force cause the “strength”, it should be to exert the external force for to make the displacement of atom of the mass. Due to the remain attracting force-line, the basic changing tendency is still “polymerization”, it make the scale of polymerized group constant to expand, and then along with the time continue, to form the community of atom、cosmic dust、kernel matter、block matter until small and large matters in the space.

  From the density of force-line to see, the distance between two atoms is far greater then radius of neutron, the “H” is no more applicable, matter tend to large be cause the action of “polymerization effect” tend to small, the force between two matters is decided on the quantity of force-line, the distance between this both sides also have important influence clearly.Upon that, in the microscopy domain, Newton equation is applicable and cause admire.Today, at same time of to respect to this scientific monarch, also need from mechanism angle to know the physics meaning of this equation, to clear does it represented natural rule or is similar description.

  The difference of “gravitational mass” and “inertia mass” is about 10-3 (10 to the power of -3 ), this to explain the influence of “polymerization effect” is still exist in the scope of “Newton force” but been greatly minimal, because the attraction is decide to the quantity of acting force-line, the inertia force only decided to the mass.

  Therefore, when use Newton equation also need wake up to it has been omit of the “polymerization effect”.

  From atom to “matter”, “matter’s” polymerization is the result of action of attraction, under the case of there are numerous stars in the space, the overwhelming majority of this “matter” naturally be able to get attract and to send to nearby major celestial body, become their “raw material” of continuous grow up.

3  planet   star   supernova

  Form of planet may be from two way, the one is polymerization result of the “litter object” in long time.Every “litter object” are all in the continuous “construct a partnership”, the result is gradually expand naturally, the other is after “super nova”, part atoms break up become basic particle and leave with high speed, another part atoms become high-temperature gas and expand with high speed, thereafter the temperature drop, part gas cohesion become “photosphere” of liquid state, temperature more drop it become planet of “crash course”. 

  Above has been talk about the total tendency of cosmic developing is “polymerization”, to form planet only a problem of time and volume, but it has appear the “loosen” phenomenon on the star, to appear high temperature and radioactive, wherein the mechanism? What is the relation between star and planet? 

  For these difficult problem, the hint from cosmos was, all star are large body, need to unscramble this phenomenon on the logic, the inner of star was liquid, its center pressure is related to the size of body clearly, for the example of the earth, the depth raise every 3 meters, the pressure raise 1 bar pressure, the largest pressure at earth center, to reach to some mega-bar pressure.

  The substance of atom to bear the pressure is the outer electron of atom through repulsion force jostle each other, at force direction the orbit diameter of atom get curtail, this the background of Hooke’s low.Also namely, the stress to cause the strain, if over a given limit, to appear the displacement of cannot recover between atom, so the material get to “failure” 

  This is the situation of one direction stress at freedom mode, if it is obstruction and even to bear the press, the ability of anti-fail of material would increase, also to change the mode of deformation. 

  Why the biological of deep sea can be bear so high hydraulic pressure? Why the carbon does not crash but change into diamond when under high pressure high temperature? It is show if the matter get even press and the result been other then common.

  Still the atom’s electron layer does cannot bear press unlimited, the overtop press would to surpass the gravitation between atomic nucleus and electron, to force the electron to abdicate, then, the neutron and proton get knock together. It cause disassemble of neutron and proton, therefore, the storing atomic energy get to release, thus the reaction of “nuclear fusion”.The huge press is the reason of to cause reaction:When the planet size is reach to the star size, its center pressure already can make collapse to the atom’s electron layer, thus to cause the nuclear reaction of star center.For this reason, the planet of little body is cannot to become star;a planet’s body if large arrived a certain size(star size)and is impossible to regard as a planet, it is have not any planet’s size as sun’s size and any star’s size like moon’s in the cosmos. 

  Atom still issue attracting force-line to external, its density should less then proton、neutron’s, this force may form molecule、object.

  Object’s density of force line was least, but yet attracting force-line, this force-line of different object act each other form universal gravitation.

  Can macroscopic object colliding reach to the result of nuclear reaction? From this associate to some hollow of large diameter on the earth and planets, if to say that is the imprint of collide with aster, what is the result and disposition of that “colliding aster” after it press this imprint? Since it has been pressure on, certainly consume its kinetic energy, what force can rebound with it? If it was once blast be form this hollow place, can but the nuclear burst.Thus again associate to Tunguska event happen to Siberian, the reason of this blast so far make people puzzled.but, if there has a r stony meteorite of weight pass “ton” knock down to hard rock of ground, a “smidgen” electrons of atom’s outer suffer crush off then neutron、proton happen collision is possible, this “smidgen” in case reach to the order of Kg, happen such blast like Tunguska is feasible. 

