L59 相对论为何百年费解 Why relativity


                                      L59    相对论为何百年费解


提 要 通过分析发现“《相对论》难以理解”的原因,据理做出较为圆满的结论

关键词 相对论 真空中光速恒定  “光” 光"引力红移"  光"引力弯曲" 空间场电子何来  物质核能何来

1 前言 




以下举出这些具体 内容分析难以理解的原因以及本文对此的认识。


2 相对论难以理解的那些内容和难以理解的原因 

2.1 在《相对论》第一章“相对论前物理学中的空间与时间”中,其内容是仔细推演了正交变换的有关方程,在高等数学领域,属于《线性变换》范围,而从这20组(27个)方程并不能从物理意义上清晰看出标题说的“相对论前物理学中的空间与时间”,这一些方程,对于坐标变换对矢量、张量、速度、力的影响当然是需要的,但是对于通过阅读此文以期了解“以前的空间与时间”——第一章主题——的读者,会感到如何呢?


2.2 整个第二章"狭义相对论"包含37组方程,一开始,这些方程表示在考虑“真空中光速不变”的情况下,坐标和“距离”同光速的关联,提出了“四维连续区域”以及坐标如何变换,文章从数学角度非常严密。


(1) 真空中光速恒定原理






(1a) 《相对论》提出“真空中光速守恒”的背景是1881年迈克尔逊进行的那次著名的光学实验,实验中在光路改变90°后,干涉带没有改变。那时认为“光路中的有一个方向以太被漂移”,光路改变90°后,干涉带应当改变,因此,实验结果(干涉带不变)出乎预料。





历史上和《相对论》涉及的“光”,其实乃是“可见光”,是波长为0.6μ(微米)左右的电波,因此,洛仑兹的解释 缺机理、不可信。空间物体都在相对运动之中,只要不受力,“长度改变”何以能够发生? 1881年的迈克尔逊实验是在实验室里做的,这里的光路是在平静空气里,空气同“真空”的区别是折射率有一点差别,光速较“真空中”慢约万分之3。但是,想象中的“以太漂移”在平静空气里并不存在,这是该实验中“光路回转90°干涉图像不改变”的原因。






具体的计算方程中国物理学者1957年曾经在中国科普杂志上介绍过, Г.C.蘭斯别尔格所著《光学》 的121节(运动媒质的电动力学)至124节列举了对这些方程的推导。

x、y、z 三个坐标加上时间t 形成四元数学空间,四维连续区域乃是“数学区域”或“数学空间”里的“区域”。如果混淆了数学空间和真实空间的界限,文义便难以理解。

有些文章恰恰混淆了“物理空间”与 “数学空间”的区别,不断增加空间的维度。真实的物理空间只能是3维,那些“隐空间”、“卷曲空间”是实还是虚?若是实,必定置身3维空间里,不存在其它维度;若是虚,与真空无异,依然存在于现存3维空间里,因此,不存在3维以外的真实“空间”。





不过,需要相信,在惯性系统中的物体,只有受力 才会变形(改变尺度)。


那时,物理界公认“质量不灭”“能量不灭”,罗蒙诺索夫的“物质不灭”作为物理定律而存在,但是实验中却出现了令人困惑的问题,如:物质巨大的核能来自何处?加速器中粒子速度为什么不能达到光速?威尔逊云室中出现粒子迹线中断现象说明什么?在物理界对此不能提出解释的情况下,《相对论》提出了有条件的“质量可以改变”,条件是质量m随速度变化,速度为0时质量为原始质量m0 。








a. 那时看起来似乎质量可变的那些“实例”(或“难题”),如上所述,都不能证明质量“变了”,质量既不能有“大小之变”,也不能“变能量”,“质量可变”理论需要至少举出一个能够说明质量真的变了的实例。

b. 下面(5a)要讨论,《相对论》的方程(43)将表示动能的方程和表示“质量蕴含能量”的方程视为等同地并列缺少理论依据,它的“质量与能量实质上是相像的;它们只是同一事物的不同表示.....”只是一家之见,不足为据,需要补充理由。

c. “质量可变”理论需要回答:质量如何变?是大小之变、密度之变、还是其它的“变”?“变”的机理何在?物理学中谢绝承认没有机理的“变”。










光既然具有速度,上面(2a)讨论过,对于速度、坐标、时间等理论上需要“加以修正”,而在相对速度接近光速时,此修正数值将十分可观。因此,相对论方程组(43)的前面所有方程组 Ix....... 是正确的,问题在于最后并列的 E=m/√1-q2 


   《相对论》中只是说:“如果将E=m/√1-q2 应用于静止质量(q =0),便知道静止物体的能量E0等于其质量”。“如果取秒为时间单位,就会得到 E0=mc2 ”。


为什么E=m/√1-q2 可以加进(43)这个动量方程,相对论后面解释说:“质量与能量实质上是相像的;它们只是同一事物的不同表示.....”






c. 方程 E=m/√1-q2 转变为E0=mc2没有从数学演变上交代而是说:“如果取秒为时间单位,就会得到”。需要具体交代,没有实际数值,不足为据。





陈理士网站的论文《L32 原子的核能自何而来?》对此做出了回答,简言之,物质的核能是质子、中子形成之时就蕴含在内的,仅当质子、中子解体,才释放出来。




所以,方程合用不等于理论正确,方程E0=mc2是否准确,今后需要加以验证。此方程的精确验证相当于揭示基本粒子在质子内部的旋转线速度,不过,验证时应当将其形式改为:E0=1/2mv2 , 而v 是基本粒子在质子、中子内部回旋的线速度。

2.3 空间维度:从《相对论》提出了“四维连续区域”,有些文章似乎发现了空间可以超过三维的依据,但狭义相对论有:“并不存在将四维连续区域分成三维空间与一维时间连续区域的在客观上合理的区分”。 这里得不出“空间是四维”的结论,因为,针对的都是数学自变量,“空间”当然是函数空间,虽然相对论在后面“论宇宙学问题”中有“四维空间”术语,但明显看得出那是指数学空间。

其后,空间维度3 似乎也类似质量不灭一样不再得到尊重,如有文章中写到:“在5维空间中的隐宇宙同我们的宇宙相撞产生了现在的宇宙.....”,另一些文章的最高维度已经超过了22!这类科幻性质的内容已经借《相对论》的名义溜进了现代物理理论。

如上(2a)所述,数学空间可以 > 3维,而且理论上的维度不受限制,而物理空间即真实空间维度只能是3。

2.4 广义相对论(第三章)有等式:



以下两个例子好像说明 “惯性质量”并不等于“引力质量”:

例1. 太阳与地球间的引力在日食时(月球介入)出现改变, 此时, 没有发生“惯性改变”,改变的是引力。

例2. 已知 电子质量 9.1066×10-28(克)

质子质量 1.67248×10-24(克)

中子质量 1.6749×10-24(克)





首先,“质量”到底“可变”还是“不可变”?如果 “可变”,自然可以加上“引力”“惯性”甚至其它定语以示区别。问题是,上面说过,迄今“质量可变”的所有例证全都属于误会,质量可变的“理论”不实,“质量如何变”无人能够据理回答而经典物理学的两个不灭定律意味着“质量不能变”,质量不能变可以落实于“基本粒子不能变”。










为什么 将电子、质子、中子的质量相加不等于相应原子的质量呢? 原因在于“聚合效应”,质量位置改变使力线分布情况也有所不同(如上述日食时),以致由引力表示的质量不能呈线性。原子是一个“小宇宙”,斥力子(电子)在外围回旋,质子、中子作为基本粒子的“微涡旋星系”在内部回旋,每个粒子都向外发出力线。原子向外发出的力线分为内部“作用力线”与伸向外部的“剩余力线”两部分,这两部分力线的比例关系在文章《L04a 物质演变》中做过叙述,不是线性关系。



从物理角度, 质量 没有“惯性质量”与“引力质量”之别,只是需要对物体在引力作用下与在惯性下为什么结果有少许差异作出合理解释,归根结底,这是一个物理题,是一个需要说明机理的题目。

《广义相对论》其余内容讨论张量的变换,因为张量是物理向量(三维,三元)的数学开拓,例如四元空间的“体积元素dx=∫dx1dx2dx3dx4”, 乃是四元函数空间中的体积元,其变换关系是严格的微分几何关系,因此这部分内容乃是数学的内容,对于希望通过阅读本文了解物理真实的人则比较难以理解。 

2.5 广义相对论(续)(第四章)以质点运动的微分方程开始,乃是将牛顿力学方程从数学方面 深化,用微积分、变分、偏微分、线性变换等数学手段加以演绎。与 Л.Л.朗道的 《力学》主要不同 在于《相对论》考虑了“光速影响”,因此更加合理。










关于红移产生的原因,《广义相对论(续)》叙述是:“......时计邻近的有质物体的质量愈大,它就走得愈慢,因此断定太阳表面上产生的相应光谱线相比较,大约要向红端移动其波长的2·10-6 (10的-6次方)”,这就是“引力引起红移”。通过“引力红移”看出《相对论》在探索红移物理原因中不断修正观点,摸索前进:




就是说,如果远星“红移”真的由于多普勒效应,远星要以10万千米/秒上下 “远离我们”(迄今人工产生的爆炸速度约为千米/秒,仅为上述值的万分之一)!因为远星大多“红移”且“星体越远红移越大”,因此,“宇宙大爆炸”“宇宙膨胀”、“宇宙加速膨胀”成为“理论”至今不已。


a. 空间也发现了“蓝移”的远星!如果说“红移”是“宇宙膨胀”,“蓝移”不就是“宇宙压缩”吗?理论哪能只说一面而无视同时存在的另一面呢?然而迄今理论恰恰就是如此!

b. 由“红移”确定的“宇宙膨胀”乃是以“我们”为中心,于是“理论” 需要说地球是宇宙的中心,此说当然难以启口,同天文观察的结论差距太大,于是加以位移。但不论移到哪里,同“红移”确定的“中心”不能一致。

其实,事情的关键在于从物理上分析 “红移”和“蓝移”的原因,即,远星的光波波长传到地球时为什么变化?



第二个可能原因是“电波衰减”。波动理论认为波长和频率是不变物理量,即理论上不衰减,但是,绝对符合理论的物理量有没有?如“在弹性限度内,应力与应变成正比”,对于内应力消除得比较好的材料,“离开理论”的程度小于10的 -4次方就不错了;当光波在空间经过上百亿年的传播,亮度衰减到远小于原来的10的-8次方,由于空间电场的不绝对符合理论要求,波长发生一些离开“理论值”的“实际衰减”是可能的。此项“波长衰减”应当是“距离越远衰减越大”。


回看波动理论的“波速方程”是:v =√G/ρ


先说ρ,空间电场一般相对均匀,即ρ大致不变,“不匀”只在恒星附近,在后面(3a)中再议;至于G,相当于材料的弹性模数,通常认为是常数,也不变。 这是光速理论上不变的依据。联系到实际就要问:“光媒质”是什么?当时有人提出是“以太”,迈克尔逊实验没有体现“以太漂移”使“以太”更加渺茫,在《L07 光与真空中光速》阐述了“光媒质”就是空间电场,“发光”的实质是物质原子外层电子围绕原子核回旋,附近的空间电子按照相同频率将这一运动作为横波“辐射”出去。电子之间的斥力是产生电波的力源。在光学里,光的发生与传播只有一个角色——电子(斥力子)。传播光波的媒质——空间电场(电子矩阵)——既非固体也非液体、气体(这一新情况是对于现在波动理论的补充)。

光极度微弱即振幅的极度减小意味着空间电场在传递光波時场电子上下波动“幅度极小”,理论上“幅度极小”与幅度较大不应影响频率(或波长),但是,实际情况不能完全符合理论,空间电场 传递光波是基于电子矩阵之间的斥力改变,在振幅变化很大的情况下其线性程度有所改变是可能的。













《相对论》的本章与 上一章类似,采用数学分析和演绎数学方程,从数学角度并没有看出方程有何不妥,但是它们并不贴切于物理机理,这些方程对从物理角度认识“红移”“光路弯曲”等空间光学现象帮助不大,如果一定要将它们用于解释 “红移”与“光路弯曲”,必定令人难以理解。 