  Proton、neutron including nuclear energy make believe of matter to a energy sources, therefore, human needs fearful does not the shortage of energy resource, but the technology of from proton obtain.If let proton accelerated to “light velocity” leave it run upon matter or clash use two protons of opposite direction and possess speed of light, the needs energy of speed up would quite to the release energy, cannot obtain “net output”.Therefore, so long as can happen reaction, collision speed should low.

  Modern physics to this exist a problem of understand not in place, think of unclear reaction divide into two kinds of “fission” and “fusion”, especially, think of the star occurred “nuclear fusion” of hydrogen merge to helium, seems now it’s “common sense”, in fact to be misunderstand.May ask, what mechanism make the most-light element be bound to drill into the center of largest pressure? Where come from the needs force? Collision of proton 、neutron just the reason of “KD”, also the place of mechanism of nuclear reaction.Any element are all contain atomic energy, the speed of outer electrons of atom been lower and the mass of them also less, energy content would much less than proton、neutron.The energy of atom just the kinetic energy of these “particle’s” 1/2 MC2 (square).Energy equation can reflect atom’s energy be due to the whirly basic particles in proton、neutron possess linear speed of “speed of light”.Here may see, equation fit for use to be not one and the same with the theory ——quality change to energy——correct。

  nuclear reaction of the center let the temperature get high of large planet, from dark red “change” to bright gradually, this process compared to the human life is appear very slowly.When to find a dark star in the space, is it a “new star” or a “white dwarf”? if a “new star ” is heating up, when the centre “fuel” is use up (namely the body be mini to the threshold ),if it will be cooling slowly and return to original shape ?

  Generally it is would no, because of at the same time of all stars continuous supply elementary (basic) particle, to supply mass for growing object.Therefore, the polymerization trend cause space mater got grow up, stars、planets are all in the process of grow up.So the “new star” would continuous aggrandizement, the nuclear reaction region of the center also continuous augmentation, to form a white bright out and out star is the certain result after many hundreds of millions of years.

  The star’s nuclear reaction is come from “press” of the pressure, the pressure is lead by the gravitation, so the gravitation is prime power of mass development.

  As stated above, the force line of star issued still the attracting force-line, upon that, at the same time of it issue basic particles, it also draw fall mass from space so would continuous augmentation , and the nuclear reaction of centre region get augmentation.so the body more and more large, the temperature also more and more high, one day, under the nuclear attack ,whole mass of that star would complete fraction, become basic particle、atom、molecule “loosen” into space. Now this star does already disappear from space, it was lack a star for cosmos and also did not to cause a “new” star, the “super nova” to be the “star exploding”.

  From planet to star up to “super nova”, from polymerization to scatter up to complete scatter, it seems prove a Chinese ancient tack “When a thing reaches its extreme, it reverses course”. What is the later? It would be again into the polymerization process, therefore, the mass development in the space become the circle of “polymerization——loosen——polymerization——loosen——”, this develop is unlike with mechanical movement, none of loss, the efficiency is 100% , for this reason, it is a movement of to be indifferent start and stop, and is a process of incessant.

  Thus already have a rounded outline of space mass development, this circle of polymerization and loosen over and over uninterrupted, similar of oscillation,a oscillation of use space act as a stage.the mass scale of to participate in polymerizing and loosen to be “star grade”.Every star possess a stage, solar system just the stage of the sun, trillions of stages make up matter cosmos.

4  the matter field of space   cause of cosmos

  The result of the development is, the space was disseminated matter of different granularity and different speed, the “minimal” is basic particle, its quality is less than 10-36(10 to the power of -36) gram, according to the proportion of vortex galaxy to reckon, their scale is about 10-13 A (10 to the power of -13angstrom), it is also the reckon scale of electron.

  The graviton has two kinds of the mode, (1) the mode of movement of straight line, (2) the mode of circle movement, the former polymerized to the “high-energy particle”、“cosmic rays”, the latter polymerized to the “particle”(In fact they are the “micro vortex galaxy”) as “quark” “meson” etc.base on the “polymerization effect”, both are all with proton scale act as the limited, the former with the movement of straight line so the energy to show out, it is easy to measure out;the letter to do the vortex movement, its energy is same with the former but inclusion to the inner, if only the polymerization dose not disassembling, the energy would not to show to external.Although the mode (2) also can to the neutron、proton scale, but it can more to form atom、molecule and other matter in the space field, see also in《L02a Outline of space》. 