2.6 关于《 相对论 》的附录部分,标题是《论“宇宙学问题”》,一开始,谈到发现了超重的“矮星”,认为这有利于“光引力弯曲”理论,继后提出了一个“引力方程”。




这里,《相对论》是在结合 数学解释当时不能解释的物理题,没有公认的基础理论,于是,这部分内容也同样难以理解。

3 后语


1 时代局限(前沿理论特点)、相对论涉及的物理问题都是当时的“前沿”,《相对论》也在探索解决它们。

2 基本理论局限, 那时力学理论、电磁理论、光学理论、宇宙学理论、粒子理论都处于快速发展中,因此在涉及基础理论时《相对论》不可能作出令人容易理解的圆满的叙述。

3 同物理意义不直接相关的方程偏多

4 存在叙理不足之处



注:本文涉及的相对论方程据《相对论的意义》一书,李灏据《the meaning of relativity》 译,科学出版社 1961.本

2019.3.26 加注 : 本文于2015/7/28  登上本网站原先架构,2019.1月投入使用的现在的新架构未设计“加入时间、阅读次数”,故加注以保持原貌

L59  Why relativity is hard to understand in the last hundred years

                              S. G. Chinese

Abstract Through the analysis found that the reason of "《relativity》is difficult to understand"

Key words  relativity  The same light speed in a vacuum  ”light”  "Gravitational red shift" of the light "Gravitational bend" of the light  where come from the electrons of space electric field  where come from mass’s nuclear energy 

1 foreword 

Not a few people who rad and studied 《relativity》, it seems not many of them feel relativity is not hard to understand. 

Up to now the physical field still some organization or individual to research for it, but it does not find new “creative efforts” theory, this shows the researching for 《relativity》still focus on understanding. 

At first view,《relativity》should be easy to understand, because it’s mathematical connection quite tight, "the whole" accompanying equation, the evolution of some equation to deduce,《relativity》 about the application of mathematics,from linear algebra and differential equations to differential geometry are very skilled, mathematical rigor should be perfect, in fact also not seen from this aspect question.

To say《relativity》 is “hard to understand”, because other physical paper has not been the precedent of scholars in more than 100 years after is in a stage of understanding and research. Thus, today, can "standing upon the shoulders of predecessors" have a look, what detail of 《relativity》is “hard to understand” , why are they difficult to understand? Today how to think and understand the content?

The following are the specific content, analyses the reason of difficult to understand and this article know about this. 

Need to explain, this article does not along the order of mathematical equation to reading 《relativity》, Because it contains 154 groups 225 equations , They are applied for the related content, if these content got correct answer, equation is used to make quantitative calculation, There is no "incomprehensible";conversely, if to understanding 《relativity》along equation’s order, when the physical meaning of equation is  ;;;;;;unclear or inadequacy ;;;;;;(the following shows, does exist), then can’t be understand, things are worse. More over, if the 225 equation research down one by one, the article may be much longer than ;;;;;;《relativity》, therefore, only a few relevant equations in the discussion. 

the content and reason of hard to understanding of 《relativity》

;;;;;;2.1 in the “space and time in relativity former physics” of the first chapter of 《relativity》, the content is careful deduction the orthogonal transformation of equations, in the field of higher mathematics, belong to the scope of the linear transformation, ;;;;;;from the 20 group 27 equations can't say clear “ the space and time before《relativity》” as the title shows, these equations, of course is needed for the influence of Shadow vector, tensor, speed and force by conversion ;;;;;;of ;;;;;;coordinates, but how feel for that readers they read this article only want to know “former pace and time”——the topic of the first chapter ?

Here also lists the form of differential equation of wave equation, this also clearly does not help that theme and inevitably cause a confusing. Thus, in the chapter 1, Mathematical equations not play a role for clarify “the space and time before 《relativity》”, is easy to let a person feel puzzling.

2.2the whole second chapter 《special relativity》 contains equations 37 groups, at first, these equations express when consider ;;;;;;in the case of “the speed of light in vacuum is constant” , coordinates and "distance" associated with the speed of light, raised “four dimensional continuous region” and coordinate transform, from the mathematical point of view is very tight. 

The question is if that “the speed of light in vacuum is constant” is true? Now  ;;;;;;briefly discuss the five questions:

(1)The principle of speed in a vacuum

(2)The meaning of the four dimensional continuous region

(3)when cylindrical rigid body is in moving it’s radius R0 will change follow moving speed q (see also in following Lorentz explanation ) 

(4) “The mass(quality) of the body is not constant, it will change follow body’s energy changing” mean “quality variable”

(5)the energy equation E0=mc2 

The following account respectively: 

(1a)the background of 《relativity》 raise “the speed of light in vacuum is constant”is those famous optical experiment proceed in 1881, in the experiment after the optical path change 90 °, interference with no change. At that time thought “one direction of optical path Ether is drifted”, after the optical path change 90 °, interference zones should be changed, ;;;;;;thus, experimental result ( interference with no change) is ;;;;;;against expectation.

Lorentz explanation is:"The object length change in motion","Change" value calculated by the "Lorentz transformation",Proposed "ether drift” caused optical path changing get offset by “ ;;;;;;Length contraction”.

《relativity》is put forward "the speed of light in a vacuum ;;;;;;is constant ", Think that the experiment prove that the speed of light in vacuum is constant,because of “light’s” theory so far did not truly uniform, therefore, so far no one to judge the above two explanations.

 ;;;;;;According to reason, the same physical things appear two different interpretations, at least one is inaccurate or incorrect,but at that time the basic theory does not provide support, scholars are difficult to dispute. Today, dominant optical theory still cannot provide support.

This article's point of view is,  ;;;;;;the reason is that So far in the noun"light" within the term filled with many electronic( reputon) related to the different physical things,there are different speed of electronics, The electric wave of different frequency, can't use the duality theory (think wave and particle is the same thing different representation) to reconcile, if it's the same thing, only have the obvious physical mechanism, will show different performance, but there will be no different ;;;;;;presentation.

History and the 《relativity》 of "light", In fact is a "visible light", Is the electric waves its wavelength about 0.6μ,so,the interpretation of the Lorentz Lack of mechanism, not to be trusted. Spatial objects are in relative motion, as long as it don't suffer force, how can happen "length change” ? In 1881 the Michelson experiment is done in the lab, the light path here is in calm air,  ;;;;;;the difference between air and “vacuum” is refractive index is a little difference, the speed of light is slow about three over ten thousand than"vacuum". But, the imagined "ether drift" does not exist in calm air, This is reason of  ;;;;;;"the light road in the experiment turn 90 ° interference image does not change".

Watch now, the space is not a vacuum(see also in《(L02The generality of the space)》), it is difficult to exist "the speed of light in vacuum" proposition, in theory, no electric field in a vacuum, no waves, there would be no light!For the improvement of the formulation of "relativity"is :to use “space light speed” instead of “ speed of light in vacuum”, what decision the space light speed? the answer is, ;;;;;;the space electric field density (refractive index) decided to space light speed.so, “the principle of the light speed in the vacuum is constant” need to make improvement.

Where come from the space field electrons? They come from radiation of many stars and “supernova explosion”, due to "repellent"between electrons, space electric field tend to be more uniform, this is very helpful for the space at the speed of light is constant. But there are two related cases need to consider, the one is the electrons of space field is ;;;;;;dynamic balance by some are enter some are out,only roughly uniform;the other is, the star to be the source of electronic radiant, star nearby, uneven space electric field, possess a gradient. According to the international bureau of weights and measures in the past space ranging error is analyzed, a constant level of space light speed about one over one million, that is, Although in theory cannot say space light speed is constant, but, to use space light speed  ;;;;;;as the length measurement benchmark, as long as it's not "stars and supernova explosions near",Has very high accuracy. 

Although "the speed of light in vacuum conservation"is not confirm in theory, can't explain to Michelson experiment, but these theories not only shows the track of  ;;;;;;probing natural law, also make us realize that between the two systems with relative motion, when the speed is close to the light speed, target information can appear "time delay" and "time distortion", through linear transformation, in order to get the real data. In the space s, this contribution of 《relativity》 is very big. 

(2a)the meaning of  ;;;;;;the four dimensional continuous area:Classical physics has infinite inadvertently set the light speed is infinity, in 1902, "light speed” is measured accurate to five effective value (now this precision is 10 effective value), "Light has a velocity" become need to acknowledge the reality of physics, between two systems the information transfer with “infinite speed”and “light speed”, the distinguish on the math is to use Four-variable functions equation instead of three variable functions equation, when the relative speed is close to the light speed c, if don't change that occurs as a result, a large error.

;;;;;;Specific calculation equation in 1957, the Chinese physics scholar had introduced popular science magazine in China, section 121-124 (The electrodynamics of moving media)from 《optics》by Г.С.Ландсберг  ;;;;;;has enumerated ;;;;;;these equations and are derived.

X, y, z three coordinates and time t form four mathematical space, Four dimensional continuous area is a "mathematical area" or the "zone" in "mathematical space". If the blur the line between mathematical space and real space, thus difficult to understand.

Some articles on the confusion of "physical space" and "space" in math, increasing the space dimensions.The real physical space is only 3 d, is the "implicit space" and "crimp space" real or imaginary? 

If it's real, must be in 3 d space, there is no other dimensions; If it's empty, just the vacuum,still exists in the existing 3 d space, so, there is no 3 d outside the real "space".

to remove material, space is a vacuum, vacuum is that there is no any material, no matter is "nothing", will not happen any physical phenomena, no such thing as "flat, curved, implicit and explicit, whole, deficiency, energy, potential, and so on".

However, the force-line can be " through、pass through ", the force-lines itself is not material, there is no volume、quality, it made by the material only belong to the material of issued it, space distribution of the material, natural distribution the force-line, force-line act each other to form force, ;;;;;;the force-line "change" acting objects forming force’"wave"——gravitational wave, this "change" produced the same time of when force-line is “on/off ”, no “transmission”, only exists between the effect objects, don't need the "spreading" time, thus to say, the speed of gravitational wave is infinite. If have received several light-years star’s "gravitational waves", the thing seem possible:now it happens “supernova explosion”, and through the microscope to observe the image but after a few years!

this is today a supplement to the understanding of space and vacuum.

(3a) 《The special theory of relativity》 having the content of“When the cylindrical rigid body in motion it’s radius R0 change according to the movement speed q”, it couldn't see from the text is a real change in the relative motion of the scale of the object (it is difficult to understand) is caused by light information change "apparent change",  ;;;;;;and then put forward by the Lorentz "moving object length change" and proposed transformation equation (Lorentz transformation) is not "apparent change". But, the "size" of object is the result of the force balance,If don't the force change, can't change the "size".Therefore, it need to know this change in theory.

;;;;;;The reason of things lie in, spreading optical information need time.Under the condition of relatively static, travel time affected by the optical path length——distance, In the case of relative motion,ravel time also affected by the relative velocity ,Specifically described in 2.3 below.

However, need to believe in, the objects in inertial system, only suffer force can deformation (change size).

(4a)"Quality variable" is one of the main contents of the special theory of relativity, But the relativity ;;;;;;set up the boundaries:"Change" with the speed, also ;;;;;;lists the equation. 

At the time, physical circles recognized “mass conservation” and “energy conservation”, Lomonosov’s “mass conservation” as the law of physics, but experiment is puzzling problems, such as:where come from the material huge nuclear power? Why can't accelerator particle velocity reach to the speed of light? Why Particle tracing line interruption phenomenon occurring in Wilson cloud chamber? ;;;;;;In the case of ;;;;;;physics cannot put forward explanation, 《 ;;;;;;relativity》 proposed conditional "quality can change",on the condition that the quality m is changed follows the speed.  ;;;;;;when speed of 0 Quality as the original quality m0 .

Sir Einstein to his high level of mathematical ability, with his point of view, constructed related equation for the the light speed c, quality m, atomic energy E, velocity v and so on factors, for scholars lay particular stress on mathematics,Equation and correct seem to indicate that theory is correct.

Thereafter, many scholars have gradually free play, up to now "Quality variable" has been to the extent of not restricted, such as, the article says:"Before the big bang, the universe of all existing material is compressed in a theoretical point", the extent of Quality variable, Than in the Chinese classic literature "journey to the west" that "Sun Wu Kong pulls hairs turn them into a group of monkeys"would large many many orders of magnitude!

Now look back, When those "baffling problem",which one is not really changed the quality, can be found that the mass does not change and have the other mechanisms. Two conservation theorem of classical physics doesn't really challenged, the limitations of "know" produced "quality variable" misunderstanding, can give even can stand the scrutiny of examples to prove the quality can be changed?

Normally, any change in the mechanism of physics, if the variable quality, are no exception, today we have been able to see, “two conservation”(mass、energy)to be the basic rule of the physics, theory can just with it only, once the contrary, inevitable errors. to know the way of nature, human detour is inevitable, 《relativity》 ;;;;;;is by far the highest level of physics papers, I'm afraid, however, because of the conditions, it exists need improvements should not be surprising, this doesn't affect their great achievement and glorious. Quality really can or can’t "change" is one of the important topics in physics, ;;;;;;can not be vague. If believe that "quality variable", to believe that "the creator created the universe" not far apart!