  In the space, the largest body is fixed star, its diameter is at the order of magnitude of million kilometer.From this nature phenomenon can to analyze and decide:the “big bang” is belong to false, those “prove of big bang” dose not firm, when the matter polymerized to the star scale, the centre press is already to cause disassembling of neutron、proton so the star begin to appear the “phenomenon of matter scatter”, if again large, the star would with big strides go to super nova and when to reach about 10 times, this star should be “complete explosion” to change into mote and scatter away, so it cannot be exist the matter of scale lager than star, if it is cannot polymerized more matter together, is still to cause the “big bang”? 

  The matter field of space is a moving field, matters are in the movement, possess kinetic energy, in the space, the efficiency of energy changing is 100%, none energy to be consume, therefore, it is a lasting moving field.

  Here has been reply“how does the evolution of cosmos” , be necessary to move forward a single step to reply “where come from the cosmos”? the “theory of big bang” dose not real to reply this problem, because of, it had not to say about “where come from” before “big bang”.

  It is may understandable of to arise the problem of “where come from the cosmos”, at human around, any thing have “begin、end”, down to the original has not “begin、end”of the time, also to arrange out for it:“begin at the big bang”, “the end is the cosmic perish”!

  But the endless concept of mathematics may help to understand the endless characteristic of some thing, besides the time, the space is also endless, and that the matter’s existing in the space is “the objective existing”, it dose not exist “reason” or “mechanism”, nor exist the problem of “how long of time”, men should rational to admit it only, “the kinetic matter, existing objectively” is a independent event which is unrelated to the recognizing, therefore, “where come the cosmos” is a “problem” of “be out of question”, the reply is similar dhyana words:“the cosmos come from coming place”、“to go the going place”.The existing of cosmos both have not starting point and end point, it is the other side of there is no starting point or end point of the matter existing, we ought to recognize this natural phenomenon, there is not mechanism in it.Apart from this, any matter’s evolution are all exist mechanism, are all comply with natural law. For this reason, the physics can but to admit objective existing, do not to ask of “why the matter dose existing”、”why the cosmos does existing”.Research for “the starting point、end point of cosmos”、 “the starting point、end point of time” only be get an illusion at last.The physics dose research for the reason of matter, the reason is in the matter’s development and movement.

  This text involve the matter development, has been related the mechanism and law of the “polymerization effect”、 macroscopic limited of polymerization——star_——and microscopic limited of polymerization——proton、neutron, thus get relatively satisfactory recognizing to the space field

5 the inference 

  The electron’s force-line may be form repulsion force F2, also may be form gravitation F3, this natural phenomenon decided in the cosmos both to form the development of matter’s pattern、structure also to form the spread of electrons——space field electric field, which has disperse to all matter space. 

  It can see, although the matter development in the space is myriad posture, there are too many things for eye to take in, nearly not unchanging, but, in the final analysis it is to cause by “polymerization、loosen” of the basic particle, is the development of matter’s shape、scale、and structure, hold the line in the myriad changing is basic (elementary) particle,its quality、quantity、scale、shape、number of force-line are all not to get changing, therefore:

  5.1  between cosmos absent the amass scale of matter and the exploding more large-scale than “star exploding” did, the reason is ibid.so the star location space——about 100 light year——to be an unit of development.

  5.2  hole space of matter locating is fill of space electric field.

  5.3  the cosmos does not exist of “begin and end”, since the loop, it has not begin and end;since the efficiency equal to 1 , then will not stop forever.Upon that, the time also dose not begin and stop.

  5.4  use high-times telescope to see remote sky, the star distributed still even, so should choose one recognizing from tow kind:(1) the earth located in the center of the cosmos;(2) the cosmic scale is more large than now has been saw.

Clearly, the wise choice is rear, now we have been observed the space of 14×109 (10to the power 0f 9) light year only a minimum part of cosmos, its true scale is pending to find hereafter.

  5.5   To the “red remove” of remote star need to systemic analysis and deciding, get the steady orbicular inference. The phenomenon of the more far the star the more much the “red remove ” has drop a hint of the root cause of “red remove” is the light wave got extreme weak, otherwise, if to decide “red remove” is “the remote star away with high speed”, “ever happen the big bang of cosmos”, this theory will face “difficult” to the remote star of “blue remove” and become “one-side theory”.Modern, theory of “big bang” just starting to expand, if need to refine the satisfactory and the rationality of this theory? 

  5.6  If the theory of “big bang” does dot firm, yet the modern theory of “dark matter”、“dark energy”is credibility? 

  There out it appears, today, the theory of space development has been divide into two part of true and vain, this text is described the true part.