Here just want to emphasize, the theory of variable quality unstable:

a. At that time seems to be the quality variable those "instance" (or "problem"), ;;;;;;as the above,all can't prove quality "changed", quality can not have a "change of size", nor "energy", the theory of variable quality need to at least give a example to explain quality really changed.

b. The following (5a) to discuss, the relativity’s equation (43) be going to the kinetic equation and "quality contains the energy equation” as equally tied that was lack of theoretical basis, its “mass and energy is essentially similar;They are just different said the same thing...” Just an opinion,It is insufficient, need to take a reason. 

c.The theory of variable quality need to be answered: how the quality get change? Is the change of size, change of density , or other "change"? what is the mechanism of "change"? physics declined to admit that the "change" there is no mechanism. Why this article never tired of goes that "quality immutable"? Need to see, believe that the quality variable has add a lot of water to modern physics. Even thus created many good science fiction. The basis of physics law also attaches great importance to and strictly abide by now? In some of the mainstream magazine contains "variable" quality "quality change to energy" and so on, the article, see that, are the people will think it ;;;;;;is nonsense? Believe that quality is immutable, respect of the above two fundamental laws of physics, mixed water into the physical space is likely to evaporate a most!

Therefore, we need to restore two conservation the position of basic physical law , as one of the main standard to judge right and wrong, The authority of the laws of physics should not be ignored, to the contrary, is equal to the error.

(5a)Energy equation E0 = MC2 already thorough popular feeling, does it is correct and necessary to also puts forward improvement opinion ?

Now review the"quality and energy" equation (44) of relativity:E0=mc2, The former equation is said the influence about relative velocity to the "kinetic energy, and energy", equation’s mathematical link is very tightness, merely lack of the physical link:,

What is the mechanism for the relative velocity influence to the "kinetic energy? 

Because there is no point, There is no question but equation is difficult to understand the physical meaning.

Since light possess speed, And (2a) discussed above, in theory such as speed, coordinates, time need to "correct", the relative velocity near the speed of light, the correction value will be very considerable. Therefore, all previous equations Ix... Of the equations (43) of relativity Is right, the problem is that the last coordinate E = m /√ 1- q2 

Ix.......IS represents the kinetic energy, The kinetic energy factor is the quality and speed, Ix ;;;;;;need "modified" flow the speed, but E is  ;;;;;;on behalf of “the energy” need a reason tied it came in.

In the 《relativity》only to say “If the E = 1 m /) - q2 applied to rest mass (q =0),that is to know stationary object energy E0 is equal to its quality” “If to take seconds as the time unit, get E0=mc2 ”.

Here “that is to know ” in fact is unable to know, it need from physical meaning to explain why “stationary object energy E0 is equal to its quality”. Physics can't answer ;;;;;; “how form the proton and neutron, where come from their ‘inner energy’ , under what circumstances can show again " etc. 

Why E=m/√1-q2 may add to momentum equation (43), the interpretation from《relativity》 is: “Mass and energy in essence is similar; They are just different said the same thing... "

Here is a logical loop, because equation cannot prove "is essentially similar quality and energy", this last equation of equation (43), on the left E is the energy of quality"m", while the right to remove a factor speed which form kinetic energy is required, need to clear the reason. need strict proof "similar".

This paper argues that they can't coordinate reason is:

a.The physical meaning of the mass and energy is difference, the quality on behalf of the quantity of "quality",it can be refine to how many neutrons、protons and electrons;energy can be made on behalf of the momentum m × v——any energy cannot leave "m and v" this binary, although mass and energy are all have m, but physical meaning is not the same, the quality m of the fundamental particles does not include the speed factor. So “quality and energy” cannot be mixed together. The improvement for this is found that mechanism、to find the reason (see the followings).

b.The physical dimension of both is different, in the field of physics, physical dimensions of different physical quantities can't be the same, there's no leeway.

c.Equation E=m/√1-q2 into E0=mc2 without replacement from the mathematical evolution but to say :"If you take seconds as the unit of time, you'll get". Her need specific account, no actual values, it is insufficient.That year, found there is a huge nuclear exist in material, Equation E0=mc2 adapted to this discovery, and still share, this, of course, is a major contribution, in the absence of new explanation, so far no one doubts the correctness.

Because the material does have nuclear power, Physics field to quality m contains huge energy without doubt, to this, so far no one according to the principle put forward the opposite theory, the problems just what is the physical truth? Physics is not only the purpose of application, but also proven mechanism is needed, where come from the energy of  ;;;;;;equation E0=mc2  ;;;;;;to describe the nuclear energy of ;;;;;;the material? 

There is no mechanism not only difficult to understand, and also hard to believe. Decades later, the accumulation of knowledge to make things change,

Thesis 《 L05 where come from the energy of equation E0=mc2 》from the website www.chinesephysics.com given the answer for this,in short,material’s nuclear energy was contains when protons and neutrons were formed, only when the disintegration of protons, neutrons, just released. the internal of protons, neutrons is not static particles, they are the “micro vortex galaxy” of the basic (fundamental)particles, if the swirl velocity is v, kinetic energy is the E0=1/2mv2. Since equation E0=mc2 is to explain the huge nuclear and deduce out, it is roughly accurate is not a problem. 

From 《relativity》can seen,senior Einstein for “red shift”(gravitational red shift ;;;;;;) “ light deflection ”(deflection in gravitational ;;;;;;) and so on that time was difficult to explain the phenomenon all deduce the equation and calculated and measured values is very close. But, after he thought the "red shift" has nothing to do with gravity, visible equation can’t as a conclusion;besides, experiment proved, the force “strong” than gravity which can not make ;;;;;;the light bending, gravity ;;;;;;nature should not be the reason of space light happen bending, it also suggests that equation cannot replace mechanism.

;;;;;;So, the equation fit for use is not equal to the theory is correct, if equation E0=mc2 is accurate, need to be verified in the future. precise test and verify of this equation amount ;;;;;;to reveal fundamental particles rotating linear velocity inside the proton's, just, validation should be in the form instead:E0=1/2mv2 , and v is the fundamental particles inside protons and neutrons cyclotron linear velocity.

2.3 ;;;;;;Spatial Dimension:From 《relativity》 put forward "four dimensional continuous area", some articles seem to find the basis of the space can be more than 3 d, but there are special theory of relativity:"Does not exist the four dimensional continuous area is divided into three dimensional space and one dimensional time continuous region objectively reasonable distinction between". Here can’t get the conclusion of “space is 4 dimension”, because, in view of mathematical argument, "space" is of course the function space, although 《relativity》 in the back of "theory of cosmology problem" term "four dimensions",but is obvious that index math space.

Thereafter, space dimension 3 seems like conservation of matter the similar no longer respected, some article have wrote:”Implicit in 5 d universe collided with the universe produced now the universe..... ”, the highest dimension of some articles have been more than 22! The content of this kind of nature of science has been checked in the name of 《relativity》 slip into the modern physical theory.

As above mentioned in (2a), math space can > 3dimension,and the theoretical dimension is not restricted,And physical space namely real space dimension is only 3. 

2.4General 《relativity》 (chapter 3) with equation:

(inertial mass)·(acceleration) = (gravitational field strength)·(gravity mass)

This equation is put forward, can be used to answer “why don't the inertial mass is equal to the gravitational mass”, but this is just a mathematical answer, moreover, this equation is neither validation, and no mechanism to support. The following two examples illustrate like "inertial mass" is not equal to "gravitational mass":

Case 1. Between the sun and the earth's gravity is change during a solar eclipse, (the moon intervention), by this time, no change "inertia", change is gravity.

Case 2. It is known Electron mass 9.1066×10-28(gram)

Proton mass 1.67248×10-24(gram)

Neutron mass 1.6749×10-24(gram)

These three data seems to be "out" any atomic weight of chemical element, but, “after adding” the quantitative ;;;;;;value does not the same with actual measuring atomic. Their difference is found on the surface of the earth gravity, hence the quality of "inertia" different from "gravitational mass".

 ;;;;;;To explain the above example, answer "inertial mass is not equal to the gravitational mass" need to clarify the mechanism rather than make a difficult to understand or a equation of no mechanism. 

range in theory that the inertial mass and gravitational mass "good for" quality variable "theory, seems to confirm that" the quality is not immutable."

Nothing but this equation must be a very difficult to understand. "Acceleration", the left of equality, people is familiar , the other three it will need to further clarify.

The first, whether the "quality" exactly "variable" or "no change"? If is “variable”, nature can add "gravity" and "inertia" and even other attributive to show the difference. the thing is,  ;;;;;;as ;;;;;;said ;;;;;;above, so far all example in the "quality variable" belongs to the misunderstanding, "Theory" of variable quality is not real, no one can according to the reason to answer "how the quality get change" and the two immortality principles of classical physics means "Quality (mass) can't change", quality cannot be changed can be implement in the " basic (elementary)particles cannot be changed.

The rational judgment should be : "basic (elementary) particles can't change"、the material formation of the basic particle aggregation of course can only be "deformation" (position change) and not "change quality"

"Chemical change" the number of electrons, protons and neutrons material before and after the same, Prove the quality cannot be changed. Need according to the "quality variable", there is no basis is difficult to stick. 

Quality cannot be change there is no the distinction of "gravitational quality" and "inertia quality". Quality is one:"the quantity of mass” , at the end, that is how many gravitons (attractons)and repultons (electrons), or how many protons、neutrons、electrons. 

The second, What kind of ;;;;;;field is the gravitational field? 

 ;;;;;;one of the misunderstanding ;;;;;;of modern physics is  ;;;;;;divided to “four kinds of force” fore the attracting force, , respectively, to developed become 4 mechanics discipline:”Newtonian mechanics、quantum electrodynamics、 ;;;;;;quantum chromodynamics、quantum flavor dynamics”, tend to tie the "attracting force" only link with universal gravitation, article 《“unification” of strong force、weak force、electromagnetic force、gravitation》 proves there are only on kind of attracting force only, the size difference of attracting force cause from effecting force-line ;;;;;;number is different, due to the different sizes of matter to space attracting force-line, thus, any space object actually are in the field of force, it's just people don't realize.

A spatial objects, due to issued gravity force-line, it with other stars are actually form a relation of " force-line interaction". Although Newton's gravity equation is describe the equation between two objects, but can "according to the principle to develop", that is, a space star sent its all force-line effect with space around all object, “all(take relative value 1)”Is divided into many, many "part", " how much of the “part” is determined by Newton's equation, namely:with the quality of the two stars (m1 + m2) is proportional to the sum, with is inversely proportional to the square of the distance of s (1 / s2)."Many part" of algebra is 1.

To understand the situation, contribute to the understanding of the space physics, such as, when  ;;;;;;solar eclipse the gravity between “sun-earth” is measured to change, why?

At this time due to the moon "intermediate", a part of ;;;;;;both sides ;;;;;;original acting force-line now change into “sun——moon” “moon——earth” acting force-line, therefore, ;;;;;;in this particular location, the gravity  ;;;;;;between “sun-earth” “moon——earth” are all had happened a little changing.How big is the proportion of this change, Because of the quality and distance "sun, moon, and the earth" are all known, Newton equation can be used.

It ;;;;;;can trust, when solar eclipse the quality(mass) of “sun、moon、earth” re all no change, the change of gravity to be caused by acting force-line number changes. 

Why will the quality of the electrons, protons and neutrons together is not equal to the quality of the corresponding atoms? the reason is that the "aggregation effect", mass’s position change make force-line’s distribution is also different,(as above when the solar eclipse), so that the quality of the said that by gravity not linearly.The atom is a "small universe", The repulton (electron) in peripheral circle ;;;;;;round, protons, neutrons, as the basic particle of "micro vortex galaxy" circle ;;;;;;round internally, every particle to the outgoing output the force-line. Atom to send out force-line can be divided into internal “acting force-line” and to external "residual force-lines " two parts, the proportion of the two component of the force-line has been narrated in the article 《L04a matter’s evolution 》, Is not a linear relationship.

There fore, Build above equation may not explain the difference of "inertial mass" and "gravitational mass", but make the problem mathematically, complicated and leave the physical reality, to people believe that quality can change!this shows that the 《relativity》 applied mathematics equation is slightly too, in the “ ;;;;;;red-shift of light frequency for gravitation” and “gravity bends light” also a similar situation.

From the physical angle to see, no "inertial mass" and "gravitational mass", just need give a reasonable explanation for objects under gravity and inertia in why results have little difference, in the final analysis, this is a physical problem, it is a need to illustrate the mechanism of the subject. 

The rest of the content of《 ;;;;;;general relativity》is discuss the tensor ;;;;;;transformation, because the tensor is the math exploit of physical vector (3 d, three variables),  ;;;;;;For example, the quaternion space "volume element dx=∫dx1dx2dx3dx4 " to be Four function space in the volume element,the transform relationship is strict differential geometry, to hope that through reading this article to understand the physical real , tend to be more difficult to understand.

2.5 《General relativity (continue)》chapter four begin with a differential equation of particle motion, to be deepen the Newtonian mechanics equation from mathematics, use, variational calculus, partial differential, the mathematical methods such as linear transformation to deduce. The major difference with Л Л. Landau's 《mechanics》 is 《relativity》considering the effect of "light speed", so it is more reasonable. 

But in this chapter have three contents of touch the physical actual need to discuss:

(1)“ ;;;;;;Space Warp” 

(2) ;;;;;;red-shift of light frequency for gravitation 

(3)light’s “gravity bends ” 

Because these three explanations from equation to deduce the conclusion,need to be understanding, from the perspective of the physical, ;;;;;;the mathematical level of《relativity》 is very high, even if is not weak in front of a mathematician David Hilbert, but the above said, mathematics right is not equal to the physical right, mathematics is a powerful assistant in physics, but, from the "main, auxiliary" relationship, mathematics is complementary. therefore, mechanism of physics problem solution, must be clear, mechanism of , Mechanism of physics problem solution, therefore, the physics problem solutions, must be clear mechanism、 phase in the laws of physics and withstand the question of theory and reality, there should not be a "difficult" or "problems". The following from the physical point of view to discuss the three contents:

(1a)Here has a special meaning of "space":light waves arriving "space", This space at the speed of light by the wave-front propagation direction is formed.The wave front is spherical, General relativity said:"In this sense, the space is not a Euclidean space, instead of ’bending ‘ ","in this sense" (by mathematical description) "space is curved" ;;;;;;that clearly tell us, 《relativity》don't think the space really can bend, mean,The space of wave front, just a part of the space, just according to the equation, from the space defines a dynamic local temporarily, this local is the curved surface does not affect the general nature of space, from the space can also "into" other equation geometry "part", it also does not represent a space character. Have described above,No matter the space(equal to the vacuum), there would be no "nature" ,spatial distribution of the material, Impossible "folding, bending, invisible or missing"

(2a)what is the physics reason of the spectrum “red shift” ?

Light source issued light through a prism refraction became many parallel chromatic stripe - spectrum, different elements light source produce different spectrum stripe, from the far star formation spectrum can see "similar stripe", they compared to the spectrum produced by "nearby light" was "structure is the same as" just have a little displacement in the direction of the red, the greater the displacement of objects as far. This is known as "red shift".

About the causes of red shift, 《The general relativity(continue)》 narrative is:"... when the meter nearby has the greater the mass of the body, it walked slower, conclude that in comparison with the corresponding spectral lines of the sun on the surface, about to move toward the red end of the wavelength of the 2 · 10-6 (10 - power 6)", this is called the "gravitational red shift ".Through "gravitational red shift" see 《relativity》 ;;;;;;exploring the red shift physical reasons and correct ideas, groping forward:

At the beginning of the appendix there is “categorically prove the existence of gravitational red shift” (affirm gravitational red shift), while in a later wrote:"So have to see Herb ear’s discover (" red shift") as the expansion of the galaxies'(deny gravitational red shift), he has changed viewpoint, believe that the "red shift" show "the expansion of the galaxies.Today how to treat the natural phenomenon "red shift"? Need to consider all the relevant system of physical phenomena and then put forward the theory, Theory can not one-sided, Can't exist difficulties and problems.

"Red shift" explains wavelength change to "long" or "lower" frequency, on the earth, the reflected wave from the motion object frequency change will happen,this phenomenon is discovered by Doppler, named the Doppler effect, "red shift" means the object on the ground away from the observer. So someone to use Doppler effect to far star, think far star "away from us", how big is far away from the speed?according to the spectrum stripe calculated at 100000 km/s up and down! That is, if the far star "red shift" really due to the Doppler effect, remote stars "away from us" with speed of 100000 km/s ( so far produced artificial explosion speed about 1km/s, only one over thousand of the value)! Because most far star "red shift" and "star is far greater the red shift",so “ ;;;;;;The Big Bang” “cosmic expansion” “universe acceleration expansion” become a "theory" to date. But this "theory" exist "problems" and "difficult" but can't avoid:

a.The space also found far star of the "blue shift", if the "red shift" is "the expansion of the universe","blue shift" is not "compression" universe? can theory which only say one side while ignoring the other side of the existence?Yet by theory is so!

b.Be determined by the "red shift" of "the expansion of the universe" is to "we" as the center, so "theory" need to say the earth was the center of the universe,hard to open to this, of course, astronomical observations with the conclusion that the gap is too big, so to the displacement, but no matter where he moved, with the "red shift" sure "center" not consistent.

In fact, the whole point is that from the analysis on the physical "red shift" and "blue shift", that is, why the far star change the wavelengths of light when it to the earth?

The first possible reason is that space electric field is not uniform, always, everywhere, every smote star’s light wave, after several light-years of space reach to the earth telescope, on their light way, the average density of space electric field there are some differences compared with the surface of the earth, the higher wave speed is accelerated, to show blue shift;lower wave velocity decrease, to show red shift.

Because the earth is close to star the sun, the space electric field density may be a little higher than the space average, this make most far stars to the "red shift";a few far stars on "blue shift".

The second possible reason is that "waves attenuation". Wave theory is that the wavelength and frequency is the unchanging physical quantity, mean no attenuation in theory, but, is there the absolutely conforms to the theory of physical quantity? such as "stress and strain within the elastic limit, proportional", to eliminate internal stress more good material, the extent of the theory of "left" of less than 10 - 4 is good; when light waves in the spread of space after billions of years, brightness attenuation to the much smaller than the original 10-8 power, because of the space electric field is not absolutely conforms to the theory of requirements, wavelength happen some "actual attenuation" left "theoretical" is possible. The "wave attenuation" should be "the greater the farther distance attenuation.

To raise wave’s "wavelength attenuation" is not negative from theory "wavelength and frequency of the same", but to consider in the case of extreme amplitude attenuation medium can't absolutely conforms to the actual nature of the theory and In the actual "change". 

Looked back at the "wave velocity equation of wave theory" is v =√G/ρ

In this equation,v is the wave velocity, G as the medium of the modulus of elasticity, ρ for the medium density. Wave velocity change or constant, Depending on the G ;;;;;;and ρ is change or not. 

Say first about ρ, the space electric field generally relatively uniform, the rho is roughly the same, "uneven" only near the stars, in the back (3a) reconsideration; as for G, equivalent material elastic modulus, generally considered to be constant, is also the same. This is the basis of light speed invariant in theory . Link to the actual will ask: "What is light’s medium"? When someone come up with "ether", Michelson experiment did not reflect "the ether drift" make "ether" more slim, In the 《L07 Light and light velocity in vacuum》 this paper expounds the "light medium" is the space electric field, "Light" is the essence of material atoms outer electrons circle around the nucleus, the space near the electronic according to the same frequency will this movement as shear wave "radiation". Repulsion between electrons is the force source of waves. In optics, occurrence and propagation of light only one role——electron (repulton). The media of Propagate the waves——space electric field (electron matrix)——is not solid or liquid and gas (The new situation is a supplement to the for the wave theory).

Extremely faint light is extreme decrease of amplitude means that the space electric field in a light wave transmission electron fluctuating "tiny", in theory "tiny" and larger extent should not affect the frequency(or wavelength), however, the actual situation is not fully conforms to the theory, light is based on the electronic matrix between the space electric field repulsive force change, in large amplitude change its linear degree change is possible. ;;;;;;serve as a contrast to, laboratory elaborate monochromatic light can maintain frequency constant optical path about 1km(light transmission time is far less than 1 second), visible, light waves in space spread after so many years, the ;;;;;;frequency change 10-1(-1power) is not mysterious. 

As for the emergence of the "blue shift" far star, consider it path ever through "supernova explosion" and so on as the high electric field density space.

In a word, "red shift" and "blue shift" shall be used as space optical phenomenon analysis, analysis of optical phenomenon need to consider the state of the light path.

At this point you would like to ask:"Space Doppler phenomenon" exist on earth or didn't exist? of course should admit space exists Doppler phenomenon, space have been many stars distance measurement data, can through spectrum move to proving Doppler effect just for distant objects, Not only it exist the Doppler effect, there are actual frequency attenuation, the influence of the latter than the former, cannot ignore.

Space star movement is the result of inertia and gravity action, therefore, proper estimate is: any stars in space is "speed of the universe". When from spectrum stripe displacement corresponding rate of 0.1 to 0.2 the speed of light, Need to reflect on the reason of spectrum stripe displacement, can't no analysis and use Doppler phenomenon, otherwise, the next step must be answered: where is the mechanism and energy to make so many stars so big speed change? So can’t leave the "big bang" theory, but unable to face the "blue shift".

(3a)light "gravity bending"

Why the light happen “bending” when through star nearby?

How the"Light" spread in the space? have a reliable theory for this, so can to answer why the "light"happen bent after it through the star nearby ? For these question of difficult to answer needs from the aspects of basic theory to explains its physical essence, Due to the accumulation of knowledge, today, is may according to the principle to recognize and solve these problems.

In the general relativity (continue) there is “Can make the conclusion of the light through the massive nearby when there will be a deflection”, Sir Einstein ever thought after near the star light bending is caused by gravity, and also the calculation equation is deduced. 

Using gravity explanation to future generations is difficult to understand: can force may affect the light path? What is the mechanism? if gravity can affect the light path, the electromagnetic force stronger than is it a much bigger affect? because there is no mechanism,the theory is of nature difficult to understand.

The above mentioned, light waves in the space its propagation speed is depends on the density and uniformity of space electric field, but near the stars - electron emission source, there is a big electric field gradient, this means that the refractive index is not even, "the light happen bent"is go without saying, this is a physical mechanism, cannot replace with gravity equation. 

《The general relativity(continue)》was similar to the previous chapter, using mathematical analysis and deduce mathematical equations, from the Angle of mathematics is not what is wrong with that equation, but they are not apt to physical mechanism, these equations for from the angle of physics to understand "red shift" "bend light path ” and so on space optical phenomenon wouldn't help very much, if you must use them for interpretation "red shift" and "light path curve", should be hard to understand.

2.6 The appendix part of 《relativity》, the title ;;;;;;is 《The theory of "cosmological problems"》,at the very start,when it comes to found overweight "dwarf star", think it is helpful to the theory of gravity bends light, after it proposed a "gravity equation”. If this equation can describe any astral space mechanics state? Some scholar is considered, if the "cosmology constant Λ " of this equation is correct, the cosmic problem can be solved. Actually, each space star are in the "force field". Because it is issue gravity force-line, mutual effect with the gravity force-line issued from other stars to form the gravity, but, force line number as the position changes, use mathematical equations to describe the force of a space objects and movement, the related factors was around the object, including their quality, position, speed, out these directly related to the factors of the ruled,  ;;;;;;how can solve the problem of the universe?

About "universal equation", does have the condition to put forward it? the basic principle of this need to understanding first is force-line mechanics, need a large number of measurements and calculation, this equation and 《relativity》 is put forward here, to be the result of using the method of mathematical, it is similar with “gravitational red shift” 、 “Gravity bending”, from a physical point of view is not appropriate.

The rest of this chapter, situation is similar, mathematical derivation strictly and level is very high, is mainly about "tensor" space (4 d "space") the linear transformation, but when in contact with real physical content is often a word, without careful tell mechanism, and involve physical point of view is ;;;;;;may not be correct. as:above "the space with curvature" (leave the material space doesn't matter "curvature")、"So have to Herb ear as the expansion of the galaxies"(here, agreed to the "red shift" on behalf of the star far away at a high speed)、"empty space (note: leave the matter cannot form force) gravity equation", etc. 

Here, 《 relativity》 is in combination with mathematical explanation cannot explain the physics problem at that time, there is no generally accepted the basis of the theory, then, this part is also difficult to understand.

3 said at the rear

Above can be seen, the《relativity》 is difficult to understand due to:

1 time limitation (frontier theory characteristics),《relativity involved physical problems are the "frontier", 《relativity》 is exploring to solve them also.

2 the limitations of the basic theory,then mechanics theory, electromagnetic theory, optical theory, cosmology and particle theory in rapid development, so when it comes to the basic theory 《relativity》 could not make a complete description of easy to understand.

3 more equations its physical meaning is not directly related.

4 exit some shortcomings of narrative mechanism

The "incomplete" does not affect 《relativity》 is by far the most famous papers, is the paper for the largest contribution to the theory of physics.

In this paper, the purpose of these questions is for leak repairing or find lost, on the basis of predecessors' to move on, to make it come to perfect.

Note: this article involves the《relativity》 equations according to the book 《THE MEANING OF RELATIVITY》  ;;;;;;Science Publishing Company, 1961